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Tasheelul Ahaadeeth


Grades 1-7
Cont ent s
GRADE ONE ..................................................................... 5
1. SINCERITY .................................................................................... 6
2. SALAAM ..................................................................................... 10
3. TRUTHFULNESS .......................................................................... 12
4. DISPLEASING ONES FATHER ...................................................... 15
5. JANNAH LIES BENEATH THE FEET OF THE MOTHER ..................... 15
GRADE TWO .................................................................. 19
6. TAKING CARE OF THE QUR'AAN ................................................. 20
7. CLEANLINESS ............................................................................. 22
8. JEALOUSY .................................................................................. 25
9. FEEDING THE HUNGRY ............................................................... 27
10. VISITING THE SICK ................................................................... 29
GRADE THREE .............................................................. 31
11. GUARDING THE TONGUE .......................................................... 32
12. CRYING OVER ONES SINS ........................................................ 34
13. HELPING OTHERS ..................................................................... 37
14. GOOD CHARACTER .................................................................. 39
15. SWEARING ............................................................................... 42
16. MODESTY ................................................................................ 43
GRADE FOUR ................................................................ 44
17. DECEPTION .............................................................................. 45
18. DUA ......................................................................................... 46
19. INTOXICANTS ........................................................................... 48
20. GRATITUDE .............................................................................. 49
21. SALAAH ................................................................................... 51
22. FRIENDS ................................................................................... 54

GRADE FIVE .................................................................. 56
23. SPYING ..................................................................................... 57
24. HUMILITY ................................................................................ 59
25. OBSCENE TALK ........................................................................ 61
26. TAQWA (FEAR OF ALLAH) ....................................................... 62
27. HATRED ................................................................................... 66
28. HAVING MERCY ON OTHERS ..................................................... 68
GRADE SIX .................................................................... 70
29. WEALTH .................................................................................. 71
30. SEEKING KNOWLEDGE.............................................................. 75
31. LEARNING THE QUR'AAN .......................................................... 78
32. THE BEST ZIKR ......................................................................... 80
33. DUROOD SHAREEF ................................................................... 82
34. BACKBITING ............................................................................ 84
GRADE SEVEN .............................................................. 86
35. NEIGHBOURS ............................................................................ 87
36. GIFTS ....................................................................................... 90
37. DOUBTFUL THINGS .................................................................. 91
38. ANGER ..................................................................................... 94
39. BEING ALONE WITH A FEMALE ................................................. 96
40. DEATH ................................................................................... 100

The purpose of teaching Hadith and Akhlaaq:
There are many objectives of teaching these subjects, some of which are:
1. To memorise the Ahaadeeth.
2. To (make amal) practice on the Hadith.
3. To earn the (thawaab) rewards for memorising the Ahaadeeth.
Rasulullah j has explained the virtues of memorising the Mubaarak
Ahaadeeth. In one Hadith he is reported to have said:

May Allah give splendour to that person who heard something
from us (my words Hadith) and passed it on in the same form that
he heard it. In another Hadith, the following has been reported:

That person who learns forty Ahaadeeth from my sayings, I will
enter him in my intercession on the Day of Qiyaamah.
Through the blessings of these Ahaadeeth, the muallim/ah and the
pupil will attain success in this world as well as the Aakhirah, Insha


The object of teaching Hadith is to:
1. Inculcate the teachings of Rasulullah j in the lives of our
2. Memorise the wordings of the Hadith. If the child has
memorized the Ahaadeeth and understood its meaning, he/she
will Insha Allah remember them on the appropriate occasions
and practice upon them.
Keep in mind the following guidelines when teaching Hadith:
1. Time
The official Hadith period will be once a week, on a Friday.
However, a quick revision of the Hadith should take place daily
between subjects. A chart of the new Hadith should be pinned on the
board. If the maktab is in a school classroom, the mu'allim/ah may
stick the chart before the class time commences and removes it after
madrassah is over. A quick revision can take place between subjects
for 1-2 minutes daily. For instance the Qur'aan Sabak is over. It is
now time for Fiqh. Before the children can open their Fiqh books,
revise the Hadith quickly for 1-2 minutes get the entire class to
repeat it together a few times.
2. New Hadith
When teaching a Hadith for the first time the following procedure
must be followed:
Make the pupils recite j before each Hadith.
Read the Arabic text word for word at a slow pace so that the
correct pronunciation of every letter and word is clearly heard by the

