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Cllck Lo edlL MasLer LexL sLyles

Second level
1hlrd level
lourLh level
llfLh level
12/1/2011 1
kullah umum
SLudl kasus Mana[emen royek 1l
Anallsls kebuLuhan proposal dan negoslasl"
Nanang Ruswianto
PT. Gamatechno indonesia | | 0818468750 | YMid : nanangruswi
Cllck Lo edlL MasLer LexL sLyles
Second level
1hlrd level
lourLh level
llfLh level
12/1/2011 2
SLudl kasus M l1 1 CamaLechno lndonesla
Cllck Lo edlL MasLer LexL sLyles
Second level
1hlrd level
lourLh level
llfLh level
12/1/2011 3
Tools dan nfrastructure
Definition/Design, Compliance &
Continues mprovement
Role and responsibility, management,
skill development and discipline
Values, unspoken norm, often
experienced and not seen GejaIa "symptom" penyakit IT
Cllck Lo edlL MasLer LexL sLyles
Second level
1hlrd level
lourLh level
llfLh level
12/1/2011 4
Source : PM (Project Management nstitute)
Cllck Lo edlL MasLer LexL sLyles
Second level
1hlrd level
lourLh level
llfLh level
12/1/2011 5
Source : PM (Project Management nstitute)
C : Besar
S : Besar
T : Cepat
C : KeciI
S : Besar
T : Lama
C : Besar
S : KeciI
T : Cepat
Cllck Lo edlL MasLer LexL sLyles
Second level
1hlrd level
lourLh level
llfLh level
12/1/2011 6
ANALSS : kebutuhan,
proposal dan proses
negosiasi sebelum project T
Cllck Lo edlL MasLer LexL sLyles
Second level
1hlrd level
lourLh level
llfLh level
12/1/2011 7
Cllck Lo edlL MasLer LexL sLyles
Second level
1hlrd level
lourLh level
llfLh level
12/1/2011 8
Cllck Lo edlL MasLer LexL sLyles
Second level
1hlrd level
lourLh level
llfLh level
12/1/2011 9
Workflow |ra royek
Cllck Lo edlL MasLer LexL sLyles
Second level
1hlrd level
lourLh level
llfLh level
12/1/2011 10
8l (8equesL for roposal)
elaku yang LerllbaL
uokumen yang dlhasllkan
kAk (kerangka Acuan ker[a)
8kS (8encana ker[a dan SyaraLsyaraL)
Cllck Lo edlL MasLer LexL sLyles
Second level
1hlrd level
lourLh level
llfLh level
12/1/2011 11
Cap Analysls 8C
elaku yang LerllbaL
SoluLlon deslgner / pro[ecL manager
CllenL / counLerparL
AccounL manager / markeLlng
uokumen yang dlhasllkan
8uang llngkup / S8S
1lme llne
SLraLegl lmplemenLasl
1echnlcal assesmenL
Cllck Lo edlL MasLer LexL sLyles
Second level
1hlrd level
lourLh level
llfLh level
12/1/2011 12
SoluLlon Lnglneerlng
elaku yang LerllbaL
SoluLlon deslgner / pro[ecL manager
uokumen yang dlhasllkan
uokumen Leknls
!awaban kAk
Cllck Lo edlL MasLer LexL sLyles
Second level
1hlrd level
lourLh level
llfLh level
12/1/2011 13
urafLlng roposal rlclng
elaku yang LerllbaL
roducL markeLlng / markeLlng manager
uokumen yang dlhasllkan
roposal penawaran
emahaman LenLang 8kS (dokumen pendukung
Cllck Lo edlL MasLer LexL sLyles
Second level
1hlrd level
lourLh level
llfLh level
12/1/2011 14
8lsk assessmenL
elaku yang LerllbaL
AccounL manager / pro[ecL manager
uokumen yang dlhasllkan
8evlsl proposal
noLa rlsk assessmenL
Cllck Lo edlL MasLer LexL sLyles
Second level
1hlrd level
lourLh level
llfLh level
12/1/2011 15
Co no go | make or buy
elaku yang LerllbaL
AccounL manager / pro[ecL manager / dlvlslon
?ang dlhasllkan
kesepakaLan aLas assessmenL prospek
Cllck Lo edlL MasLer LexL sLyles
Second level
1hlrd level
lourLh level
llfLh level
12/1/2011 16
Legal drafLlng
elaku yang LerllbaL
AccounL manager / producL markeLlng / dlvlslon
uokumen yang dlhasllkan
kS (berlkuL lamplran penyerLa)
*urafL noLa kesepahaman
Cllck Lo edlL MasLer LexL sLyles
Second level
1hlrd level
lourLh level
llfLh level
12/1/2011 17
ro[ecL klckoff
elaku yang LerllbaL
AccounL manager / pro[ecL manager / dlvlslon
uokumen yang dlhasllkan
8erlLa Acara klckoff
MoM (mlnuLe of meeLlng)
8A8 lnLernal
Cllck Lo edlL MasLer LexL sLyles
Second level
1hlrd level
lourLh level
llfLh level
12/1/2011 18
1 Gamatechno Indones|a
!l Clk ul 1lro 34 ?ogyakarLa 33223
1elp +62 274 366161
lax +62 274 366160
Cnllne roducL roflle
Cnllne uemo
Cllck Lo edlL MasLer LexL sLyles
Second level
1hlrd level
lourLh level
llfLh level
12/1/2011 19

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