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QA box contains 20 tickets of identical appearance, the tickets being numbered 1 ,2, 3, ..., 20.

In how many ways can 3 tickets be chosen such that the numbers o n the drawn tickets are in arithmetic progression? If numbers are a, b, c, then 2b = a + c => b = (a + c)/2 => a + c is even => Either both a and c are even or both odd So, C(10, 2)*2 = 90 cases

QDefine a no. such that it is the sum of the squares of the first M natural nos (M<55). How many values of M exist such that k is divisible by 4? Pls tell approach also, thnx in advance. sum of squares = n(n+1)(2n+1)/6.. so n or n+1 should contain 8 or its multiples to be divisible by 4.. so the nos. are 7,8,15,16... so 12 values ?? QWhat is the sum of all positive rationals p/30 (in lowest terms) which are less than 10? (a) 360 (b) 400 (c) 450 (d) none of the foregoing

Let Q be the quotient obtained on dividing 31^29 by 41. Then Q is divisible by (a) 6 (b) 15 (c) 21 (d) none of the foregoing Deepak was given a task to distribute 400 gifts amongst 11 people in such a mann er that no two people gets same no. of gifts and no two pairs of any two peoples hould have same no. of gifts and deepak could take remaining gifts himself.what is the maximum no. of gifts that deepak can get??? A faulty odometer of a car always jumps from digit 4 to digit 6, always skipping the digit 5, regardless of the position. For example, after traveling for one k ilometer the odometer reading changed from 000149 to 000160. If the odometer sho wed 000000 when the car was bought and now it shows 001000, how many kilometers has the car traveled? Since one digit is missing the counting will be equivalent to the counting of ba se 9 and whenever we have a digit more than 5 reduce it by 1 to calculate the an swer. 1000 in base 9=9^3=729 Note Suppose, if we had 004767 Then we had calculate the value of 004656 in base 9. The no of positive terms in the expansion (a-b-c)^65..?? General term -> k*a^x1*(-b)^x2*(-c)^x3 x1+x2+x3 = 65

both x2,x3 even or both x2 and x3 odd. 1) x2 = 0 -> x3 = 0,2,4,....64 -- 33 terms x2 = 2, x3 = 0,2,4 ---62 --> 32 terms so on till x2 = 62, x3 = 2 -> 1 33*17 = 561 terms 2) x2 =1 --.> x3 = 1,3,5 ...63 - 33 terms till x2 = 63 --> x3=1 561 terms total = 1122 terms A 3-digit positive number n is such that 113744 leaves a remainder of 119 when d ivided by n, and 109417 leaves a remainder of 292 when divided by n. Find the su m of all possible n. 1) 2) 3) 4) 375 600 875 725

113744 = kn + 119 109417 = mn + 292 k*n = 113625 m*n = 109125 Maximum value of n is GCD(113625, 109125) = 1125 = 35 So, number of factors of 1125 greater than 292 will be the answer. So, 375 is the only possible value. QQuestion 1: Find the total number of 3 digit numbers of the form abc satisfying: 1)a>b>c 2)a>=b>=c 3)a<b<c 4)a<=b<=c a > b > c Just pick any 3 of the 10 digits and the there is only one way to arrange them So, C(10, 3) = 120 such numbers a = b = c Here also, we just to select three digits (non necessarily distinct) and then th ere is only one way to arrange them. So, if a is number of 0's, b no of 1's, ...., j number of 9's. But we have only 3 digits So, a + b + ..... + j = 3 So, C(12, 3) = 220 such numbers But we need to subtract the case when a = 3, i.e, all digit zeros. So, 219 such numbers.

