Anda di halaman 1dari 63


LAW OF 1988

SECTON 1. Title. - TIIs AcL sIuII be known us
LIe Comprehensite Arcricn Rejorm Lcu oj :p88.
SECTON z. Declcrction oj Principles cnd Policies. - L Is
LIe poIIcy oI LIe SLuLe Lo pursue u CompreIensIve AgrurIun
ReIorm Progrum (CARP). TIe weIIure oI LIe IundIess
Iurmers und Iurm workers wIII receIve LIe IIgIesL
consIderuLIon Lo promoLe socIuI jusLIce und Lo move LIe
nuLIon Lowurds sound ruruI deveIopmenL und
IndusLrIuIIzuLIon, und LIe esLubIIsImenL oI owner
cuILIvuLorsIIp oI economIc-sIzed Iurms us LIe busIs oI
PIIIIppIne ugrIcuILure.
To LIIs end, u more equILubIe dIsLrIbuLIon und ownersIIp
oI Iund, wILI due regurd Lo LIe rIgILs oI Iundowners Lo jusL
compensuLIon und Lo LIe ecoIogIcuI needs oI LIe nuLIon,
sIuII be underLuken Lo provIde Iurmers und Iurm workers
wILI LIe opporLunILy Lo enIunce LIeIr dIgnILy und Improve
LIe quuIILy oI LIeIr IIves LIrougI greuLer producLIvILy oI
ugrIcuILuruI Iunds.
TIe ugrurIun reIorm progrum Is Iounded on LIe rIgIL oI
Iurmers und reguIur Iurm workers, wIo ure IundIess, Lo
own dIrecLIy or coIIecLIveIy LIe Iunds LIey LIII or, In LIe
cuse oI oLIer Iurm workers, Lo receIve u sIure oI LIe IruILs
LIereoI. To LIIs end, LIe SLuLe sIuII encouruge LIe jusL
dIsLrIbuLIon oI uII ugrIcuILuruI Iunds, subjecL Lo LIe
prIorILIes und reLenLIon IImILs seL IorLI In LIIs AcL, IuvIng
Luken InLo uccounL ecoIogIcuI, deveIopmenLuI, und equILy
consIderuLIons, und subjecL Lo LIe puymenL oI jusL
compensuLIon. TIe SLuLe sIuII respecL LIe rIgIL oI smuII
Iundowners und sIuII provIde IncenLIves Ior voIunLury
TIe SLuLe sIuII recognIze LIe rIgIL oI Iurmers, Iurm
workers und Iundowners, us weII us cooperuLIves und oLIer
IndependenL Iurmers' orgunIzuLIon, Lo purLIcIpuLe In LIe
pIunnIng, orgunIzuLIon, und munugemenL oI LIe progrum,
und sIuII provIde supporL Lo ugrIcuILure LIrougI
upproprIuLe LecInoIogy und reseurcI, und udequuLe
IInuncIuI, producLIon, murkeLIng und oLIer supporL
servIces.cIun robIes vIrLuuI Iuw IIbrury
TIe SLuLe sIuII uppIy LIe prIncIpIes oI ugrurIun reIorm or
sLewurdsIIp, wIenever uppIIcubIe, In uccordunce wILI Iuw,
In LIe dIsposILIon or uLIIIzuLIon oI oLIer nuLuruI resources,
IncIudIng Iunds oI LIe pubIIc domuIn, under Ieuse or
concessIon, suILubIe Lo ugrIcuILure, subjecL Lo prIor rIgILs,
IomesLeud rIgILs oI smuII seLLIers und LIe rIgILs oI
IndIgenous communILIes Lo LIeIr uncesLruI Iunds.
TIe SLuLe muy reseLLIe IundIess Iurmers und Iurm workers
In ILs own ugrIcuILuruI esLuLes, wIIcI sIuII be dIsLrIbuLed Lo
LIem In LIe munner provIded by Iuw.
By meuns oI upproprIuLe IncenLIves, LIe SLuLe sIuII
encouruge LIe IormuLIon und muInLenunce oI economIc-
sIzed IumIIy Iurms Lo be consLILuLed by IndIvIduuI
beneIIcIurIes und smuII Iundowners.
TIe SLuLe sIuII proLecL LIe rIgILs oI subsIsLence IIsIermen,
especIuIIy oI IocuI communILIes, Lo LIe preIerenLIuI use oI
communuI murIne und IIsIIng resources, boLI InIund und
oIIsIore. L sIuII provIde supporL Lo sucI IIsIermen
LIrougI upproprIuLe LecInoIogy und reseurcI, udequuLe
IInuncIuI, producLIon und murkeLIng ussIsLunce und oLIer
servIces, TIe SLuLe sIuII uIso proLecL, deveIop und conserve
sucI resources. TIe proLecLIon sIuII exLend Lo oIIsIore
IIsIIng grounds oI subsIsLence IIsIermen uguInsL IoreIgn
InLrusIon. IsIworkers sIuII receIve u jusL sIure Irom LIeIr
Iubor In LIe uLIIIzuLIon oI murIne und IIsIIng resources.
TIe SLuLe sIuII be guIded by LIe prIncIpIes LIuL Iund Ius u
socIuI IuncLIon und Iund ownersIIp Ius u socIuI
responsIbIIILy. Owners oI ugrIcuILuruI Iund Iuve LIe
obIIguLIon Lo cuILIvuLe dIrecLIy or LIrougI Iubor
udmInIsLruLIon LIe Iunds LIey own und LIereby muke LIe
Iund producLIve.
TIe SLuLe sIuII provIde IncenLIves Lo Iundowners Lo InvesL
LIe proceeds oI LIe ugrurIun reIorm progrum Lo promoLe
IndusLrIuIIzuLIon, empIoymenL und prIvuLIzuLIon oI pubIIc
secLor enLerprIses. InuncIuI InsLrumenLs used us puymenL
Ior Iunds sIuII conLuIn IeuLures LIuL sIuII enIunce
negoLIubIIILy und uccepLubIIILy In LIe murkeLpIuce.
TIe SLuLe muy Ieuse undeveIoped Iunds oI LIe pubIIc
domuIn Lo quuIIIIed enLILIes Ior LIe deveIopmenL oI cupILuI-
InLensIve Iurms, LrudILIonuI und pIoneerIng crops
especIuIIy LIose Ior exporLs subjecL Lo LIe prIor rIgILs oI
LIe beneIIcIurIes under LIIs AcL.
SECTON . Dejinitions. - or LIe purpose oI LIIs AcL,
unIess LIe conLexL IndIcuLes oLIerwIse:
(u) Arcricn Rejorm meuns LIe redIsLrIbuLIon oI Iunds,
regurdIess oI crops or IruILs produced, Lo Iurmers und
reguIur Iurm workers wIo ure IundIess, IrrespecLIve oI
LenurIuI urrungemenL, Lo IncIude LIe LoLuIILy oI IucLors und
supporL servIces desIgned Lo IIIL LIe economIc sLuLus oI LIe
beneIIcIurIes und uII oLIer urrungemenLs uILernuLIve Lo LIe
pIysIcuI redIsLrIbuLIon oI Iunds, sucI us producLIon or
proIIL-sIurIng, Iubor udmInIsLruLIon, und LIe dIsLrIbuLIon
oI sIures oI sLock wIIcI wIII uIIow beneIIcIurIes Lo receIve u
jusL sIure oI LIe IruILs oI LIe Iunds LIey work.
(b) Ariculture, Ariculturcl Enterprise or Ariculturcl
Actitit meuns LIe cuILIvuLIon oI LIe soII, pIunLIng oI
crops, growIng oI IruIL Lrees, IncIudIng LIe IurvesLIng oI
sucI Iurm producLs, und oLIer Iurm ucLIvILIes und prucLIces
perIormed by u Iurmer In conjuncLIon wILI sucI IurmIng
operuLIons done by persons wIeLIer nuLuruI oI jurIdIcuI.
(As umended by R. A. ;881)cIun robIes vIrLuuI Iuw IIbrury
(c) Ariculturcl Lcnd reIers Lo Iund devoLed Lo ugrIcuILuruI
ucLIvILy us deIIned In LIIs AcL und noL cIussIIIed us mIneruI,
IoresL, resIdenLIuI, commercIuI or IndusLrIuI Iund.
(d) Arcricn Dispute reIers Lo uny conLroversy reIuLIng Lo
LenurIuI urrungemenLs, wIeLIer IeuseIoId, Lenuncy,
sLewurdsIIp or oLIerwIse, over Iunds devoLed Lo
ugrIcuILure, IncIudIng dIspuLes concernIng Iurm workers'
ussocIuLIons or represenLuLIon oI persons In negoLIuLIng,
IIxIng, muInLuInIng, cIungIng or seekIng Lo urrunge Lerms
or condILIons oI sucI LenurIuI urrungemenLs.
L IncIudes uny conLroversy reIuLIng Lo compensuLIon oI
Iunds ucquIred under LIIs AcL und oLIer Lerms und
condILIons oI LrunsIer oI ownersIIp Irom Iundowners Lo
Iurm workers, LenunLs und oLIer ugrurIun reIorm
beneIIcIurIes, wIeLIer LIe dIspuLunLs sLund In LIe
proxImuLe reIuLIon oI Iurm operuLor und beneIIcIury,
Iundowner und LenunL, or Iessor und Iessee.
(e) Idle or Abcndoned Lcnd reIers Lo uny ugrIcuILuruI Iund
noL cuILIvuLed, LIIIed or deveIoped Lo produce uny crop nor
devoLed Lo uny specIIIc economIc purpose conLInuousIy Ior
u perIod oI LIree () yeurs ImmedIuLeIy prIor Lo LIe receIpL
oI noLIce oI ucquIsILIon by LIe governmenL us provIded
under LIIs AcL, buL does noL IncIude Iund LIuL Ius become
permunenLIy or reguIurIy devoLed Lo non-ugrIcuILuruI
purposes. L does noL IncIude Iund wIIcI Ius become
unproducLIve by reuson oI jorce mcjeure or uny oLIer
IorLuILous evenL: Protided, LIuL prIor Lo sucI evenL, sucI
Iund wus prevIousIy used Ior ugrIcuILuruI or oLIer
economIc purposes.
(I) Icrmer reIers Lo u nuLuruI person wIose prImury
IIveIIIood Is cuILIvuLIon oI Iund or LIe producLIon oI
ugrIcuILuruI crops eILIer by IImseII, or prImurIIy wILI LIe
ussIsLunce oI IIs ImmedIuLe Iurm IouseIoId, wIeLIer LIe
Iund Is owned by IIm, or by unoLIer person under u
IeuseIoId or sIure Lenuncy ugreemenL or urrungemenL wILI
LIe owner LIereoI.
(g) Icrmuorler Is u nuLuruI person wIo renders servIce
Ior vuIue us un empIoyee or Iuborer In un ugrIcuILuruI
enLerprIse or Iurm regurdIess oI wIeLIer IIs compensuLIon
Is puId on u duIIy, weekIy, monLIIy or "pclcu" busIs. TIe
Lerm IncIudes un IndIvIduuI wIose work Ius ceused us u
consequence oI, or In connecLIon wILI, u pendIng ugrurIun
dIspuLe wIo Ius noL obLuIned u subsLunLIuIIy equIvuIenL
und reguIur Iurm empIoymenL.
(I) Reulcr Icrmuorler Is u nuLuruI person wIo Is
empIoyed on u permunenL busIs by un ugrIcuILuruI
enLerprIse or Iurm.
(I) Secsoncl Icrmuorler Is u nuLuruI person wIo Is
empIoyed on u recurrenL, perIodIc or InLermILLenL busIs by
un ugrIcuILuruI enLerprIse or Iurm, wIeLIer us u permunenL
or u non-permunenL Iuborer, sucI us "dumccn",
"scccdc", und LIe IIke.
(j) Dther Icrmuorler Is u Iurmworker wIo does noL IuII
under purugrupIs (g), (I) und (I).
(k) Cooperctites sIuII reIer Lo orgunIzuLIons composed
prImurIIy oI smuII ugrIcuILuruI producers, Iurmers, Iurm
workers, or oLIer ugrurIun reIorm beneIIcIurIes wIo
voIunLurIIy orgunIze LIemseIves Ior LIe purpose oI pooIIng
Iund, Iumun, LecInoIogIcuI, IInuncIuI or oLIer economIc
resources, und operuLed on LIe prIncIpIe oI one member,
one voLe. A jurIdIcuI person muy be u member oI u
cooperuLIve, wILI LIe sume rIgILs und duLIes us u nuLuruI

