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Assalamualaikum warahmatullahiwabarakatuh. Firstly, Alhamdulillah, finally our group successfully done this assignment and we get the result as we espect. To our dear lecterur, Mrs Mazlina binti Mamat, thank you for everything. Thank you for all the advice, exortation, leads and always give us guidelines on how to do the assignment. Our groups objectives is actually we want to get a lot of experience and knowlegment about fundamentals of marketing. Since this is our first time learning marketing, we are so excited to do this assignment. Besides that, we also hope that we are able to give a better performance and a best research about the product that we have done. The advantages, benefit and what is premium, we hope that all of us can get when buying this product. We are also hope that in the future, we can apply all of the experience and knowledgement that we get from this assignment in our daily life. We are trying our hard to make sure that what we are studying is really related to our daily life. It is because most of the lessons in marketing is very related to our daily life. Lastly, we hope that this assignment can give affect to us and all of you. We also hope that this product can be famous and we can make it as our routine food. This is our group objectives.


` As we all know, all of the company or a organization have their own mission when producing certain products. The same goes to our business. We have our own mission when we produce our own products. Our product that we have produce is keropok segera. Here, we have list our business mission. First, we want to make sure that keropok segera can be the routine food for all level of ages. Our products is made from nutritious ingredients like fish. So it is very suitable for a person that realy care about their health. From this objectives, we try our hard to improve our product to make sure that we can reach our mission. Our second mission is we want our products to spread to the entire of the country. It is not an impossibles mission since we have think wisely and we think that we can find a brilliant way to market our product to the entire of the country. Other than that, five years from now, we want that our product can be accepted by consumer from all of the Malaysian. We want to spread this keropok segera to all of the country and all of our customer can receive our product. This product also realy light and it is easy to carry. We can just put it in our bag. So, we can also reduce the usage of plastic bag and it can save our world from air pollution. About the price, we think that it is a very reasonable price. We can also say that it is cheaper than the other products in the market. Even a school student can buy our product. It have a very reasonable price and easy to carry. We also can have it everywhere and everytime we need. It can also be the snackfor our tea time. So, keropok segera is very good and different from other products. These are a few of our business mission with this product.


A quiet good organization. Our organization that have been built a long time ago can help us to market our keropok segera . It is because we have been so familiar with the market in Malaysia. So, we can easily target our consumers. Until now, our products have been market in some state like Kelantan, Terengganu and Pahang. Now, we are planning to market our products to the entire country. We are trying our best to make sure that this product can reach the highest level of market.

A very good product. Keropok segera is a nutritious food. This is because it is made by fresh fish that we get from the ocean. It is easy for us to get fresh ingredients since our organization is located not far from the sea. So, our products will not harm our customers health. It is very suitable for those who are really take good care for their health. So. There is no reason for our customer not to try our product.

A simple and light packaging. Keropok segera is easy to detect since it has a very simple packaging. Cutomers also very familiar with our products. It is also very easy to find. It is usually located in the local shop and in the villages. Our customer do not need to go to other place to find our product. So, we can get customers from the villages and school students. It is also easy to bring and we can just put it in our bag.

Reasonable price. Our products have a very reasonable price. Its price is more cheaper than the other products in the market. It is also very suitable for customer that have a low rate of income. So, they dont need much money to get the product. We are also target the lower income customers to have our products. So, our products is reasonable for all types of customer.

y Not interesting packaging. When we make a research on our product which is keropok segera, we think that our product did not look much interesting in packaging. Our product just have one colour on the packaging. So, it cant attract the younger customer or kids. When they go to supermarket for shopping, they maybe not look at our product since it does not have something that kids want. So, we have decided to upgrade our products packaging to ensure that its can attract more consumers from tho younger generations.

Lack of high level consumer. Our product is made in the village and near to the sea. So, we did not get much attention from the citys consumer. It is maybe because of the place that we produce our product which is far from city. Our consumer from the city did not get more information of our product. They are also did not use the keropok segera as their main snack. They maybe prefer something that is more branded and easy to get.

Hard to market our product in a big supermarket. Our product have a very much competitors. As we can see the product in market nowadays, there are so many product or snack food that are very popular among the consumers. There are also so many branded product that have been market in the local supermarket. Keropok segera is not a branded product and we did not so popular among the consumer. So, our product did not get attention from the supplier to market our product in a big supermarket. So, we cannot attract consumers from city to buy our product.


y SOCIAL The major social and lifestyle that we can see nowadays is very affecting our firm production. The demand from the consumer that want something that have quality and have a very reasonable price make us want to produce something like that. So, we have try our best to make sure that our product will fulfill their willingness. Keropok segera is very suitable for them. It is because we our product have the quality and very reasonable price that affordable for everyone.

DEMOGRAPHICS We have our own target when we market our product. Our target is everyone that have different types of gender, age and profile. The changes of lifestyle and economis have give a challenge to market our product. Because of that we make a few changes in our product distribution. We had increase the production of keropok segera to fulfill the demand of this product because of the increase of population. We try to make sure that we have the consumer outside of our state.

COMPETITION, Our firm have a very high competition. The competitor that is very close to us is kerepek pisang, and potato crisp. It is because their company also produce almost same product with us which is a product from village. Their target consumer also same as us. So, we are trying our best to make sure that our product will attract more consumer then the other company. Our company seem to have a bright opportunities tohave a better performance in the market.

ECOLOGICAL. Our company is trying to minimize our cost in producing this product. It is to make sure that we have much priofit from our product. The ingredients that we use to make keropok segera also very environmentally friendly. It is because we did not make any pollution in producing this product. So, it can save our earth. The fish that we use to make keropok segera is from the sea and we are not attack them. The service and operations that we use in making this product is clean and we are free from illegal aspect that can cause our production to fail.

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