Anda di halaman 1dari 2

Predisposing Factor 35 years of Age Male Trauma at the extensor hallucis longus Triggers Inflammatory response Release of chemical


Precipitating Factor Lifestyle

Initial vasoconstriction then mild vasodilatation occurs

Accumulation of blood in the site

Membrane become permeable Plasma leaks out to the interstitial spaces Accumulation on the interstitial spaces Swelling / Edema Increase pressure in the site

WBC are stimulated 10.5 x 10 g/L

Thrombocytes are stimulated 450 x 10 g/L Prothrombin becomes thrombin Thrombin converts fibrinogen Fibrin is produced fibrin barrier is produced

Rednes s

Warmt h


Diapedesis Opsonizatio n Phagocytosis

Pyrogens are produced Interpret by the hypothalamus

Clot Formation


Irritation of the nerve endings

Further damage and irritation of extensor halluces longus nerve ending Loss of Control and Function

Hyperthermi a

Ruptured Tendon

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