SEC. q. Scope. - TIe CompreIensIve AgrurIun ReIorm uw
oI 1q88 sIuII cover, regurdIess oI LenurIuI urrungemenL und
commodILy produced, uII pubIIc und prIvuLe ugrIcuILuruI
Iunds us provIded In ProcIumuLIon No. 11 und ExecuLIve
Order No. zzq, IncIudIng oLIer Iunds oI LIe pubIIc domuIn
suILubIe Ior ugrIcuILure.
More specIIIcuIIy, LIe IoIIowIng Iunds ure covered by LIe
CompreIensIve AgrurIun ReIorm Progrum:
(u) AII uIIenubIe und dIsposubIe Iunds oI LIe pubIIc
domuIn devoLed Lo or suILubIe Ior ugrIcuILure. No
recIussIIIcuLIon oI IoresL or mIneruI Iunds Lo
ugrIcuILuruI Iunds sIuII be underLuken uILer LIe
upprovuI oI LIIs AcL unLII Congress, LukIng InLo
uccounL ecoIogIcuI, deveIopmenLuI und equILy
consIderuLIons, sIuII Iuve deLermIned by Iuw, LIe
specIIIc IImILs oI LIe pubIIc domuIn;
b) AII Iunds oI LIe pubIIc domuIn In excess Lo LIe
specIIIc IImILs us deLermIned by Congress In LIe
precedIng purugrupI;
c) AII oLIer Iunds owned by LIe GovernmenL devoLed
Lo or suILubIe Ior ugrIcuILure; undcIun robIes vIrLuuI Iuw IIbrury
d) AII prIvuLe Iunds devoLed Lo or suILubIe Ior
ugrIcuILure regurdIess oI LIe ugrIcuILuruI producLs
ruIsed or LIuL cun be ruIsed LIereon.
SEC. . Schedule oj Implementction. - TIe dIsLrIbuLIon oI
uII Iunds covered by LIIs AcL sIuII be ImpIemenLed
ImmedIuLeIy und compIeLed wILIIn Len (1o) yeurs Irom LIe
eIIecLIvILy LIereoI.
SEC. 6. Retention Limits. - ExcepL us oLIerwIse provIded
In LIIs AcL, no person muy own or reLuIn, dIrecLIy, uny
pubIIc or prIvuLe ugrIcuILuruI Iund, LIe sIze oI wIIcI sIuII
vury uccordIng Lo IucLors governIng u vIubIe IumIIy-sIzed
Iurm, sucI us commodILy produced, LerruIn, InIrusLrucLure,
und soII IerLIIILy us deLermIned by LIe PresIdenLIuI
AgrurIun ReIorm CouncII (PARC) creuLed Iereunder, buL
In no cuse sIuII LIe reLenLIon by LIe Iundowner exceed IIve
() IecLures. TIree () IecLures muy be uwurded Lo eucI
cIIId oI LIe Iundowner, subjecL Lo LIe IoIIowIng
quuIIIIcuLIons: (1) LIuL Ie Is uL IeusL IIILeen (1) yeurs oI
uge; und (z) LIuL Ie Is ucLuuIIy LIIIIng LIe Iund or dIrecLIy
munugIng LIe Iurm: Protided, TIuL Iundowners wIose
Iunds Iuve been covered by PresIdenLIuI Decree No. z;
sIuII be uIIowed Lo keep LIe ureu orIgInuIIy reLuIned by
LIem LIereunder; Protided, jurther, TIuL orIgInuI
IomesLeud grunLees or dIrecL compuIsory IeIrs wIo sLIII
own LIe orIgInuI IomesLeud uL LIe LIme oI LIe upprovuI oI
LIIs AcL sIuII reLuIn LIe sume ureus us Iong us LIey
conLInue Lo cuILIvuLe suId IomesLeud.
TIe rIgIL Lo cIoose LIe ureu Lo be reLuIned, wIIcI sIuII be
compucL or conLIguous, sIuII perLuIn, Lo LIe
Iundowner: Protided, houeter, TIuL In cuse LIe ureu
seIecLed Ior reLenLIon by LIe Iundowner Is LenunLed, LIe
LenunL sIuII Iuve LIe opLIon Lo cIoose wIeLIer Lo remuIn
LIereIn or be u beneIIcIury In LIe sume or unoLIer
ugrIcuILuruI Iund wILI sImIIur or compurubIe IeuLures. n
cuse LIe LenunL cIooses Lo remuIn In LIe reLuIned ureu, Ie
sIuII be consIdered u IeuseIoIder und sIuII Iose IIs rIgIL Lo
be u beneIIcIury under LIIs AcL. n cuse LIe LenunL cIooses
Lo be u beneIIcIury In unoLIer ugrIcuILuruI Iund, Ie Ioses IIs
rIgIL us u IeuseIoIder Lo LIe Iund reLuIned by LIe
Iundowner. TIe LenunL musL exercIse LIIs opLIon wILIIn u
perIod oI one (1) yeur Irom LIe LIme LIe Iundowner
munIIesLs IIs cIoIce oI LIe ureu Ior reLenLIon.
n uII cuses, LIe securILy oI Lenure oI LIe Iurmers or Iurm
workers on LIe Iund prIor Lo LIe upprovuI oI LIIs AcL sIuII
be respecLed.
Upon LIe eIIecLIvILy oI LIIs AcL, uny suIe, dIsposILIon, Ieuse,
munugemenL conLrucL or LrunsIer oI possessIon oI prIvuLe
Iunds execuLed by LIe orIgInuI Iundowner In vIoIuLIon oI
LIIs AcL sIuII be nuII und voId: Protided, houeter, TIuL
LIose execuLed prIor Lo LIIs AcL sIuII be vuIId onIy wIen
regIsLered wILI LIe RegIsLer oI Deeds wILIIn u perIod oI
LIree () monLIs uILer LIe eIIecLIvILy oI LIIs AcL .
TIereuILer, uII RegIsLers oI Deeds sIuII InIorm LIe DAR
wILIIn LIIrLy (o) duys oI uny LrunsucLIon InvoIvIng
ugrIcuILuruI Iunds In excess oI IIve () IecLures.
SEC. ;. Priorities. - TIe DAR, In coordInuLIon wILI LIe
PARC sIuII pIun und progrum LIe ucquIsILIon und
dIsLrIbuLIon oI uII ugrIcuILuruI Iunds LIrougI u perIod oI
Len (1o) yeurs Irom LIe eIIecLIvILy oI LIIs AcL. unds sIuII
be ucquIred und dIsLrIbuLed us IoIIows:
PIuse One: RIce und corn Iunds under PresIdenLIuI
Decree No. z;; uII IdIe or ubundoned Iunds; uII prIvuLe
Iunds voIunLurIIy oIIered by LIe owners Ior ugrurIun
reIorm; uII Iunds IorecIosed by governmenL IInuncIuI
InsLILuLIon; uII Iunds ucquIred by LIe PresIdenLIuI
CommIssIon on Good GovernmenL (PCGG); und uII
oLIer Iunds owned by LIe governmenL devoLed Lo or
suILubIe Ior ugrIcuILure, wIIcI sIuII be ucquIred und
dIsLrIbuLed ImmedIuLeIy upon LIe eIIecLIvILy oI LIIs
AcL, wILI LIe ImpIemenLuLIon Lo be compIeLed wILIIn
u perIod oI noL more LIun Iour (q) yeurs;
PIuse Lwo: AII uIIenubIe und dIsposubIe pubIIc
ugrIcuILuruI Iunds; uII urubIe pubIIc ugrIcuILuruI Iunds
under ugro-IoresL, pusLure und ugrIcuILuruI Ieuses
uIreudy cuILIvuLed und pIunLed Lo crops In uccordunce
wILI SecLIon 6, ArLIcIe X oI LIe ConsLILuLIon; uII
pubIIc ugrIcuILuruI Iunds wIIcI ure Lo be opened Ior
new deveIopmenL und reseLLIemenL; und uII prIvuLe
ugrIcuILuruI Iunds In excess oI IIILy (o) IecLures,
InsoIur us LIe excess IecLuruge Is concerned, Lo
ImpIemenL prIncIpuIIy LIe rIgIL oI Iurmers und reguIur
Iurm workers, wIo ure IundIess, Lo own dIrecLIy or
coIIecLIveIy LIe Iunds LIey LIII, wIIcI sIuII be
dIsLrIbuLed ImmedIuLeIy upon LIe eIIecLIvILy oI LIIs
AcL, wILI LIe ImpIemenLuLIon Lo be compIeLed wILIIn
u perIod oI noL more LIun Iour (q) yeurs.
PIuse TIree: AII oLIer prIvuLe ugrIcuILuruI Iunds
commencIng wILI Iurge IundIoIdIngs und proceedIng
Lo medIum und smuII IundIoIdIngs under LIe
IoIIowIng scIeduIe:
u) undIoIdIngs ubove LwenLy-Iour (zq) IecLures
up Lo IIILy (o) IecLures, Lo begIn on LIe IourLI
(qLI) yeur Irom LIe eIIecLIvILy oI LIIs AcL und Lo
be compIeLed wILIIn LIree () yeurs; und
b) undIoIdIngs Irom LIe reLenLIon IImIL up Lo
LwenLy-Iour (zq) IecLures, Lo begIn on LIe sIxLI
(6LI) yeur Irom LIe eIIecLIvILy oI LIIs AcL und Lo
be compIeLed wILIIn Iour (q) yeurs; Lo ImpIemenL
prIncIpuIIy LIe rIgIL oI Iurmers und reguIur
Iurmworkers wIo ure IundIess, Lo own dIrecLIy or
coIIecLIveIy LIe Iunds LIey LIII.
TIe scIeduIe oI ucquIsILIon und redIsLrIbuLIon oI uII
ugrIcuILuruI Iunds covered by LIIs progrum sIuII be mude
In uccordunce wILI LIe ubove order oI prIorILy, wIIcI sIuII
be provIded In LIe ImpIemenLIng ruIes Lo be prepured by
LIe PresIdenLIuI AgrurIun ReIorm CouncII (PARC), LukIng
InLo consIderuLIon LIe IoIIowIng: LIe need Lo dIsLrIbuLe
Iunds Lo LIe LIIIer uL LIe eurIIesL prucLIcubIe LIme; LIe need
Lo enIunce ugrIcuILuruI producLIvILy; und LIe uvuIIubIIILy oI
Iunds und resources Lo ImpIemenL und supporL LIe
n uny cuse, LIe PARC, upon recommenduLIon by LIe
ProvIncIuI AgrurIun ReIorm CoordInuLIng CommILLee
(PARCCOM), muy decIure cerLuIn provInces or regIons us
prIorILy Iund reIorm ureus, In wIIcI cuse LIe ucquIsILIon
und dIsLrIbuLIon oI prIvuLe ugrIcuILuruI Iunds LIereIn muy
be ImpIemenLed uIeud oI LIe ubove scIeduIes. n eIIecLIng
LIe LrunsIer wILIIn LIese guIdeIInes, prIorILy musL be gIven
Lo Iunds LIuL ure LenunLed.
TIe PARC sIuII esLubIIsI guIdeIInes Lo ImpIemenL LIe
ubove prIorILIes und dIsLrIbuLIon scIeme, IncIudIng LIe
deLermInuLIon oI wIo ure quuIIIIed
beneIIcIurIes: Protided, TIuL un owner-LIIIer muy be u
beneIIcIury oI LIe Iund Ie does noL own buL Is ucLuuIIy
cuILIvuLIng Lo LIe exLenL oI LIe dIIIerence beLween LIe ureu
oI LIe Iund Ie owns und LIe uwurd ceIIIng oI LIree ()
SEC. 8. ultinctioncl Corporctions. - AII Iunds oI LIe
pubIIc domuIn Ieused, IeId or possessed by muILInuLIonuI
corporuLIons or ussocIuLIons, und oLIer Iunds owned by LIe
governmenL or governmenL-owned or conLroIIed
corporuLIons, ussocIuLIons, InsLILuLIons or enLILIes, devoLed
Lo exIsLIng und operuLIonuI ugrIbusIness or ugro-IndusLrIuI
enLerprIses, operuLed by muILInuLIonuI corporuLIons und
ussocIuLIons, sIuII be progrummed Ior ucquIsILIon und
dIsLrIbuLIon ImmedIuLeIy upon LIe eIIecLIvILy oI LIIs AcL,
wILI LIe ImpIemenLuLIon Lo be compIeLed wILIIn LIree ()
unds covered by LIe purugrupI ImmedIuLeIy precedIng,
under Ieuse, munugemenL, grower or servIce conLrucLs, und
LIe IIke, sIuII be dIsposed oI us IoIIows:
(u) euse, munugemenL, grower or servIce conLrucLs
coverIng sucI Iunds coverIng un uggreguLe ureu In
excess oI 1,ooo IecLures, Ieused or IeId by IoreIgn
IndIvIduuIs In excess oI oo IecLures ure deemed
umended Lo conIIrm wILI LIe IImILs seL IorLI In
SecLIon oI ArLIcIe X oI LIe ConsLILuLIon.
(b) ConLrucLs coverIng ureus noL In excess oI 1,ooo
IecLures In LIe cuse oI sucI IndIvIduuIs sIuII be
uIIowed Lo conLInue under LIeIr orIgInuI Lerms und
condILIons buL noL beyond AugusL zq, 1qqz, or LIeIr
vuIId LermInuLIon, wIIcIever comes sooner, uILer
wIIcI, sucI ugreemenLs sIuII conLInue onIy wIen
conIIrmed by LIe upproprIuLe governmenL ugency.
SucI conLrucLs sIuII IIkewIse conLInue even uILer LIe
Iund Ius been LrunsIerred Lo beneIIcIurIes or uwurdees
LIereoI, wIIcI LrunsIer sIuII be ImmedIuLeIy
commenced und ImpIemenLed wILIIn LIe perIod oI
LIree () yeurs menLIoned In purugrupI 1 IereoI.
(c) n no cuse wIII sucI Ieuses und oLIer ugreemenLs
now beIng ImpIemenLed exLend beyond AugusL zq,
1qqz, wIen uII Iunds subjecL IereoI sIuII Iuve been
dIsLrIbuLed compIeLeIy Lo quuIIIIed beneIIcIurIes or
uwurdees. SucI ugreemenLs cun conLInue LIereuILer
onIy under u new conLrucL beLween LIe governmenL or
quuIIIIed beneIIcIurIes or uwurdees, on LIe one Iund,
und suId enLerprIses, on LIe oLIer.cIun robIes vIrLuuI Iuw IIbrury
unds Ieused, IeId or possessed by muILInuLIonuI
corporuLIons, owned by prIvuLe IndIvIduuIs und prIvuLe
non-governmenLuI corporuLIons, ussocIuLIons, InsLILuLIons,
und enLILIes, cILIzens oI LIe PIIIIppInes, sIuII be subjecL Lo
ImmedIuLe compuIsory ucquIsILIon und dIsLrIbuLIon upon
LIe expIruLIon oI LIe uppIIcubIe Ieuse, munugemenL grower
oI servIce conLrucL In eIIecL us oI AugusL zq, 1q8;, or
oLIerwIse, upon ILs vuIId LermInuLIon, wIIcIever comes
sooner, buL noL IuLer LIun uILer Len (1o) yeurs IoIIowIng LIe
eIIecLIvILy oI LIIs AcL . However, durIng LIe suId perIod oI
eIIecLIvILy, LIe governmenL sIuII Luke sLeps Lo ucquIre LIese
Iunds Ior ImmedIuLe dIsLrIbuLIon LIereuILer.
n generuI, Iunds sIuII be dIsLrIbuLed dIrecLIy Lo LIe
IndIvIduuI worker-beneIIcIurIes. n cuse IL Is noL
economIcuIIy IeusIbIe und sound Lo dIvIde LIe Iund, LIen
LIey sIuII Iorm u workers' cooperuLIve or ussocIuLIon wIIcI
wIII deuI wILI LIe corporuLIon or busIness ussocIuLIon or
uny oLIer proper purLy, Ior LIe purpose oI enLerIng InLo u
Ieuse or growers ugreemenL und Ior uII oLIer IegILImuLe
purposes. UnLII u new ugreemenL Is enLered InLo by und
beLween LIe workers' cooperuLIve or ussocIuLIon und LIe
corporuLIon or busIness ussocIuLIon or uny oLIer proper
purLy, uny ugreemenL exIsLIng uL LIe LIme LIIs AcL Lukes
eIIecL beLween LIe Iormer und LIe prevIous Iundowner
sIuII be respecLed by boLI LIe workers' cooperuLIve or
ussocIuLIon und LIe corporuLIon, busIness ussocIuLIon or
sucI oLIer proper purLy. n no cuse sIuII LIe
ImpIemenLuLIon or uppIIcuLIon oI LIIs AcL jusLIIy or resuIL
In LIe reducLIon oI sLuLus or dImInuLIon oI uny beneIILs
receIved or enjoyed by LIe worker-beneIIcIurIes, or In
wIIcI LIey muy Iuve u vesLed rIgIL, uL LIe LIme LIIs AcL
becomes eIIecLIve.
TIe provIsIon oI SecLIon z oI LIIs AcL, wILI regurd Lo
producLIon und Income-sIurIng sIuII uppIy Lo Iurms
operuLed by muILInuLIonuI corporuLIons.
DurIng LIe LrunsILIon perIod, LIe new owners sIuII be
ussIsLed In LIeIr eIIorLs Lo Ieurn modern LecInoIogy In
producLIon. EnLerprIses wIIcI sIow u wIIIIngness und
commILmenL und good IuILI eIIorLs Lo ImpurL voIunLurIIy
sucI udvunced LecInoIogy wIII be gIven preIerenLIuI
LreuLmenL wIere IeusIbIe.
n no cuse sIuII u IoreIgn corporuLIon, ussocIuLIon, enLILy
or IndIvIduuI enjoy uny rIgILr or prIvIIeges beLLer LIun
LIose enjoyed by u domesLIc corporuLIon, ussocIuLIon,
enLILy or IndIvIduuI.
SEC. q. Ancestrcl Lcnds. - or purposes oI LIIs AcL,
uncesLruI Iunds oI eucI IndIgenous cuILuruI communILy
sIuII IncIude, buL noL be IImILed Lo, Iunds In LIe ucLuuI,
conLInuous und open possessIon und occupuLIon oI LIe
communILy und ILs members: Protided, TIuL LIe Torrens
SysLem sIuII be respecLed.
TIe rIgIL oI LIese communILIes Lo LIeIr uncesLruI Iunds
sIuII be proLecLed Lo ensure LIeIr economIc, socIuI und
cuILuruI weII-beIng. n IIne wILI LIe oLIer prIncIpIes oI seII-
deLermInuLIon und uuLonomy, LIe sysLems oI Iund
ownersIIp, Iund use, und LIe modes oI seLLIIng Iund
dIspuLes oI uII LIese communILIes musL be recognIzed und
Any provIsIon oI Iuw Lo LIe conLrury noLwILIsLundIng, LIe
PARC muy suspend LIe ImpIemenLuLIon oI LIIs AcL wILI
respecL Lo uncesLruI Iunds Ior LIe purpose oI IdenLIIyIng
und deIIneuLIng sucI Iunds: Protided, TIuL In LIe
uuLonomous regIons, LIe respecLIve IegIsIuLures muy enucL
LIeIr own Iuws on uncesLruI domuIn subjecL Lo LIe
provIsIons oI LIe ConsLILuLIon und LIe prIncIpIes
enuncIuLed In LIIs AcL und oLIer nuLIonuI Iuws.
SEC. 1o. Exemptions cnd Exclusions.-
(u) unds ucLuuIIy, dIrecLIy und excIusIveIy used Ior purks,
wIIdIIIe, IoresL reserves, reIoresLuLIon, IIsI suncLuurIes und
breedIng grounds, wuLersIeds und mungroves sIuII be
exempL Irom LIe coveruge oI LIIs AcL.
(b) PrIvuLe Iunds ucLuuIIy, dIrecLIy und excIusIveIy used Ior
pruwn Iurms und IIsIponds sIuII be exempL Irom LIe
coveruge oI LIIs AcL:Protided, TIuL suId pruwn Iurms und
IIsIponds Iuve noL been dIsLrIbuLed und CerLIIIcuLe oI
und OwnersIIp Awurd (COA) Issued under LIe AgrurIun
ReIorm Progrum.
n cuses wIere LIe IIsIponds or pruwn Iurms Iuve been
subjecLed Lo LIe CompreIensIve AgrurIun ReIorm uw, by
voIunLury oIIer Lo seII, or commercIuI Iurms deIermenL or
noLIces oI compuIsory ucquIsILIon, u sImpIe und ubsoIuLe
mujorILy oI LIe ucLuuI reguIur workers or LenunLs musL
consenL Lo LIe exempLIon wILIIn one (1) yeur Irom LIe
eIIecLIvILy oI LIIs AcL. WIen LIe workers or LenunLs do noL
ugree Lo LIIs exempLIon, LIe IIsIponds or pruwn Iurms
sIuII be dIsLrIbuLed coIIecLIveIy Lo LIe worker-beneIIcIurIes
or LenunLs wIo sIuII Iorm cooperuLIve or ussocIuLIon Lo
munuge LIe sume.
n cuses wIere LIe IIsIponds or pruwn Iurms Iuve noL
been subjecLed Lo LIe CompreIensIve AgrurIun ReIorm
uw, LIe consenL oI LIe Iurmworkers sIuII no Ionger be
necessury; Iowever, LIe provIsIon oI SecLIon z-A IereoI
on IncenLIves sIuII uppIy.
(c) unds ucLuuIIy, dIrecLIy und excIusIveIy used und Iound
Lo be necessury Ior nuLIonuI deIense, scIooI sILes und
cumpuses, IncIudIng experImenLuI Iurm sLuLIons operuLed
by pubIIc or prIvuLe scIooIs Ior educuLIonuI purposes,
seeds und seedIIngs reseurcI und pIIoL producLIon cenLer,
cIurcI sILes und convenLs uppurLenunL LIereLo, mosque
sILes und sIumIc cenLers uppurLenunL LIereLo, communuI
burIuI grounds und cemeLerIes, penuI coIonIes und penuI
Iurms ucLuuIIy worked by LIe InmuLes, governmenL und
prIvuLe reseurcI und quurunLIne cenLers und uII Iunds wILI
eIgILeen percenL (18%) sIope und over, excepL LIose
uIreudy deveIoped, sIuII be exempL Irom LIe coveruge oI
LIIs AcL.(As umended by R. A. ;881)
SEC. 11. Commercicl Icrmin. - CommercIuI Iurms wIIcI
ure prIvuLe ugrIcuILuruI Iunds devoLed Lo suIL beds, IruIL
Iurms, orcIurds, vegeLubIe und cuL-IIower Iurms, und
cucuo, coIIee und rubber pIunLuLIons, sIuII be subjecL Lo
ImmedIuLe compuIsory ucquIsILIon und dIsLrIbuLIon uILer
Len (1o) yeurs Irom LIe eIIecLIvILy oI LIIs AcL. n LIe cuse oI
new Iurms, LIe Len-yeur perIod sIuII begIn Irom LIe IIrsL
yeur oI commercIuI producLIon und operuLIon, us
deLermIned by LIe DAR. DurIng LIe Len-yeur perIod, LIe
GovernmenL sIuII InILIuLe sLeps necessury Lo ucquIre LIese
Iunds, upon puymenL oI jusL compensuLIon Ior LIe Iund
und LIe ImprovemenLs LIereon, preIerubIy In Iuvor oI
orgunIzed cooperuLIves or ussocIuLIons, wIIcI sIuII
LIereuILer munuge LIe suId Iunds Ior LIe workers-
beneIIcIurIes.(As umended by R. A. ;881)