a < b < c Here none of the digits can be 0 So, C(9, 3) = 84 such numbers a = b = c Similar to 2nd case except that we can not have 0 as a digit. So, a + b + .... + i = 3 Hence, C(11, 3) = 165 such numbers 1) If A is the sum of the factors of 72. Then what is the product of all the fac tors of A? Ans: (195)^4 2) N = 2^15 x 3^7 x 5^10. How many factors of N are multiples of 360 but not mul tiples of 10800? Ans: 240 The Pigeon Hole Principle asserts: If we must put N+1 or more pigeons in N holes , then some pigeon hole must contain two or more pigeons. Although it might look nothing much than common sense, this principle is very useful in various types of problems. It allows us to sometimes draw quite unexpected conclusions in situ ations, when it even seems that we do not seem to have enough information. The Pigeonhole Principle, also known as Dirichlet's Box (or Drawer) Principle, s tates that, given two natural numbers n and m with n > m, if n items are put int o m pigeonholes, then at least one pigeonhole must contain more than one item. A nother way of stating this would be that m holes can hold at most m objects with one object to a hole; adding another object will force you to reuse one of the holes (provided that m is finite; otherwise, see below on infinite sets). More f ormally, the theorem states that there does not exist an injective function on f inite sets whose codomain is smaller than its domain. Examples: A bag contains beads of two colors: black and white. What is the smallest number of beads which must be drawn from the bag, without looking, so that among these beads there are two of the same color. Solution: We can draw 3 beads from the bag. If there are no more than one of eac h color among these, then there would be no more than 2 beads altogether. This, obviously, contradicts to the fact that we have chosen 3 beads.On the other hand , it is clear that choosing 2 beads is not enough, since they may happen to be o f the same color. In this problem the beads are the pigeons, and the colors play the role of pigeon holes. An easy example of the pigeonhole principle involves the situation when there ar e five people who want to play softball (n = 5 objects), but there are only four softball teams (m = 4 holes). This would not be a problem except that each of t he five refuses to play on a team with any of the other four. To prove that ther e is no way for all five people to play softball, the pigeonhole principle says that it is impossible to divide five people among four teams without putting two of the people on the same team. Since they refuse to play on the same team, at most four of the people will be able to play. Although the pigeonhole principle may seem to be a trivial observation, it can b e used to demonstrate possibly unexpected results. For example, there must be at least two people in London with the same number of hairs on their heads. Demons tration: a typical head of hair has around 150,000 hairs. It is reasonable to as

sume that no one has more than 1,000,000 hairs on their head (m = 1 million hole s). There are more than 1,000,000 people in London (n is bigger than 1 million o bjects). If we assign a pigeonhole for each number of hairs on a head, and assig n people to the pigeonhole with their number of hairs on it, there must be at le ast two people with the same number of hairs on their heads. Another example is: Presume that in a box there are 10 black socks and 12 blue s ocks and you need to get one pair of socks of the same colour. Supposing you can take socks out of the box only once and only without looking, how many socks do you have to pull out together? When asked point-blank, people may sometimes unt hinkingly give answers such as "thirteen", before realizing that the correct ans wer is obviously "three". To have at least one pair of the same colour (m = 2 ho les, one per colour), using one pigeonhole per colour, you need only three socks (n = 3 objects). If there are n persons (at least two) who can arbitrarily shake hands with one a nother, there is always a pair of persons who shake the same number of hands. He re, the 'holes' correspond to number of hands shaken. Each person can shake hand s with anywhere from 0 to n - 1 other people. This creates n possible holes, but either the '0' or the 'n - 1' hole must be empty (if one person shakes hands wi th everybody, it's not possible to have another person who shakes hands with nob ody, and vice versa). This leaves n people to be placed in at most n - 1 non-emp ty holes, guaranteeing duplication.

QUESTION 2) 2 couples and a single person are to be seated on 5 chairs such that no couple i s seated next to each other. What is the probability of the above? (a) 2/5 (b) 3/5 (c) 4/5 (d) None of these Maximum arrangements = 5! = 120 When both couples are togther (treat each couple as 1 unit) = 3! * 4 (Multiplying by 4 as couples can arrange themselves in 2*2 ways) = 24 When one couple is together, consider 4 people with two cannot be together. And then again multiply by 4 as two possibilities of couples being together and that couple can arrange itself in two ways. = 3*2*2*4 = 48 So, no couples are together = 120 -(24+48 ) = 48 So, probability = 48/120 = 2/5 QQ If (1 + x^3 + x^7)^15 = a0 + a1x + a2x^2 + a75x^105 then how many of the ai's ar e equal to zero? Or how many terms will be there in the expansion? If the sum of 101 distinct terms in arithmetic progression is zero , in how many ways can three of these terms be selected such that their sum is zero? Q4 ) In a fruit shop , there are four baskets B1, B2 , B3 and B4, containing app les, bananas ,chikoos and oranges respectively. Every customer who comes to the shop buys at least one fruit and a maximum of eleven fruits. Today, if every cus tomer who visited the shop bought a different combination of fruits, what could be the maximum number of customers who visited the shop today? a) 2729 b) 119 c) 209 d) 454 e) 1364 OA = option e