Read the translation.
Make at least 3 children, in turns, read the Hadith from the
kitaab. Correct any mistakes. Emphasise the correct pronunciation of
letters that are commonly mispronounced.
Make the entire class repeat the Hadith 3 times with the
Very simply explain the meaning of the Hadith. If it is something
that can be practically demonstrated immediately, do so. For example
the Hadith Assalaamu Qablal Kalaami has just been taught. Ask
Ahmed to go across the class, meet Yusuf and ask him how he is
feeling. Ahmed who has understood the lesson goes to Yusuf and
first makes salaaam before speaking to him. Praise Ahmed. If he did
not make salaam first, ask the class: What did Ahmed do wrong?
Make a second child do the same. The same kind of demonstration
can be done for various other Ahaadeeth, such as the Ahaadeeth
relating to drinking in three sips, removing the left shoe first, wearing
a garment from the right side, entering the toilet with the left foot and
leaving with the right etc.
3. Commitment
After the above has been done, ask the class: Who is going to
always make salaam first before talking? After they have put their
hands up, praise them and encourage them with a few words. For
example, tell them: Allah and our beloved Rasulullah j will be
very pleased with us if we practice on these sunnats.
4. Follow up
Do a Follow up during the quick revision the next day. Enquire
who practiced upon the Hadith that was taught the previous day.
Praise those who have practiced upon it, and encourage those who
have not.

.There is no pupil activity included in this kitaab. A

standard worksheet which includes the following
questions should be used at the end of each lesson:
1. What is t he wor ding of t he Hadit h?
2. What is t he meaning of t he Hadit h?
3. What ar e t he lessons lear nt f r om t he Hadit h?
4. What is t he st or y you lear nt f r om t his Hadit h?
5. How does t his Hadit h af f ect your self and your f ellow
6. To what ext ent ar e you able t o pr act ice on t his Hadit h?

Hadith Grade 1



Verily, actions depend upon their intentions.
Lessons learnt from this Hadith:
1. What intention we have made before doing any action will decide
whether we will be rewarded for that action or not.
2. We should always do things to please Allah alone, then only
will Allah reward us.
3. Before, after and whilst doing any action we should always check
our intentions.
4. If shaytaan spoils our intentions we should ask forgiveness from
Allah and correct our intention.

Hadith Grade 1

St or y 1
Hadhr at Ali D while f ight ing wit h a non-Muslim managed
t o over power him and was sit t ing on t op of him r eady t o kill
him wit h his swor d. The non-Muslim spat on Hadhr at Ali' s
D f ace. This anger ed Hadhr at Ali D . However he got
of f t he non-Muslim and placed t he swor d back int o it s
sheat h.
As Hadhr at Ali D was leaving, t he non-Muslim asked,
"What is t his? Af t er spit t ing on your f ace you should have
killed me immediat ely. What st opped you f r om killing me?"
Hadhr at Ali D said, "I had t he int ent ion of killing you
solely f or t he pleasur e of Allah . When you spat on my
f ace, I became angr y. I f I had killed you t hen, it would not
have been solely f or Allah . I t would have been t o vent my
anger . Allah only accept s t hose act ions which ar e done
solely f or Him. Ther ef or e I r ef r ained f r om killing you."
Hear ing t his f r om Hadhr at Ali D , t he non-Muslim was
ast onished and I maan ent er ed his hear t . He said, "I
consider it my good f or t une t o accept such a Deen which so
gr eat ly emphasises sincer it y. This Deen is def init ely t he
t r ue Deen."