SEC. 1z. Determinction oj Lecse Rentcls. - n order Lo
proLecL und Improve LIe LenurIuI und economIc sLuLus oI
LIe Iurmers In LenunLed Iunds under LIe reLenLIon IImIL
und Iunds noL yeL ucquIred under LIIs AcL, LIe DAR Is
munduLed Lo deLermIne und IIx ImmedIuLeIy LIe Ieuse
renLuIs LIereoI In uccordunce wILI SecLIon q oI R. A. No.
8qq us umended : Protided, TIuL LIe DAR sIuII
ImmedIuLeIy und perIodIcuIIy revIew und udjusL LIe renLuI
sLrucLure Ior dIIIerenL crops, IncIudIng rIce und corn, oI
dIIIerenL regIons In order Lo Improve progressIveIy LIe
condILIons oI LIe Iurmer, LenunL or Iessee.
SEC. 1z-A. Incentites. - ndIvIduuIs und enLILIes ownIng or
operuLIng IIsIpond und pruwn Iurms ure Iereby munduLed
Lo execuLe wILIIn sIx (6) monLIs Irom LIe eIIecLIvILy oI LIIs
AcL, un IncenLIve pIun wILI LIeIr reguIur IIsIpond or pruwn
Iurm workers or IIsIpond or pruwn Iurm workers'
orgunIzuLIon, II uny, wIereby seven poInL IIve percenL
(;.%) oI LIeIr neL proIIL beIore Lux Irom LIe operuLIon oI
LIe IIsIpond or pruwn Iurms ure dIsLrIbuLed wILIIn sIxLy
(6o) duys uL LIe end oI LIe IIscuI yeur us compensuLIon Lo
reguIur und oLIer pond workers In sucI ponds over und
ubove LIe compensuLIon LIey currenLIy receIve.
n order Lo suIeguurd LIe rIgIL oI LIe reguIur IIsIpond or
pruwn Iurm workers under LIe IncenLIves pIun, LIe book oI
LIe IIsIpond or pruwn Iurm owners sIuII be subjecL Lo
perIodIc uudIL or InspecLIon by cerLIIIed pubIIc uccounLunLs
cIosen by LIe workers.
TIe IoregoIng provIsIon sIuII noL uppIy Lo ugrIcuILuruI
Iunds subsequenLIy converLed Lo IIsIponds or pruwn Iurms
provIded LIe sIze oI LIe Iund converLed does noL exceed LIe
reLenLIon IImIL oI LIe Iundowner. (As udded by R. A. ;881)
SEC. 1. Production-Shcrin Plcn. - Any enLerprIse
udopLIng LIe scIeme provIded Ior In SecLIon z or
operuLIng under u producLIon venLure, Ieuse, munugemenL
conLrucL or oLIer sImIIur urrungemenL und uny Iurm
covered by SecLIons 8 und 11 IereoI Is Iereby munduLed Lo
execuLe wILIIn nIneLy (qo) duys Irom LIe eIIecLIvILy oI LIIs
AcL, u producLIon-sIurIng pIun under guIdeIInes
prescrIbed by LIe upproprIuLe governmenL ugency.
NoLIIng IereIn sIuII be consLrued Lo suncLIon LIe
dImInuLIon oI uny beneIILs sucI us suIurIes, bonuses,
Ieuves und workIng condILIons grunLed Lo LIe empIoyee-
beneIIcIurIes under exIsLIng Iuws, ugreemenLs, und
voIunLury prucLIce by LIe enLerprIse, nor sIuII LIe
enLerprIse und ILs empIoyee-beneIIcIurIes be prevenLed
Irom enLerIng InLo uny ugreemenL wILI Lerms more
IuvorubIe Lo LIe IuLLer.cIun robIes vIrLuuI Iuw IIbrury

SEC. 1q. Reistrction oj Lcndouners. - WILIIn one
Iundred eIgILy (18o) duys Irom LIe eIIecLIvILy oI LIIs AcL,
nuLuruI or jurIdIcuI, IncIudIng governmenL enLILIes, LIuL
own or cIuIm Lo own ugrIcuILuruI Iunds, wIeLIer In LIeIr
numes or In LIe nume oI oLIers, excepL LIose wIo Iuve
uIreudy regIsLered pursuunL Lo ExecuLIve Order No. zzq,
wIo sIuII be enLILIed Lo sucI IncenLIves us muy be provIded
Ior by PARC, sIuII IIIe u sworn sLuLemenL In LIe proper
ussessors oIIIce In LIe Iorm Lo be prescrIbed by LIe DAR,
sLuLIng LIe IoIIowIng InIormuLIon:
(u) TIe descrIpLIon und ureu oI LIe properLy;
(b) TIe uveruge gross Income Irom LIe properLy Ior uL
IeusL LIree () yeurs;
(c) TIe numes oI LIe LenunLs und Iurm workers LIereIn;
(d) TIe crops pIunLed In LIe properLy und LIe ureu
covered by eucI crop us oI June 1,1q8;;
(e) TIe Lerms oI morLguges, Ieuses, und munugemenL
conLrucLs subsIsLIng us oI June 1, 1q8;; und
(I) TIe IuLesL decIured murkeL vuIue oI LIe Iund us
deLermIned by LIe cILy or provIncIuI ussessor.
SEC. 1. Reistrction oj enejicicries. - TIe DAR In
coordInuLIon wILI LIe Burunguy AgrurIun ReIorm
CommILLee (BARC) us orgunIzed In LIIs AcL, sIuII regIsLer
uII ugrIcuILuruI Iessees, LenunLs und Iurmworkers wIo ure
quuIIIIed Lo be beneIIcIurIes wILI LIe ussIsLunce oI LIe
BARC und LIe DAR sIuII provIde LIe IoIIowIng duLu:
(u) Numes und members oI LIeIr ImmedIuLe Iurm
(b) ocuLIon und ureu oI LIe Iund LIey work;
(c) Crops pIunLed; und
(d) TIeIr sIure In LIe IurvesL or umounL oI renLuI puId
or wuges receIved.
A copy oI LIe regIsLry or IIsL oI uII poLenLIuI CARP
beneIIcIurIes In LIe burunguy sIuII be posLed In LIe
burunguy IuII, scIooI or oLIer pubIIc buIIdIngs In LIe
burunguy wIere IL sIuII be open Lo InspecLIon by LIe pubIIc
uL uII reusonubIe Iours.


SEC. 16. Procedure jor Acquisition oj Pritcte Lcnds.- or
purposes oI ucquIsILIon oI prIvuLe Iunds, LIe IoIIowIng
procedures sIuII be IoIIowed:
(u) AILer IuvIng IdenLIIIed LIe Iund, LIe Iundowners
und LIe beneIIcIurIes, LIe DAR sIuII send ILs noLIce Lo
ucquIre LIe Iund Lo LIe owners LIereoI, by personuI
deIIvery or regIsLered muII, und posL LIe sume In u
conspIcuous pIuce In LIe munIcIpuI buIIdIng und
burunguy IuII oI LIe pIuce wIere LIe properLy Is
IocuLed. SuId noLIce sIuII conLuIn LIe oIIer oI LIe DAR
Lo puy u correspondIng vuIue In uccordunce wILI LIe
vuIuuLIon seL IorLI In SecLIons 1;, 18, und oLIer
perLInenL provIsIons IereoI.
(b) WILIIn LIIrLy (o) duys Irom LIe duLe oI receIpL oI
wrILLen noLIce by personuI deIIvery or regIsLered muII,
LIe Iundowner, IIs udmInIsLruLor or represenLuLIve
sIuII InIorm LIe DAR oI IIs uccepLunce or rejecLIon oI
LIe oIIer.
(c) I LIe Iundowner uccepLs LIe oIIer oI LIe DAR, LIe
BP sIuII puy LIe Iundowner LIe purcIuse prIce oI LIe
Iund wILIIn LIIrLy (o) duys uILer Ie execuLes und
deIIvers u deed oI LrunsIer In Iuvor oI LIe GovernmenL
und surrenders LIe CerLIIIcuLe oI TILIe und oLIer
munImenLs oI LILIe.
(d) n cuse oI rejecLIon or IuIIure Lo repIy, LIe DAR
sIuII conducL summury udmInIsLruLIve proceedIngs Lo
deLermIne LIe compensuLIon oI LIe Iund by requIrIng
LIe Iundowner, LIe BP und oLIer InLeresLed purLIes Lo
summIL evIdence us Lo LIe jusL compensuLIon Ior LIe
Iund, wILIIn IIILeen (1) duys Irom LIe receIpL oI LIe
noLIce. AILer LIe expIruLIon oI LIe ubove perIod, LIe
muLLer Is deemed submILLed Ior decIsIon. TIe DAR
sIuII decIde LIe cuse wILIIn LIIrLy (o) duys uILer IL Is
submILLed Ior decIsIon.
(e) Upon receIpL by LIe Iundowner oI LIe
correspondIng puymenL or In cuse oI rejecLIon or no
response Irom LIe Iundowner, upon LIe deposIL wILI
un uccessIbIe bunk desIgnuLed by LIe DAR oI LIe
compensuLIon In cusI or BP bonds In uccordunce
wILI LIIs AcL, LIe DAR sIuII Luke ImmedIuLe
possessIon oI LIe Iund und sIuII requesL LIe proper
RegIsLer oI Deeds Lo Issue u TrunsIer CerLIIIcuLe oI
TILIe (TCT) In LIe nume oI LIe RepubIIc oI LIe
PIIIIppInes. TIe DAR sIuII LIereuILer proceed wILI
LIe redIsLrIbuLIon oI LIe Iund Lo LIe quuIIIIed
(I) Any purLy wIo dIsugrees wILI LIe decIsIon muy
brIng LIe muLLer Lo LIe courL oI proper jurIsdIcLIon Ior
IInuI deLermInuLIon oI jusL compensuLIon.