QQBasically we need to look for all the numbers that can be expressed as:3k + 7n, where k + n = 15 So, for k = 0, n can vary from 0 to 15 For k = 1, n can vary from 0 to 14 For k = 2, n can vary from 0 to 13 . . For k = 6, n can vary from 0 to 9 Here onwards sums will start repeating. So, we will have 10 + 11 + .. + 16 = 91distinct powers of x So, ai will be zero for 106 91 = 15 i s QQ ways in which 5 people sit around circular table if one should not have the s ame neighbours in any of the two arrangements. QQTwo Indians,two Pakistanis, two Sri Lankans and two chinese players are having lunch on a circular table. In how many ways an they be seated if no two players of the same nationality are seated next to each other? QQWell for that problem, its more convenient to go by the method shown by Chill sir and Manganese. Finding remainder by binomial expansion for that problem is indeed easier. Else, Mod is nothing but a method of representation for dealing with remainders. To say that 100 leaves 2 remainder when divided by 98 is to say --> 100Mod98 = 2 OR 100 = 2Mod98 Quote: Originally Posted by jain4444 find the remainder of 55555 .... 93 times divided by 98 5555... 93 times = 5/9 (999.... 93 times) = 5/9(10^93 - 1) 5/9(10^93 - 1) (10^93 - 1)mod98 = (10^9 - 1)mod98 {E[98] = 42} = = = = = (10 * 100^4 -1)mod98 (10*2^4 -1)mod98 (160-1)mod98 159mod98 61mod98

So (10^93 - 1)mod98 = 61mod98 = -37Mod98 = (-37-98 ) = -135Mod98 5/9(10^93 - 1)mod98 = 5/9(-135)Mod98 = 5*-15Mod98 = -75Mod98 = 23Mod98 QQthe number 916238457 is an example of a nine-digit number which contains each of the digits 1 to 9 exactly once. It also has the property that the digits 1 to 5 occur in their natural order, while the digits 1 to 6 do not. How many such n umbers are there?

7,8,9 can go in 9*8*7 places. And, '6' cannot be in the rightmost place. So, we are left with 5 places for 6. The position of 1 to 5 will be fixed after this. Hence, the solution = 9*8*7*5 = 2520 QQAn equilateral triangle has sides of length 4v3. A point Q is situated inside the triangle so that the perpendicular distances from two of the sides of the tr iangle are 1 and 2. What is the perpendicular distance to the third side?

Find the sum of all the three-digit numbers having atleast one odd digit.?? Total 3 digit odd numbers = 9*10*10 = 900 Total 3 digit numbers without odd numbers = 4*5*5 = 100 Sorry not done yet. calculating.. 200+202+204+206+208 = 200 + 200+2+200+4+200+6+200+8 = 5*200+20 similarly 5*220+20 + 5*240+20+5*260+20+280*5+20 5*[200+220+240+260+280]+5*20 5*[400+420+440+460+480]+5*20 5*[600+620+640+660+680]+5*20 5*[800+820+840+860+880]+5*20 = = = = 5*1200+100 5*2400+100 5*3600+100 5*4800+100

= 5*[1200+2400+3600+4800]+400 = 60000+400 = 60400 Sum of 3 digit eve numbers alone = 60400. Sum of numbers till 999 = 499500 Sum of numbers til 99 = 4950 So 499500-4950-60400 = 434150. QQHow many five digit numbers can be formed using the digits from 1 to 9, such t hat the first three digits are in increasing order and the last three digits are in decreasing order? Sorry bhai, last try : [C(2,2)]^2 + [C(3,2)]^2+ ...+ [C(8,2)]^2 = 1596 (HAHA) Strictly Mid term Mid term Mid term .. Mid term increasing hai bhai... = 3 : C(2,2)*C(2,2) = 4 : C(3,2)*C(3,2) = 5 : C(4,2)*C(4,2) = 9 : C(8,2)*C(8,2)

QQ *m*o + r*m + m*o + r*o + r + m + o = 1000. What is the value of r + m + o? a) 24 b) 26

c) 28 d) 32 rm(o+1)+m(o+1)+r(o+1)+o =(o+1)(rm+m+r)+o=1000 =(o+1)(rm+m+r)+o+1=11*13*7 =(o+1)(rm+m+r+1) =(o+1)(r+1)(m+1)=11*13*7 so o is 10 r is 12 m is 6.. so answer is 28 QQ In a certain tournament bracket, a player must be defeated two times to be el iminated. If 512 contestants enter the tournament, what is the greatest number o f games that could be played to decide the single winner? Now except winner every other should lose 2.. so 511 loses 2 and winner lose 1 1.. so total..1023.. QQAll possible pairs are formed from the divisors of 21600. How many such pairs have HCF of 45? 21600/45 = 480. So basically we have to find pairs of co-prime factors of 480 480 = 2^5*3*5 No. of co-prime pairs of factors = (5+1)*(1+1)*(1+1) - 1 + 5*1+1*1+1*5+3*5*1*1 = 24-1+5+1+5+15 = 49 there is a direct formula for this (a+1)(b+1)(c+1) + ab + bc + ca +3abc - 1, here a,b,c are powers of prime factors , i.e, a = 5,b = 1, c=1 we'll get 49. QQIf K = 2^31 3^19, then how many positive divisors of K are less then K but do n ot divide K? 1228 1028 639 589 1024 Please post ans with the approach factor of K = 32*20 = 640 factors of k^2 = 63 * 39 = 2457 of these 2457 exactly half of it less than k [2457]/ 2 = 1229

