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Application oI Statistics in Civil Engineering

Statistics is basically a type oI mechanics. It helps the civil engineers in the construction
and designing oI rooIs and columns according to their moment, Iorce, beams laws. It also helps
in the construction oI strong Ioundation
Civil engineers design and supervise the construction oI roads, buildings, airports,
tunnels, dams, bridges, and water supply and sewage systems. They must consider many Iactors
in the design process Irom the construction costs and expected liIetime oI a project to
government regulations and potential environmental hazards such as earthquakes and hurricanes.
Civil engineering, considered one oI the oldest engineering disciplines, encompasses many
specialties. The major ones are structural, water resources, construction, transportation, and
geotechnical engineering. Many civil engineers hold supervisory or administrative positions,
Irom supervisor oI a construction site to city engineer. Others may work in design, construction,
research, and teaching.Civil engineering has a lot oI uncertainty associated with it. To deal with
those uncertainties, engineers use statistics and probability as a tool. Example: load prediction on
a structure is estimated using statistics, strength oI steel/concrete is generally a varying one and it
has to estimate using statistics. Generally, design is done based on codes which make the
statistical analysis a simple deterministic one. Civil and environmental engineers need an
understanding oI mathematical statistics and probability theory to deal with the variability that
aIIects engineers` structures, soil pressures, river Ilows and the like. Every structural design,
every saIety Iactor, every hydrological analysis, every mechanical analysis, everything, even the
materials used are based on statistics. The results gotten Irom the analysis are projected to other
conditions, and the probability oI them to interact together (Ior example, earthquake, wind and
max load or having the highest Ilow and rain).

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