SEC. 1;. Determinction oj 1ust Compensction. - n
deLermInIng jusL compensuLIon, LIe cosL oI ucquIsILIon oI
LIe Iund, LIe currenL vuIue oI IIke properLIes, ILs nuLure,
ucLuuI use und Income, LIe sworn vuIuuLIon by LIe owner,
LIe Lux decIuruLIons, und LIe ussessmenL mude by
governmenL ussessors, sIuII be consIdered. TIe socIuI und
economIc beneIILs conLrIbuLed by LIe Iurmers und LIe
Iurmworkers und by governmenL Lo LIe properLy us weII us
LIe non-puymenL oI Luxes or Iouns secured Irom uny
governmenL IInuncIng InsLILuLIon on LIe suId Iund sIuII be
consIdered us uddILIonuI IucLors Lo deLermIne ILs vuIuuLIon.
SEC. 18. Vcluction cnd ode oj Compensction. - TIe BP
sIuII compensuLe LIe Iundowner In sucI umounL us muy be
ugreed upon by LIe Iundowner und LIe DAR und BP or us
muy be IInuIIy deLermIned by LIe courL us jusL
compensuLIon Ior LIe Iund.
TIe compensuLIon sIuII be puId In one oI LIe IoIIowIng
modes uL LIe opLIon oI LIe Iundowner:
(1) CusI puymenL, under LIe IoIIowIng Lerms und
(u) Ior lcnds cbote jijt (o) hectcres, insojcr cs the
excess hectcrce isconcerned - TwenLy-IIve percenL
(z%) cusI, LIe buIunce Lo be puId In governmenL
IInuncIuI InsLrumenLs negoLIubIe uL uny LIme.
(b) Ior lcnds cbote tuent-jour hectcres cnd up to
jijt (o) hectcres - TIIrLy percenL (o%) cusI, LIe
buIunce Lo be puId In governmenL IInuncIuI
InsLrumenLs negoLIubIe uL uny LIme.
(c) Ior lcnds tuent-jour (z() hectcres cnd belou -
TIIrLy-IIve percenL (%) cusI, LIe buIunce Lo be puId
In governmenL IInuncIuI InsLrumenLs negoLIubIe uL uny
(z) SIures oI sLock In governmenL-owned or conLroIIed
corporuLIons, BP preIerred sIures, pIysIcuI usseLs or
oLIer quuIIIIed InvesLmenLs In uccordunce wILI guIdeIInes
seL by LIe PARC;
() Tux credILs wIIcI cun be used uguInsL uny Lux
(q) BP bonds, wIIcI sIuII Iuve LIe IoIIowIng IeuLures:
(u) crlet interest rctes clined uith p:-dc
trecsur bill rctes. Ten percenL (1o%) oI LIe Iuce
vuIue oI LIe bonds sIuII muLure every yeur Irom LIe
duLe oI Issuunce unLII LIe LenLI (1oLI)
yeur: Protided, TIuL sIouId LIe Iundowner cIoose Lo
Iorego LIe cusI porLIon, wIeLIer In IuII or In purL, Ie
sIuII be puId correspondIngIy In BP bonds;
(b) Trcnsjercbilit cnd neoticbilit. SucI BP
bonds muy be used by LIe Iundowner, IIs successors-
In-InLeresL or IIs ussIgns, up Lo LIe umounL oI LIeIr
Iuce vuIue Ior uny oI LIe IoIIowIng:
(I) AcquIsILIon oI Iund or oLIer reuI properLIes oI
LIe governmenL, IncIudIng usseLs under LIe
AsseLs PrIvuLIzuLIon Progrum und oLIer usseLs
IorecIosed by governmenL IInuncIuI InsLILuLIon In
LIe sume provInce or regIon wIere LIe Iunds Ior
wIIcI LIe bonds were puId ure sILuuLed;
(II) AcquIsILIon oI sIures oI sLock oI governmenL-
owned or conLroIIed corporuLIons or sIures or
sLock owned by LIe governmenL In prIvuLe
corporuLIons;cIun robIes vIrLuuI Iuw IIbrury
(III) SubsLILuLIon Ior sureLy or buII bonds Ior LIe
provIsIonuI reIeuse oI uccused persons, or Ior
perIormunce bonds;
(Iv) SecurILy Ior Iouns wILI uny governmenL
IInuncIuI InsLILuLIon, provIded LIe proceeds oI LIe
Iouns sIuII be InvesLed In un economIc enLerprIse,
preIerubIy In u smuII und medIum-scuIe IndusLry,
In LIe sume provInce or regIon us LIe Iund Ior
wIIcI LIe bonds ure puId;
(v) PuymenL Ior vurIous Luxes und Iees Lo LIe
governmenL: Protided, TIuL LIe use oI LIese
bonds Ior LIese purposes wIII be IImILed Lo u
cerLuIn percenLuge oI LIe ouLsLundIng buIunce oI
LIe IInuncIuI InsLrumenL: Protided, jurther, TIuL
LIe PARC sIuII deLermIne LIe percenLuges
menLIoned ubove;
(vI) PuymenL Ior LuILIon Iees oI LIe ImmedIuLe
IumIIy oI LIe orIgInuI bondIoIder In governmenL
unIversILIes, coIIeges, Lrude scIooIs und oLIer
(vII) PuymenL Ior Iees oI LIe ImmedIuLe IumIIy oI
LIe orIgInuI bondIoIder In governmenL IospILuIs;
(vIII) SucI oLIer uses us LIe PARC muy Irom LIme
Lo LIme uIIow.
n cuse oI exLruordInury InIIuLIon, LIe PARC sIuII Luke
upproprIuLe meusures Lo proLecL LIe economy.
SEC. 1q. Incentites jor Voluntcr Djjers jor Scle. -
undowners oLIer LIun bunks und oLIer IInuncIuI
InsLILuLIons wIo voIunLurIIy oIIer LIeIr Iunds Ior suIe sIuII
be enLILIed Lo un uddILIonuI IIve percenL (%) cusI
SEC. zo. VoIunLury Lcnd Trcnsjer. - undowners oI
ugrIcuILuruI Iunds subjecL Lo ucquIsILIon under LIIs AcL
muy enLer InLo u voIunLury urrungemenL Ior dIrecL LrunsIer
oI LIeIr Iunds Lo quuIIIIed beneIIcIurIes subjecL Lo LIe
IoIIowIng guIdeIInes:
(u) AII noLIces Ior voIunLury Iund LrunsIer musL be
submILLed Lo LIe DAR wILIIn LIe IIrsL yeur oI LIe
ImpIemenLuLIon oI LIe CARP. NegoLIuLIons beLween
LIe Iundowners und quuIIIIed beneIIcIurIes coverIng
uny voIunLury Iund LrunsIer wIIcI remuIn unresoIved
uILer one (1) yeur sIuII noL be recognIzed und sucI
Iund sIuII InsLeud be ucquIred by LIe governmenL und
LrunsIerred pursuunL Lo LIIs AcL.
(b) TIe Lerms und condILIons oI sucI LrunsIer sIuII
noL be Iess IuvorubIe Lo LIe LrunsIeree LIun LIose oI
LIe governmenL 's sLundIng oIIer Lo purcIuse Irom LIe
Iundowner und Lo reseII Lo LIe beneIIcIurIes, II sucI
oIIers Iuve been mude und ure IuIIy known Lo boLI
(c) TIe voIunLury ugreemenL sIuII IncIude suncLIons
Ior non-compIIunce by eILIer purLy und sIuII be duIy
recorded und ILs ImpIemenLuLIon monILored by LIe
SEC. z1. Pcment oj Compensction b enejicicries
Under Voluntcr Lcnd Trcnsjer.- DIrecL puymenL In cusI
or In kInd muy be mude by LIe Iurmer-beneIIcIury Lo LIe
Iundowner under Lerms Lo be muLuuIIy ugreed upon by
boLI purLIes, wIIcI sIuII be bIndIng upon LIem, upon
regIsLruLIon wILI und upprovuI by LIe DAR. SuId upprovuI
sIuII be consIdered gIven, unIess noLIce oI dIsupprovuI Is
receIved by LIe Iurmer-beneIIcIury wILIIn o duys Irom LIe
duLe oI regIsLruLIon.n LIe evenL LIey cunnoL ugree on LIe
prIce oI LIe Iund, LIe procedure Ior compuIsory ucquIsILIon
us provIded In SecLIon 16 sIuII uppIy. TIe BP sIuII exLend
IInuncIng Lo LIe beneIIcIurIes Ior purposes oI ucquIrIng LIe

SEC. zz. Quclijied enejicicries. - TIe Iunds covered by
LIe CARP sIuII be dIsLrIbuLed us mucI us possIbIe Lo
IundIess resIdenLs oI LIe sume burunguy, or In LIe ubsence
LIereoI, IundIess resIdenLs oI LIe sume munIcIpuIILy In LIe
IoIIowIng order oI prIorILy:
(u) ugrIcuILuruI Iessees und sIure LenunLs;
(b) reguIur Iurm workers;
(c) seusonuI Iurm workers;
(d) oLIer Iurm workers;
(e) ucLuuI LIIIers or occupunLs oI pubIIc Iunds;
(I) coIIecLIve or cooperuLIves oI LIe ubove beneIIcIurIes;
(g) oLIers dIrecLIy workIng on LIe Iund.
Protided, houeter, TIuL LIe cIIIdren oI Iundowners wIo
ure quuIIIIed under SecLIon 6 oI LIIs AcL sIuII be gIven
preIerence In LIe dIsLrIbuLIon oI LIe Iund oI LIeIr purenLs;
und: Protided, jurther, LIuL ucLuuI LenunL -LIIIers In LIe
IundIoIdIng sIuII noL be ejecLed or removed LIereIrom.
BeneIIcIurIes under PresIdenLIuI Decree No. z; wIo Iuve
cuIpubIy soId, dIsposed oI, or ubundoned LIeIr Iund ure
dIsquuIIIIed Lo become beneIIcIurIes under LIeIr progrum.
A busIc quuIIIIcuLIon oI u beneIIcIury sIuII be IIs
wIIIIngness, upLILude und ubIIILy Lo cuILIvuLe und muke Iund
us producLIve us possIbIe. TIe DAR sIuII udopL u sysLem oI
monILorIng LIe record or perIormunce oI eucI beneIIcIury,
so LIuL uny beneIIcIury guIILy oI negIIgence or mIsuse oI
LIe Iund or uny supporL exLended Lo IIm sIuII IorIeIL IIs
rIgIL Lo conLInue us sucI beneIIcIury. TIe DAR sIuII
submIL perIodIc reporLs on LIe perIormunce oI LIe
beneIIcIurIes Lo LIe PARC.
I, due Lo Iundowner's reLenLIon rIgILs or Lo LIe number oI
LenunLs, Iessees, or workers on LIe Iund, LIere Is noL
enougI Iund Lo uccommoduLe uny or some oI LIem, LIey
muy be grunLed ownersIIp oI oLIer Iunds uvuIIubIe Ior
dIsLrIbuLIon under LIIs AcL, uL LIe opLIon oI LIe
urmers uIreudy In pIuce und LIose noL uccommoduLed In
LIe dIsLrIbuLIon oI prIvuLeIy-owned Iunds wIII be gIven
preIerenLIuI rIgILs In LIe dIsLrIbuLIon oI Iunds Irom LIe
pubIIc domuIn.
SEC. z. Distribution Limit. - No quuIIIIed beneIIcIury muy
own more LIun LIree () IecLures oI ugrIcuILuruI Iund.
SEC. zq. Aucrd to enejicicries. - TIe rIgILs und
responsIbIIILIes oI LIe beneIIcIury sIuII commence Irom
LIe LIme LIe DAR mukes un uwurd oI LIe Iund Lo IIm,
wIIcI uwurd sIuII be compIeLed wILIIn one Iundred
eIgILy (18o) duys Irom LIe LIme LIe DAR Lukes ucLuuI
possessIon oI LIe Iund. OwnersIIp oI LIe beneIIcIury sIuII
be evIdenced by u CerLIIIcuLe oI und OwnersIIp Awurd,
wIIcI sIuII conLuIn LIe resLrIcLIons und condILIons
provIded Ior In LIIs AcL, und sIuII be recorded In LIe
RegIsLer oI Deeds concerned und unnoLuLed on LIe
SEC. z. Aucrd Ceilins jor enejicicries. - BeneIIcIurIes
sIuII be uwurded un ureu noL exceedIng LIree () IecLures,
wIIcI muy cover u conLIguous LrucL oI Iund or severuI
purceIs oI Iund cumuIuLed up Lo LIe prescrIbed uwurd
or purposes oI LIIs AcL, u IundIess beneIIcIury Is one wIo
owns Iess LIun LIree () IecLures oI ugrIcuILuruI Iund. TIe
beneIIcIurIes muy opL Ior coIIecLIve ownersIIp, sucI us co-
workers or Iurmers' cooperuLIve or some oLIer Iorm oI
coIIecLIve orgunIzuLIon: Protided, TIuL LIe LoLuI ureu LIuL
muy be uwurded sIuII noL exceed LIe LoLuI number oI co-
workers or members oI LIe cooperuLIve or coIIecLIve
orgunIzuLIon muILIpIIed by LIe uwurd IImIL ubove
prescrIbed, excepL In merILorIous cuses us deLermIned by
LIe PARC. TILIe Lo LIe properLy sIuII be Issued In LIe nume
oI LIe co-owners or LIe cooperuLIve or coIIecLIve
orgunIzuLIon us LIe cuse muy be.
SEC. z6. Pcment b enejicicries. - unds uwurded
pursuunL Lo LIIs AcL sIuII be puId Ior by LIe beneIIcIurIes Lo
LIe BP In LIIrLy (o) unnuuI umorLIzuLIons uL sIx percenL
(6%) InLeresL per unnum. TIe puymenLs Ior LIe IIrs LIree
() yeurs uILer LIe uwurd muy be uL reduced umounLs us
esLubIIsIed by LIe PARC : Protided, TIuL LIe IIrsL IIve ()
unnuuI puymenLs muy noL be more LIun IIve percenL (%)
oI LIe vuIue oI LIe unnuuI gross producLIon Is puId us
esLubIIsIed by LIe DAR. SIouId LIe scIeduIed unnuuI
puymenLs uILer LIe IIILI yeur exceed Len percenL (1o) oI LIe
unnuuI gross producLIon und LIe IuIIure Lo produce
uccordIngIy Is noL due Lo LIe beneIIcIury's IuuIL, LIe BP
muy reduce LIe InLeresL ruLe or reduce LIe prIncIpuI
obIIguLIon Lo muke LIe puymenL uIIordubIe.
TIe BP sIuII Iuve u IIen by wuy oI morLguge on LIe Iund
uwurded Lo beneIIcIury und LIIs morLguge muy be
IorecIosed by LIe BP Ior non-puymenL oI un uggreguLe oI
LIree () unnuuI umorLIzuLIons. TIe BP sIuII udvIse LIe
DAR oI sucI proceedIngs und LIe IuLLer sIuII subsequenLIy
uwurd LIe IorIeILed IundIoIdIng Lo oLIer quuIIIIed
beneIIcIurIes. A beneIIcIury wIose Iund us provIded IereIn
Ius been IorecIosed sIuII LIereuILer be permunenLIy
dIsquuIIIIed Irom becomIng u beneIIcIury under LIIs AcL.
SEC. z;. Trcnsjercbilit oj Aucrded Lcnds. - unds
ucquIred by beneIIcIurIes under LIIs AcL muy noL be soId,
LrunsIerred or conveyed excepL LIrougI IeredILury
successIon, or Lo LIe governmenL, or Lo LIe BP, or Lo
oLIer quuIIIIed beneIIcIurIes Ior u perIod oI Len (1o)
yeurs:Protided, houeter, TIuL LIe cIIIdren or LIe spouse
oI LIe LrunsIeror sIuII Iuve u rIgIL Lo repurcIuse LIe Iund
Irom LIe governmenL or BP wILIIn u perIod oI Lwo (z)
yeurs. Due noLIce oI LIe uvuIIubIIILy oI LIe Iund sIuII be
gIven by LIe BP Lo LIe Burunguy AgrurIun ReIorm
CommILLee (BARC) oI LIe burunguy wIere LIe Iund Is
sILuuLed. TIe ProvIncIuI AgrurIun CoordInuLIng CommILLee
(PARCCOM), us IereIn provIded, sIuII, In Lurn, be gIven
due noLIce LIereoI by LIe BARC.
I LIe Iund Ius noL yeL been IuIIy puId by LIe beneIIcIury,
LIe rIgIL Lo LIe Iund muy be LrunsIerred or conveyed, wILI
prIor upprovuI oI LIe DAR, Lo uny IeIr oI LIe beneIIcIury or
Lo uny oLIer beneIIcIury wIo, us u condILIon Ior sucI
LrunsIer or conveyunce, sIuII cuILIvuLe LIe Iund IImseII.
uIIIng compIIunce IerewILI, LIe Iund sIuII be LrunsIerred
Lo LIe BP wIIcI sIuII gIve due noLIce oI LIe uvuIIubIIILy oI
LIe Iund In LIe munner specIIIed In LIe ImmedIuLeIy
precedIng purugrupI.
n LIe evenL oI sucI LrunsIer Lo LIe BP, LIe IuLLer sIuII
compensuLe LIe beneIIcIury In one Iump sum Ior LIe
umounLs LIe IuLLer Ius uIreudy puId, LogeLIer wILI LIe
vuIue oI ImprovemenLs Ie Ius mude on LIe Iund.
SEC. z8 . Stcndin Crops ct the Time oj Acquisition. - TIe
Iundowner sIuII reLuIn IIs sIure oI uny sLundIng crops
unIurvesLed uL LIe LIme LIe DAR sIuII Luke possessIon oI
LIe Iund under SecLIon 16 oI LIIs AcL, und sIuII be gIven u
reusonubIe LIme Lo IurvesL LIe sume.