among these 1229 , exactly 640 will divisible by K (factors of k) required answer 1229 - 640 = 589 QQ...Given that x^2 + y^2 = 20x + 8y + 5, what is the largest possible value tha t 5x + 12y can have? Yup, 241 is correct and approach also. (x - 10)^2 + (y - 4)^2 = 121 From Cauchy-Schwarz, {(x - 10)^2 + (y - 4)^2}(5^2 + 12^2) = {5(x - 10) + 12(y 4)}^2 v(11^2*13^2) = 5x - 50 + 12y - 48. Hence, 241 = 5x + 12y, so the largest possible value is 241 . QQ ajay purchased 2 kg apples, bijay purchased 3kg mangoes and celine purchased 12 dozens of bananas. The total cost of the purchase was exactly 180 rupees. If the prices of 1kg mango, 1 kg apple and 1 dozen bananas are all positive integer ru pees, then how many different combinations of prices can be there? 2 x +3y +12 z=196 now for the solution to exist 2x +3y=12 m 12m +12 z=180 m + z=15 now m can take values from 1 to 14 Hence 2 x+ 3y=12/24/.............../168 2x +3y=12 1 solution 2x+3y =24 3 solution 2x +3y=36 5 solution . . . 2 x+3y=168 27 solutions 1+3 +5............+27=196 QQwhat is the product of divisors of 60??? Product of divisors of 60 = 60^(number of divisors/2) = 60^12/2 = 60^6 ?? @Kagda bhai this case is applicable of even number of divisors, but in case of o dd number of divisors (perfect squares) we have to do N^(Number of divisors/2 + 1). QQThirty six equally spaced points, P1 to P36, are plotted on a many distinct regular polygons can be formed by joining some or all of these poi nts??? One simple approach...... Let us conseder number of sides of the regular polygon to be number of vertices too will be n of the 36 points will be vertices of the polyg on......the remaining 36-n vertices will have to be equally placed between the v ertices......thus, 36-n should be divisible by n...... Now if 36-n is divisible by n, it means 36 will also be divisible by n......thus n has to be a factor of 36......36 has 9 factors......but you cannot have polyg

ons with 1 or 2 sides......hence only 7 different types of polygons will be poss bile......with n=3,4,6,9,12,18,36...... for n=36, only 1 polygon possbile......for n=18, 2 polygons possible......for n= 12 there will be three can see that number of polygons of side n=36/n...... So total number of polygons=36/36+36/18+36/12+36/9+36/6+36/4+36/3=37...... QQLet A=abc and B=xyz be two 3 digit numbers.How many pairs of A and B can be fo rmed so that A can be subtracted from B without borrowing. Almost everyone got this more or less right(at least the approaches) 45*55*55 is the answer... xyz abc For x=1,a=1 For x=2,a=1/2 For x=3,a=1/2/3 Hence for (x,a) we have (1+2+3+...+9)=45 choices For (y,b) and (z,c) each we'll have (1+2+3+...+10) =55 choices each as 0 can be included as well. So 45*55*55 is the ans... QQ In how many ways the sum of upper faces of four distinct dies can be 7? Q2:In how many ways the sum of upper faces of four distinct dies can be 12? dies are distinct so i think ordered .. 1. a+b+c+d = 7 a'+b'+c'+d' = 3 ,as face value >1 So, 6C3 = 20. 2. a+b+c+d = 12 a'+b'+c'+d' = 8 ,as face value >1 So, 11C3 = 165 but these have cases when some of a',b' .. > 6. So need to remove when a' is >6 a''+ 6 + b' + c' + d' = 8 a''+b'+c'+d' = 2 5C3 = 10 same for other total 40 165 -40 = 125 QQwhich of the following can be written as the sum of squares of three odd natur al numbers??

