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SURAT AL-A-RAF RUKU:ke 5, AYAT: 40-41//42-47 JUDUL: PENERIMA PESAN/ orang yang menerima kebenaran/ayat ayat Allah

================================================================== ISI: penghuni neraka, penghuni surga, dan orang orang di atas ARAF

PENGHUNI NERAKA 1. ORANG JAHAT (orang yang mendustakan ayat)tidak akan masuk surga. 2. Orang ZALIM (dzolimin) masuk jahanam (tempat pembaringan + selimut api PENGHUNI SURGA 3. Beriman, berbuat baik, bekerja sesuai dengan kemampuannya. 4. Dihapus rasa dendam dari hatinya. 5. Mengucapkan syukur: segla puji bagi Allah yang telah membimbing kami ke arah ini.Alhamdu lillahilladzii hadaanaa lihaadza, 6. Memanggil penghuni neraka menerangkan bahwa janj Allah adalah benar. 7. Penghuni neraka berkata bahwa laknat dijatuhkan pada orang zalim. 8. Orang kafir: orang yang merintangi dari jalan Allah dan ingin membelokannya. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ORANG-ORANG DI ATAS A-RAF 9. Memanggil penghuni surga, dan mengucapkan salam 10. Sebelum masuk surga, 11. Memandang penghuni neraka dan berdoa : Tuhan kami, jangan kami tempatkan bersama orang zalim. APLIKASI: Setelah membacadan memahami ruku ini, ada perubahan perilaku: 1. Jangan menjadi orang jahat, dan orang zalim, kalau mau masuk surga 2. Beriman, berbuat baik, dan mengerjakan sesuatu sesuai dengan kemampuan, kalau mau menjadi penghuni surga. 3. Mendapat pengetahuan: ada penghuni neraka, penghuni surga, dan orangorang di atas Al Araf.

Surat al-Araf, Ruku 6, ayat 48-53 Judul: Tidak ada pertolongan bagi orang yang melawan kebenaran/ayat-ayat Allah ================================================= ISI:
1. Orang-orang di atas Araf: (1) Memanggil dan berkata kepada orang kafir bahwa timbunan harta dan kesombongan tidak berguna. (2) Menyuruh masuk suga orang yang dulunya oleh orang kafir disebutkan tidak akan mendapat rahmat. 2. Penghuni neraka: (1) Meminta air dan rizki lain kepada penghuni SURGA tapi diharamkan. (2) Penghuni neraka adalah orang kafir: a. Yang dulunya memperlakukan agama sebagai permainan & hiburan b. Tergoda kehidupan dunia. c. Melupakan akhirat. d. Ingkar ayat-ayat Allah e. Minta dikembalikan ke dunia dan tidak akan hidup seperti kelakuan dulu. 3. Padahal Allah sudah menyampaikan KITAB dan menjelaskannya atas dasar ilmu: a. sebagai petunjuk, dan b. Rahmat 4. Cara menjelaskan kitab: a. Melihat peristiwa lalu b. Perumpamaan c. dsb =========================================================== APLIKASI: Setelah membaca dan memahami ruku ini, ada perubahan perilaku: (1) Jangan menimbun harta hasil dari pekerjaan yang diharamkan (2) Jangan sombong (3) Jangan melupan akhirat (4) Pendeknya, Jangan mengikuti jejak orang kafir

Surat al-Araf, Ruku 7, ayat 54-58 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Judul :Kebaikan akan menghasilkan Kemakmuran ==================================================
ISI: tentang Allah dan Manusia ALLAH: 1.Ingatlah :segala PENCIPTAAN dan URUSAN adalah hak Allah (1) Penciptaan: a. langit (matahari, bulan, dan bintang) dan bumi diciptakan Allah (2) Urusan: a. malam menyelimuti siang. b. matahari ,bulan dan bintang bergerak. 2. memberikan RAHMAT-angin-awan-hujan-tanah mati menjadi subur-buah-buahan. 3. membangkitkan orang mati, seperti tanah mati menumbuhkan tumbuhan. 4. dari tanah baik keluar tumbuhan yang menghasilkan. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MANUSIA: 1. BERDOALAH: a. dengan kerendahan hati, dan suara RENDAH b. dengan rasa takut dan rindu. 2. Jangan membuat kerusakan di bumi 3. Ingatlah : Allah membangkitkan orang yang sudah mati, supaya kamu ingat 4. BERBUAT baik, rahmat Allah akan dekat =============================================================== APILAKSI: Setelah membaca dan memahami ruku ini, ada perubahan perilaku: 1. JANGAN membuat kerusakan di BUMI. 2. Kalau mau menjadi orang yang BERHASIL: a. Berdoa b. Berbuat BAIK, c. Sebab RAHMAT ALLAH adalah DEKAT 3. Allah MEMBANGKITAN orang mati, sehingga kita ingat tidak akan berbuat tidak baik, ada perhitungan.

Surat al-Araf, Ruku 8, ayat 59-64 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Judul :Nabi NUH as. PEMERAN :1. TUHAN: KAMI, 2.. NABI: NUH, 3. MANUSIA: KAUM NUH --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ISI: . I.TUHAN: 1. Mengutus Nuh kepada kaumnya. 2. Menenggelamkan kaum Nuh yang mendustakan ayat ayat Allah 3. Menyelamatkan Nuh & kaum Nuh dengan perahu. II. NABI NUH: 1. Menyuruh kaumnya untuk menyembah Allah 2. Khawatir bahwa kaumnya mendapat AZAB yang dahsyat. 3. Dianggap sesat oleh kaumnya. 4. Menyampaikan amanat 5. Memberi nasihat 6. Memberi peringatan III. MANUSIA: KAUM NUH 1. MENGAMBIL SEMBAHAN SELAIN ALLAH 2. DISURUH BERTAKWA 3. MENUDUH NUH ORANG SESAT 4. MENDUSTAKAN NUH 5. MENDUSTAKAN AYAT-AYAT ALLAH 6. SUDAH BUTA HATI 7. MENDAPAT AZAB: DITENGGELAMKAN banjir

Surat al-Araf, Ruku 13, ayat 100-108 ---------------------------------------------------------------------Judul :Nabi MUSA as.DIUTUS kepada FIRAON ISI BAGIAN 1: Kepada MU (Muhammad saw) disampaikan oleh KAMI (Allah) tentang MEREKA (ruku 8= NUH, rruku 9=HUD, ruku 10=SALIH & LUT,ruku 11=SYUAIB, ruku 12=umum, KAMI utus seorang NABI ke suatu KOTA/negeri.Kemudian diberi tahu tentang nabi Musa as sebagai berikut (bagian II). --------------------------------------------------------------------------------ISI BAGIAN II: Nabi MUSA diutus kepada FIRAON 1. AKU (MUSA) rasul dari TUHAN semesta alam. 2. Mengatakan yang sebenarnya. 3. Membawa AYAT-AYAT/KEBENARAN kepada FIRAON. 4. Ingin membawa Bani ISRAEL ke PALESTINA 5. Memberikan bukti yang diminta FIRAON bahwa ia berkata berkata BENAR. 6. Mennjukkan bukti (a) TONGKAT menjadi ULAR, (b) CAHAYA PUTIH keluar dari TANGAN nabi MUSA APLIKASI:
Setelah membaca dan memahami ruku ini, ada perubahan perilaku: 1. Berbicara tentang rasul dan kaummnya berati membicarakan

tentang seorang pemimpin dengan rakyatnya. 2. Seorang pemimpin negara misalnya presiden harus mempelajari presiden sebelumya, sehingga ia tidak mengulangi kesalahan seperti presiden masa masa lalu. 3. Rakyat harus diberi tahu / mengetahui presiden presiden yang pernah memimpin negeri ini tentang baik buruknya.

Surat Anam, Ayat:65 ,Rukunya: 20 ========================================= === Ruku 1: 10 ayat Jenis wacana: deskriptif=uraian peristiwa. ============================================ Judul: Orang musyrik MENYAMAKAN SESUATU dengan ALLAH. ISI:
1. Allah menciptakan langit dan bumi, selanjutnya menciptakan manusia dari TANAH.,tapi manusia ini menyamakan sesuatu dengan Allah.akhirnya generasi itu dibinasakan ,dan diganti dengan generasi penggantinya. 2. Seandainya diturunkan TULISAN dan mereka menyentuhnya, mereka akan menyatakan itu adalah sihir. Seandainya diturunkan malaikat tentu berupa manusia, mereka akan menjadi kebingungan. 3. Diberitahukan kepada rasul bahwa rasul-rasul terdahulu juga diperolokolokan. __

APLIKASI Setelah membaca ruku ini, manusia diharapkan berubah perilaku, Bersyukur kepada Allah, karena Dia telah menciptakan langit, bumi dan manusia. Tujuan hidup itu bukan SESUATU tetapi ALLAH, kalau tidak mau dibinasakan secara individual atau seluruh generasi. Mendapat ilmu: penciptaan langit, bumi dan manusia.