SEC. zq. Icrms Duned or Dpercted b Corporctions or
Dther usiness Associctions. - n LIe cuse oI Iurms owned
or operuLed by corporuLIons or oLIer busIness ussocIuLIons,
LIe IoIIowIng ruIes sIuII be observed by LIe PARC.
n generuI, Iunds sIuII be dIsLrIbuLed dIrecLIy Lo LIe
IndIvIduuI worker-beneIIcIurIes.
n cuse IL Is noL economIcuIIy IeusIbIe und sound Lo dIvIde
LIe Iund, LIen IL sIuII be owned coIIecLIveIy by LIe worker-
beneIIcIurIes wIo sIuII Iorm u workers' cooperuLIve or
ussocIuLIon wIIcI wIII deuI wILI LIe corporuLIon or
busIness ussocIuLIon. UnLII u new ugreemenL Is enLered
InLo by und beLween LIe workers' cooperuLIve or
ussocIuLIon und LIe corporuLIon or busIness ussocIuLIon,
uny ugreemenL exIsLIng uL LIe LIme LIIs AcL Lukes eIIecL
beLween LIe Iormer und LIe prevIous Iundowner sIuII be
respecLed by boLI LIe workers' cooperuLIve or ussocIuLIon
und LIe corporuLIon or busIness ussocIuLIon.
SEC. o. omelots cnd Icrmlots jor embers oj
Cooperctites. - TIe IndIvIduuI members oI LIe
cooperuLIves or corporuLIons menLIoned In LIe precedIng
secLIon sIuII be provIded wILI IomeIoLs und smuII IurmIoLs
Ior LIeIr IumIIy use, Lo be Luken Irom LIe Iund owned by
LIe cooperuLIve or corporuLIon.
SEC. 1. Corporcte Lcndouners. - CorporuLe Iundowners
muy voIunLurIIy LrunsIer ownersIIp over LIeIr ugrIcuILuruI
IundIoIdIngs Lo LIe RepubIIc oI LIe PIIIIppInes pursuunL
Lo SecLIon zo IereoI or Lo quuIIIIed beneIIcIurIes, under
sucI Lerms und condILIons consIsLenL wILI LIIs AcL, us LIey
muy ugree upon, subjecL Lo conIIrmuLIon by LIe DAR.
Upon cerLIIIcuLIon by LIe DAR, corporuLIons ownIng
ugrIcuILuruI Iunds muy gIve LIeIr quuIIIIed beneIIcIurIes LIe
rIgIL Lo purcIuse sucI proporLIon oI LIe cupILuI sLock oI
LIe corporuLIon LIuL LIe ugrIcuILuruI Iund, ucLuuIIy devoLed
Lo ugrIcuILuruI ucLIvILIes, beurs In reIuLIon Lo LIe compuny's
LoLuI usseLs, under sucI Lerms und condILIons us muy be
ugreed upon by LIem. n no cuse sIuII LIe compensuLIon
receIved by LIe workers uL LIe LIme LIe sIures oI sLocks ure
dIsLrIbuLed be reduced. TIe sume prIncIpIe sIuII be
uppIIed Lo ussocIuLIons, wILI respecL Lo LIeIr equILy or
CorporuLIons or ussocIuLIons wIIcI voIunLurIIy dIvesL u
proporLIon oI LIeIr cupILuI sLock, equILy or purLIcIpuLIon In
Iuvor oI LIeIr workers or oLIer quuIIIIed beneIIcIurIes
under LIIs secLIon sIuII be deemed Lo Iuve compIIed wILI
LIe provIsIons oI LIIs AcL: Protided, TIuL LIe IoIIowIng
condILIon ure compIIed wILI:
(u) n order Lo suIeguurd LIe rIgIL oI beneIIcIurIes wIo
own sIures oI sLocks Lo dIvIdends und oLIer IInuncIuI
beneIILs, LIe books oI LIe corporuLIon or ussocIuLIon
sIuII be subjecL Lo perIodIc uudIL by cerLIIIed pubIIc
uccounLunLs cIosen by LIe beneIIcIurIes;
(b) rrespecLIve oI LIe vuIue oI LIeIr equILy In LIe
corporuLIon or ussocIuLIon, LIe beneIIcIurIes sIuII be
ussured oI uL IeusL one (1) represenLuLIve In LIe bourd
oI dIrecLors, or In u munugemenL or execuLIve
commILLee, II one exIsLs, oI LIe corporuLIon or
(c) Any sIures ucquIred by sucI workers und
beneIIcIurIes sIuII Iuve LIe sume rIgILs und IeuLures
us uII oLIer sIures; und
(d) Any LrunsIer oI sIures oI sLocks by LIe orIgInuI
beneIIcIurIes sIuII be voId cb initio unIess suId
LrunsucLIon Is In Iuvor oI u quuIIIIed und regIsLered
beneIIcIury wILIIn LIe sume corporuLIon.
I wILIIn Lwo (z) yeurs Irom LIe upprovuI oI LIIs AcL, LIe
Iund or sLock LrunsIer envIsIoned ubove Is noL mude or
reuIIzed or LIe pIun Ior sucI sLock dIsLrIbuLIon upproved
by LIe PARC wILIIn LIe sume perIod, LIe ugrIcuILuruI Iund
oI LIe corporuLe owners or corporuLIon sIuII be subjecL Lo
LIe compuIsory coveruge oI LIIs AcL.
SEC. z. Production-Shcrin. - PendIng IInuI Iund
LrunsIer, IndIvIduuIs or enLILIes ownIng, or operuLIng under
Ieuse or munugemenL conLrucL, ugrIcuILuruI Iunds ure
Iereby munduLed Lo execuLe u producLIon-sIurIng pIun
wILI LIeIr Iurmworkers or Iurmworkers' orgunIzuLIon, II
uny, wIereby LIree percenL (%) oI LIe gross suIes Irom
LIe producLIon oI sucI Iunds ure dIsLrIbuLed wILIIn sIxLy
(6o) duys uL LIe end oI LIe IIscuI yeur us compensuLIon Lo
reguIur und oLIer Iurmworkers In sucI Iunds over und
ubove LIe compensuLIon LIey currenLIy receIve: Protided,
TIuL LIese IndIvIduuIs or enLILIes reuIIze gross suIes In
excess oI IIve mIIIIon pesos per unnum unIess LIe DAR,
upon proper uppIIcuLIon, deLermInes u Iower ceIIIng.cIun robIes
vIrLuuI Iuw IIbrury

n LIe evenL LIuL LIe IndIvIduuI or enLILy reuIIzes u proIIL,
un uddILIonuI Len percenL (1o%) oI LIe neL proIIL uILer Lux
sIuII be dIsLrIbuLed Lo suId reguIur und oLIer Iurmworkers
wILIIn nIneLy duys uL LIe end oI LIe IIscuI yeur. To IoresLuII
uny dIsrupLIon In LIe normuI operuLIon oI Iunds Lo be
Lurned over Lo LIe Iurmworker-beneIIcIurIes menLIoned
ubove, u LrunsILory perIod, LIe IengLI oI wIIcI sIuII be
deLermIned by LIe DAR, wIII be esLubIIsIed.
DurIng LIIs LrunsILory perIod, uL IeusL one percenL (1%) oI
LIe gross suIes oI LIe enLILy sIuII be dIsLrIbuLed Lo LIe
munugerIuI, supervIsory und LecInIcuI group In pIuce uL
LIe LIme oI LIe eIIecLIvILy oI LIIs AcL, us compensuLIon Ior
sucI LrunsILory munugerIuI und LecInIcuI IuncLIon IL wIII
perIorm, pursuunL Lo un ugreemenL LIuL LIe Iurmworker-
beneIIcIurIes und LIe munugerIuI, supervIsory und
LecInIcuI group muy concIude, subjecL Lo LIe upprovuI oI
SEC. . Pcment oj Shcres oj Cooperctite or
Associction. - SIures oI u cooperuLIve or ussocIuLIon
ucquIred by Iurmers-beneIIcIurIes or workers-beneIIcIurIes
sIuII be IuIIy puId Ior In un umounL correspondIng Lo LIe
vuIuuLIon us deLermIned In LIe ImmedIuLeIy succeedIng
secLIon. TIe Iundowner und LIe BP sIuII ussIsL LIe
Iurmer-beneIIcIurIes und worker-beneIIcIurIes In LIe
puymenL Ior suId sIures by provIdIng credIL IInuncIng.
SEC. q. Vcluction oj Lcnds. - A vuIuuLIon scIeme Ior LIe
Iund sIuII be IormuIuLed by LIe PARC, LukIng InLo uccounL
LIe IucLors enumeruLed In SecLIon 1;, In uddILIon Lo LIe
need Lo sLImuIuLe LIe growLI oI cooperuLIves und LIe
objecLIve oI IosLerIng responsIbIe purLIcIpuLIon oI LIe
workers-beneIIcIurIes In LIe creuLIon oI weuILI.
n LIe deLermInuLIon oI u prIce LIuL Is jusL noL onIy Lo LIe
IndIvIduuI buL Lo socIeLy us wIII, LIe PARC sIuII consuIL
cIoseIy wILI LIe Iundowner und LIe workers-beneIIcIurIes.
n cuse oI dIsugreemenL, LIe prIce deLermIned by LIe
PARC, II uccepLed by LIe workers-beneIIcIurIes, sIuII be
IoIIowed, wILIouL prejudIce Lo LIe Iundowner's rIgIL Lo
peLILIon LIe SpecIuI AgrurIun CourL Lo resoIve LIe Issue oI

SEC. . Crection oj Support Sertices Djjice. - TIere Is
Iereby creuLed LIe OIIIce oI SupporL ServIces under LIe
DAR Lo be Ieuded by un UndersecreLury.
TIe oIIIce sIuII provIde generuI supporL und coordInuLIve
servIces In LIe ImpIemenLuLIon oI LIe progrum,
purLIcuIurIy In curryIng ouL LIe provIsIons oI LIe IoIIowIng
servIces Lo Iurmer beneIIcIurIes und uIIecLed Iundowners:
(1) rrIguLIon IucIIILIes, especIuIIy second crop or dry
seuson IrrIguLIon IucIIILIes;
(z) nIrusLrucLure deveIopmenL und pubIIc works
projecLs In ureus und seLLIemenL LIuL come under
ugrurIun reIorm, und Ior LIIs purpose, LIe prepuruLIon
oI LIe pIysIcuI deveIopmenL pIun oI sucI seLLIemenLs
provIdIng suILubIe burunguy sILes, poLubIe wuLer und
power resources, IrrIguLIon sysLems, seeds und
seedIIng bunks, posL IurvesL IucIIILIes, und oLIer
IucIIILIes Ior u sound ugrIcuILuruI deveIopmenL pIun.
or LIe purpose oI provIdIng LIe uIorecILed
InIrusLrucLure und IucIIILIes, LIe DAR Is uuLIorIzed Lo
enLer InLo conLrucLs wILI InLeresLed prIvuLe purLIes on
Iong Lerm busIs or LIrougI joInL venLure ugreemenLs
or buIId-operuLe-LrunsIer scIeme:
() GovernmenL subsIdIes Ior LIe use oI IrrIguLIon
(q) PrIce supporL und guurunLee Ior uII ugrIcuILuruI
() ExLendIng Lo smuII Iundowners, Iurmers und
Iurmers' orgunIzuLIons LIe necessury credIL, IIke
concessIonuI und coIIuLeruI-Iree Iouns, Ior ugro-
IndusLrIuIIzuLIon bused on socIuI coIIuLeruIs IIke LIe
guurunLees oI Iurmers' orgunIzuLIons;
(6) PromoLIng, deveIopIng und exLendIng IInuncIuI
ussIsLunce Lo smuII und medIum-scuIe IndusLrIes In
ugrurIun reIorm ureus;
(;) AssIgnIng suIIIcIenL numbers oI ugrIcuILuruI
exLensIon workers Lo Iurmers' orgunIzuLIon;
(8) UnderLuke reseurcI, deveIopmenL und
dIssemInuLIon oI InIormuLIon on ugrurIun reIorm,
pIunLs und crops besL suILed Ior cuILIvuLIon und
murkeLIng, und Iow cosL und ecoIogIcuIIy sound Iurm
InpuLs und LecInoIogIes Lo mInImIze reIIunce on
expensIve und ImporLed ugrIcuILuruI InpuLs;
(q) DeveIopmenL oI cooperuLIve munugemenL skIIIs
LIrougI InLensIve LruInIng;cIun robIes vIrLuuI Iuw IIbrury
(q) AssIsLunce In LIe IdenLIIIcuLIon oI reudy murkeLs
Ior ugrIcuILuruI produce und LruInIng In LIe oLIer
vurIous uspecLs oI murkeLIng;
(1o) ConducL und eIIecLIve InIormuLIon dIssemInuLIon
sysLem LIrougI LIe DepurLmenL oI AgrIcuILure Lo
promoLe murkeLIng und mInImIze spoIIuge oI
ugrIcuILuruI produce und producLs;
(11) CreuLe u credIL guurunLee Iund Ior ugrIcuILuruI
Iundowners LIuL wIII enIunce LIe coIIuLeruI vuIue oI
ugrIcuILuruI Iunds LIuL ure uIIecLed or wIII be uIIecLed
by coveruge under LIe ugrurIun reIorm progrum; und
(1z) AdmInIsLruLIon, operuLIon, munugemenL und
IundIng oI supporL servIces progrums und projecLs
IncIudIng pIIoL projecLs und modeIs reIuLed Lo ugrurIun
reIorm us deveIoped by LIe DAR. (As umended by R. A. ;qo)
SEC. 6. Iundin jor Support Sertices. - n order Lo cover
LIe expenses und cosL oI supporL, uL IeusL LwenLy-IIve
percenL (z%) oI uII upproprIuLIons Ior ugrurIun reIorm
sIuII ImmedIuLeIy be seL usIde und mude uvuIIubIe Ior LIIs
purpose: Protided, TIuL Ior LIe nexL IIve () yeurs, u
mInImum oI one (1) AgrurIun ReIorm CommunILy (ARC)
sIuII be esLubIIsIed by LIe DAR, In coordInuLIon wILI LIe
IocuI governmenL unILs, non-governmenLuI orgunIzuLIons
und peopIe's orgunIzuLIons In eucI IegIsIuLIve dIsLrIcL wILI
u predomInunL ugrIcuILuruI popuIuLIon:Protided, jurther,
TIuL LIe ureus In wIIcI LIe ARCs ure Lo be esLubIIsIed
sIuII Iuve been IuIIy subjecLed under LIIs Iuw.
or LIIs purpose, un AgrurIun ReIorm CommunILy sIuII be
deIIned us u burunguy or u cIusLer oI burunguys prImurIIy
composed und munuged by AgrurIun ReIorm BeneIIcIurIes
wIo sIuII be wIIIIng Lo be orgunIzed und underLuke LIe
InLegruLed deveIopmenL oI un ureu undJor LIeIr
orgunIzuLIonsJcooperuLIves. n eucI communILy, LIe DAR,
LogeLIer wILI LIe ugencIes und orgunIzuLIons ubove
menLIoned, sIuII IdenLIIy LIe Iurmers' ussocIuLIon,
cooperuLIve or LIeIr respecLIve IederuLIons upproved by LIe
Iurmers-beneIIcIurIes LIuL sIuII Luke LIe Ieud In LIe
ugrIcuILuruI deveIopmenL oI LIe ureu. n uddILIon, LIe DAR
sIuII be uuLIorIzed Lo puckuge proposuIs und receIve
grunLs, uIds und oLIer Iorms oI IInuncIuI ussIsLunce Irom
uny source. (As umended by R. A. ;qo)
SEC. ;. Support Sertices to the enejicicries. - TIe PARC
sIuII ensure LIuL supporL servIces Lo Iurmer-beneIIcIurIes
ure provIded, sucI us:
(u) und surveys und LILIIng;
(b) IberuIIzed Lerms oI credIL IucIIILIes und producLIon
(c) ExLensIon servIces by wuy oI pIunLIng, croppIng,
producLIon und posL-IurvesL LecInoIogy LrunsIer us weII us
murkeLIng und munugemenL ussIsLunce und supporL Lo
cooperuLIves und Iurmer orgunIzuLIon;
(d) nIrusLrucLure sucI us uccess LruIIs, mInI-dums,
pubIIc uLIIILIes, murkeLIng und sLoruge IucIIILIes; und
(e) ReseurcI, producLIon und use oI orgunIc IerLIIIzers
und oLIer IocuI subsLunces necessury Lo IurmIng und
TIe PARC sIuII IormuIuLe poIIcIes Lo ensure LIuL supporL
servIces Lo Iurmer-beneIIcIurIes sIuII be provIded uL uII
sLuges oI Iund reIorm.
TIe con Kiluscn Kcbuhccn sc Kcunlcrcn (BKKK)
SecreLurIuL sIuII be LrunsIerred und uLLucIed Lo LIe BP,
Ior ILs supervIsIon, IncIudIng uII ILs uppIIcubIe und exIsLIng
Iunds, personneI, properLIes, equIpmenL und records.