Hadith Grade 1

St or y 2
Ther e was a man f r om t he Bani I sr aeel who used t o be
engaged in t he I baadah of Allah all t he t ime. A gr oup of
people once came t o him and t old him t hat t he people of a
near by t r ibe wer e wor shipping a t r ee. This news upset him,
t hus he t ook an axe and set of f t o cut t he t r ee. On t he
way, shayt aan met him in t he f or m of an old man and asked
him wher e he was going. The man t old shayt aan t hat he was
going t o cut down t he t r ee. Shayt aan said, "The t r ee has
not hing t o do wit h you. Do not leave your I baadah f or
somet hing t hat does not concer n you." "This is also
I baadah." said t he man and cont inued on his way.
Shayt aan t r ied t o st op him by wr est ling wit h him but t he
man over power ed shayt aan. Shayt aan begged him t o get
of f him and when t he man got of f , shayt aan said, "Allah
has not made it Far dh t o cut t his t r ee. I f you do not cut
t his t r ee, it will not har m you in anyway. I f cut t ing t he t r ee
was Far dh, Allah would have t old one of His Pr ophet s t o
cut it ." The man st ill insist ed on going t o cut t he t r ee and
shayt aan t r ied t o st op him again. For t he second t ime, t he
man over power ed shayt aan. Shayt aan t hen said t o t he man,
"You ar e a poor man. I f you do not cut t his t r ee, I will give
you t hr ee gold coins ever yday which you will f ind under
your pillow. Wit h t his money you can f ulf il your needs, help
your r elat ives, help t he poor and do many ot her good deeds.
Cut t ing t he t r ee is only one good deed but wit h t he money
you can do many good deeds." The man accept ed t his
suggest ion and went back home wit hout cut t ing t he t r ee.
Hadith Grade 1

For t wo days he f ound t he money. However , on t he t hir d
day he f ound not hing. He got angr y, picked up his axe and
set of f t o cut t he t r ee. On t he way, shayt aan met him and
asked wher e he was going. The man r eplied t hat he was
going t o cut t he t r ee. Shayt aan said, "I will not let you cut
t he t r ee." This t ime, when t hey had a f ight , shayt aan
over power ed t he man. The man was sur pr ised at t his and
asked shayt aan why he had won t he f ight t his t ime.
Shayt aan said, "The f ir st t ime you wer e going t o cut t he
t r ee only f or t he sake of Allah . Thus, Allah helped you
t o over power me. This t ime you wer e going t o cut t he t r ee
because you did not get t he money. Thus, I over power ed

Hadith Grade 1

2. SA LA A M

Say Assalaamu alykum before you begin speaking.
Lessons learnt from this Hadith:
1. Whenever we meet another Muslim we should greet him/her with
the words Assalaamu alykum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuhu.
2. The word Assalaamu alykum means May peace be upon you
3. If we greet with SALAAM we will be making dua for one
4. We should not say Hi!, Hello, Good day or Good morning as
these are not Islamic greetings.
5. We should always be the first to greet. The one who greets first
receives more reward and it will protect one from having pride.

Hadith Grade 1

St or y 3
Hadhr at Abdullah D was t he son of Hadhr at Umar D .
He had seen Rasulullah j gr eet ever ybody, old and young,
r ich and poor . Rasulullah j also gr eet ed childr en.
Hadhr at Abdullah D loved Rasulullah j so he t r ied t o
imit at e him in making salaam. He made it a habit t o pass
t hr ough t he mar ket only t o gr eet people. He gr eet ed
ever ybody he met , t he shopkeeper s, t he passer s-by and
t he childr en.
One day someone asked him, "You come daily t o t he shops
but you never buy or sell anyt hing. You don' t even st op t o
chat t o anyone. Why t hen do you come t o t he mar ket ?"
Hadhr at Abdullah D r eplied, "I come t o t he mar ket only
t o make salaam t o t he people."

Hadith Grade 1


Be truthful.

Lessons learnt from this Hadith:
1. A Muslim must always speak the truth
2. Allah loves those who speak the truth.
3. Allah will save those people who always speak the truth.
4. One who is always truthful will enter Jannah.
5. A liar will be destroyed by Allah .