Ruku 2, surat al-anam

Ayat:11 s/d 20 Jenis wacana:Percakapan :perintah dari Allah kepada rasul untuk menyampaikan informasi/kebenaran kepada orang yang mendustakan kebenaran.itu Judul: Rahmat Allah sangat melimpah ==================================================== Isi: 1. Jelajahi bumi untuk melihat bekas-bekas generasi yang melanggar kebenaran./ayat-ayat Allah. Rahmat Allah yang melimpah 2. Sifat Allah yang kasih sayang: pelindung dan memberi makan 3. Rasul diperintahkan untuk: Yang pertama Islam Jangan musyrik 4. Rasul: Tidak mau durhaka, karena takut azab di akhirat 5. Allah:Maha kuasa, Maha bijaksana, Maha tahu 6. Saksi: Allah =saksi antara rasul dengan orang yang mendustakan kebenaran. Rasul dilarang jangan menjadi saksi antara orang musyrik dengan sekutu Allah 7. Akhli kitab sudah mengenal Rasul/Quran seperti mengenal anaknya sendiri

Aplikasi: sesudah memahami ruku ini: berubah perilaku Mendapat pelajaran sejarah tentang orang yang melanggar kebenaran Mengikuti jejak rasul: Islam & tidak musyrik, Mensyukuri rahmat Allah yang melimpah

SURAT AL-A-RAF RUKU:ke 5, AYAT: 40-41//42-47 JUDUL: PENERIMA PESAN/ orang yang menerima kebenaran/ayat ayat Allah

================================================================== ISI: penghuni neraka, penghuni surga, dan orang orang di atas ARAF

PENGHUNI NERAKA 12. ORANG JAHAT (orang yang mendustakan ayat)tidak akan masuk surga. 13. Orang ZALIM (dzolimin) masuk jahanam (tempat pembaringan + selimut api PENGHUNI SURGA 14. Beriman, berbuat baik, bekerja sesuai dengan kemampuannya. 15. Dihapus rasa dendam dari hatinya. 16. Mengucapkan syukur: segla puji bagi Allah yang telah membimbing kami ke arah ini.Alhamdu lillahilladzii hadaanaa lihaadza, 17. Memanggil penghuni neraka menerangkan bahwa janj Allah adalah benar. 18. Penghuni neraka berkata bahwa laknat dijatuhkan pada orang zalim. 19. Orang kafir: orang yang merintangi dari jalan Allah dan ingin membelokannya. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ORANG-ORANG DI ATAS A-RAF 20. Memanggil penghuni surga, dan mengucapkan salam 21. Sebelum masuk surga,

22. Memandang penghuni neraka dan berdoa : Tuhan kami, jangan kami tempatkan bersama orang zalim. APLIKASI: Setelah membacadan memahami ruku ini, ada perubahan perilaku: 4. Jangan menjadi orang jahat, dan orang zalim, kalau mau masuk surga 5. Beriman, berbuat baik, dan mengerjakan sesuatu sesuai dengan kemampuan, kalau mau menjadi penghuni surga. 6. Mendapat pengetahuan: ada penghuni neraka, penghuni surga, dan orangorang di atas Al Araf.

Surat al-Araf, Ruku 6, ayat 48-53 Judul: Tidak ada pertolongan bagi orang yang melawan kebenaran/ayat-ayat Allah ================================================= ISI:
5. Orang-orang di atas Araf: (1) Memanggil dan berkata kepada orang kafir bahwa timbunan harta dan kesombongan tidak berguna. (2) Menyuruh masuk suga orang yang dulunya oleh orang kafir disebutkan tidak akan mendapat rahmat. 6. Penghuni neraka: (3) Meminta air dan rizki lain kepada penghuni neraka tapi diharamkan. (4) Penghuni neraka adalah orang kafir: a. Yang dulunya memperlakukan agama sebagai permainan & hiburan b. Tergoda kehidupan dunia. c. Melupakan akhirat. d. Ingkar ayat-ayat Allah e. Minta dikembalikan ke dunia dan tidak akan hidup seperti kelakuan dulu. 7. Padahal Allah sudah menyampaikan KITAB dan menjelaskannya atas dasar ilmu: c. sebagai petunjuk, dan d. Rahmat 8. Cara menjelaskan kitab: d. Melihat peristiwa lalu e. Perumpamaan


f. dsb =========================================================== APLIKASI: Setelah membaca dan memahami ruku ini, ada perubahan perilaku: (5) Jangan menimbun harta hasil dari pekerjaan yang diharamkan (6) Jangan sombong (7) Jangan melupan akhirat (8) Pendeknya, Jangan mengikuti jejak orang kafir

Surat Anam, Ayat:65 ,Rukunya: 20 ============================================ Ruku 1: 10 ayat Jenis wacana: deskriptif=uraian peristiwa. ============================================ Judul: Orang musyrik MENYAMAKAN SESUATU dengan ALLAH. ISI:
4. Allah menciptakan langit dan bumi, selanjutnya menciptakan manusia dari TANAH.,tapi manusia ini menyamakan sesuatu dengan Allah.akhirnya generasi itu dibinasakan ,dan diganti dengan generasi penggantinya. 5. Seandainya diturunkan TULISAN dan mereka menyentuhnya, mereka akan menyatakan itu adalah sihir. Seandainya diturunkan malaikat tentu berupa manusia, mereka akan menjadi kebingungan. 6. Diberitahukan kepada rasul bahwa rasul-rasul terdahulu juga diperolokolokan.


APLIKASI Setelah membaca ruku ini, manusia diharapkan berubah perilaku, Bersyukur kepada Allah, karena Dia telah menciptakan langit, bumi dan manusia. Tujuan hidup itu bukan SESUATU tetapi ALLAH, kalau tidak mau dibinasakan secara individual atau seluruh generasi. Mendapat ilmu: penciptaan langit, bumi dan manusia.

Ruku 2, surat al-anam

Ayat:11 s/d 20 Jenis wacana:Percakapan :perintah dari Allah kepada rasul untuk menyampaikan informasi/kebenaran kepada orang yang mendustakan kebenaran.itu Judul: Rahmat Allah sangat melimpah ==================================================== Isi: 8. Jelajahi bumi untuk melihat bekas-bekas generasi yang melanggar kebenaran./ayat-ayat Allah. Rahmat Allah yang melimpah 9. Sifat Allah yang kasih sayang: pelindung dan memberi makan 10. Rasul diperintahkan untuk: Yang pertama Islam Jangan musyrik 11. Rasul: Tidak mau durhaka, karena takut azab di akhirat 12. Allah:Maha kuasa, Maha bijaksana, Maha tahu 13. Saksi: Allah =saksi antara rasul dengan orang yang mendustakan kebenaran. Rasul dilarang jangan menjadi saksi antara orang musyrik dengan sekutu Allah 14. Akhli kitab sudah mengenal Rasul/Quran seperti mengenal anaknya sendiri


Aplikasi: sesudah memahami ruku ini: berubah perilaku Mendapat pelajaran sejarah tentang orang yang melanggar kebenaran Mengikuti jejak rasul: Islam & tidak musyrik, Mensyukuri rahmat Allah yang melimpah

Ruku 3, Ayat: 21-30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Judul: Orang musyrik adalah saksi terhadap dirinya sendiri Jenis wacana: naratif/rangkaian peristiwa dari dunia sampai akhirat. =========================================== Isi:
Dua jenis manusia1) yang membohongkan Allah, (2) Orang yang melanggar kebenaran/ayat-ayat Alah a. Orang yang membohongkan Allah , yaitu 1. Orang yang mengambil tuhan selain Allah/sekutu 2. Di akhirat: ditanya mana sekutumu, sekutunya menghilang 3. Kami tidak mempersekutukan tuhan/berbohong. b. Orang yang melanggar ayat-ayat Allah 1. Di dunia: menjauhkan diri dari ayat-ayat Allah 2. dihadan api neraka ngomong:sekiranya kembali ke bumi akan beriman. 3. Tapi bila kembali mereka tetap akan melanggar, dan mengatakan 4. bahwa hidup ini hanya dibumi. 5. Akhirnya rasakan azab neraka. ----------------------------------------------------------------------Aplikasi: sesudah membaca ruku ini diharapkan: 1. Mendapat ilmu tentang orang yang membohongkan Allah dan orang yang melanggar ayat-ayat Allah. 2. Jangan berbohon 3. Jangan melanggar kebenaran.


Ruku 4: 31-40 -----------------------------------------------------------------------Judul: Menolak kebenaran ========================================== Isi:

1. Orang yang tidak beriman MENDUSTAKAN PERTEMUAN dengan ALLAH: a. hidup itu hanya di dunia. b. Mengingkari ayat-ayat Allah c. minta diturunkan MUKJIZAT, mereka tidak mengerti padahal mujizat ada disekitarnya. d. Quran adalah mukjizat. Contoh dalam ayat 38 disebutkan bahwa khewan seperti manusia bermasyarakat. Inil adalah dasar ilmu pengetahuan. Mereka semuanya akan dikumpulkan. e. Orang yang mendustakan ayat Allah = seperti orang tuli, bisu, hidup dalam kegelapan. 2. 3. 4. 5. Orang beriman: hidup di akhirat lebih baik dari pada di dunia. Rasul: bersedih karena perkataan orang tak beriman Rasul rasul dulu juga didustakan , jadi rasul harus SABAR dan TABAH. Bila azab datang semua berdoa kepada Allah

Aplikasi: sesudah membaca ruku ini diharapkan mengubah perilaku 1. Orang tak beriman: a. b. c. d. e. Menolak pertemuan dengan Allah, adalah orang yang merugi hidup itu hanya di dunia. Tidak mengerti mukjizat, padahal Quran adalah mukjizat Hidupnya dalam kegelapan Jangan mengikuti orang tak beriman

