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If you have not used Powershell before, it is likely your Powershell Execution P olicy will not allow for

the execution of our sample scripts. To resolve this, n avigate to your Start Menu Powershell folder under 'All Programs/Accessories/Win dows Powershell.' If you are using Vista or above, right click on 'Windows Power shell ISE' and select 'Run As Administrator.' If you are using an OS that does n ot use UAC, just run 'Windows Powershell ISE.' To set the Powershell execution p olicy so the samples may run, execute 'set-executionpolicy RemoteSigned' (withou t quotes) in Powershell. To get information on setting the policy to different o r the default settings, execute 'get-help set-executionpolicy' (without quotes). Additionally, execute 'get-executionpolicy' (without quotes) to determine the c urrent execution policy.

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