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2 Main and Subordinate Clauses - Self-Correction Key

1. Dinah, my dear, I wish [DO you were down here {with me}]! | 2. Now I'm opening out {like the largest telescope} [ that ever was]! | 3. [What I was going to say], is [PN that the best thing to get us dry would be a Caucus-race (PN)]. | 4. She had put on one (DO) {of the Rabbit's little white kid-gloves} [while she was talking]. | 5. Everything is so out-of-the-way (PA) down here [ that I should think very likely [DO the mouse can talk] ]. | 6. Once or twice she had peeped {into the book} [ her sister was reading], | but it had no pictures (DO) or conversations (DO) {in it}. | 7. Her first idea was [PN that she had somehow fallen {into the sea} ]. | 8. She knelt down and looked {along the passage} {into the loveliest garden} [ you ever saw]. | 9. She found herself (DO) falling {down [ what seemed to be a very deep well (PN) ] }. | 10. But [ when the Rabbit actually took a watch (DO) {out of its waistcoat-pocket} and looked {at it} and then hurried on], Alice started {to her feet}. | 11. The question is, [PN what did the archbishop find?] |

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