2. Orang beriman:


a. Kebalikan dari orang tak beriman Hidup di akhirat lebih baik dari pada di dunia b. Mengerti mukjizat: Quran adalah mukjizat. yang berisi ilmu seperti khewan itu bermasyarakat seperti manusia. c. Harus sabar mendengar perkataan orang lain. d. Ikuti orang beriman

Ruku 5: 42-50 ayat Judul akibat penolakan terhadap kebenaran Ayat: 42-50 Isi: BAGIAN: A 1. bencana datang supaya mereka BERTOBAT 2. SEBALIKNYA berkeras hati 3. SETAN: membayangkan keindahan pada perbuatan yang mereka.lakukan. 4. Setelah bencana hilang, mereka bergembira. Akhirnya dijerat, dan dibinasakan. BAGIAN B: 1. Allah yang menghilangkan dan mengembalikan penglihatan, pendengarn, dan menutupi hati 2. Banyak cara menerangkan ayat-ayat Allah 3. Azab hanya pada orang dzolim 4. Rasul : menyampaikan kabar gembira dan peringatan 5. Orang buta dan orang yang melihat adalah berbeda, maksudnya orang tak berilmu tidak sama dengan orang berilmu.(Rasul)


============================================ ================================ Ruku 6:

RUKU 1 A. Jumlah ayat: 10, YAITU : (1-3): A= 1-3, B=4-6,C=7-10. B. Situasi yang digambarkan dalam ruku ke satu tentang Allah dan Manusia yang musrik:


ALLAH 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Menciptakan (langit & bumi). Menjadikan gelap dan cahaya. Menciptakan kamu dari tanah liat. Menentukan batas wakty Berada di langit dan bumi Mengetahui segala sesuatu (yang rahasia, yang nyata, yang kamu usahakan). 7. Memberi segala rahmat. 8. Membinasakan(generasi dahulu, karena perbuatannya sendiri). 9. Membangun generasi pengganti) MANUSIA 1. MenyamakanSESUATU dengan ALLAH. 2. RAGU terhadap Allah. 3. Ingkar terhadap ayat-ayat Allah. 4. Mendustakan ayat Allah. 5. Menerima rahmat Allah: curah hujan, dsb. 6. Berbuat banyak dosa 7. Dibinasakan karena perbuatannya sediri. 8. Diganti dengan generasi lain 9. Mengatakan sihir bila ayat dapat disentuhnya tangannya. 10. Memperolok rasul-rasul C. JUDUL: 1. ULTIMIT OF UNITY 2. KEYAKINAN TENTANG KEESAAN ALLAH ITULAH YANG MENANG:(lihat no 8: Membinasakan(generasi dahulu, karena perbuatannya sendiri).dan 9:Membangun generasi pengganti) D. APLIKASI SESUDAH MENAHAMI RUKU INI: 1. Ucapan alhamdulillahi robbil alamin, karena Allah telah 2. Jangan berbuat dosa / MELANGGAR AYAT-AYAT ALLAH, karena: allah akan membinasakan karena perbuatanya sediri, 3. Ilustrasi: menyamakan Seseuatu dengan Allah, misalnya uang: dikejarkejar. Tujuan hidupnya adalah uang, bukannya Allah.

RUKU 2: GREATNESS OF DIVINE MERCY, 11-20 Rahmat Allah yang sangat agung & Kesaksian Allah tentang Rasul 1. (11): jelajahi bumi supaya tahu akibat orang yang mendustakan (kebenaran) 2. Ayat (12):


A. B. C. D.

milik Allah segala yang di langit &bumi Allah memilki sifat kasih sayang Allah menghimpun kamu pada hari kiamat Rugi orang yang tidak beriman

3. (13): Milik Allah segala yang tinggal tenang pada malam dan siang hari:Allah Maha Mendengar dan Mahatahu. 4. (14): A. Allah pelindung, pencipta langit dan bumi, pemberi makan B. Aku/rasul diperintah jadi orang pertama yang ISLAM C. Kamu JANGAN MUSYRIK 5. (15): Jika aku/rasul durhaka, aku takut azab pada hari kiamat 6. (16): Yang dijauhkan dari azab =mendapat rahmat 7. (17): Jika Allah menimpakan bencana kepadamu/manusia, tak ada yang dapat menghapusnya. 8. (18): DIA MAHA PERKASA, Maha bijaksana,, Maha tahu 9. (19): A. Allah = SAKSI antara aku/rasul dengan kamu/musyrik B. Quran-untuk mengingatkan kamu dan yang dijangkaunya. C. aku/Rasul tidak bersaksi ada tuhan selain Allah D. Dialah= tuhan yang Esa 10. (20) Orang yang telah diberi kitab, mengenal dia/rasul/Quran = seperti mengenal anaknya sendiri.

Ruku 3:21-30 Politheists witness agains self (21): mendustakan Allah atau ayat-ayat Allah (21): mendustakan Allah atau ayat-ayat Allah (22): mana sekutu-sekutumu (23): kami bukan orang yang mempersekutukan (Tuhan)- berbohong. (24):Perhatikan mereka berdusta pada dirinya sendiri (25): Ada yang pura-pura mendengarkan engkau?Rasul (26): melarang orang, menjauhkan diri.-menghancurkan diri sendiri, tidak disadari. 7. (27): sekiranya dikembalikan; tidak akan mendustakan, akan menjadi orang beriman 8. (28): kalaupun dikembalikan mereka akan tetap melanggar 9. (29):hidup hanya didunia, tidak akan dibangkitkan. 10. (30):Rasakan azab ini karena keingkaran dulu. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.


Mendustakan diri sendiri 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. AKHIR kehidupannya

perilakunya Mendustakan Allah& ayat-ayat Tidak mempersekutukan Allah Berpura-pura Menjauhkan diri Kalau dikembalikan, akan tetap melanggar Azab

Ruku 4: Rejection of truth- 3141 1. A=31-32 2. B=33-36 3. C=37-41

Ruku 5:consequences of rejection Ruku 6: rewad of believers Ruku 7: devine judgment Ruku 8 : devine judgment Ruku 9:abrahams arguments to devine unity Ruku 10: phrophets among A braham lines Ruku 11: truth of revelation Ruku 12: ultimit triump of truth Ruku 13: gradual progress Ruku 14: politheists opposition Ruku 15: the chiefs apponent Ruku 16: evils of idioltry Ruku 17: idolaters self imposed prohibitions Ruku 18: prohibited food Ruku 19: guiding rules faithful Ruku 20: goal for the faithful


RUKU 20: JUDUL =TUJUAN HIDUP ORANG BERIMAN Ayat: 155-165, terdiri dari 4 paragraf A,B,C,dan D. A. (155-157: QURAN 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Adalah (ini, Kitab) Turunkan (Kami, KITAB) Q = penjelasan,petunjuk &rahmat Ikuti Quran Jangan mengatakan TIDAK mengerti Mendapat (kamu, rahmat) Yang menghindar dari ayat = dihukum dengan azab yang keras.

B. 158-160: perbuatan/ AMALAN 1. Tidak berguna beriman kalau a. sudah terjadi sesuatu. b. Malaikat sudah datang mencabut nyawa c. Allah sudah datang: sudah di alam akhirat 2. menunggu orang tak beriman & orang beriman; 3. orang beriman menunggu hasil ketakwaannya 4. orang tak beriman menunggu sesuatu yang tak pernah terjadi 5. memecah belah agama; a. bagian yang cocok Diambil. b. 6. Berbuat; c. kebaikan dibalas 10 X, d. berbuat jahat =kejahatannya. C. 161-163: IKUTI RASUL 1. Jalan lurus: jalan Rasul ADALAH (JALAN RASUL=JALAN Ibrahim)| 2. Adalah (jalan lurus: salat, ibadah, hidup &mati demi Allah) 3. Tidak musyrik.


D. 164-165: ALLAH- MANUSIA 1. adalah (Allah = tuhanku); 2. akan kembali kepada (Allah); 3. lebih tinggi (derajat seseorang orang lain)= ujian dari ( Allah); 4. cepat menjatuhkan(Allah, azab), tapi 5. Mahapengampun dan Mahapenyayang (Allah) TUJUAN HIDUP ORANG BERIMAN Tujuan hidup 1. Supaya mendapat rahmat/KASIH SAYANG DARI ALLAH 2. Akan kembali kepada Allah usaha 1. Ikuti Quran. 2. Takwa

3. Ikuti Rasul: salat, ibadah, hidup &mati demi Allah, tidak musrik.


(1) Menyamakan( orang ingkar, Allah) :yang lain. Mereka =musrik (2) Adalah ragu/meragukan (kamu, Allah). (3) A. Berada/ada di(langit&bumi, Allah) B. mengetahui (Dia, sesuatu: kamu rahasiakan/nyatakan/usahakan) (4) Selalu ingkar(kamu, ayat) (5) A. Mendustakan (mereka, kebenaran, ayat, kalimat Allah ). B Akan tiba (mereka, kenyataan yang diperolok) (6) A. Tidak memperhatikan (mereka, generasi dahulu) ==================================================== (7) Binasakan (Kami, generasi duhulu): akhir kemenangan pada Allah yang MahaEsa. Lawan dari yang disamakan dengan Allah. (8) Dihancurkan (generasi dulu) (9) Mempunyai (generasi dulu, dosa) (10) Memperolok( mereka, rasul-rasul) ==========================================================

Hubungan antara ALLAH dan MANUSIA: ALLAH 10. Menciptakan (langit & bumi). 11. Menjadikan gelap dan cahaya. 12. Menciptakan kamu dari tanah liat. 13. Menentukan batas wakty 14. Berada di langit dan bumi 15. Mengetahui segala sesuatu (yang rahasia, yang nyata, yang kamu usahakan). 16. Memberi segala rahmat. 17. Membinasakan(generasi dahulu, karena perbuatannya sendiri). 18. Membangun generasi pengganti) 19. MANSIA 11. MenyamakanSESUATU dengan ALLAH. 12. RAGU terhadap Allah. 13. Ingkar terhadap ayat-ayat Allah. 14. Mendustakan ayat Allah. 15. Menerima rahmat Allah: curah hujan, dsb. 16. Berbuat banyak dosa 17. Dibinasakan karena perbuatannya sediri. 18. Diganti dengan generasi lain 19. Mengatakan sihir bila 20. ayat dapat disentuhnya tngannya. 21. Memperolok rasul-rasul 22.