a. 5021 b. 4445 c.3339 d. 1233 Odd perfect square is always of the form 8k + 1. So, addition of three such numbers will be of form 8k+3. Only 3339 satisfies. QQHow many 5 digit numbers are there such that digits at 100th's place, Unit's a nd 10,000th's place are the 1st 3 terms of a GP in any order? the second term is the square root of the product of the other two numbers. We can have {1,2,4},{1,3,9},{2,4,8},{4,6,9}, Numbers are 4C1*3!*10*10=2400 When GP is {1,1,1} till {9,9,9} Numbers are 9C1*10*10=900 Total : 3300 QQ Girls 5, Boys 6, They were seated on a RECTANGULAR TABLE with 6 chairs on eit her side of the longer edge. a. Whats d total no. of ways the group could be seated? 11C6*6!*6C5*5!=6*11! QQ A set of consecutive natural numbers beginning with 1 is written on a board. A student came along and wrote one of these numbers one more time and found the average of these numbers written on the board as 1100/27. What was the number th at was written twice on the blackboard bhaion iski approach batao kuch bina options dekhe since average is 1100/27 we have to keep trying with the no.of numbers being of the form 27k-1 now summation of no.s till 27k-1 shud b<1100*k but close to it for k=1 summation=26*27/2=351 not possible for k=2 summation=53*54/2=1431 <2200 but then repeated no. shud be=2200-1431 so not possible for k=3 summation=80*81/2=3240 <3300 and repeated no shud be=60 so 60 is the answer QQ Find last two digits of 104^(103^(102^101)) 104^(103^(102^101)) = 4^(103^(102^101)) (mod 100) We know that 4^(10k) always ends in 76 => We need to find last digit of 103^(102^101) which is 1, as 102^101 is of form 4k => Last two digits will be last two digits of 4^(10k + 1) = last two digits of 7 6*4 = 04

QQIn Nuts and Bolts factory, one machine produces only nuts at the rate of 100 n uts per minute and needs to be cleaned for 5 minutes after production of every 1 000 nuts. Another machine produces only bolts at the rate of 75 bolts per minute and needs to be cleaned for 10 minutes after production of every 1500 bolts. If both the machines start production at the same time, what is the minimum durati on required for producing 9000 pairs of nuts and bolts? nuts need to be cleaned after 1000/100 = 10 min for 5 min. 1000 nuts in 15 min bolts need to be cleaned after 1500/75 = 20 min for 10 min. 1500 bolts in 30 min. thus 30 min 2000 nuts and 1500 bolts 9000 bolts = (9000/1500)*30 = 180min. = 180 -10 = 170minutes. QQConsider all possible seven-digit binary numbers having four 1s and three 0s. What is the sum of all such numbers? (a) 1470 (b) 1615 (c) 1740 (d) 1825 (e) 191 0 QQA straight line crosses an 8 by 8 chess board. What is the largest number of s quares it can pass through (not just touch the boundary)? its coming 15 2 squares for each row except the last row where it can only pass thru 1 so in general it shud always be 2n-1 where n is the dimension QQHow many ways can number 123123 be arranged so that no 1s 2s or 3s are togethe r? eg:123213,121321... Please post the procedure My take is 30. Maximum arrangements = 6!/(2!*2!*2!) = 90 We need to remove cases when some of 1s, 2s and 3s are together. Case 1: All three pairs are together 11, 22, 33 => 3! ways to do so. Case 2: When 2 pairs are together. _ 11 _ 22 _ => 3s can be arranged in 3C2 ways. 11 and 22 in ways.. So, total = 3*2 = 6 And we can have 1s and 2s separated as well. So, 6*3 = 18 ways Case 3: Only 1 pair together 11 _ _ _ _ => 2 ways _ 11 _ _ _ => 2 ways _ _ 11 _ _ => 4 ways _ _ _ 11 _ => 2 ways _ _ _ _ 11 => 2 ways Total = 12 ways. Again 12*3 = 36 So, final answer = 90 - (6 + 18 + 36) = 30

QQ How many 3 digit positive integers exist in which two consecutive digits are the same? 1. 271 2. 171 3. 243 4. 162 5. 252 approach plz Total 3 digit numbers: 900 Numbers having no two consecutive digits: 9*9*9=729 Remaining numbers: 171 QQA beetle moves on a graph paper as follows :In the first minute it moves from (0,0) to (1,0).Then it moves to (1,1) then to (0,1), then to (0,2), then to (2,2 ) , then to (2,0) then to (3,0) then to (3,3) ,then to (0,3) then to (0,4) ,then to (4,4) and so on........... Then after 2005 minutes ,the beetle will be at what position??? We can see that the beetle is at positions (1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3),....., after 2 , 5, 8, 11, ... minutes So, after (3n + 2) minutes beetle is at (n + 1, n + 1) and if n + 1 is odd then it will move leftwards (to y-axis) and if its even, it will move to x-axis (or d ownward) Now, 2005 is of form 3n + 1, 3*667 + 2 + 2 So, after 2003 minutes it is at (668, 668 ) and 668 is odd, so in the next minut e it will move downwards, i.e, to ( 668, 0) and then to (669, 0 ) So, after 2005 minutes beetle will be at (669,0 ) QQ In how many ways a cube can be painted using: (1) 3 colours (2) 6 colours [Note: Each colour can be used on any number of faces, from 0 to 6] I do not have OA. Hoping for Chill bhai to help us with correct answers, especia lly with part (2). (k^6+3k^4+12k^3+8k^2)/24 Math Forum - Ask Dr. Math it is better to remember and apply in exam i guess, coz otherwise we need to mak e permutation and all stuff kinda time consuming in this case especially! with 3 we get 57, likewise take k=6 for other Q. QQA A number sequence has 100 elements. Any of its elements (except for the firs t and last element )is equal to the product of its neighbours.The product of the first 50 elements ,just as the product of all the elements is 27. What is the s um of the first and the second element??? Series will be something like :

