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In this day and age, there is a growing interest in health games, including simulation tools, games for specific conditions, persuasive games to promote a healthy lifestyle. B. The media often voices concern about how playing video games in excess is bad for the health and can have a negative effect on the attitude of the players. However, the scientific evidence is not that clear.

II. BODY PARAGRAPH I:THEORIES AND POTTENSIAL OF VIDEO GAME EFFECTS ON HEALTY LIVING A. Games for health purposes focus on promoting an active lifestyle and behavior by provide some knowledge or guide about healthier lifestyle and shifting unhealthy attitudes through the game (Peng, 2008). 1. Hardcore gamers also exercise without going out. 2. Children love to learn from the video games despite of their friend B. According to (Peng, 2008).The main purpose of the different design elements varies. Some are mainly for the interaction with the game such as : 1. drag-and-drop of game items 2. timing of game tasks

III. BODY PARAGRAPH II:VIDEO GAMES TO REVOLUTIONISE HEALTH AND HEALTHCARE A. Exergaming or exertainment is a term used for video games that are also a form of exercise which is involve the player to move,do physical activity and exertion as the way to play the games. (Lieberman, 2006) B. According to (Lieberman, 2006)The genres of exergames are contains elements such as : 1. Motivation 2. Fun C. Implement in healthcare, schools workplace, fitness clubs, and other non-recreational setting because studies are proving that the game has a lot of positive way to improve players stress management, weight management, fitness, and health (Kato, 2010). 1. Googles workspace uses this method to theirs employees to relieve their stress from working as a programmer. 2. The use of commercial games as a distracters to help young patients manage their anxiety in a hospital setting

IV. BODY PARAGRAPH III: USABILITY OF SERIOUS GAMES FOR HEALTH A. Sometime gaming can become serious for those who want to fix their life and for medical purpose 1. Gamers learn how to prevent, manage disease on their own. B. Interaction between the gamer and machine (man-machine) are serious and that make the player eager to learn and playing with passion. 1. Such as MMOG (Massively Multiplayer Online Game) connect all the player around the world.

IV. BODY PARAGRAPH IV:GAMES AND LEARNING A. Childrens self-motivated computer games play sees their learning as a process of participation rather than a process of acquisition of facts 1. B. Learning to learn with new approaches to collaboration C. Learning to participate in practice D. Learning with mainstream games in schools and making learning more fun

VI. CONCLUSION: A. Video games can positively affect health behaviors and outcomes. The efficacy of games to change important health behaviors and improve knowledge suggests that the strengths of these tools should be seriously considered when designing interventions in health car References: Video Games and Health (2011). Tuesday, October, 2011, from

Lieberman, D. (2006). Dance games and other exergames: What the research says. Unpublished report, University of California, Santa Barbara, from Peng, W. (2008). An overview of using electronic games for health purposes.Handbook of research on effective electronic. Retrieved Wednesday, October, 2011, from

Kato, P. (2010). Video games in health care: Closing the gap. Review of General Psychology, 14(2), 113121. Retrieved Friday, October, 2011, from Watters, C., Oore, S., Shepherd, M., &Abouzied, A. (2006). Extending the use of games in health Care.Proceedings of the 39th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS06), 00(C), 88b-88b.Ieee. doi:10.1109/HICSS.2006.179 Tolentino, G. P., Battaglini, C., Pereira, A. C. V., de Oliveria, R. J., & de Paula, M. G. M. (2011). Usability of Serious Games for Health. Games and Virtual Worlds for Serious Applications (VS-GAMES), 2011 Third International Conference on (pp. 172175). IEEE. doi:10.1109/VS-GAMES.2011.33

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