JUDUL: 3. ULTIMIT OF UNITY 4. KEYAKINAN TENTANG KEESAAN ALLAH ITULAH YANG MENANG:(lihat no 8: Membinasakan(generasi dahulu, karena perbuatannya sendiri).dan 9:Membangun generasi pengganti) APLIKASI SESUDAH MENAHAMI RUKU INI: 4. Ucapan alhamdulillahi robbil alamin, karena Allah telah 5. Jangan berbuat dosa /

1. ALLAH: 1. Menciptakan langit &bumi 2. Menjadikan gelap dan cahaya 3. Menciptakan kamu dari tanah liat 4. Menentukan batas waktu 5. Berada di langit &bumi 6. Mengetahui sesuatu(rahasia, nyata, usaha kamu) 7. Membinasakan generasi dulu karena dosanya : kemenangan Allah 8. Membangun generasi pengganti 2. Manusia: 1. menyamakan Tuhan dengan yang lain : musyrik 2. ragu 3. ingkar pada ayat 4. mendustakan kebenaran 5. tidak memperhatikan generasi dulu 6. menerima curah hujan, dsb 7. berbuat banyak dosa 8. dibinasakan 9. diganti generasi lain. 10. Mengatakan sihir terhadap apa yang diturunkan Allah. 11. Meminta malaikat diturunkan 12. Memperolok rasul. ================================================================== ==================================================== Kata ganti orang. 1. 1.Orang pertama: yang berbicara: Kami , Allah 2. Orang kedua: yang diajak bicara: kamu 3. Orang ketiga: yang diajak berbicara: dia, mereka.


(11) SEGALA PUJI BAGI Allah, tapi orang musrik menyamakan dengan tuhan lain. (MUSRIK) (12) Menciptakan kamu dari tanah liat, dan menentukan batas waktu, tapi kamu masih ragu. (13) Allah ADAdi langit dan bumi, dan mengetahui yang dinyatakan dan rahasia, dan yang kamu usahakan. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(14) Setiap ayat diingkari (15) Mereka mendustakan ayat yang sampai pada mereka, dan memperolok. (16) Generasi dulu adalah kuat, air melimpah, sungai mengalir. Mereka dihancurkan karena dosa mereka. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(17) Kalau kebenaran datang, ini adalah sihir. (18) Kenapa tidak malaikat yang diturunkan. (19) Sekiranya malaikat, akan dijadikan manusia. (20) Rasul-rasul sebelum kau(Muhammad) diperolok, tapi nanti dikepung oleh yang diperolokan. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------JALUR AYAT-AYAT : ALLAH- MALAIKAT- RASUL- UMAT
ALLAH MAHA SUCI, PENCIPTA, MAHA TAHU UMAT Tuhan selain Allah, Tanah liat, Waktu terbatas Ragu Umat Mendustakan, dihancurkan Ayat-ayat diingkari




Mendustakan, minta malaikat, Umat dihancurkan

Ayat Diingkari Kebenaran ayat =sihir Rasul diperolok

RUKU 2 GREATNESS OF DIVINE MERCY (11-19) 1. (11) A. jelajahi (kamu, bumi). B. perhatikan(kamu, orang yang mendustakan). 2. Milik (Allah, apa yang di langit &bumi) 3. A. Milik (Allah, kasih sayang), B. mengumpulkan (Allah, kamu di akhirat). C. tidak ragu(kiamat). D tidak diragukan (kiamat). E tidak beriman (rugi). 4. (14)

5. (19) A. menjadi saksi (Dia , antara aku (Muhammad &kamu). B diwahyukan (Quran, kepada aku).C. memberi (aku, , peringatan). D.tidak dapat bersaksi (muhamad, antara kamu& selain Allah).E. berlepas diri (aku, sekutumu). 6. (13)

polytheists witness against self

AIN 4 : rejection of truth Ayat (31-32)-(33-36)-(37-41) = 10 ayat Proses atau perilaku manusia menolak ayat-ayat atau kebenaran Ayat (31-32)-(33-36)-(37-41) JALUR WAHYU/AYAT/KEBENARAN: (1) ALLAH-(2) malaikat (3) RASUL- (4) MANUSIA TOPIK DALAM AIN 4: MENOLAK AYAT/KEBENARAN. PAR 1: 31-32 MANUSIA: mendustakan pertemuan dengan ALLAH. Memikul beban buruk. Belum mengerti bahwa akhirat lebih baik dari pada dunia. PAR 2; 33-36


Orang zalim ingkar ayat. Rasu sedih. Rasul-rasul dulu juga didustakan.Rasul jangan termasuk orang bodoh. Yang mendapat seruan =yang mendengarkan. Orang mati akan dibangkitkan dan menghadap kami. PAR 3 :37-41 Mereka minta diturunkan mukjizat.Mereka tidak mengerti (mukjizat), mereka bodoh. Khewan =manusia = bermasyarakat. Mereka akan dihimpun. Yang mendustakan ayat = sesat, yang menerima =di jalan lurus. Kepada siapa berdoa ketika azab datang atau kamu lagi takut. Kepada Allah. KESIMPULAM: Proses atau perilaku manusia menolak ayat-ayat atau kebenaran : 1. Mendustakan pertemuan dengan ALLAH - mendapat beban berat 2. Menolak RASUL rasul menjadi sedih, jangan bodoh. 3. Menolak ayat.- minta mukjizat, padahal Quran =mukjizat. Menolak ayat /kebenaran = sesat. 2 3 4 5 6 7 consequences of rejection reward of believers divine judgement divine judgement abraham's argumentfo divine unity prophets among abraham's lines

AIN 11: TRUTH 0F REVELATION (91-94) = 4 ayat 91: manusia tidak menghormati Allah, kitab Musa: sebagai suhuf nur dan hidayah, manusia memamerkan, menyembunyikan,mereka hanyut dalam percaakapan kosong. 92: kitab Quran membenarkan yang terdahulu, pemberi peringatan, beriman pada kitab dan salat. 93: orang jahat terhadap Allah, ia, katanya, menerima wahyu, membuat yang serupa. Malaikat mencabut nyawa orang itu dengan berkata kasar: keluarkan nya kamu. 94: nyawa mendatangi Allah sendiri-sendiri. Meninggalkan segala yang dibelakang: harta kekayaan, datang tidak dengan sekutu,segala hubungan terputus, angan-angan ditinggalkan.

AIN 12 ULTIMIT TRIUMP OF TRUTH (95-100) = 6 ayat


95: pertumbuhan biji: mengeluarkan yang hidup dari yang mati 96: fajar menguak malam, matahari & bulan untuk perhitungan, 97: bintang untuk petunjuk jalan. 98: manusia dari satu, bumi tempat persinggahan dan pemberangkatan. 99: hujan diturunkan untuk tumbuhan bermacam-macam, ,kebun buahan-buahn. 100: jin =sekutu Allah, sebagai sembahan orang musyrik, peramal misalnya. 8 9

10 11 12 13

ultimit triumph of truth gradual progress polotheists' opposition the chiefs apponent

AIN 16:EVILS OF IDOLTRY(130-140) =11 ayat

Hubungan manusia dan rasul (130-131) (130) : Rasul: rasul datang, menyampaikan ayat-ayat + peringatan pertemuan di akhirat,

27 tapi manusia tertipu dunia. (131)Rasul datang supaya kota-kota tidak rusak

Hubungan manusia &Allah: (132-134): (132) Manusia beramal sesuai dengan tingkatannya. (133) Allah Maha Kaya (134) Janji Allah adalah pasti Ucapan rasul (135) (135) Ucapan rasul: bekerjalah sesuai dengan kemampuan. Pemusrik (136-140) Aturan orang musrik: (136) Sebagian untuk Allah, sebagian untuk sekutu /penolong selain Allah: hasil dan ternak. (137) Sekutu mendorong membunuh anak (138) Ternak dan hasil bumi diharamkan orang musrik (139): Isi perut untuk lelaki (140) yang membunuh anak:adalah orang yang rugi. Ain 17:IDOLATERS SELF IMPOSED PROHIBITION (141-144) =4 ayat ATURAN Allah (141-142) (141): Allah menjadikan segala jenis tanaman., makanlah tapi jangan berlebihan. (142): Binatang ternak untuk mengangkut, untuk dimakan. ATURAN orang Musyrik (143-144): (143) Tentang 8 ternak yang diharamkan orang musyrik : 2 domba, 2 kambing (144) 2 unta, 2 lembu


AIN 18: PROHIBITED FOODS (145-148): RASUL mengatakan bahwa: (145) Makanan yang diharamkan adalah . (146) Makanan haram untuk orang Yahudi.:TIDAK BBERKUKU BELAH, lemak sapi +domba,kecuali di punggung,dalam isi perut, pada tulang. Sebagai hukuman yang durhaka. Reaksi (147) : 1. Bila mendustakan rasul: katakan Allah banyak rahmatnya. 2. Bila berbuat jahat/ melanggar aturan: dijatuhkan azab. (148): Jika Allah menghendaki, kami tidak akan musyrik. INI adalah Aliran jabariah: Allah sudah menentukan segalanya. Aliran kodariah: Manusia yang menentukan segalanya.