a,ac,c,1/a,1/ac,1/c,a,ac,c,1/a,1/ac,1/c,a......... If we look at this this series is repeating after interval of 6. Product of first 50 elements : (a*ac*c*1/a*1/ac*1/c)repeated till 48 elements*a* ac (a*ac*c*1/a*1/ac*1/c) = 1 product of 50 elements : (1)^8*a^2*c = 27 or a^2*c = 27 c = 27/a^2 Also product of first 100 elements is also 27 so (a*ac*c*1/a*1/ac*1/c).....repeated till 96 elements * (a*ac*c*1/a) = 27 1^16*a*c^2 = 27 Put the value of c here we get : a*(27/a^2)^2 = 27 a^3 = 27 a = 3 also c = 3 Thus sum of first two terms = a+ac = 3+3*3 = 3+9 = 12

QQSachin had an average score of 100 runs in some matches.In next 5 matches his runs follows an AP and the maximum score that he scores is 202.If his scores in no two matches is the same and the average at the end of those 5 matches is 110. Question 1: What is the maximum number of matches he has played. Question 2: In the above problem , if x is the number of matches , how many valu es can x takes. Let the number of matches played prior to these 5 be x, and the av. for these 5 matches be y. 100x+5y=110x+550 10x+550=5y y=2x+110 x=(y-110)/2 We need to maximize x With highest score as 202, maximum value of y is 200 So, x=45. If we add these 5 matches too, total matches=50 2) x=(y-110)/2 maximum x=45 min. x=1 So, 45 possible values honi chahiye. OA post kijiye. QQ Mr. X was rowing upstream on the Ganga river. When he had covered 1 km from h is starting point, his hat fell into the river and started floating downstream. X continued to row upstream for 5 more minutes before he realised that his hat h ad fallen off. He then turned back and caught up with the hat just as it reached

the starting point. Find the speed of river. x=boat y=stream (5(x-y)+1)/(x+y)=(1-5y)/y 5xy-5y2+y=x+y-5xy-5y2 10xy=x x(10y-1)=0 since x cant be 0 y=1/10 km/min QQ There are 13 teams playing a tournament.Team winning will get 3 points,draw is 2 points each,1 point for loosing. Team winning the tournament scores 30 points, none of the teams are ending with the same points. What can be minimum number of points scored by the team stood last. in every match 4 points are distributed.. 13C2=78 matches.. so total 78*4=312 points get distributed.. to minimise score of 13th one we need to maxmise score of 12 teams.. so 12 teams total 30+29+..+19.. 6*49=294.. so 13th one score 312-294=18 QQ Pradeep and manohar started from A and B towards B and A at 6am and 7am respe ctively. They meet each other at 9 am and continue towards their respective dest inations. pradeep reaching B turns back and catches up with manohar before manoh ar reaches A at 11 am. At what time will manohar reach A? QQA Wooden rod AB is 1 Mtr long. Raju makes a mark every 3 cm along the rod star ting from end A . Vikram makes a mark every 7cm and Aditya every 9 cm both start ing from end B. If the rod is cut at each of the points where there is a mark , then how many pieces would it be cut into ? mark for 7 and 9 ( from the 0 end) 7, 14, 21, .....,98=14 9, 18, 27, ....., 99=11 mark for 3 1, 4, 7, .....97=33 common terms (3 and7) - 5 (7 and 9) - 1 common to all three - 0 cuts = 33+14+11-5-1=52 Number of pieces = 53. QQ Set A is formed by selecting some of the numbers from the 1st 100 natural num bers such that HCF of any two numbers is the same. If all the numbers in the Set are co-prime and Set A has maximum possible number of elements, then how many s uch sets are possible? A = {1, 2^a, 3^b, 5^c, 7^d, 11, 13, ..., 97} So, total 26 elements Now, a can vary from 1 to 6, b from 1 to 4, c from 1 to 2 and d from 1 to 2

