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test case template

test case title short name that describes the test case

test all numeric fields when adding a new client
customer requirement the name of the customer requirement (or functional specification)
this test case is used for. logging this will ensure you have adequate
testing for all customer requirements.

client management
owner this is the person ultimately responsible for the test case (most likely
the test lead).

jane doe
assignee person the test case is assigned to.

john smith
group / subgroup optional, used to categorize the test case.

field integrity / numerics
steps list the exact steps you take to perform the test.

1. log into xyz application with qa tester userid, click clients
2. click add new
3. enter alphabetics in all fields (even ones that are numerics –
like the date client signed, number of employees)
4. press submit.
expected results list the results you expect to happen when the test is run.

should display an error message saying that the field must be
numeric. should allow you to correct your error without losing the
input you already keyed.

developed by pragmatic software co., inc.

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