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Unlled Desllny

`h_ !o :o! ]o1 un?

1he people you elecL make a blg dlfference Lo your unlverslLy llfe wheLher ln relaLlon Lo your
course your welfare your personal developmenL or your soclal llfe
O lghL for Lhe afflllaLlon of Lhe ma[orlLy of courses wlLh oLher lnLernaLlonal unlverslLles
O ,ake lL easler for sLudenLs Lo geL lnvolved wlLh Lhe runnlng of Lhe sLudenLs' unlon by
ensurlng compleLe Lransparency wlLh Su accounLs and by publlshlng Su audlLed accounLs
O nsure LhaL sLudenLs are aware of Lhe dlverse [ob opporLunlLles avallable Lo Lhem
So you'll never mlss ouL
O 'll make sure socleLles are more accesslble for every sLudenL allowlng more sLudenLs Lo be
acLlvely lnvolved ln Lhe unlverslLy Lhan ever before
O 9rovldlng Lralnlng by professlonals Lo socleLles so LhaL Lhey can run beLLer soclals flnd
sponsorshlps Lhemselves and provlde comprehenslve deLalled handover packs for Lhelr
O alslng funds by Lhe sponsorshlp of companles Lhrough Lhe csr funds for Lhe needy sLudenLs
O 9rovlde for beLLer equlpmenL ln Lhe gymnaslum and more Llme for sporLs acLlvlLles
O 1o provlde for more professlonals coachlng Lo sLudenLs
O ncrease Lhe promoLlon of dlsablllLy sporLs maklng sure LhaL sLudenLs are aware of whaL
Lhere are enLlLled Lo whlle maklng sure LhaL Lhey have equal sporLlng opporLunlLles
O obby aL Lhe unlverslLy Lo proLecL agalnsL unfalr lncrease ln fees
O reaLe and lmplemenL model assessmenL and moderaLlon (ensurlng LhaL every mark you
recelve ls whaL you deserve)
O ncreased lnLeracLlons beLween sLudenLs' unlon execuLlves and sLudenLs
O nsure flexlble LlmeLables for exams and have a falrer exams sLrucLure
O nsure LhaL every sLudenL has a rellable LuLor and supervlsor

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