So, 6*4*2*2 = 96 such sets QQ)A function is defined for all whole numbers n by the following relation f(n+2 )+f(n)-2f(n+1)=0 if f(16)=4 and f(24)=7. Find f(16+24)?? options 10,13,170&3340 QQf(n+2)+f(n)-2f(n+1)=0.. this means f(n) is in AP.. f(16)=a+15d=4 f(24)=a+23d=7 solving this, d=3/8 and a=-13/8 f(16+24)=a+39d=-13+39*3/8=13 QQ In how many ways can 210 be written as the product of 3 integers? Its like:abc = 210 = 2*3*5*7 a = (2^x1)(3^y1)(5^z1)(7^w1) b = (2^x2)(3^y2)(5^z2)(7^w2) c = (2^x3)(3^y3)(5^z3)(7^w3) x1 + x2 + x3 = 1, so 3 ways Similarly for others So, 81 ways But question doesn't ask for ordered pairs means (1, 2, 105) and (1, 105, 2) are same Now, for some cases we have 6 permutations (when all are diff), in some cases th ree permutations (when two are same), and in some cases 1 (when all are equal) When all are equal - 0 case (as 210 is not a perfect cube) When two are equal - 1 cases (as only one perfect sq, i.e, 1 is factor of 210) When all are different - p cases => 6p + 3*1 = 81 => p = 13 So, total 14 cases If you wants to do it your way, then:We have four prime factors, so four cases:(0, 0, 4) (0, 1, 3), here 0 means no prime no, hence its 1 (0, 2, 2) (1, 1, 2) (0, (0, (0, (1, 0, 1, 2, 1, 4) 3) 2) 2) 1 case C(4, 1) = 4 ways C(4, 2)/2 = 3 ways C(4, 2) = 6 ways

So, 14 ways

QQS is hat if s that a.1799

a set of the first 3000 natural numbers..A subset P of S is chosen such t x belongs to P,2x doesn't belong to P..Find the maximum number of element can belong to set P... b.1499 c.1501 d.2001 e.1999

1500 odd numbers.. 375 odd multiples of 4.. 94 odd multiples of 16.. 23 odd multiples of 64.. 6 odd multiples of 256 1 odd multiple of 1024.. so total is 1999??? QQ{(127^2+x^2+y^2) (127+x+y) }/xy. Find the minimum value of expression, where x and y shuld b real and positive. a-889 b-1016 c-1133 d-1143 (127^2 + x^2 + y^2)/3 = (127^2x^2y^2)^(1/3) (127 + x + y)/3 = (127xy)^(1/3) => {(127 + x^2 + y^2)/3}{(127 + x + y)/3} = 127*x*y => {(127^2+x^2+y^2) (127+x+y) }/xy = 127*9 = 1143 QQ A and B are 20 km apart. They start walking towards each other. When the dist ance remaining between them (in km and has integral value) becomes divisible by the distance traveled by them, they interchange their speeds. They will stop wal king if they meet each other. If the ratio of total distance traveled by A and t otal distance traveled by B is 1.5 : 1 then ratio of their initial speed is, (Initialy they will change their speed only if distance traveled by them is more than 1 km) OPTIONS 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 5 2 3 1 1 : : : : : 1 1 1 3 5

AnsYup, 5: 1 is correct!! Basically we are looking for condition when distance left id integral times the distance travelled If a is the distance they together traveled, then => a + ak = 20 a(1 + k) = 20 a = 1, 2, 4, 5, 10 (but a can not be 1) So, possibilities are 2, 4, 5, 10 Suppose ratio of initial speed of A and B be x, then Distance traveled by A = 2x/(x + 1) + 2/(x + 1) + x/(x + 1) + 5/(x + 1) + 10x/(x + 1) = 7 + 6x/(x + 1)

But distance traveled by A = 12 => 6x/(x + 1) = 5 => x/(x + 1) = 5/6 => x = 5 So, its 5:1 QQ Refer to quant thread official quant 7 pg 124 It is told that a team made it to the semis and we have to find the minimum poss ible score of that team. Then just maximize the score of the top 3 teams and res t all team should have equal score. So, one of these five will made it to the se mis on the basis of their goal difference. So, to minimize the score of the last team, we have to assume that top three tea ms won all there matches That means we are left with 20 matches which the remaining teams will play among st themselves. To minimize the score assume all are draw. So, total 40 points => 40/5 = 8 points for each team So, 8 is the minimum points which this team can and still made it to the semis 2) Here we are looking for maximum points of a team which didn't make it to the semis. So, first of all, all the matches should have a result (win or lose), to maximize number of points. Now, top 5 teams shouls have equal number of points, then only this team can have maximum score and still didn;t made it to semis (on the basis of goal difference) So, apart from the 6 matches which the bottom three teams played among themselve s will be won by these 5 teams. That means total 50 matches, means 150 points and they should be equally distrib uted to get the maximum points at whic one of the 5 teams can not make it to the semis So, it will be 150/5 = 30 points 3) Least possible score of 6th team. (qusestion language is a bit dicey) but as per the options solution should be like:here assume that last three teams lost all their matches to top 5 (to minimize t heir scores) That means they will earn points only through the matches they playes amon thems elves, i.e, 6 matches. To minimize points all should be draw. So, 12 points and distribute them equally to get the least possible score of 6th position team. (and then they will be ranked as per their goal difference) So, with 4 points a team can be at 6th position