28 (149) Bukti kuat ada pada Allah. Bila berkenan kamu dapat petunjuk: bila gagal Allah membantu dengan berbagai cara;tapi jangan berharap mendapat keridoan Allah sambil terus berbuat dosa.Tentang kehendak Allah. &kehendak manusia. (150)Tampilkan SAKSI bahwa Allah melarang ini dan itu, Engkau jangan menjadi saksi mereka, MEREKA mendustakn ayat, dan MEREKA Yang tidak beriman hari akhirat, MEREKA musyrik.

AIN 19 (151-154) guiding rules of life (151): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. (152): 1. 2. 3. 4. jangan dekati harta anak yatim penuhi takaran &timbangan Allah tidak membebani tapi sesuai dengan kemampuhannya Bicara dengan sejujurnya

1jangan musyrik Berbuat baik kepada ibu-bapak Jangan bunuh anak Jangan berbuat keji Jangan hilangkan nyawa yang diharamkan Allah


5. Penuhi janji dengan Allah: setiap hari berjanji dalam salat. (153): 1. ikuti jalan lurus. 2. Supaya kamu bertakwa (154) 1. Kitab Musa: Taurat. Ibrahim: suhuf, 1. 2. 3. 4. menyempurkan karunia menjelaskan sesuatu petunjuk&rahmat suapaya beriman pada hari akhirat

AIN 20(155-165) goal for the faithful




AIN 14: POLITHEISTS OPPOSITION (111-121) Par I :111-113 111: orang tak beriman adalah tetap tidak beriman, meskipun diturunkan malaikat, orang mati, dan segalanya. 112: setiap nabi ada musuhnya:setan manusia, setan jin, membisikan rayuan, mereka dengan kebohongan 113: orang yang tidak beriman pada hari akhir, bersenang-senang, melakukan dosa.

Par 2 : 114-117 114:adakah hakim selain Allah.kitab Quran kepada Muhammad dengan rinci., dalam kitab terdahulu dijelaskan tang Quran.maka Muhammad jangan jangan termasuk mereka yang ragu 115kalimat/kata-kata Allah (hukum) benar dan adil 116: Engkau jangan mengikuti mereka 117: tuhan tahu yang sesat dan mengikuti petunjuk Par 3 118-121 118-119: hukum tentang makanan sembelihan 120: tinggalkan dosa terlihat dan takterlihat


121:jangan memakan sembelihan tanpa nama Allh, setan berbisik supaya membantah, jangan kamu mengikuti mereka, nanti musyrik


Islamic views on Abraham

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Main article: Abraham

Abraham the Prophet

Abraham by Jozsef Molnar (c. 1850)

Prophet, Seer, Leader of the People, Holy Forefather, anf, Friend of God, Constructor of the Kaaba, 'Possessor of Power and Vision', Apostle of the Nations



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Abraham (pronounced [ibrhim]; Arabic: , Ibrhm) is recognized in Islam as aprophet and apostle[1] of God and patriarch of many peoples.[2] In Muslim belief, Abraham fulfilled all the commandments and trials which God tried him with over his lifetime. As a result of his unwavering faith in God, Abraham was promised by God to be a leader to all the nations of the world.[3] Abraham, in Muslim belief, embodies the type of the perfect Muslimand the Qur'an mentions Abraham as a model for mankind.[4] In this sense, Abraham has been described as representing "primordial man in universal surrender to the Divine Reality before its fragmentation into religions separated from each other by differences in form". [5]The Islamic holy day Eid al-Adha is celebrated in memory of the bravery of Abraham andMuslims perform the pilgrimage to pay homage to the Kaaba which Abraham had set up and reformed.[6] Muslims believe that Abraham became the leader of the righteous in his time and it was through him that the people of both Arabia and Israel came. Abraham, in the belief of Islam, was instrumental in cleansing the world of idolatry at the time. Paganism was cleared out by Abraham in both Arabia and Canaan. He spiritually purified both places as well as physically sanctifying the houses of worship. Abraham and Ishmael further established the rites ofpilgrimage,[7] or Hajj, which are still followed by Muslims today. Muslims maintain that Abraham

further asked God to bless both the lines of his progeny, of Ishmael and Isaac, and to keep all of his descendants in the protection of God.

1 Family 2 Abraham's narrative in Islam 3 Miracles 4 Personality and Wisdom 5 Friend of God 6 Abraham and the Kaaba 7 Scrolls of Abraham 8 Significance as Patriarch 9 Prayers 10 Commemoration 11 Burial place 12 Verses in the Qur'an 13 See also 14 References 15 Further reading

o o o

15.1 General 15.2 Abraham and the Kaaba 15.3 Abraham's life

16 External links


Muslims maintain that Abraham's father was Azar, who is known in the Hebrew Bible as Terah.Commentators and scholars believed that Abraham himself had many children, but Ishmael and Isaacwere the only two who became prophets. Abraham's two wives are believed to have been Sarah andHagar, the latter of whom was originally Sarah's handmaiden.[8] Abraham's nephew is said to have been the prophet Lot, who was one of the other people who migrated with Abraham out of their community. Abraham himself is said to have been of semitic lineage, being a descendant of Noah through his sonShem.[9]

edit]Abraham's narrative in Islam

Note: This is a brief summary of the main events of Abraham's life as recognized in Islam


Abraham and Lot depart out of Haran; illustration from the 1728 Figures de la Bible; illustrated by Gerard Hoet (16481733)

Abraham, Sarah and Hagar, imagined here in a Bible illustration from 1897; Muslims maintain that Hagar was taken as Abraham's second wife and was not a concubine.

Abraham was appointed by God to eliminate all idolatry at the time, and to convey the pure message of Islam to the people. God granted Abraham wisdom in his childhood and Abraham remained in a high spiritual position till the day of his death.

Although the Qur'an makes no mention of the birth of Abraham, as it does of Moses, the earliest incident involving Abraham is his preaching to his father, Azar, who in Judeo-Christian tradition is known as Terah. As a father, Azar required his son's most sincere advice. Abraham, after receiving his first revelations from God, invited his father to the way of Islam. Abraham explained to him the faults in idolatry,[10] and why he was wrong to worship objects which could neither hear nor see.[11] Abraham told his father that he had indeed received revelations from God, knowledge which his father did not possess,[12] and told him that belief in God would grant him immense rewards in both this life and the hereafter. Abraham concluded his preaching by warning Azar of the grave punishment he would face if he did not mend his ways.[13] When Abraham offered his father the guidance and advice of God, he rejected it, and threatened to stone him to death.[14]Abraham prayed for his father[15] to be forgiven by God, and although he continued to seek forgiveness,it was only because of a promise that he had made earlier to him. When it became clear that Azar's unrelenting hatred towards pure monotheism would never be fought, Abraham dissociated himself from him.[16] The Qur'an makes it clear that the people of Abraham were idolaters. When Abraham had become older, he decided to finally teach his community a lesson. He told his people that he had a plan for their idols, whilst they would be gone away.[17] The Qur'an goes on to narrate that Abraham subsequently broke the idols, all except the largest, which he kept intact.[18] When the people returned, they began questioning each other over the wreckage, until some of the people remembered that the youth, Abraham, had spoken of the idols earlier.[19] When Abraham arrived, the people immediately began to question him, asking him whether he had anything to do with the broken idols. Abraham then, in a clever taunt, asked the people as to why they don't ask the largest of the idols, which, they believed, could indeed hear and speak.[20] The people of Abraham were then confounded with shame, and admitted that the idols were incapable of anything. [21]Although Abraham's people admitted their fault, they are said to have ignored Abraham's warning and instead retaliated by throwing him into a fire and exclaiming "protect your gods".[22] Although the natural nature of fire is one of intense heat, God commanded the flame to be cool and peaceful for Abraham.[23] Abraham, as a result, remained unhurt both physically and spiritually, having survived the fire of persecution. The people continued to taunt and persecute him, but to no result, as the Qur'an says that it was they "that lost most".[24] After the idol wrecking incident, Abraham had an argument with an unjust ruler, who claimed lordship for himself.[25] Abraham, guided by God, showed the King the falsehood of his argument, but he continued to disbelieve and refused to accept Abraham's message. Abraham then left his people for good, with his believing nephew Lot and his righteous wife Sarah, and all were directed towards the blessed land.[26] As Sarah was barren, Abraham took her Egyptian handmaiden,Hagar, as a second wife. Hagar, as a result, bore Ishmael, who was Abraham's first son. Lot had also subsequently been made a prophet by God, but he was ordered to leave Abraham's household and was sent to the land of Sodom and Gomorrah, to preach against the sins of the people there. When Abraham's son reached the age of young youth, Abraham was given the command to sacrifice his son.[27] This was a tremendous trial for the patriarch as his only son was being asked to be offered to God.

