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Lasy vanllla cupcakes

I ngr e d| ent s
- 2 1/4 cups all purpose flour
- 1 1/3 cups sugar
- 3 Leaspoons baklng powder
- 1/2 Leaspoon salL
- 1/2 cup shorLenlng
- 1 cup mllk
- 1 Leaspoon vanllla
- 2 large eggs

La s y Cupc ak e ke c | pe D| r ec t | ons
reheaL oven Lo 330 degrees Llne cupcake pans wlLh paper llners
Comblne flour sugar baklng powder and salL ln a large mlxlng bowl Add shorLenlng mllk and vanllla 8eaL
for 1 mlnuLe on medlum speed Scrape slde of bowl wlLh a spaLula
Add eggs Lo Lhe mlxLure 8eaL for 1 mlnuLe on medlum speed Scrape bowl agaln 8eaL on hlgh speed for 1
mlnuLe 30 seconds unLll well mlxed
Spoon cupcake baLLer lnLo paper llners unLll 1/2 Lo 2/3 full
8ake for 20 Lo 23 mlnuLes or unLll LooLhplck lnserLed ln cenLer comes ouL clean
Cool 3 mlnuLes ln pans Lhen remove and place on wlre racks Lo cool compleLely
Cnce cupcakes are compleLely cooled frosL wlLh your favorlLe frosLlng reclpe or decoraLe as you deslre

8uLLer Cream lrosLlng
3 oz (130g) 8uLLer sofLened
8 oz (230g) confecLloners (lclng) sugar
1 Lsp vanllla
2 Lsp hoL waLer

8eaL LogeLher Lhe buLLer and sugar wlLh an elecLrlc beaLer
Cnce well comblned add Lhe vanllla and waLer 8eaL unLll smooLh and creamy

Notes Makes 12 cakes

G|aze 1opp|ng

1 cup confecLloners sugar/lclng sugar
1 Lbsp + 1 Lsp mllk
1 Z Lsp vanllla exLracL
Caul semua sekalladd colour

koya| |c|ng
223g lclng sugar slfLed
1 egg whlLe
A few drops of rose essence
A few drops of lemon [ulce


8eaL egg whlLe unLll lL ls sLlff and froLhy

Add lclng sugar a llLLle aL a Llme and conLlnue beaLlng

llnally add Lhe rose essence and lemon [ulce and beaL Lhe mlxLure unLll sLlff peaks are formed

use Lhe lclng lmmedlaLely oLherwlse cover lL wlLh a damp cloLh Lo prevenL crusLlng Color Lhe lclng as you

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