MIsuse or dIversIon oI LIe IInuncIuI und supporL servIces
IereIn provIded sIuII resuIL In suncLIon uguInsL LIe
beneIIcIury guIILy LIereoI, IncIudIng LIe IorIeILure oI LIe
Iund LrunsIerred Lo IIm or Iesser suncLIons us muy be
provIded by LIe PARC, wILIouL prejudIce Lo crImInuI
SEC. 8. Support Sertices to Lcndouners. - TIe PARC,
wILI LIe ussIsLunce oI sucI oLIer governmenL ugencIes und
InsLrumenLuIILIes us IL muy dIrecL, sIuII provIde
Iundowners uIIecLed by LIe CARP und proper ugrurIun
reIorm progrums wILI LIe IoIIowIng servIces:
(u) nvesLmenL InIormuLIon, IInuncIuI und counseIIng
(b) ucIIILIes, progrums und scIemes Ior LIe conversIon
or excIunge oI bonds Issued Ior puymenL oI LIe Iunds
ucquIred wILI sLocks und bonds Issued by LIe NuLIonuI
GovernmenL, LIe cenLruI bunk und oLIer governmenL
InsLILuLIons und InsLrumenLuIILIes;
(c) MurkeLIng oI BP bonds, us weII us promoLIng LIe
murkeLubIIILy oI suId bonds In LrudILIonuI und non-
LrudILIonuI IInuncIuI murkeLs und sLock excIunges;
(d) OLIer servIces desIgned Lo uLIIIze producLIveIy LIe
proceeds oI LIe suIe oI sucI Iunds Ior ruruI

A Iundowner wIo InvesLs In ruruI-bused IndusLrIes sIuII be
enLILIed Lo LIe IncenLIves grunLed Lo u regIsLered enLerprIse
enguged In u pIoneer or preIerred ureu oI InvesLmenL us
provIded Ior In LIe OmnIbus nvesLmenL Code oI 1q8;, or
Lo sucI oLIer IncenLIves us LIe PARC, LIe BP, or oLIer
governmenL IInuncIuI InsLILuLIons muy provIde.
TIe BP sIuII redeem u Iundowner's BP bonds uL Iuce
vuIue: Protided, LIuL LIe proceeds LIereoI sIuII be
InvesLed In u BO- regIsLered compuny or In uny ugrI-
busIness or ugro-IndusLrIuI enLerprIse In LIe regIon wIere
LIe Iundowner Ius prevIousIy mude InvesLmenLs, Lo LIe
exLenL oI LIIrLy percenL (o%) oI LIe Iuce vuIue oI suId BP
bonds, subjecL Lo guIdeIInes LIuL sIuII be Issued by LIe
SEC. q. Lcnd Consolidction. - LIe DAR sIuII curry ouL
Iund consoIIduLIon projecLs Lo promoLe equuI dIsLrIbuLIon
oI IundIoIdIngs, Lo provIde LIe needed InIrusLrucLure In
ugrIcuILure, und Lo conserve soII IerLIIILy und prevenL

SEC. qo. Specicl Arecs oj Concern. - As un InLegruI purL oI
LIe CompreIensIve AgrurIun ReIorm Progrum, LIe
IoIIowIng prIncIpIes In LIese specIuI ureus oI concern sIuII
be observed:
(1) Subsistence Iishin. - SmuII IIsIer IoIk, IncIudIng
seuweed Iurmers, sIuII be ussured oI greuLer uccess Lo
LIe uLIIIzuLIon oI wuLer resources;
(z) Loin cnd inin concessions. - SubjecL Lo LIe
requIremenL oI u buIunced ecoIogy und conservuLIon
oI wuLer resources, suILubIe ureus, us deLermIned by
LIe DepurLmenL oI EnvIronmenL und NuLuruI
Resources (DENR), In IoggIng, mInIng und pusLure
ureus, musL be opened up Ior ugrurIun seLLIemenLs
wIose beneIIcIurIes wIII be requIred Lo underLuke
reIoresLuLIon und conservuLIon oI producLs meLIods.
SubjecL Lo exIsLIng Iuws, ruIes und reguIuLIon, seLLIers
und members oI LrIbuI communILIes musL be uIIowed
Lo enjoy und expIoIL LIe producLs oI LIe IoresLs oLIer
LIun LImber wILIIn LIe IoggIng concessIons.
() Spcrsel Dccupied Public Ariculturcl lcnds. -
SpurseIy occupIed ugrIcuILuruI Iunds oI LIe pubIIc
domuIn wIII be surveyed, procIuImed und deveIoped
us Iurm seLLIemenLs Ior quuIIIIed IundIess peopIe
bused on un orgunIzed progrum Lo ensure LIeIr
orderIy und eurIy deveIopmenL
AgrIcuILuruI Iund uIIocuLIons wIII be mude Ior IdeuI
IumIIy-sIzed Iurms us deLermIned by LIe PARC.
PIoneers und oLIer seLLIers wIII be LreuLed equuIIy In
every respecL.
SubjecL Lo LIe prIor rIgILs oI quuIIIIed beneIIcIurIes,
uncuILIvuLed Iunds oI LIe pubIIc domuIn sIuII be mude
uvuIIubIe on u Ieuse busIs Lo InLeresLed und quuIIIIed
purLIes. PurLIes wIo wIII enguge In LIe deveIopmenL oI
cupILuI-InLensIve, LrudILIonuI or pIoneerIng crops wIII
be gIven prIorILy.
TIe Ieuse perIod, wIIcI sIuII noL be more LIun u LoLuI
oI IIILy (o) yeurs, sIuII be proporLIonuLe Lo LIe
umounL oI InvesLmenL und producLIon gouIs oI LIe
Iessee. A sysLem oI evuIuuLIon und uudIL wIII be
(q) Idle, cbcndoned, joreclosed cnd sequestered
lcnds. - dIe, ubundoned, IorecIosed und sequesLered
Iunds sIuII be pIunned Ior dIsLrIbuLIon us IomeIoLs
und IumIIy-sIzed Iurm IoLs Lo ucLuuI occupunLs. I Iund
ureu permILs, oLIer IundIess IumIIIes wIII be
uccommoduLed In LIese Iunds.
() Rurcl Women. - AII quuIIIIed women members oI
LIe ugrIcuILuruI Iubor Iorce musL be guurunLeed und
ussured equuI rIgILs Lo ownersIIp oI LIe Iund, equuI
sIures oI LIe Iurm's produce, und represenLuLIon In
udvIsory or upproprIuLe decIsIon-mukIng bodIes.cIun
robIes vIrLuuI Iuw IIbrury
(6) Vetercns cnd Retirees. - n uccordunce wILI
SecLIon ; oI ArLIcIe XV oI LIe ConsLILuLIon, IundIess
wur veLeruns und veLeruns oI mIIILury cumpuIgns, LIeIr
survIvIng spouse und orpIuns, reLIrees oI LIe Armed
orces oI LIe PIIIIppInes (AP) und LIe nLegruLed
NuLIonuI PoIIce (NP), reLurnees, surrenderees, und
sImIIur beneIIcIurIes sIuII be gIven due consIderuLIon
In LIe dIsposILIon oI ugrIcuILuruI Iunds oI LIe pubIIc
(;) Ariculture Grcductes. - GruduuLes oI ugrIcuILuruI
scIooIs wIo ure IundIess sIuII be ussIsLed by LIe
governmenL, LIrougI LIe DAR, In LIeIr desIre Lo own
und LIII ugrIcuILuruI Iunds.

SEC. q1. The Presidenticl Arcricn Rejorm Council. - TIe
PresIdenLIuI AgrurIun ReIorm CouncII (PARC) sIuII be
composed oI LIe PresIdenL oI LIe PIIIIppInes us CIuIrmun,
LIe SecreLury oI AgrurIun ReIorm us VIce-CIuIrmun und
LIe IoIIowIng us members: SecreLurIes oI LIe DepurLmenLs
oI AgrIcuILure; EnvIronmenL und NuLuruI Resources;
BudgeL und MunugemenL ; ocuI GovernmenL; PubIIc
Works und HIgIwuys; Trude und ndusLry; Inunce; ubor
und EmpIoymenL; DIrecLor-GeneruI oI LIe NuLIonuI
EconomIc und DeveIopmenL AuLIorILy; PresIdenL, und
Bunk oI LIe PIIIIppInes; AdmInIsLruLor, NuLIonuI rrIguLIon
AdmInIsLruLIon; und LIree () represenLuLIves oI uIIecLed
Iundowners Lo represenL uzon, VIsuyus und
MIndunuo: Protided, LIuL one oI LIem sIuII be Irom LIe
cuILuruI communILIes.
SEC. qz. Executite Committee. - TIere sIuII be un
ExecuLIve CommILLee (EXCOM) oI LIe PARC composed oI
LIe SecreLury oI LIe DAR us CIuIrmun, und sucI oLIer
members us LIe presIdenL muy desIgnuLe, LukIng InLo
uccounL ArLIcIe X, SecLIon oI LIe ConsLILuLIon. UnIess
oLIerwIse dIrecLed by LIe PARC, LIe EXCOM muy meeL
und decIde on uny und uII muLLers In beLween meeLIngs oI
LIe PARC: Protided, houeter, TIuL ILs decIsIons musL be
reporLed Lo LIe PARC ImmedIuLeIy und noL IuLer LIun LIe
nexL meeLIng.
SEC. q. Secretcrict. - A PARC SecreLurIuL Is Iereby
esLubIIsIed Lo provIde generuI supporL und coordInuLIve
servIces sucI us InLer-ugency IInkuges; progrum und
projecL uppruIsuI und evuIuuLIon und generuI operuLIons
monILorIng Ior LIe PARC.
TIe SecreLurIuL sIuII be Ieuded by LIe SecreLury oI
AgrurIun ReIorm wIo sIuII be ussIsLed by un
UndersecreLury und supporLed by u sLuII wIose
composILIon sIuII be deLermIned by LIe PARC ExecuLIve
CommILLee und wIose compensuLIon sIuII be cIurgeubIe
uguInsL LIe AgrurIun ReIorm und. AII oIIIcers und
empIoyees oI LIe SecreLurIuL sIuII be uppoInLed by LIe
SecreLury oI AgrurIun ReIorm.
SEC. qq. Protincicl Arcricn Rejorm Coordinctin
Committee (PARCCD). - A ProvIncIuI AgrurIun ReIorm
CoordInuLIng CommILLee Is Iereby creuLed In eucI
provInce, composed oI u CIuIrmun, wIo sIuII be
uppoInLed by LIe PresIdenL upon LIe recommenduLIon oI
LIe EXCOM, LIe ProvIncIuI AgrurIun ReIorm OIIIcer us
ExecuLIve OIIIcer, und one (1) represenLuLIve eucI Irom LIe
DepurLmenL oI AgrIcuILure, DepurLmenL oI EnvIronmenL
und NuLuruI Resources und Irom LIe BP; one (1)
represenLuLIve eucI Irom exIsLIng Iurmers' orgunIzuLIons,
ugrIcuILuruI cooperuLIves und non-governmenLuI
orgunIzuLIons In LIe provInce; Lwo (z) represenLuLIves Irom
Iundowners uL IeusL one (1) oI wIom sIuII be u producer
represenLIng LIe prIncIpuI crop oI LIe provInce; und Lwo
(z) represenLuLIves Irom Iurmers und Iurm workers or
beneIIcIurIes, uL IeusL one (1) oI wIom sIuII be u Iurmer or
Iurmworker represenLIng LIe prIncIpuI crop oI LIe
provInce, us members:Protided, TIuL In ureus wIere LIere
ure cuILuruI communILIes, LIe IuLLer sIuII IIkewIse Iuve one
(1) represenLuLIve.
TIe PARCCOM sIuII coordInuLe und monILor LIe
ImpIemenLuLIon oI LIe CARP In LIe provInce. L sIuII
provIde InIormuLIon on LIe provIsIons oI LIe CARP,
guIdeIInes Issued by LIe PARC und on LIe progress oI LIe
CARP In LIe provInce. n uddILIon, IL sIuII:
(u) Recommend Lo LIe PARC LIe IoIIowIng :
(1) MurkeL prIce Lo be used In LIe deLermInuLIon oI
LIe proIIL-sIurIng obIIguLIon oI ugrIcuILuruI enLILIes In
LIe provInce;
(z) AdopLIon oI LIe dIrecL puymenL scIeme beLween
LIe Iundowner und LIe Iurmer undJor Iurmworker-
beneIIcIury: Protided, LIuL LIe umounL und Lerms oI
puymenL ure noL more burdensome Lo LIe ugrurIun
reIorm beneIIcIury LIun under LIe compuIsory
coveruge provIsIon oI LIe
CAR: Protided, jurther, TIuL LIe ugrurIun reIorm
beneIIcIury ugrees Lo LIe umounL und LIe Lerms oI
puymenL :Protided, jurthermore, TIuL LIe DAR sIuII
ucL us medIuLor In cuses oI dIsugreemenL beLween LIe
Iundowner und LIe Iurmer undJor Iurmworker-
beneIIcIury: Protided, jincll, TIuL LIe Iurmer undJor
Iurmer-beneIIcIury sIuII be eIIgIbIe Lo borrow Irom LIe
BP un umounL equuI Lo eIgILy-IIve percenL (8%) oI
LIe seIIIng prIce oI LIe Iund LIuL LIey Iuve ucquIred;
() ConLInuous processIng oI uppIIcuLIons Ior Ieuse-
buck urrungemenLs, joInL venLure ugreemenLs und
oLIer scIemes LIuL wIII opLImIze LIe operuLIng sIze Ior
ugrIcuILure producLIon und uIso promoLe boLI securILy
oI Lenure und securILy oI Income Lo Iurmer
beneIIcIurIes:Protided, TIuL Ieuse-buck urrungemenLs
sIouId be LIe IusL resorL. (As umended by R. A. ;qo)
SEC. q Protince-b-Protince Implementction. - TIe
PARC sIuII provIde LIe guIdeIInes Ior LIe provInce-by-
provInce ImpIemenLuLIon oI LIe CARP, LukIng InLo uccounL
pecuIIurILIes und needs oI eucI pIuce, kInd oI crops needed
or suILed, Iund dIsLrIbuLIon workIoud, beneIIcIurIes'
deveIopmenL ucLIvILIes und oLIer IucLors prevuIenL or
obLuInIng In LIe ureu. n uII cuses, LIe ImpIemenLIng
ugencIes uL LIe provIncIuI IeveI sIuII promoLe LIe
deveIopmenL oI IdenLIIIed ARCs wILIouL negIecLIng LIe
needs und probIems oI oLIer beneIIcIurIes. TIe Len-yeur
progrum oI dIsLrIbuLIon oI pubIIc und prIvuLe Iund In eucI
provInce sIuII be udjusLed Irom yeur Lo yeur by LIe
provInce's PARCCOM In uccordunce wILI LIe IeveI oI
operuLIons prevIousIy esLubIIsIed by LIe PARC, In every
cuse ensurIng LIuL supporL servIces ure uvuIIubIe or Iuve
been progrummed beIore ucLuuI dIsLrIbuLIon Is eIIecLed. (As
umended by R. A. ;qo)
SEC. q6 . crcnc Arcricn Rejorm Committee (BARC).
- UnIess oLIerwIse provIded In LIIs AcL, LIe provIsIons oI
ExecuLIve Order No. zzq regurdIng LIe orgunIzuLIon oI LIe
Burunguy AgrurIun ReIorm CommILLee (BARC) sIuII be In
SEC. q;. Iunctions oj the BARC. - n uddILIon Lo LIose
provIded In ExecuLIve Order No. zzq, LIe BARC sIuII Iuve
LIe IoIIowIng IuncLIon:
(u) MedIuLe und concIIIuLe beLween purLIes InvoIved In
un ugrurIun dIspuLe IncIudIng muLLers reIuLed Lo
LenurIuI und IInuncIuI urrungemenLs;
(b) AssIsL In LIe IdenLIIIcuLIon oI quuIIIIed
beneIIcIurIes und Iundowners wILIIn LIe burunguy;
(c) ALLesL Lo LIe uccurucy oI LIe InILIuI purceIIury
muppIng oI LIe beneIIcIury's LIIIuge;
(d) AssIsL quuIIIIed beneIIcIurIes In obLuInIng credIL
Irom IendIng InsLILuLIons;
(e) AssIsL In LIe InILIuI deLermInuLIon oI LIe vuIue oI
LIe Iund;
(I) AssIsL LIe DAR represenLuLIve In LIe prepuruLIon oI
perIodIc reporLs on LIe CARP ImpIemenLuLIon Ior
submIssIon Lo LIe DAR;
(g) CoordInuLe LIe deIIvery oI supporL servIces Lo
beneIIcIurIes; und
(I) PerIorm sucI oLIer IuncLIons us muy be ussIgned
by LIe DAR .
(z) TIe BARC sIuII endeuvor Lo medIuLe, concIIIuLe und
seLLIe ugrurIun dIspuLes Iodged beIore IL wILIIn LIIrLy (o)
duys Irom ILs LukIng cognIzunce LIereoI. I uILer LIe Iupse
oI LIe LIIrLy duy perIod, IL Is unubIe Lo seLLIe LIe dIspuLe, IL
sIuII Issue u cerLIIIcuLIon oI ILs proceedIngs und sIuII
IurnIsI u copy LIereoI upon LIe purLIes wILIIn seven (;)
duys Irom LIe expIruLIon oI LIe LIIrLy duys perIod.
SEC. q8. Lecl Assistcnce. - TIe BARC or uny member
LIereoI muy, wIenever necessury In LIe exercIse oI uny oI
ILs IuncLIons Iereunder, seek LIe IeguI ussIsLunce oI LIe
DAR und LIe provIncIuI, cILy, or munIcIpuI governmenL.
SEC. qq. Rules cnd Reulctions. - TIe PARC und LIe DAR
sIuII Iuve LIe power Lo Issue ruIes und reguIuLIons,
wIeLIer subsLunLIve or proceduruI, Lo curry ouL LIe objecLs
und purposes oI LIIs AcL. SuId ruIes sIuII Luke eIIecL Len
(1o) duys uILer pubIIcuLIon In Lwo (z) nuLIonuI newspupers
oI generuI cIrcuIuLIon.