When Abraham, however, told his son about his revelation, his son readily accepted his father's order. [28] This clearly showed Abraham that his son was as devoted to God as he was. Then, when Abraham lay his son down, upon his forehead,[29] and was about to sacrifice him and offer him up, a voice called out to him, telling him that he had fulfilled the vision[30] and had passed the test of God successfully. Abraham was than rewarded with a momentous sacrifice,[31] which is usually believed to have been a ram, goat or sheep. One thing of note is that the name of the son is not given in the Qur'an, but most accept that it was Ishmael because the following passages discuss the birth of Isaac. As Ishmael had gone to Arabia, where he grew up to become a prophet and the patriarch of the Arab people, Abraham was concerned over who would continue his legacy here in the blessed land of Canaan. God sent Abraham and Sarah glad tidings of the birth of a second son, who too would be a righteous prophet like Ishmael.[32] Angels, who had been sent to the people of Lot, first came to Abraham's household. Abraham, not knowing that they were angels, prepared for them a fat, roasted calf,[33] but - to his shock - they refused to eat. The angels, however, told Abraham to fear not and told him that they had been sent to the people of his nephew.[34] They further told him about the good news of the birth of a son as well as the birth of a grandson, whose name would be Jacob.[35] Sarah clasped her head, and exclaimed - in her amusement, joy and surprise as to how she should have a son, being old like her husband.[36] The angels told them that, for God, all things are easy.[37] One thing to note is that the Qur'anic account of the annunciation of Isaac's birth differs sharply from the Biblical narrative, which states that two angels as well as God all came in human form to Abraham's household. Abraham, in his later years, was commanded by God to set up the holy house of prayer in Mecca, with his first son Ishmael, which became known as the Kaaba.[38][39] God made a covenant with Abraham and Ishmael,[40] that they should sanctify the Kaaba, as a holy place ofworship, where all people in the future could retreat to prostrate themselves to God. Abraham then prayed for Mecca, saying "My LORD, make this a city of Peace...".[41] God answered, saying that the believers would be rewarded but all evil men would be punished.[42] Abraham then spent the last years of his life teaching his sons as well as his grandson Jacob. Muslim tradition records that Abraham lived with Isaac but frequently visited Ishmael in Arabia. Abraham died peacefully in old age, with God leaving Abraham's legacy as an exemplar for the generations to come.


Abraham encountered several miracles of God during his lifetime. The Qur'an records a few main miracles, although different interpretations have been attributed to the passages. Some of the miracles recorded in the Qur'an are:

Abraham was shown the kingdom of the Heavens and the Earth.[43] Abraham and the miracle of the birds.[44] Abraham was thrown into a fire, which became "cool" and "peaceful" for him.[45]

The first passage has been interpreted both literally, allegorically and otherwise. Although some commentators feel that this passage referred to a physical miracle, where Abraham was physically shown the entire kingdom of Heaven,[46] others have felt that it refers to the spiritual understanding of Abraham; these latter scholars maintain that the Chaldeans were skilled in the observance of the stars, but Abraham, who lived amongst them, saw beyond the physical world and into a higher spiritual realm. The second passage has one mainstream interpretation amongst the Qur'an commentators, that Abraham took four birds and cut them up, placing pieces of each on nearby hills; when he called out to them, each piece joined and four birds flew back to Abraham.[47] This miracle, as told by the Qur'anic passage, was a demonstration byGod to show Abraham how God gave life to the dead. As the physical cutting of the birds is not implied in the passage, some commentators have offered alternative interpretations, but all maintain that the miracle was for the same demonstrative purpose to show Abraham the powerGod has to raise the dead to life.[48] The third passage has also been interpreted both literally and metaphorically, or in some cases both. Commentators state that the 'fire' refers to main aspects. They maintained that, firstly, the fire referred to the physical flame, from which Abraham was saved unharmed. The commentators further stated that, secondly, the fire referred to the 'fire of persecution', from which Abraham was saved, as he left his people after this with his wife Sarah and his nephew Lot.[49]

edit]Personality and Wisdom

Main article: Terah Abraham's personality and character is one of the most in-depth in the whole Qur'an, and Abraham is specifically mentioned as being a kind and compassionate man.[50] Abraham's father is understood by all Muslims to have been a wicked, ignorant and idolatrous man who ignored all of his son's advice. The relationship between Abraham and his father, who in the Qur'an is named Azar, is central to Abraham's story as Muslims understand it to establish a large part of Abraham's personality. The Qur'an mentions that Abraham's father threatened to stone his son to death if he did not cease in preaching to the people.[51] Despite this, the Qur'an states that Abraham in his later years prayed to Godto forgive the sins of all his descendants and his parents. Muslims have frequently cited Abraham's character as an example of how kind one must be towards people, and especially one's own parents. A similar example of Abraham's compassionate nature is demonstrated when Abraham began to pray for the people of Sodom and Gomorrah after hearing of God's plan for them. Although God told Abraham that His plan was the final word, and therefore Abraham's prayers would be of no effect, the Qur'an nonetheless reinforces Abraham's kind nature through this particular event.[52] The Qur'an discusses a certain conversation between a an unrighteous ruler and Abraham. Although identification for the unnamed king has been recognized as being least important in the narrative, many historical sources suggest that it was Nimrod,[53] the king who had ordered the building of the Tower of Babel. According to the narrative, the king became extremely arrogant due to his wealth and power, to the point that he made the claim that he possessed the power of Creation. Claiming divinity for himself, the king quarreled

with Abraham but the Qur'andescribes that he only deepened in confusion. According to the Qur'an, Abraham told the king that it is God who makes the sun rise and set everyday, which rendered the king confounded. This event has been noted as particularly important because, in the Muslim perspective, it almost foreshadowed the prophetic careers of future prophets, most significantly the career of Moses. Abraham's quarrel with the king has been interpreted by some to be a precursor to Moses's preaching to Pharaoh. Just as the ruler who argued against Abraham claimed divinity for himself, so did the Pharaoh of the Exodus, who refused to hear the call of Moses and perished in the Red Sea. In this particular incident,scholars have further commented on Abraham's wisdom in employing "rational, wise and target-oriented" speech, as opposed to pointless arguments.[54] Abraham, in the eyes of many Muslims, also symbolized the highest moral values essential to any person. The Qur'an details the account of the angels coming to Abraham to tell him of the birth of Isaac. It says that, as soon as Abraham saw the messengers, he brought to them a "roasted calf without delay".[55] This action has been interpreted by all the scholars as exemplary; many scholars have commentated upon this one action, saying that it symbolizes Abraham's exceedingly high moral level and thus is a model for how men should act in a similar situation. This incident has only further heightened the "compassionate" character of Abraham in Muslim theology.[56]

edit]Friend of God

Abraham is given the title Khalil-Allah in Islam, which means Friend of God. The Qur'an says: Who could have a better religion than someone who submits himself completely to God and is a good-doer, and follows the religion of Abraham, a man of pure natural belief? God took Abraham as an intimate friend.[57] This particular title of Abraham is so famous in Muslim culture and tradition that, in the areas in and around Mecca, Abraham is often referred to solely as The Friend.[58] This title of Friend of God is not exclusive to Islamic theology. Although the other religious traditions do not stress upon it, Abraham is called a Friend of God in the Hebrew Bible[59] as well as in the New Testament.[60]

edit]Abraham and the Kaaba

The Kaaba, which remains the most significantMosque in Islam, is believed to have been constructed by Abraham and Ishmael.

One of Abraham's most important features in Islamic theology is his role as the constructor of the Kaaba. Although tradition recounts that Adam constructed the original Kaaba, which was demolished by the Great Flood at the time of Noah, Abraham is believed to have rebuilt it in its original form. The Qur'an, in the Muslim perspective, merely confirms or reinforces the laws of pilgrimage. The rites were instituted by Abraham and for all Muslims, as they perform the pilgrimage, the event is a way to return to the perfection of Abraham's faith.[61] Just asMedina is referred to as the "City of the Prophet [Muhammad]" or simply the "City of Muhammad", Mecca is frequently cited as the "City of Abraham", because Abraham's reformation of the purified monotheistic faith took place purely in Mecca.[62]

edit]Scrolls of Abraham

The Qur'an refers to certain Scrolls of Abraham, which have alternatively been translated asBooks of Abraham. All Muslim scholars have generally agreed upon that no scrolls of Abraham survive till today, and therefore this is a reference to a lost body of scripture.[63] The Scrolls of Abraham are understood by Muslims to refer to certain revelations Abraham received, which he would have then transmitted to writing. The exact contents of the revelation are not described in the Qur'an, and considerable debate went amongst the early Qur'anic scholars as to possible identification. Some scholars suggested it to be a reference to Sefer Yetzirah, as Jewish tradition generally ascribed it's authorship to Abraham. Other scholars, however, wrote of a certain Testament of Abraham, which they explained was available at the time of Muhammad.[64] The Qur'an says: And this is in the Books of the earliest (Revelation). The Books of Abraham and Moses. [65]

edit]Significance as Patriarch

Main articles: Ishmael and Isaac

Lineage of six prominent prophets according to Islamic tradition Adem (Adam)

Nuh (Noah)




Is'haq (Isaac)

Musa (Moses)

Maryam (Mary)

Isa (Jesus)