QQA Wooden rod AB is 1 Mtr long. Raju makes a mark every 3 cm along the rod star ting from end A . Vikram makes a mark every 7cm and Aditya every 9 cm both start ing from end B. If the rod is cut at each of the points where there is a mark , then how many pieces would it be cut into ? Cuts are made at positions 3k, 7k + 2 and 9k + 1

3k -> 33 cuts 7k + 2 -> 14 cuts 9k + 1 -> 11 cuts 3k = 7n + 2 21p + 9, 5 common terms 7k + 2 = 9n + 1 63p + 37, 1 common term So, 33 + 14 + 11 - 5 - 1 = 52 cuts => 53 pieces QQ Q)In an integer from left satisfy di<di+1 for i odd and di>di+1 for i even. How many integers from 1000 to 9999 have four distinct digits? When 0 is not there and the 4 digits are a, b, c, d such that:a > b > c > d, then Possibilities are cadb, cbda, dacb, dbca and badc So, C(9, 4)*5 = 630 numbers When 0 is there and other three are a, b, c, (a > b > c), then Possibilities are ca0b, cb0a, ba0c So, C(9, 3)*3 = 252 numbers Total = 882

QQ Coefficient of x^11 in (2x^2 + x - 3)^6 2x^2 + x - 3)^6 write it like , for convenience, (2x^2 + x - 3).(2x^2 + x - 3).(2x^2 + x - 3).(2x^2 + x - 3)(2x^2 + x - 3).(2x^2 + x - 3) now you have to make x^11 , So you will select 5 terms out of these which have x ^2 in them and the one which is left will serve the purpose from which you will get that single power which is left.. 5.2 + 1 = 11 So, 6C5 ways, now with every x^2 we have coeficient 2 now this will multiply 5 times hence 2^5.6C5 QQhow many 5 digit no exist such that sum of digits is 14 and no is divisible by 5. My take is 630. Let abcde be the number. e can be 5 or 0. Case 1: e = 5

a+b+c+d = 9 But, a is at least 1. So, let a = a'+1 => a'+b+c+d = 8 => 11C3 ways = 165 ways Case 2: When e=0 So, a+b+c+d = 14 As a is atleast 1; a'+b+c+d = 13 => 16C3 ways = 560 ways Now, here, b, c and d cannot be greater than or equal to 10. We need to remove t hese cases. So, let b = b' + 10 => a'+b'+c+d = 3 => 6C3 ways = 20 ways There will similar cases when c, d >= 10 Total ways = 20*3 = 60 Also, a' cannot be greater than or equal to 9. So, we need to remove these cases as well. So, let a' = a'' + 9 So, a'' + b+c+d = 4 => 7C3 ways = 35 ways So, possible numbers = 165+560 - (60+35) = 630 QQN is a twelve digit number. S(N) denotes the sum of the digits of N. N+ S(N) = 10^12 Find the number of values N can assume 1)1 2)2 3)3 4)4 5)0 I think its 2 If N is of form 9k + r, then S(N) will also be of form 9k + r => 9n + 2r = 1 (mod 9) => r = 5 So, N is of form 9k + 5 (999999999905 and 999999999896 are the number) QQTen teams of five runners each compete in a cross-country race. A runner finis hing in nth place contributes n points to his team, and there are no ties. The t eam with the lowest score wins. Assuming the first place team does not have the same score as any other team, how many winning scores are possible? a) 110 b) 111 c) 112 d) 113 e) 114 Sorry I forgot that I've posted a question. Yes, it 112 ?50 runners So, 1 + 2 + .. + 50 = 1275 points Best that the top team can get is 1 + 2 + .. + 5 = 15

Now, average is 127.5 for all teams That means maximum points winner team can have is 126 winner 126, next 4 will have 127, next 4 will have 128 and last will have 129 So, all scores from 15 to 126 are possible Hence 112 different scores are possible

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