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Moving cursor automatically frm one textbox to other:

2. Storing list items in database from (checkboxlist, listbox and etc..) :
3. Multiple values passing in query string

Moving cursor automatically frm one textbox to other:

onkeyup="if (this.value.length == 3) document.getElementById('txtprefix').focus();"

Storing list items in database from (checkboxlist, listbox and etc..) :

string chk2 = "";

foreach (ListItem li in chlservices.Items)
if (li.Selected == true)
if (chk2 == "")
chk2 = chk2 + li.Text;
chk2 = chk2 + "," + li.Text;

Session["service"] = chk2.ToString();

Retrieving contents in checkbox or list box from database wen they r

seperated by “,”.:

string[] comp1 = Session["service"].ToString().Split(new char[] {

',' });
foreach (string com1 in comp1)

foreach (ListItem li in chlservices.Items)

if (li.Text == com1)
li.Selected = true;

Multiple values passing in query string

string b = txtbusiness.Text;
string s = lblstate.Text;
string l = txtcity.Text;
string url = "al1.aspx?";
url += "business=" + b + "&";

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