Anda di halaman 1dari 3

Learn|ng Lnv|ronment 1

W Lxc|t|ng use of
techno|ogy but |acks
W Students are engaged
|n groups and on task
W nowever the use of
techno|ogy does not
meet the |earn|ng goa|s
Ngee Aaa Secaaar Sclaal
Learn|ng Lnv|ronment 2
W Lxc|t|ng use of
techno|ogy but not
meet|ng |earners' need
W 1echno|ogy |s dep|oyed
|n |nstruct|ona| de||very
and |earn|ng act|v|t|es
W nowever |n a non
d|fferent|ated manner
Ngee Aaa Secaaar Sclaal
Learn|ng Lnv|ronment 3
W Lxc|t|ng use of
techno|ogy but |acks
know|edge creat|on
W 1echno|ogy dep|oyed
|s a||gned to |earn|ng
goa|s and meet
|earner's needs
W nowever |ack of
use]creat|on of
Ngee Aaa Secaaar Sclaal

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