Hadith Grade 1

St or y 4
Hadhr at Abdul Qadir J ilaani was a ver y gr eat saint .
When he was a young lad, he decided t o go t o Baghdad t o
acquir e r eligious knowledge. Bef or e leaving, his mot her
gave him 40 gold coins and sewed t hem in an inside pocket .
She t hen advised him t o never speak a lie. He pr omised his
mot her t hat he will obey her and not speak a lie.
I n t hose days t her e wer e no car s, t r ains or planes. People
used t o t r avel in gr oups f or ming a car avan. Shaikh Abdul
Qadir also j oined a car avan going t o Baghdad.
On t he way, a gang of r obber s at t acked t he car avan and
st ar t ed st ealing t he peoples' money. A r obber came t o
Shaikh Abdul Qadir and asked if he had any money.
He r eplied t hat he had 40 gold coins. The r obber t hought
t hat he was j oking so he lef t him alone.
Af t er a while anot her r obber came and asked Shaikh Abdul
Qadir if he had any money. Again he r eplied t hat he
had 40 gold coins. The r obber didn' t believe him because
he looked like he was poor . The second r obber also lef t him
alone. The news of t his young boy r eached t he leader of
t he r obber s. The leader t old t hem t o br ing t he young boy
t o him.
When Shaikh Abdul Qadir was br ought , t he leader
of t he r obber s asked him if he had any money. Shaikh
Abdul Qadir r eplied t hat he had 40 gold coins wit h
him. The leader of t he r obber s asked, "Wher e is it ?" "Sewn
Hadith Grade 1

in an inside pocket ." he r eplied. The leader t old one of t he
r obber s t o sear ch t he young boy. When t he r obber
sear ched him, he f ound 40 gold coins which wer e hidden in
an inside pocket . On seeing t his, all t he r obber s wer e
ast onished. The leader said, "You know t hat we ar e r obber s
and t hat we st eal money f r om people. Your money was
saf ely hidden. I f you lied t o us t hat you don' t have any
money, we would have believed you and your money would
have been saf e. What made you speak t he t r ut h and show
us your money?"
Shaikh Abdul Qadir r eplied, "Bef or e I lef t home, my
mot her t old me never t o speak a lie. Ther ef or e I will not
disobey my mot her , not even f or t he sake of 40 gold coins."
The wor ds of t his young lad gr eat ly af f ect ed t he leader of
t he r obber s who said, "This lad has obeyed his mot her
wher eas I have disobeyed Allah my ent ir e lif e. I make
t aubah f or my sins and pr omise not t o t r ouble anyone f or
t he r est of my lif e." The ot her r obber s also made t aubah
and r et ur ned all t he money t o t he people. They t hen lived
t heir lives obeying Allah and became His close f r iends.

Hadith Grade 1


Allah is displeased with the one whose father is
displeased with him.
[Mustadrak Haakim]


Jannah lies beneath the feet of the mother.
[Kanzul Ummaal]

Hadith Grade 1

Lessons learnt from these two Ahaadeeth:
1. Always obey your parents.
2. Never offend them in anyway.
3. Speak to them with kindness and love.
4. Do not even say Aakh! or Oof! to them.
5. When they are old and weak and they need you then serve them
6. Make the following dua for them, O
Allah, Show mercy to my parents like how they showed mercy
to me when I was small."
St or y 5
Hadhr at Alqamah D was a young Sahaabi who was ver y
gener ous and used t o st r ive har d f or Deen. Suddenly he
became ver y sick. Rasulullah j came t o know of his
condit ion and sent Hadhr at Bilaal D t o check on him.
When Hadhr at Bilaal D came t o Hadhr at Alqamah' s D
house, he saw t hat Hadhr at Alqamah D was about t o pass
away. He t r ied t o make him r ead t he kalimah, but Hadhr at
Alqamah D was unable t o r ead it . Rasulullah j was
inf or med of t his.
Rasulullah j asked if Hadhr at Alqamah' s D par ent s wer e
alive. The Sahabah r eplied t hat only his mot her was alive
who was ver y old. Rasulullah j sent Hadhr at Bilaal D t o
ask her if she could come t o Rasulullah j or should he
come t o her . She r eplied, "May my lif e be sacr if iced f or
Rasulullah j ! I will go t o him." She t ook suppor t on a st ick
Hadith Grade 1

