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Ase |. y: We PHR 343C: Exam [ > \ vi Principles of Physiology and CNS Roveloa Mroredy Fall 1997 Form A please print your name Answer all questions. Each of the following multiple choice questions has only one best answe (2 points each) ‘Which of the following types of cell junctions allows the movement of ions from one cell into an adjacent cel. tight junctions gap junctions we desmosomes d. none of the above Referring to the Na-K pump: Is the amount of sodium pumped out eater than offess. thai the amount of potassium pumped in? aa 3. The cellular component that, once activated by the binding of an extracellular messenger to surface receptor, in tim catalyzes the conversion of ‘ATP—>cAMP is phospholipase C. BS Adenylyl adenylate) eycase ¢. calmodulin, 4. cyclic guanosine monophosphate. 4. Which of the following enhances the activity of the cytoplasmic enzyme guanylyl (guanylate) cyclase? a. phospholipase C b. adenylyl (adenylate) cyclase c. Gs protein nitric oxide 5. The electrical gradient of K* (circle two answers) a. favors its movement out of the cell at resting potential. b: favors its movement into the cell at resting potential. in the same direction as the conc. gradient for K* at the equilibrium potential for K*. nt for K* at the equilibrium potential for K+. a. i BY is opposed by the concentration gra 6. According to Fick’s law of diffusion, which of the following changes would decrease the Tate of net diffusion of a substance across a membrane? a. an increase in the substances concentration gradient bb. an increase in the permeability of the membrane to the substance |. amincrease in the surface area of the membrane (G; an increase in thickness of the membrane 7. With secondary active transport (circle two answers) @ the movement of Nat into the cell by the cotransport carrier is along its concentration gradient b. the movement of Na* into the cell by the cotransport carrier is against its concentration gradient. the movement of glucose into the cell by the cotransport carrier is along its concentration gradient. the movement of glucose into the cell by the cotransport carrier is against its concentration gradient. ©» 8. Atresting membrane potential @ the membrane is more permeable to K* than Nat. , the membrane is more permeable to Nat than K+. cc. the membrane is more permeable to Ca** than Cl+ 4, the membrane is more permeable to Cat than A~ 9. Compared to the resting membrane potential, would the membrane potential become more negative of fess negatibif the membrane were more permeable to Na* than K+? 10. The cells of excitable and nonexcitable tissues share which of the following properties (Qa testing membrane potential —\_ a threshold potential a graded potential d. anaction potential 11, The decremental change in a graded potential as it travels means that it a. increases in magnitude as it propagates to the adjacent portions of the membrane. decreases in magnitude as it propagates to the adjacent portions of the membrane. %. it occurs only between neurons. d. is not electrical 12. A change in membrane potential from -70 mV to ~60 mV would lead one to believe that the neuron is (@ hypopolarizea SB. hyperpolarized ©. repolarizing d. at reversal potential 13. A change in membrane potential from ~20 mV to -30 mV would lead one to believe that the neuron is 3 a. depolarizing b. hypopolarizing €; repolarizing hyperpolarizing 14, Atan excitatory synapse @ neurotransmitter released from the presynaptic neuron increases the membrane permeability of the postsynaptic neuron to Na*. b. neurotransmitter released from the presynaptic neuron increases the membrane permeability of the postsynaptic neuron to K+ ©. neurotransmitter released from the postsynaptic neuron increases the membrane permeability of the presynaptic neuron to Na*. d. neurotransmitter released from the postsynaptic neuron increases the membrane permeability of the presynaptic neuron to K*. 15. Two adjacent presynaptic terminals, one from neuron A, the other from neuron B, synapse on a third neuron C. The two presynaptic terminals simultaneously release » Wansmitter, as a result of which an action potential is initiated in neuron C. This is an example of: 2. temporal summation © spacial summation €. graded potential 4. inhibitory postsynaptic potential z 3 16. Two adjacent presynaptic terminals, one from neuron A, the other from neuron B, synapse on a third neuron C. The two presynaptic terminals simultaneously release transmitter, as a result no action potential is initiated in neuron C. We should assume that a, A and B both release excitatory neurotransmitters. .b. A.and B both release inhibitory neurotransmitters. ¢> One releases excitatory and the other releases inhibitory neurotransmitter. 17. Cerebrospinal fluid provides protection for the brain by surrounding the brain with fluid, This fluid circulates in the . ~e subarachnoid space . choroid plexus ¢. arachnoid matter d. pia mater LE venous sinusoid 18. The blood brain barrier differs from other capillary beds because a. it carties blood from one arteriole bed to another arteriole bed. -b itlimics the direct exchange of materials between the cerebrospinal fluid and the brain. ©) the endothelial cells are connected by tight junctions. . it consists of astrocyte processes that enciréle the brain capillaries 19. Ifa person suffers a severe blow to the left side of the head, slightly above the ear, the individual might @ loss the ability to understand what people are saying. . Loss the ability to express himself verbally. . loss the ability to interpret visual clues, 4d. loss the ability to walk 20. Parkinson's disease a. is associated with a decrease in dopamine with a relative increase in serotonin. ». is associated with an increase in dopamine with a relative decrease in acetylcholine ¢. is associated with an increase in dopamine release in the limbic system. is associated with a decrease in dopamine with a relative increase in acetylcholine Matching: Match the substance to a method of transport: (Each substance has only one answer, all letters are used at least once) (4 points) \_1. sodium ion efflux ) a. diffusion through lipid bilayer 2 2. potassium ion efflux b. simple diffusion through protein channel . calcium ion influx cc. cartier-mediated facilitated diffusion oxygen 4. active transport through protein channel fatty acids €. exocytosis glucose from kidney cell into blood nitric oxide . neurotransmitter release

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