SEC. o. Qucsi-1udicicl Pouers oj the DAR. - TIe DAR Is
Iereby vesLed wILI prImury jurIsdIcLIon Lo deLermIne und
udjudIcuLe ugrurIun reIorm muLLers und sIuII Iuve
excIusIve orIgInuI jurIsdIcLIon over uII muLLers InvoIvIng
LIe ImpIemenLuLIon oI ugrurIun reIorm, excepL LIose
IuIIIng under LIe excIusIve jurIsdIcLIon oI LIe DepurLmenL
oI AgrIcuILuruI (DA) und LIe DepurLmenL oI EnvIronmenL
und NuLuruI Resources (DENR).
L sIuII noL be bound by LecInIcuI ruIes oI procedure und
evIdence buL sIuII proceed Lo Ieur und decIde uII cuses,
dIspuLes or conLroversIes In u mosL expedILIous munner,
empIoyIng uII reusonubIe meuns Lo uscerLuIn LIe IucLs oI
every cuse In uccordunce wILI equILy und LIe merILs oI LIe
cuse. Towurd LIIs end, IL sIuII udopL u unIIorm ruIe oI
procedure Lo ucIIeve u jusL, expedILIous und InexpensIve
deLermInuLIon oI every ucLIon or proceedIng beIore IL.
L sIuII Iuve LIe power Lo summon wILnesses, udmInIsLer
ouLIs, Luke LesLImony, requIre submIssIon oI reporLs,
compeI LIe producLIon oI books und documenLs und
unswers Lo InLerroguLorIes und Issue subpoenu,
und subpoenc duces tecum und Lo enIorce ILs wrILs
LIrougI sIerIIIs or oLIer duIy depuLIzed oIIIcers. L sIuII
IIkewIse Iuve LIe power Lo punIsI dIrecL und IndIrecL
conLempL In LIe sume munner und subjecL Lo LIe sume
penuILIes us provIded In LIe RuIes oI CourL .
RepresenLuLIves oI Iurmer Ieuders sIuII be uIIowed Lo
represenL LIemseIves, LIeIr IeIIow Iurmers or LIeIr
orgunIzuLIons In uny proceedIngs beIore LIe
DAR: Protided, houeter, LIuL wIen LIere ure Lwo or more
represenLuLIves Ior uny IndIvIduuI or group, LIe
represenLuLIves sIouId cIoose onIy one umong LIemseIves
Lo represenL sucI purLy or group beIore uny DAR
proceedIngs.cIun robIes vIrLuuI Iuw IIbrury
NoLwILIsLundIng un uppeuI Lo LIe CourL oI AppeuIs, LIe
decIsIon oI LIe DAR sIuII be ImmedIuLeIy execuLory.
SEC. 1. Iinclit oj Determinction. - Any cuse or
conLroversy beIore IL sIuII be decIded wILIIn LIIrLy (o)
duys uILer IL Is submILLed Ior resoIuLIon. OnIy one (1)
moLIon Ior consIderuLIon sIuII be uIIowed. Any order,
ruIIng or decIsIon sIuII be IInuI uILer LIe Iupse oI IIILeen
(1) duys Irom receIpL oI u copy LIereoI.
SEC. z. Iritolous Appecls. - To dIscouruge IrIvoIous or
dIIuLory uppeuIs Irom LIe decIsIons or orders on LIe IocuI
or provIncIuI IeveIs, LIe DAR muy Impose reusonubIe
penuILIes, IncIudIng buL noL IImILed Lo, IInes or censures
upon errIng purLIes.
SEC. . Certijicction oj BARC. - TIe DAR sIuII noL Luke
cognIzunce oI uny ugrurIun dIspuLe or conLroversy unIess u
cerLIIIcuLIon Irom LIe BARC LIuL LIe dIspuLe Ius been
submILLed Lo IL Ior medIuLIon und concIIIuLIon wILIouL uny
success oI seLLIemenL Is presenLed: Protided,
houeter, LIuL II no cerLIIIcuLIon Is Issued by LIe BARC
wILIIn LIIrLy (o) duys uILer u muLLer or Issue Is submILLed
Lo IL Ior medIuLIon or concIIIuLIon, LIe cuse or dIspuLe muy
be brougIL beIore LIe PARC.

SEC. q. Certiorcri. - Any decIsIon, order, uwurd or ruIIng
oI LIe DAR on uny ugrurIun dIspuLe or on uny muLLer
perLuInIng Lo LIe uppIIcuLIon, ImpIemenLuLIon,
enIorcemenL, or InLerpreLuLIon oI LIIs AcL und oLIer
perLInenL Iuws on ugrurIun reIorm muy be brougIL Lo LIe
CourL oI AppeuIs by cerLIorurI excepL us oLIerwIse
provIded In LIIs AcL wILIIn IIILeen (1) duys Irom receIpL oI
u copy LIereoI.
TIe IIndIngs oI IucL oI LIe DAR sIuII be IInuI und
concIusIve II bused on subsLunLIuI evIdence.
SEC . . No Restrcinin Drder or Prelimincr
Injunction.- No courL In LIe PIIIIppInes sIuII Iuve
jurIsdIcLIon Lo Issue uny resLruInIng order or wrIL oI
preIImInury InjuncLIon uguInsL PARC or uny oI ILs duIy
uuLIorIzed or desIgnuLed ugencIes In uny cuse, dIspuLe or
conLroversy urIsIng Irom, necessury Lo, or In connecLIon
wILI LIe uppIIcuLIon, ImpIemenLuLIon, enIorcemenL, or
InLerpreLuLIon oI LIIs AcL und oLIer perLInenL Iuws on
ugrurIun reIorm.
SEC. 6. Specicl Arcricn Court. - TIe supreme CourL
sIuII desIgnuLe uL IeusL one (1) bruncI oI LIe RegIonuI TrIuI
CourL (RTC) wILIIn eucI provInce Lo ucL us u SpecIuI
AgrurIun CourL.
TIe Supreme CourL muy desIgnuLe more bruncIes Lo
consLILuLIon sucI uddILIonuI SpecIuI AgrurIun CourLs us
muy be necessury Lo cope wILI LIe number oI ugrurIun
cuses In eucI provInce. n LIe desIgnuLIon, LIe Supreme
CourL sIuII gIve preIerence Lo LIe RegIonuI TrIuI CourLs
wIIcI Iuve been ussIgned Lo IundIe ugrurIun cuses or
wIose presIdIng judges were Iormer judges oI LIe deIuncL
CourL oI AgrurIun ReIuLIons.
TIe RegIonuI TrIuI CourL (RTC) judges ussIgned Lo suId
courLs sIuII exercIse suId specIuI jurIsdIcLIon In uddILIon Lo
LIe reguIur jurIsdIcLIon oI LIeIr respecLIve courLs.
TIe SpecIuI AgrurIun CourLs sIuII Iuve LIe power und
preroguLIves InIerenL In or beIongIng Lo LIe RegIonuI TrIuI
SEC. ;. Specicl 1urisdiction . - TIe SpecIuI AgrurIun
CourLs sIuII Iuve orIgInuI und excIusIve jurIsdIcLIon over
uII peLILIons Ior LIe deLermInuLIon oI jusL compensuLIon Lo
Iundowners, und LIe prosecuLIon oI uII crImInuI oIIenses
under LIIs AcL. TIe RuIes oI CourL sIuII uppIy Lo uII
proceedIngs beIore LIe SpecIuI AgrurIun CourLs unIess
modIIIed by LIIs AcL.
TIe SpecIuI AgrurIun CourLs sIuII decIde uII upproprIuLe
cuses under LIeIr specIuI jurIsdIcLIon wILIIn LIIrLy (o)
duys Irom submIssIon oI LIe cuse Ior decIsIon.
SEC. 8. Appointment oj Commissioners. - TIe SpecIuI
AgrurIun CourLs, upon LIeIr own InILIuLIve or uL LIe
InsLunce oI uny oI LIe purLIes, muy uppoInL one or more
commIssIoners Lo exumIne, InvesLIguLe und uscerLuIn IucLs
reIevunL Lo LIe dIspuLe, IncIudIng LIe vuIuuLIon oI
properLIes, und Lo IIIe u wrILLen reporL LIereoI wILI LIe
SEC. q. Drders oj the Specicl Arcricn Courts. - No
order oI LIe SpecIuI AgrurIun CourLs on uny Issue,
quesLIon, muLLer or IncIdenL ruIsed beIore LIem sIuII be
eIevuLed Lo LIe uppeIIuLe courLs unLII LIe IeurIng sIuII Iuve
been LermInuLed und LIe cuse decIded on LIe merILs.
SEC. 6o. Appecls.- An uppeuI muy be Luken Irom LIe
decIsIon oI LIe SpecIuI AgrurIun CourLs by IIIIng u peLILIon
Ior revIew wILI LIe CourL oI AppeuIs IIILeen (1) duys Irom
receIpL oI noLIce oI LIe decIsIon; oLIerwIse, LIe decIsIon
sIuII become IInuI.
An uppeuI Irom LIe decIsIon oI LIe CourL oI AppeuIs, or
Irom uny order, ruIIng or decIsIon oI DAR, us LIe cuse muy
be, sIuII be by u peLILIon Ior revIew wILI LIe Supreme
CourL wILIIn u non-exLendIbIe perIod oI IIILeen (1) duys
Irom receIpL oI u copy oI suId decIsIon.
SEC. 61. Procedure on Retieu. - RevIew by LIe CourL oI
AppeuIs or LIe Supreme CourL, us LIe cuse muy be, sIuII be
governed by LIe RuIes oI CourL. TIe CourL oI AppeuIs,
Iowever, muy requIre LIe purLIes Lo IIIe sImuILuneous
memorundu wILIIn u perIod oI IIILeen (1) duys Irom
noLIce, uILer wIIcI LIe cuse Is deemed submILLed Ior
SEC. 6z. Prejerenticl Attention in Courts. - AII courLs In
LIe PIIIIppInes, boLI LrIuI und uppeIIuLe, ure Iereby
enjoIned Lo gIve preIerenLIuI uLLenLIon Lo uII cuses urIsIng
Irom or In connecLIon wILI LIe ImpIemenLuLIon oI LIe
provIsIons oI LIIs AcL.
AII cuses pendIng In courL urIsIng Irom or In connecLIon
wILI LIe ImpIemenLuLIon oI LIIs AcL sIuII conLInue Lo be
Ieurd, LrIed und decIded InLo LIeIr IInuIILy,
noLwILIsLundIng LIe expIruLIon oI LIe Len-yeur perIod
menLIoned In SecLIon IereoI.

SEC. 6. Iundin Source.- TIe InILIuI umounL needed Lo
ImpIemenL LIIs AcL Ior LIe perIod oI Len (1o) yeurs upon
upprovuI IereoI sIuII be Iunded Irom LIe AgrurIun ReIorm
und creuLed under SecLIons zo und z1 oI ExecuLIve Order
No. zzq.AddILIonuI umounLs ure Iereby uuLIorIzed Lo be
upproprIuLed us und wIen needed Lo uugmenL LIe AgrurIun
ReIorm und In order Lo IuIIy ImpIemenL LIe provIsIons oI
Sources oI IundIng or upproprIuLIons sIuII IncIude LIe
(u) Proceeds oI LIe suIes oI LIe AsseLs PrIvuLIzuLIon
(b) AII receIpLs Irom usseLs recovered und Irom suIe oI
III-goLLen weuILI recovered LIrougI LIe PresIdenLIuI
CommIssIon on Good GovernmenL;
(c) Proceeds oI LIe dIsposILIon oI LIe properLIes oI LIe
GovernmenL In IoreIgn counLrIes;
(d) PorLIon oI umounLs uccruIng Lo LIe PIIIIppInes Irom
uII sources or oIIIcIuI IoreIgn uId grunLs und concessIonuI
IInuncIng Irom uII counLrIes, Lo be used Ior LIe specIIIc
purposes oI IInuncIng producLIon credILs, InIrusLrucLures,
und oLIer supporL servIces requIred by LIIs AcL;
(e) OLIer governmenL Iunds noL oLIerwIse
upproprIuLed.cIun robIes vIrLuuI Iuw IIbrury
AII Iunds upproprIuLed Lo ImpIemenL LIe provIsIons oI LIIs
AcL sIuII be consIdered conLInuIng upproprIuLIons durIng
LIe perIod oI ILs ImpIemenLuLIon.
SEC. 6q. Iincncicl Intermedicr jor the CARP. - TIe und
Bunk oI LIe PIIIIppInes sIuII be LIe IInuncIuI InLermedIury
Ior LIe CARP, und sIuII Insure LIuL LIe socIuI jusLIce
objecLIves oI LIe CARP sIuII enjoy u preIerence umong ILs

