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147302 Digital Electronics

Time: Three Hours


Maximum Marks:100 (10X2=20 Marks)

Part A 1. Express F = A + BC as sum of minterms. 2. Implement XOR gate with only NAND gates. 3. Differentiate Encoder and Priority Encoder. 4. Define Multiplexer and list down some applications. 5. Differentiate Combinational and Sequential logic circuits. 6. What is race around condition? How to avoid it? 7. Differentiate Static RAM cell with Dynamic RAM cell. 8. What are programmable logic devices? 9. What is a Moore machine? 10. What are Races and Cycles in Asynchronous Sequential Circuit?

PART B (5 16 = 80 marks) 11. (a) (i) Simplify the following using K-map. X=AB +ABC+ABC+ABC+ABC (8) (ii)Find the minimal sum of products for the Boolean Expression f = (1,2,3,7,8,9,10,11,14,15) using Quine-McCluskey method. (8) (OR) (b) (i) Explain the operation of TTL N AND gate with its truth table. (8) (ii)What are universal gates? Why it is called so? ExplainUniversal gates with its truth table and logic symbol? (8) 12(a) (i) Draw and Explain the working of a Carry Look Ahead Adder (10)(ii) Explain Even Parity Checker? (16) (OR) (b)(i) Explain the operation of a 4-bit Magnitude Comparator. (8) (ii)Implement the function with a Multiplexer.F(A,B,C,D) =(0,1,3,4,8,9,15) (8) 13. (a) (i) Describe the operation of Edge Triggered J-K flipflop with its Truth table. (8) (ii) Explain the operation of MOD-6 Ripple Counter (8) (OR) (b) (i) Realise Delay Flipflop using J-K flip flop (8) (ii) Design MOD-10 synchronous Counters (8) 14. (a) (i) Explain the operation of Static RAM with neat sketch. (8) (ii) Explain Memory Decoding. (8) (OR) (b) (i) Design BCD to Excess-3 Code Converter using PLA and PAL. (16) 15. (a)Design an asynchronous sequential circuit with two inputs X and Y and with one output Z. Whenever Y is 1, input X is transferred to Z. When Y is 0,the output does not change for any change in X. (OR) (b. What is the objective of state assignment in asynchronous circuit? Give hazard fre realization for the following Boolean function f(A,B,C,D) = _M(0,2,6,7,8,10,12).

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