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lnS1l1u1L Cl 1LACPL8 LuuCA1lCn

W Malaysla reSchool ls a school for Lhe
educaLlon of very young chlldren (generally slx
and flve of age )
W 1hese preschools seek Lo prepare young
chlldren before enrolllng Lo schools wlLh
formal educaLlon
W reschools whlch focus on educaLlon
generally Leach early soclal skllls lncludlng
lnLerpersonal lnLeracLlon belng a parL of a
group of peers and classroom skllls such as
followlng Lhe lnsLrucLlons of a Leacher
W Some formal educaLlon also Lakes place such
as early readlng or language skllls
W LducaLlon ls lnformal and flexlble
W 1he learnlng and Leachlng approach Lo learn Lhrough play
W lanned acLlvlLles focus on chlld developmenL a
comprehenslve lnLegraLed and balanced
W ln addlLlon Lo emphaslzlng acLlvlLles LhaL sLlmulaLe curloslLy
sLrengLhen Lhe coarse and flne moLor coordlnaLlon uslng
creaLlvlLy fosLer Lhe splrlL of cooperaLlon respecL for naLure
and dlsclpllned Lo provlde learnlng and Leachlng Lhem Lo
follow a more formal prlmary schools
W reschool educaLlon alms Lo culLlvaLe
sLudenLs poLenLlals ln all aspecLs of
developmenL baslc skllls and develop poslLlve
aLLlLudes as preparaLlon for enLry lnLo prlmary
W Pavlng a personal naLure characLer and poslLlve selfconcepL Lo
be a paLrloLlc clLlzen
W uslng Malay language correcLly and Lo develop language and
communlcaLlon skllls
W use Lngllsh ln dally llfe conslsLenL wlLh lLs poslLlon as a second
W Applylng Lhe values 3 3ln everyday llfe based on rellglous Leachlngs
W Pave Lhe cognlLlve skllls Lo Lhlnk and solve problems
W Pave Lhe emoLlonal maLurlLy and soclal skllls
W racLlclng Lhe pracLlce of good healLh and safeLy
W Pave Lhe creaLlvlLy and aesLheLlcs Lo appreclaLe Lhe naLural
beauLy and culLural herlLage
W 8esLarl reschool was esLabllshed ln 2006 Lo provlde
educaLlon for chlldren from age 3 Lo 6 years
W Seeks Lo enrlch Lhe poLenLlal of chlldren ln all aspecLs of
developmenL baslc skllls and fosLer poslLlve aLLlLudes ln
preparaLlon for enLry lnLo year one aL prlmary school
W rovlde opporLunlLles Lo lnLeracL wlLh frlends lmprove Lhe
skllls of Lhelr overall developmenL as well as enhanclng Lhe
ablllLy Lo communlcaLe
W rovlslon of a rlch naLural envlronmenL and promoLlng
chlldrens full poLenLlal can be manlfesLed ln preschool
W 1he flrsL Leacher who LaughL ln besLarl reschool ls Mrs
Suhalrlza 8lnLl Zall and hls asslsLanLs aL Lhe Llme was Mrs
nurul Pldayah 8lnLl Abdul 8ahman
W 8eglsLraLlon of Lhe flrsL year was over 18 people and grew lnLo
Lhe nexL year
W CurrenLly around 21 sLudenLs reglsLered 13 sLudenLs 6 years
and 8 sLudenLs 3 years
W And Leachers ln preschool now ls Mrs Aznee Adnan and
asslsLed by Mrs nur ulyana 8osll
A8Ln1S 1LACPL8 AC1lvl1lLS
W Annual meeLlng
A8Ln1S 1LACPL8 AC1lvl1lLS
W Sprlng cleanlng
A8Ln1S 1LACPL8 AC1lvl1lLS
W Cardenlng ro[ecL
S1uuLn1 AC1lvl1lLS
W Learnlng acLlvlLles
S1uuLn1 AC1lvl1lLS
W Learnlng acLlvlLles
S1uuLn1 AC1lvl1lLS
W 8lrLhday celebraLlons
S1uuLn1 AC1lvl1lLS
W 8lrLhday celebraLlons
S1uuLn1 AC1lvl1lLS
W LducaLlonal vlslL Lo naLlonal Zoo
S1uuLn1 AC1lvl1lLS
W LducaLlonal vlslL Lo naLlonal Zoo
S1uuLn1 AC1lvl1lLS
W CuLdoor acLlvlLles
S1uuLn1 AC1lvl1lLS
W CuLdoor acLlvlLles
S1uuLn1 AC1lvl1lLS
W Annual uenLal Checkup
S1uuLn1 AC1lvl1lLS
W Annual uenLal Checkup
S1uuLn1 AC1lvl1lLS
W Annual SporLs uay
S1uuLn1 AC1lvl1lLS
W Annual SporLs uay
S1uuLn1 AC1lvl1lLS
W CraduaLlon uay
S1uuLn1 AC1lvl1lLS
W CraduaLlon uay

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