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30002000 8C SLonehenge

1sL cenLury 8C Lhe 8oman Lmplre began Lo make conLacL wlLh 8rlLaln
33 8C !ullus Caesars flrsL rald
43 Lmperor Claudlus declded Lhe fullscale lnvaslon
60 8evolL led by Lhe CelLlc Cueen 8oadlcea Lhe earllesL daLe ln Lhe AS Chronlcles
121/122 Padrlan vlslLed 8rlLaln Padrlan wall
410 8omans had Lo leave
449 Angles Saxons and !uLes came
397 ope Cregory l ln 8ome declded Lo send a group of ChrlsLlan mlsslonarles Lo persuade Lhe AS klngs Lo
become ChrlsLlan Monk AugusLlne arrlved
7Lh cenLury AngloSaxons were rullng mosL of 8rlLaln (7 klngdoms) Llndlsfarne Cospels were decoraLed
731 LccleslasLlcal PlsLory of Lhe Lngllsh eople 8ede
789 vlklngs landed on Lhe coasL of Lhe klngdom of Lhe WesL Saxon
730 Lrade was becomlng an lmporLanL parL of dally llfe
892 1he AS Chronlcles
89Lh cenLury 8eowulf
9Lh cenLury Lhe vlklngs moved Lo Lhe lslands of SheLland Crkneys Lhe Pebrldes lreland
979 1he lsle of Mans parllamenL
1042 1066 klng Ldward (Lhe Confessor) Saxon
23 sepLember 1066 Lngllsh vlcLory aL Lhe 8aLLle of SLamford 8rldge klng Parold ll of Lngland vs klng Parald lll
of norway
28 sepLember 1066 Lhe normal conquesL of Lngland began
14 ocLober 1066 Wllllam Lhe Conqueror won Lhe 8aLLle of PasLlngs
1066 foundlng of Lhe 1ower of London
1071 Wllllam had secured conLrol of mosL of Lngland
1078 1he WhlLe 1ower was bullL (parL of Lhe 1ower of London glves Lhe enLlre casLle lLs name
1100 Lhe CharLer of LlberLles
1116 flre ln eLerborough Abbey
1134 Lhe AS Chronlcle was sLlll belng acLlvely updaLed
1213 Magna CarLa
1223 Magna CarLa passed lnLo law
1238 Lhe nobles Look over Penry llls governmenL
1263 Penry lll defeaLed and kllled Slmon de MonLforL (leader of Lhe nobles)
1272 Penry lll dled Ldward l Look over Lhe Lhrone
1284 Lhe unlon beLween Lngland and Wales begun wlLh Lhe SLaLuLe of 8huddlan
1312 klng Ldward lll was born
1314 lrench klng hlllp lv dled
1333 Ldward lll wenL Lo war agalnsL uavld ll of ScoLland and began Lhe Second War of ScoLLlsh lndependence
1337 1433 1he Pundred ?ears War
1337 1360 Ldwardlan War
1369 1389 LancasLrlan War
1412 1431 Appearance of !oan of Arc
13481330 1he 8lack ueaLh ravaged Lngland
1381 WaL 1ylers 8ebelllon/1he easanLs 8evolL/1he CreaL 8lslng
14Lh cenLury Pouse of Commons evolved
1433 1483 1he Wars of Lhe 8oses
1483 1603 1he cenLury of Lhe 1udor rule
1331 Penry vlll was made head of Lhe Church of Lngland
1336 AcL of unlon unlon beLweed Lngland and Wales was formallzed
1342 Lhe full unlon of Lngland and Lhe rlnclpallLy of Wales
1347 Penry vlll dled
1387 Marys execuLlon
1603 deaLh of LllzabeLh l Lhe fallure of Lhe 1udor llne
3Lh november 1603 Cuy lawkes planned Lo klll Lhe klng and blow up Lhe Pouses of arllamenL

1642 1649(31) 1he Clvll War
1642 1646 Lhe flrsL
1648 1649 Lhe second
1649 1631 Lhe Lhlrd
1648 Lhe lrlsh ConfederaLes slgned Lhe LreaLy of alllance wlLh Lhe Lngllsh 8oyallsLs
1649 Cromwells suppresslon of Lhe 8oyallsLs ln lreland execuLlon of klng Charles l
3 sepLember 1631 Lhe Clvll War ended aL Lhe 8aLLle of WorcesLer
1632 Lhe ScoLs recelver 30 seaLs ln a unlLed arllamenL ln London
1633 Lhe lasL lrlsh ConfederaLe and 8oyallsL Lroops surrendered
1660 Lhe royal famlly was resLored 8esLoraLlon
4 Aprll 1660 ueclaraLlon of 8renda
29 May 1660 Charles lls bday he enLered London reLurned from exlle
1703 8ucklngham alace was bullL
1707 anoLher AcL of unlon Lngland and ScoLland agreed Lo permanenLly [oln as CreaL 8rlLaln
23Lh !anuary 1739 8oberL 8urns was born
1801 1he unlon !ack was creaLed as Lhe uk of C8 and lreland flag leglslaLlve unlon of CreaL 8rlLaln and
lreland Lhe name Lhe unlLed klngdom of CreaL 8rlLaln and lreland
1837 1901 Cueen vlcLorlas relgn
1840 Cueen vlcLorla marrled rlnce AlberL new Zealand becomes a 8rlLlsh colony
1831 1he CreaL LxhlblLlon (Lhe flrsL Worlds lalr)
1834 Crlmean War 1he unlLed klngdom declares war on 8ussla
1837 1he lndlan MuLlny (revolL ln lndla)
1838 lndla comes under Lhe dlrecL rule of Lhe 8rlLlsh Crown
1876 Cueen vlcLorla became Lhe Lmpress of lndla
1911 Pouse of Lords power was reduced
1921 Lhe Anglolrlsh LreaLy formallzed a parLlLlon of lreland slx lrlslh counLrles remalned parL of Lhe uk as
norLhern lreland
1922 foundlng of Lhe 88C
1927 Lhe currenL name Lhe uk of C8 and norLhern lreland was adopLed
1939 SuLLon Poo was dlscovered
21sL Aprll 1926 8lrLh of Cueen LllzabeLh ll
1947 CL ll marrled rlnce hlllp MounLbaLLen
1948 rlnce Charles was born
1932 Cueen LllzabeLh ll became queen
1992 1he unlon !ack became Lhe flag of Lhe uk of C8 and norLhern lreland
1997 rlncess ulana dled
1930 rlncess Anne was born
1960 rlnce Andrew was born
1964 rlnce Ldward was born
2002 Cueen LllzabeLh dled
2003 Charles and Camllla marrled

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