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8ralnsLormlng Complled 8esearch

What does |t mean to be ||terate |n the art of spoken word?

you much know Lhe eLlqueLLe
snapplng lnsLead of clapplng
respecLlng Lhe poeL when performlng
lnLer[ecLlng durlng a performance when you feel Lhe need Lo
openly conveylng emoLlon
you need Lo know LhaL Lhere are noL rules only guldellnes
no creaLlve process ls ldenLlcal
some people freesLyle flrsL and Lhen puL lL Lo paper laLer
some wrlLe down all of Lhe sLory flrsL and Lhen puL lnLo rhyme
some people Lake pen Lo paper and slmply wrlLe Lhe poem
some people record Lhelr process on vldeo
you have Lo have a sLory Lo Lell
usually nonflcLlon sLorles
sLorles come from experlences LhaL happened Lo Lhem or a loved one
you have Lo pracLlce
you have Lo have a llve audlence crowd slze doesn'L maLLer
Are there ro|es |n Spoken word?
no hlerarchy when ln a performance everyone ls LreaLed as lf Lhey were presenL aL Lhe Llme of Lhe
sLory meanlng everyone ls lncluded and equal
Why th|s subcu|ture?
usually a small subculLure maybe 1018 people
no one ls [udged for whaL Lhey say ln Lhelr poeLry
lreedom of expresslon
lL's okay Lo swear
lL's perfecLly flne Lo be angry or Lo shed a Lear
sex doesn'L maLLer A man can cry and woman can swear llke a sallor
oslLlve Lo express yourself wlLhouL [udgmenL
8eadlng Lhe audlence for feedback faclal expresslons Lears laughLer any emoLlon
8eadlng vlbes" from everyone ln Lhe room uneasy relaxed any body language
When creaLlng spoken word poeLry Lhe poeLs are wrlLlng an enLry ln Lhelr verbal dlarles
WlLh every performance lL's llke rewrlLlng your scrlpL uependlng on Lhe audlence's reacLlons Lhe
performance ls changed someLlmes drasLlcally
lnadverLenLly every poeL has composed a novel WlLh every poem composed anoLher sLory ls added
Lo Lhelr book or memolr
Lhe acL of performlng llLerally speaklng
lf someone needs consollng lLs flne Lo hug LhaL person lf someone needs graLlflcaLlon lL's okay
Lo sla a hlgh flve 1here ls no such Lhlng as a sLranger"
8ody language
Clear forms of emoLlon
crylng laughlng shouLlng clapplng

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