Abdul Muttalib


Dotted lines indicate multiple generations

Abraham is also extremely important as a leader of Islam and as a patriarch of the Islamic faith. Muslimsrecognize Abraham as the ancestor through whom many other prophets and saints came, includingMoses, Jesus and Muhammad. The Qur'an lists, in the sixth chapter, some of the greatest figures to have through Abraham's progeny: That is Our argument. We gave it unto Abraham against his folk. We raise unto degrees of wisdom whom We will. Lo! Thy Lord is Wise, Aware. And We bestowed upon him Isaac and Jacob; each of them We guided; and Noah did We guide aforetime; and of his seed (We guided) David and Solomon and Job and Joseph and Moses andAaron. Thus do We reward the good. And Zachariah and John and Jesus and Elijah. Each one (of them) was of the righteous. And Ishmael and Elisha and Jonah and Lot. Each one (of them) did We prefer above (Our) creatures, With some of their forefathers and their offspring and their brethren; and We chose them and guided them unto a straight path. Qur'an, sura 6 (Al-Anam), ayat 83-87[66] Abraham's narrative in the Qur'an indirectly refers to his role as one of the great Patriarchs. The Qur'an says that God made Abraham a "leader for the people" (II: 124) and his narrative records him praying for his offspring (XIV: 35). The Qur'an further states that Abraham's descendants were given the "Book and the Wisdom" (IV: 54), and this fact is reinforced in a verse which states that Abraham's family was one of those in

which the gift of prophecy was established as a generic trait (XIX: 58). The Qur'an emphasizes upon Abraham's significance as it states that Abraham's family, Noah, Adam and the family of Amramwere the four selected by God above all the worlds (III: 33). As a result of his significance as a patriarch, Abraham is sometimes given the misleading title Father of the Prophets, which contradicts the teachings of the Qur'an, which establishes that many prophets, such as Noah, lived before Abraham. Of Abraham's immediate sons, the Qur'an repeatedly establishes the gifts God bestowed upon them. Ishmael is regarded as being "among the best of chosen men" (XXXVIII: 48) and one of the men who was "favoured above all the worlds" (VI: 86). In addition, Ishmael is described as being "true to his promise and was an apostle and a prophet" (XIX: 54). Likewise, the Qur'an says of Isaacthat he was "among the best of chosen men" (XXXVIII: 47) and was a "prophet, one of the righteous" (XXXVII: 112) and further describes him as of "true strength and inner sight" (XXXVIII: 45).


The Qur'an mentions several personal prayers of Abraham, each of which have been interpreted to be exemplary for Muslims who strive to get closer to God. Abraham himself spoke extremely highly of prayer and titled God as the "Hearer of Prayer"[67] and repeatedly prayed to Godfor wisdom and guidance. The following are some of Abraham's key prayers narrated in the Qur'an.

My Lord, give me right judgment and unite me with the righteous.[68] [My Lord,] make me highly esteemed among the later peoples.[69] And make me one of the inheritors of the Garden of Delight. Forgive my father - he was one of the misguided, and do not disgrace me on the Day they are raised up. The Day when neither wealth nor sons will be of any use - except to those who come to God with sound and flawless hearts.[70]

Our Lord, do not make us a target for those who do not believe, and forgive us. Our Lord, You are the Almighty, the All-Wise.[71]

My Lord, bestow on me a right-acting child.[72]


Abraham is commemorated by all Muslims. As is the case with every prophet and apostle, it is Islamic custom to say "Peace be upon him" after saying Abraham's name. Abraham's unique position as the constructor of the Kaaba as well as the establisher of the pilgrimage rites is indirectly commemorated when Muslims perform the pilgrimage, or Hajj, in Mecca. Muslims sacrifice a domestic animal on Eid ul-Adha, which is done in part to remember Abraham's bravery during his trial of the near-sacrifice of his son. Muslims further mention Abraham in theircanonical prayer everyday, in which they ask God to bless Muhammad's family as He blessed Abraham's family.

edit]Burial place

Muslims believe that Abraham was buried, along with his wife Sarah, at the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron. Known to Muslims as theSanctuary of Abraham it is also thought to be the burial site of Isaac, his wife Rebecca and Jacob and his wife Leah.

edit]Verses in the Qur'an

Abraham's attributes: 2:124, 11:75123, 16:120 Abraham's: 2:130, 4:125, 6:8384, 6:161, 9:114, 11:74, 12:6, 16:120, 19:41, 19:47, 21:51, 26:83 85, 29:27,37:84, 37:88, 37:104, 37:109111, 37:113, 38:4547, 43:28, 53:37, 57:26, 60:4

God tried Abraham: 2:124, 37:102 Abraham's preaching: 2:130231, 2:135136, 2:140, 3:6768, 3:84, 3:95, 4:125, 4:163, 6:74, 6:76 81, 6:83,6:161, 14:3537, 14:40, 21:52, 21:54, 21:5657, 21:67, 22:26, 22:78, 26:6973, 26:75, 26:78 80, 26:87,29:1617, 29:25, 37:83, 37:8587,37:89, 37:91, 37:92, 37:93, 37:9496, 43:2628, 60:4

Development of the Kaaba: 2:127 Abraham's pilgrimage: 2:128, 22:27 Abraham as God's friend: 4:125 Punishment to Abraham's people: 9:70 Moving to Syam: 21:71, 29:26 Abraham, Hagar, and Ismael: 14:37, 37:101 Dreaming of resurrecting a dead body: 2:260 Arguing with Nimrod: 2:258 Abraham and his father

Abraham preached to his father: 6:74, 19:4245, 21:52, 26:70, 37:85, 43:26 His father's idolatry: 6:74, 26:71 Abraham asked forgiveness for his father: 14:41, 19:47, 60:4 Arguing with the people: 21:6263, 21:6566 Abraham moved away from the people: 19:4849, 29:26, 37:99, 43:26, 60:4 Abraham's warnings for the idols: 21:5758, 21:60, 37:93 Thrown into the fire: 21:68, 29:24, 37:97 Saved from the fire: 21:6970, 29:24, 37:98

Good news about Isaac and Jacob (Yaqub): 6:84, 11:69, 11:7172, 14:39, 15:53, 15:54 55, 21:72, 29:27, 37:112,51:2830

Dreaming of his son's sacrifice: 37:102103

edit]See also

Biblical narratives and the Qur'an Eid al-Adha Kaaba Legends and the Qur'an Prophets of Islam Stories of The Prophets

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. ^ Quran 87:19 ^ Quran 19:41 ^ Quran 2:124 ^ Quran 16:120 ^ Concise Encyclopedia of Islam, C. Glasse, pg. 18 ^ Concise Encyclopedia of Islam, C. Glasse, Kaaba ^ Quran 2:128 ^ Lings, Martin. "Muhammad". House of God Chap. I (cf. Index: "Abraham"), Suhail Academy Co. ^ "Ibrahim". Encylcopedia of Islam, Online version.

10. ^ Quran 19:44 11. ^ Quran 19:42 12. ^ Quran 19:43 13. ^ Quran 19:45 14. ^ Quran 19:46 15. ^ Quran 19:47 16. ^ Quran 9:114 17. ^ Quran 21:57 18. ^ Quran 21:58 19. ^ Quran 21:60 20. ^ Quran 21:63 21. ^ Quran 21:65 22. ^ Quran 21:68 23. ^ Quran 21:69 24. ^ Quran 21:70 25. ^ Quran 2:258 26. ^ Quran 29:26 27. ^ Quran 37:102

28. ^ Quran 37:102 29. ^ Quran 37:103 30. ^ Quran 37:105 31. ^ Quran 37:107 32. ^ Quran 37:112 33. ^ Quran 11:69 34. ^ Quran 11:70 35. ^ Quran 11:71 36. ^ Quran 11:72 37. ^ Quran 11:73 38. ^ "2:124-141". Qur'an. 39. ^ "3:95-97". Qur'an. 40. ^ Quran 2:125 41. ^ Quran 2:126 42. ^ Quran 2:126 43. ^ Qur'an VI: 75 44. ^ Qur'an II: 260 45. ^ XXI: 68-70 46. ^ The Book of Certainty, M. Lings, S. Academy Publishing 47. ^ Stories of the Prophets, Kisa'i/Kathir, Story of Abraham 48. ^ Qur'an: Text, Translation, Commentary, Abdullah Yusuf Ali, note. 285 49. ^ Qur'an: Text, Translation, Commentary, Abdullah Yusuf Ali, note. 2703 50. ^ Qur'an XI: 75 51. ^ Qur'an 19: 46 52. ^ Lives of the Prophets, L. Azzam, Suhail Academy Co. 53. ^ History of the Prophets and Kings, Tabari, Vol. I: Prophets and Patriarchs 54. ^ Book 1: The Prophet Abraham, Harun Yahya, The Unbeliever Advised By Abraham, Online. web. 55. ^ Qur'an XI: 69 56. ^ Book 1: The Prophet Abraham, Harun Yahya, Angels Who Visited Abraham, Online. web. 57. ^ Qur'an IV: 125 58. ^ Mecca: From Before Genesis Until Now, M. Lings. Archetype Books 59. ^ Book of Isaiah XLI: 8 60. ^ Epistle of James II: 23 61. ^ Mecca: From Before Genesis Until Now, M. Lings, pg. 39, Archetype 62. ^ Concise Encyclopedia of Islam, C. Glasse, Kaaba, Suhail Academy

63. ^ A-Z of Prophets in Islam and Judaism, B. M. Wheeler, Abraham 64. ^ Tafsir and Commentary on 87: 18-19 & 53: 36-37, Abdullah Yusuf Ali and Muhammad Asad 65. ^ Quran 87:1819 66. ^ Quran 6:8387 67. ^ Qur'an 14: 39 68. ^ Qur'an XXVI: 83 69. ^ Qur'an XXVI: 84 70. ^ Qur'an XXVI: 85-89 71. ^ Qur'an LX: 5 72. ^ Qur'an XXXVII: 100

edit]Further reading

P.J. Bearman, Th. Bianquis, C.E. Bosworth, E. van Donzel, W.P. Heinrichs, ed. Encyclopaedia of Islam Online. Brill Academic Publishers. ISSN 1573-3912.

