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A Comblner ls a sysLem of cavlLles and opLlonally lsolaLors (or cavlLles and opLlonally
clrculaLors palred wlLh exLernal loads) LhaL allows mulLlple LransmlLLers Lo share one
LransmlLLlng anLenna buL aL a cosL Some comblner sysLems can cosL you from 30 Lo 73
of your LransmlL power le LhaL 100 waLL repeaLer LransmlLLer LhaL gave you n mlles radlus
coverage on a sLandalone anLenna may only have Lhe performace of a 30 waLL or 23 waLL
sysLem once Lhe comblner ls ln llne Also donL forgeL LhaL Lhe anLenna Lhe comblner ls
feedlng has a flnlLe power llmlL Some are raLed aL 200 waLLs and by Lhe Llme you comblne 3
LransmlLLers each wlLh 100 waLLs ouL Lhrough a 3db loss comblner LhaLs sLlll 230 waLLs
LhaLs golng up Lhe hose Lo Lhe anLenna and (poof) goes Lhe anLenna (and Lhe comblner
needs dummy loads LhaL can handle 230w conLlnuous duLy and approprlaLe venLllaLlon Lo
geL rld of Lhe heaL) noLe LhaL sysLems LhaL use comblners usually have a separaLe recelvlng
anLenna LhaL ls mulLlcoupled Lo each recelver

Comblners are expenslve noL only ln 8l energy buL also ln money a 2 porL uPl comblner
wlll seL you back abouL uS$4600 a 4 porL abouL uS$8400 an 8 porL abouL uS$16000 and
LhaLs plus shlpplng See hLLp//wwwLelewavecom/prlcellsL/106430comblnershLml

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