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DEPENDENCIES : python python-xdg python-cairo python-gconf python-xlib deskbar-applet ------------------------------------------------------------INSTALL : sudo make install UNINSTALL : sudo make uninstall

-------------------------------------------------------------WARNING : To install themes only use the GnoMenu configuration window (right click 'Prefer ences') Do not copy them directly to the Themes directory If you install themes that are not instalable your menu will crash... -------------------------------------------------------------OAFIID ERROR: The OAFIID error is not a GnoMenu bug... its a gnome-panel bug. However Shaun Marolf found a workarround If you get this error on system startup create a file containg a the code below and add the file to session startup #!/bin/sh # Trying a GnoMenu startup to clear OAFIID case "$1" in 'start') ;; 'stop') ;; *) echo "Usage: $0 { start ;; esac exit 0

stop }"

----------------------------------------------------------BUGS, BLUEPRINTS, QUESTIONS, TRANSLATIONS, BRAINSTORMS : All should be reported here:

HOW TO REPORT BUGS : If your reporting a bug: make shure you report the actuall error Dont do this: """"My gnomenu doesnt start!!!""""" Without reporting any information on what actually is hapenning , no one will be able to help you Just run a terminal: run-in-console And post the actual error on the launchpad bug page

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