Cyril Glasse, Concise Encyclopedia of Islam, Pgs. 18-19 (Abraham), Suhail Academy Harun Yahya, Book 1: Prophet Abraham, Online Web Edition.


and the Kaaba

Martin Lings, Mecca: From Before Genesis Until Now, Archetype Leila Azzam, Lives of the Prophets, Abraham and the Kaaba, Suhail Academy

[edit]Abraham's [


Tabari, History of the Prophets and Kings, Vol. II: Prophets and Patriarchs Ibn Kathir, Stories of the Prophets, Chapter VI: Story of Abraham

edit]External links
The Story of the Prophet Ibrahim & His Wife Hajar The Sacrifice Of Abraham: Isaac or Ishmael? Was Azar the Father of Prophet Ibrahim(A.S.)?
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Chronological Order of the Qur'an

The Qur'an is not in chronological order, but arranged roughly longest surah (chapter) to the shortest. The following lists the chronological (or revelational) order of the Qur'an[1][2][3][4][5]

Chronological Order 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Surah Name Al-Alaq Al-Qalam Al-Muddathir Al-Fatiha Al-Masadd At-Takwir Al-Ala Al-Lail Al-Fajr Ad-Dhuha Al-Inshirah Al-Asr Al-Adiyat Al-Kauther 19 52 56 7 5 29 19 21 30 11 8 3 11 3

Number of Verses

Location of Revelation Mecca Mecca Mecca Mecca Mecca Mecca Mecca Mecca Mecca Mecca Mecca Mecca Mecca Mecca Mecca 96 68 73 74 1 111 81 87 92 89 93 94 103 100 108

Traditional Order

Al-Muzzammil 20

49 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 At-Takathur Al-Maun Al-Kafiroon Al-Fil Al-Falaq An-Nas Al-Ikhlas An-Najm Abasa Al-Qadr Ash-Shams Al-Burooj At-Tin Quraish Al-Qaria Al-Qiyama Al-Humaza Al-Mursalat Qaf Al-Balad At-Tariq Al-Qamar Sad Al-Araf Al-Jinn Ya-Sin Al-Furqan Fatir Maryam Taha Al-Waqia Ash-Shuara An-Naml Al-Qasas Al-Isra Yunus Hud 8 7 6 5 5 6 4 62 42 5 15 22 8 4 11 40 9 50 45 20 17 55 88 206 28 83 77 45 98 135 96 226 93 88 111 109 123 Mecca Mecca Mecca Mecca Mecca Mecca Mecca Mecca Mecca Mecca Mecca Mecca Mecca Mecca Mecca Mecca Mecca Mecca Mecca Mecca Mecca Mecca Mecca Mecca Mecca Mecca Mecca Mecca Mecca Mecca Mecca Mecca Mecca Mecca Mecca Mecca Mecca 102 107 109 105 113 114 112 53 80 97 91 85 95 106 101 75 104 77 50 90 86 54 38 7 72 36 25 35 19 20 56 26 27 28 17 10 11

50 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 Yusuf Al-Hijr Al-Anaam As-Saaffat Luqman Saba Az-Zumar Al-Ghafir Fussilat Ash-Shura Az-Zukhruf Ad-Dukhan Al-Jathiya Al-Ahqaf Adh-Dhariyat Al-Ghashiya Al-Kahf An-Nahl Nooh Ibrahim Al-Ambiya As-Sajda At-Tur Al-Mulk Al-Haaqqa Al-Maarij An-Naba An-Naziat Al-Infitar Al-Inshiqaq Ar-Room Al-Ankaboot Al-Mutaffifin Al-Baqara Al-Anfal Al-i-Imran 111 99 165 182 34 54 75 85 54 53 89 59 37 35 60 26 110 128 28 52 112 30 49 30 52 44 40 46 19 25 60 69 36 286 75 200 Mecca Mecca Mecca Mecca Mecca Mecca Mecca Mecca Mecca Mecca Mecca Mecca Mecca Mecca Mecca Mecca Mecca Mecca Mecca Mecca Mecca Mecca Mecca Mecca Mecca Mecca Mecca Mecca Mecca Mecca Mecca Mecca Mecca Mecca Medina Medina Medina 12 15 6 37 31 34 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 51 88 18 16 71 14 21 23 32 52 67 69 70 78 79 82 84 30 29 83 2 8 3

Al-Mumenoon 118

51 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 Al-Ahzab An-Nisa Al-Zalzala Al-Hadid Muhammad Ar-Rad Al-Rahman Al-Insan At-Talaq Al-Bayyina Al-Hashr An-Noor Al-Hajj AlMunafiqoon Al-Mujadila Al-Hujraat At-Tahrim At-Taghabun As-Saff Al-Jumua Al-Fath Al-Maeda At-Taubah An-Nasr 73 176 8 29 38 43 78 31 12 8 24 64 78 11 22 18 12 18 14 11 29 120 129 3 Medina Medina Medina Medina Medina Medina Medina Medina Medina Medina Medina Medina Medina Medina Medina Medina Medina Medina Medina Medina Medina Medina Medina Medina Medina 33 60 4 99 57 47 13 55 76 65 98 59 24 22 63 58 49 66 64 61 62 48 5 9 110

Al-Mumtahina 13

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Surat Anam Ain 4: rejection of truth

52 Proses atau perilaku manusia menolak ayat-ayat atau kebenaran Ayat (31-32)-(33-36)-(37-41) JALUR WAHYU/AYAT/KEBENARAN: (1) ALLAH-(2) malaikat (3) RASUL- (4) MANUSIA TOPIK DALAM AIN 4: MENOLAK AYAT/KEBENARAN. PAR 1: 31-32 MANUSIA: mendustakan pertemuan dengan ALLAH. Memikul beban buruk. Belum mengerti bahwa akhirat lebih baik dari pada dunia. PAR 2; 33-36 Orang zalim ingkar ayat. Rasu sedih. Rasul-rasul dulu juga didustakan.Rasul jangan termasuk orang bodoh. Yang mendapat seruan =yang mendengarkan. Orang mati akan dibangkitkan dan menghadap kami. PAR 3 :37-41 Mereka minta diturunkan mukjizat.Mereka tidak mengerti (mukjizat), mereka bodoh. Khewan =manusia = bermasyarakat. Mereka akan dihimpun. Yang mendustakan ayat = sesat, yang menerima =di jalan lurus. Kepada siapa berdoa ketika azab datang atau kamu lagi takut. Kepada Allah. KESIMPULAM: Proses atau perilaku manusia menolak ayat-ayat atau kebenaran : 4. Mendustakan pertemuan dengan ALLAH - mendapat beban berat 5. Menolak RASUL rasul menjadi sedih, jangan bodoh. 6. Menolak ayat.- minta mukjizat, padahal Quran =mukjizat. Menolak ayat /kebenaran = sesat. AIN 5:CONSEQUENCES OF REJECTION AIN 6: CONSEQUENCES OF REJECTION AIN 7:DIVINE JUDGMENT AIN 8: DIVINE JUDGMENT AIN 9:ABRAHAM ARGUMENT TO


SURAT AL-A-RAF RUKU:ke 5, AYAT: 40-41//42-47 JUDUL: PENERIMA PESAN/ ================================================================== ISI: penghuni neraka, penghuni surga, dan penghuni ARAF

PENGHUNI NERAKA 23. ORANG JAHAT (orang yang mendustakan ayat)tidak akan masuk surga. 24. Orang ZALIM (dzolimin) masuk jahanam (tempat pembaringan + selimut api PENGHUNI SURGA 25. Beriman, berbuat baik, bekerja sesuai dengan kemampuannya. 26. Dihapus rasa dendam dari hatinya. 27. Mengucapkan syukur: segla puji bagi Allah yang telah membimbing kami ke arah ini.Alhamdu lillahilladzii hadaanaa lihaadza, 28. Memanggil penghuni neraka menerangkan bahwa janj Allah adalah benar. 29. Penghuni neraka berkata bahwa laknat dijatuhkan pada orang zalim. 30. Orang kafir: orang yang merintangi dari jalan Allah dan ingin membelokannya. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ORANG-ORANG DI AL A-RAF 31. Memanggil penghuni surga, dan mengucapkan salam 32. Sebelum masuk surga, 33. Memandang penghuni neraka dan berdoa : Tuhan kami, jangan kami tempatkan bersama orang zalim. APLIKASI: Setelah membacadan memahami ruku ini, ada perubahan perilaku:


7. Jangan menjadi orang jahat, dan orang zalim, kalau mau masuk surga 8. Beriman, berbuat baik, dan mengerjakan sesuatu sesuai dengan kemampuan, kalau mau menjadi penghuni surga. 9. Mendapat pengetahuan: ada penghuni neraka, penghuni surga, dan penghuni Al Arof.

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