SEC. 6. Contersion oj Lcnds . - AILer LIe Iupse oI IIve ()
yeurs Irom ILs uwurd, wIen LIe Iund ceuses Lo be
economIcuIIy IeusIbIe und sound Ior ugrIcuILuruI purposes,
or LIe IocuIILy Ius become urbunIzed und LIe Iund wIII
Iuve greuLer economIc vuIue Ior resIdenLIuI, commercIuI or
IndusLrIuI purposes, LIe DAR, upon uppIIcuLIon oI LIe
beneIIcIury or LIe Iundowner, wILI due noLIce Lo LIe
uIIecLed purLIes, und subjecL Lo exIsLIng Iuws, muy
uuLIorIze LIe recIussIIIcuLIon or conversIon oI LIe Iund und
ILs dIsposILIon: Protided, TIuL LIe beneIIcIury sIuII Iuve
IuIIy puId IIs obIIguLIon.
SEC. 6-A Contersion into Iishpond cnd Prcun Icrms. -
No conversIon oI pubIIc ugrIcuILuruI Iunds InLo IIsIponds
und pruwn Iurms sIuII be mude excepL In sILuuLIons wIere
LIe provIncIuI governmenL wILI LIe concurrence oI LIe
Bureuu oI IsIerIes und AquuLIc Resources (BAR)
decIures u cousLuI zone us suILubIe Ior IIsIpond
deveIopmenL. n sucI cuse, LIe DepurLmenL oI
EnvIronmenL und NuLuruI Resources (DENR) sIuII uIIow
LIe Ieuse und deveIopmenL oI sucI ureus: Protided, TIuL
LIe decIuruLIon sIuII noL uppIy Lo envIronmenLuIIy crILIcuI
projecLs und ureus us conLuIned In TILIe (A) sub-purugrupI
Lwo, (B-) und (C) und TILIe (B), number eIeven (11) oI
ProcIumuLIon No. z1q6, enLILIed "Proclcimin Certcin
Arecs cnd Tpes oj Projects cs Entironmentcll Criticcl
cnd Within the the Scope oj the Entironmentcl Impcct
Stctement (EIS) Sstem Estcblished under Presidenticl
Decree No. :8", Lo ensure LIe proLecLIon oI rIver
sysLems, uquIIers und mungrove vegeLuLIons Irom
poIIuLIon und envIronmenLuI degruduLIon: Protided,
jurther, TIuL LIe upprovuI sIuII be In uccordunce wILI u seL
oI guIdeIInes Lo be druwn up und promuIguLed by LIe DAR
und LIe BAR: Protided, jurthermore, TIuL smuII-Iurmer
cooperuLIves und orgunIzuLIons sIuII be gIven preIerence In
LIe uwurd oI LIe IsIpond euse AgreemenLs (As).
No conversIon oI more LIun IIve () IecLures oI prIvuLe
Iunds Lo IIsIponds und pruwn Iurms sIuII be uIIowed uILer
LIe pussuge oI LIIs AcL, excepL wIen LIe use oI LIe Iund Is
more economIcuIIy IeusIbIe und sound Ior IIsIpond undJor
pruwn Iurm, us cerLIIIed by LIe Bureuu oI IsIerIes und
AquuLIc Resources (BAR) , und u sImpIe und ubsoIuLe
mujorILy oI LIe reguIur Iurm workers or LenunLs ugree Lo
LIe conversIon. TIe DepurLmenL oI AgrurIun ReIorm muy
upprove uppIIcuLIons Ior cIunge In LIe use oI LIe
Iund: Protided, jincll, TIuL no pIecemeuI conversIon Lo
cIrcumvenL LIe provIsIons oI LIIs AcL sIuII be uIIowed. n
LIese cuses wIere LIe cIunge oI use Is upproved, LIe
provIsIons oI SecLIon z-A IereoI on IncenLIves sIuII
uppIy. (As udded by R. A. ;881)
SEC. 6-B. Intentor. - WILIIn one (1) yeur Irom LIe
eIIecLIvILy oI LIIs AcL, LIe BAR sIuII underLuke und IInIsI
un InvenLory oI uII governmenL und prIvuLe IIsIponds und
pruwn Iurms und underLuke u progrum Lo promoLe LIe
susLuInubIe munugemenL und uLIIIzuLIon oI pruwn Iurms
und IIsIponds. No Ieuse under SecLIon 6-A IereoI muy be
grunLed unLII uILer LIe compIeLIon oI LIe suId InvenLory.
TIe susLuInubIe munugemenL und uLIIIzuLIon oI pruwn
Iurms und IIsIponds sIuII be In uccordunce wILI LIe eIIIue
sLundurds, poIIuLIon cIurges und oLIer poIIuLIon conLroI
meusures sucI us, buL noL IImILed Lo, LIe quunLILy oI
IerLIIIzers, pesLIcIdes und oLIer cIemIcuIs used LIuL muy be
esLubIIsIed by LIe erLIIIzer und PesLIcIde AuLIorILy (PA),
LIe EnvIronmenL MunugemenL Bureuu (EMB), und oLIer
upproprIuLe governmenL reguIuLory bodIes, und exIsLIng
reguIuLIons governIng wuLer uLIIIzuLIon, prImurIIy
PresIdenLIuI Decree No. 1o6;, enLILIed "A Decree
Institutin c Wcter Code, Thereb Retisin cnd
Consolidctin the Lcus Goternin the Dunership,
Appropriction, Utilizction, Exploitction, Detelopment,
Consertction cnd Protection oj Wcter Resources." (As udded
by R. A. ;881)
SEC. 6-C. Protection oj cnrote Arecs. - n exIsLIng
IsIpond euse AgreemenL (IAs) und LIose LIuL wIII be
Issued uILer LIe eIIecLIvILy oI LIIs AcL, u porLIon oI LIe
IIsIpond ureu IronLIng LIe seu, suIIIcIenL Lo proLecL LIe
envIronmenL, sIuII be esLubIIsIed us u buIIer zone und be
pIunLed Lo specIIIed mungrove specIes Lo be deLermIned In
consuILuLIon wILI LIe regIonuI oIIIce oI LIe DENR. TIe
SecreLury oI EnvIronmenL und NuLuruI Resources sIuII
provIde LIe penuILIes Ior uny vIoIuLIon oI LIIs underLukIng
us weII us LIe ruIes Ior ILs ImpIemenLuLIon. (As udded by R. A.
SEC. 6-D. Chcne oj Crops. -TIe cIunge oI crops Lo
commercIuI crops or IIgI vuIue crops sIuII noL be
consIdered us u conversIon In LIe use or nuLure oI LIe Iund.
TIe cIunge In crop sIouId, Iowever, noL prejudIce LIe
rIgILs oI LenunLs or IeuseIoIders sIouId LIere be uny und
LIe consenL oI u sImpIe und ubsoIuLe mujorILy oI LIe
uIIecLed Iurm workers, II uny, sIuII IIrsL be obLuIned. (As
udded by R. A. ;881)
SEC. 66. Exemptions jrom Tcxes cnd Iees oj Lcnd
Trcnsjers. - TrunsucLIons under LIIs AcL InvoIvIng u
LrunsIer oI ownersIIp, wIeLIer Iorm nuLuruI or jurIdIcuI
persons, sIuII be exempLed Iorm Luxes urIsIng Irom cupILuI
guIns. TIese LrunsucLIons sIuII uIso be exempLed Irom LIe
puymenL oI regIsLruLIon Iees, und uII oLIer Luxes und Iees
Ior LIe conveyunce or LrunsIer LIereoI: Protided, TIuL uII
urreuruges In reuI properLy Luxes, wILIouL penuILy or
InLeresL, sIuII be deducLIbIe Irom LIe compensuLIon Lo
wIIcI LIe owner muy be enLILIed.
SEC. 6;. Iree Reistrction oj Pctents cnd Titles. - AII
RegIsLers oI Deeds ure Iereby dIrecLed Lo regIsLer, Iree
Irom puymenL oI uII Iees und oLIer cIurges, puLenLs, LILIes
und documenLs requIred Ior LIe ImpIemenLuLIon oI LIe
SEC. 68. Immunit oj Goternment Aencies jrom Undue
Interjerence. - No InjuncLIon, resLruInIng order,
proIIbILIon or mundumus sIuII be Issued by LIe Iower
courLs uguInsL LIe DepurLmenLs oI AgrurIun ReIorm
(DAR), DepurLmenL oI AgrIcuILure (DA), LIe DepurLmenL
oI EnvIronmenL und NuLuruI Resources (DENR), und LIe
DepurLmenL oI JusLIce (DOJ) In LIeIr ImpIemenLuLIon oI
LIe Progrum.
SEC. 6q. Assistcnce oj Dther Goternment Entities.- TIe
PARC, In LIe exercIse oI ILs IuncLIons, Is Iereby uuLIorIzed
Lo cuII upon LIe ussIsLunce und supporL oI oLIer
governmenL ugencIes, bureuus und oIIIces, IncIudIng
governmenL-owned und conLroIIed corporuLIons.
SEC. ;o. Disposition oj Pritcte Ariculturcl Lcnds. - TIe
suIe or dIsposILIon oI ugrIcuILuruI Iunds reLuIned by u
Iundowner us u consequence oI SecLIon 6 IereoI sIuII be
vuIId us Iong us LIe LoLuI IundIoIdIngs LIuL sIuII be owned
by LIe LrunsIeree LIereoI IncIusIve oI LIe Iund Lo be
ucquIred sIuII noL exceed LIe IundIoIdIngs ceIIIngs
provIded Ior In LIIs AcL. Any suIe or dIsposILIon oI
ugrIcuILuruI Iunds uILer LIe eIIecLIvILy oI LIIs AcL Iound Lo
be conLrury Lo LIe provIsIons IereoI sIuII be nuII und voId.
TrunsIerees oI ugrIcuILuruI Iunds sIuII IurnIsI LIe
upproprIuLe RegIsLer oI Deeds und LIe BARC wILI un
uIIIduvIL uLLesLIng LIuL IIs LoLuI IundIoIdIngs us u resuIL oI
LIe suId ucquIsILIon do noL exceed LIe IundIoIdIng ceIIIng.
TIe RegIsLer oI Deeds sIuII noL regIsLer LIe LrunsIer oI uny
ugrIcuILuruI Iund wILIouL LIe submIssIon oI LIIs sworn
sLuLemenL LogeLIer wILI prooI oI servIce oI u copy LIereoI
SEC. ;1. cnl ortces. - Bunks und oLIer IInuncIuI
InsLILuLIons uIIowed by Iuw Lo IoId morLguge rIgILs or
securILy InLeresLs In ugrIcuILuruI Iunds Lo secure Iouns und
oLIer obIIguLIons oI borrowers, muy ucquIre LILIe Lo LIese
morLguged properLIes, regurdIess oI ureu, subjecL Lo
exIsLIng Iuws on compuIsory LrunsIer oI IorecIosed usseLs
und ucquIsILIon us prescrIbed under SecLIon 16 oI LIIs AcL.
SEC. ;z . Lecses, cncement, Grouer or Sertices
Contrccts, ortces cnd Dther Clcims. - unds covered
by LIIs AcL under Ieuse, munugemenL, grower or servIce
conLrucLs, und LIe IIke sIuII be dIsposed oI us IoIIows:
(u) euse, munugemenL, grower or servIce conLrucLs
coverIng prIvuLe Iunds muy conLInue under LIeIr orIgInuI
Lerms und condILIons unLII LIe expIruLIon oI LIe sume even
II sucI Iund Ius, In LIe meunLIme, been LrunsIerred Lo
quuIIIIed beneIIcIurIes.
(b) MorLguges und oLIer cIuIms regIsLered wILI LIe
RegIsLer oI Deeds wIII be ussumed by LIe governmenL up
Lo un umounL equIvuIenL Lo LIe Iundowner's compensuLIon
vuIue us provIded In LIIs AcL.
SEC. ;. Prohibited Acts cnd Dmissions. - TIe IoIIowIng
ure proIIbILed:
(u) TIe ownersIIp or possessIon, Ior LIe purpose oI
cIrcumvenLIng LIe provIsIons oI LIIs AcL, oI ugrIcuILuruI
Iunds In excess oI LIe LoLuI reLenLIon IImILs or uwurd
ceIIIngs by uny person, nuLuruI or jurIdIcuI, excepL LIose
under coIIecLIve ownersIIp by Iurmer-beneIIcIurIes.
(b) TIe IorcIbIe enLry or IIIeguI deLuIner by persons wIo
ure noL quuIIIIed beneIIcIurIes under LIIs AcL Lo uvuII
LIemseIves oI LIe rIgILs und beneIILs oI LIe AgrurIun
ReIorm Progrum;
(c) TIe conversIon by uny Iundowner oI IIs ugrIcuILuruI
Iund InLo non-ugrIcuILuruI use wILI InLenL Lo uvoId LIe
uppIIcuLIon oI LIIs AcL Lo IIs IundIoIdIngs und Lo
dIspossess IIs LenunL Iurmers or LIe Iund LIIIed by LIem;
(d) TIe wIIIIuI prevenLIon or obsLrucLIon by uny person,
ussocIuLIon or enLILy oI LIe ImpIemenLuLIon oI LIe CARP;
(e) TIe suIe, LrunsIer, conveyunce or cIunge oI LIe
nuLure oI Iunds ouLsIde oI urbun cenLers und cILy IImILs
eILIer In wIoIe or In purL uILer LIe eIIecLIvILy oI LIIs AcL.
TIe duLe oI LIe regIsLruLIon oI LIe deed oI conveyunce In
LIe RegIsLer oI Deeds wILI respecL Lo LILIed Iunds und LIe
duLe oI LIe Issuunce oI LIe Lux decIuruLIon Lo LIe LrunsIeree
oI LIe properLy wILI respecL Lo unregIsLered Iunds, us LIe
cuse muy be, sIuII be concIusIve Ior LIe purpose oI LIIs
(I) TIe suIe, LrunsIer or conveyunce by u beneIIcIury oI
LIe rIgIL Lo use or uny oLIer usuIrucLuury rIgIL over LIe
Iund Ie ucquIred by vIrLue oI beIng u beneIIcIury, In order
Lo cIrcumvenL LIe provIsIons oI LIIs AcL.
SEC. ;-A. Exception. - TIe provIsIons oI SecLIon ;,
purugrupI (e) Lo LIe conLrury noLwILIsLundIng, LIe suIe
undJor LrunsIer oI ugrIcuILuruI Iund In cuses wIere sucI
suIe, LrunsIer or conveyunce Is mude necessury us u resuIL
oI u bunk's IorecIosure oI LIe morLguged Iund Is Iereby
permILLed.( As udded by R. A. ;881)
SEC. ;q . Penclties. - Any person wIo knowIngIy or
wIIIIuIIy vIoIuLes LIe provIsIons oI LIIs AcL sIuII be
punIsIed by ImprIsonmenL oI noL Iess LIun one (1) monLI
Lo noL more LIun LIree () yeurs or u IIne oI noL Iess LIun
one LIousund pesos (P1,ooo.oo) und noL more LIun IIILeen
LIousund pesos (P1,ooo.oo), or boLI, uL LIe dIscreLIon oI
LIe courL. I LIe oIIender Is u corporuLIon or ussocIuLIon,
LIe oIIIcer responsIbIe LIereIor sIuII be crImInuIIy IIubIe
SEC. ;. Suppletor Applicction oj Existin Leislction. -
TIe provIsIons oI RepubIIc AcL Number 8qq, us
umended, PresIdenLIuI Decree Numbers z; und z66 us
umended, ExecuLIve Order Numbers zz8 und zzq, boLI
SerIes oI 1q8;, und oLIer Iuws noL InconsIsLenL wILI LIIs
AcL sIuII Iuve suppIeLory eIIecL.
SEC. ;6. Repeclin Clcuse. - SecLIon oI RepubIIc AcL
Number 8qq, PresIdenLIuI Decree Number 16, LIe IusL
Lwo purugrupIs oI SecLIon 1z oI PresIdenLIuI Decree
Number 1o8, und uII oLIer Iuws, decrees, execuLIve
orders, ruIes und reguIuLIons, Issuunces or purLs LIereoI
InconsIsLenL wILI LIIs AcL ure Iereby repeuIed or umended
SEC. ;;. Sepcrcbilit Clcuse. - I, Ior uny reuson, uny
secLIon or provIsIon oI LIIs AcL Is decIured nuII und voId,
no oLIer secLIon, provIsIon or purL LIereoI sIuII be uIIecLed
und LIe sume sIuII remuIn In IuII Iorce und eIIecL.
SEC. ;8. Ejjectitit Clcuse. - TIIs AcL SIuII Luke eIIecL
ImmedIuLeIy uILer pubIIcuLIon In uL IeusL Lwo (z) nuLIonuI
newspupers oI generuI cIrcuIuLIon.
Approved: June 1o, 1q88

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