and went t o Rasulullah j . She made salaam and sat down.
Rasulullah j r eplied t o her salaam and said, "I am now
going t o ask you some quest ions. Please answer t hem
t r ut hf ully ot her wise I will be inf or med t hr ough wahi if you
Rasulullah j t hen asked, "What kind of a per son is
Alqamah D ?" She r eplied, "He per f or ms lot s of salaah,
keeps lot s of f ast s and is ver y gener ous." Rasulullah j
asked, "How is his r elat ion wit h you?" She r eplied t hat she
was displeased wit h him. When Rasulullah j asked her why,
she said, "He pr ef er s his wif e over me." Rasulullah j t old
her t hat t he displeasur e of his mot her is not allowing him
t o r ead t he kalimah.
Ther eaf t er Rasulullah j t old Hadhr at Bilaal D t o get
some wood and st ar t a f ir e in which Hadhr at Alqamah D
would be t hr own. His mot her asked in shock, "Will you bur n
my son in f r ont of me? I cannot allow t his." Rasulullah j
said, "The f ir e of Allah is mor e sever e t han t his and
last s f or ever . I f you want Allah t o f or give him t hen be
pleased wit h him. I t ake an oat h in t he name of Allah
t hat wit hout pleasing you, his salaah and ot her good deeds
will not benef it him." She immediat ely said, "O Pr ophet of
Allah ! I make you wit ness t hat I am pleased wit h
Alqamah D ."
Rasulullah j t hen t old Hadhr at Bilaal D t o go and see
Alqamah' s D condit ion. When Hadhr at Bilaal ent er ed t he
Hadith Grade 1

house, he hear d Hadhr at Alqamah D r eading t he kalimah
loudly and soon t her eaf t er he passed away.

Hadith Grade 2


Take good care of the Qur'aan.
Lessons learnt from this Hadith:
1. Since the Qur'aan is the book of Allah , we must always show
respect to it.
2. Always make wudhu before touching the Qur'aan.
3. Place the Qur'aan on a clean and high place.
4. Always hold it in your right hand close to your heart.
5. Do not face your back or stretch your feet towards the Qur'aan.
St or y 6
Ther e was a man who was not a good Muslim, but he had
gr eat r espect f or t he Qur ' aan, and it s pages. While
walking, he f ound a page of t he Qur ' aan on t he f loor . He
picked it up, kissed it , dust ed t he sand of f and placed it on
a high shelf wit h r espect . Allah loved t his act ion and
f or gave him.

Hadith Grade 2

St or y 7
A pious per son used t o st ay in Madinah Munawwar ah. He
passed away and was bur ied in J annat ul Baqi' . The pr act ice
in Makkah Mukar r amah and Madinah Munawwar ah is t hat a
f ew mont hs af t er t hey bur y anybody, t hey dig up t he same
gr ave and bur y someone else in it because t he bodies decay
ver y quickly. A f ew mont hs lat er , t hey dug up t he gr ave of
t his pious per son and f ound t hat his body was st ill int act .
A f ew mont hs lat er , t hey dug up t he gr ave of t his pious
per son and again f ound his body int act . They closed up t he
gr ave and put a mar k on it indicat ing t hat t his gr ave should
not be dug up in t he f ut ur e.
They went t o t he son of t he pious man and asked, "What
deed of your f at her was so liked by Allah t hat Allah
did not allow t he ear t h t o eat his body?" The son r eplied,
"Allah knows best . I f eel t hat it was t he r espect t hat he
had f or t he Qur ' aan Shar eef . He would not even st r et ch
his legs in t he dir ect ion of a Haf iz. He would say, ' He (t he
haf iz) has t he Qur ' aan in his chest .' "
Hadith Grade 2


Cleanliness is half of Imaan. (faith)
Lessons learnt from this Hadith:
1. Cleanliness is a very important part of Islam.
2. We should be clean and pure at all times.
3. Make istinja, wudhu and ghusal thoroughly.
4. Our bodies, clothes, books, classrooms, homes, yards, etc. must
be kept clean, neat and tidy at all times.
5. Angels remain with a person who is clean and paak at all times.
St or y 8
Once Rasulullah j was walking wit h a gr oup of Sahabah
when t hey passed by t wo gr aves. Rasulullah j said, "The
t wo people bur ied in t hese gr aves ar e being punished. One
is being punished f or spying and t he ot her is being punished
f or not being car ef ul about t he splashes of ur ine."

Hadith Grade 2

St or y 9
A Muslim st udent once went t o London t o st udy. He f ound
accommodat ion at a boar ding house wher e ot her st udent s
wer e also st aying. This boar ding house was owned by an
English woman.
One day t his woman asked t he Muslim st udent , "Do you
t hink t hat I do not know how t o wash clot hes?" "What
makes you t hink t hat I have such an opinion about you?"
asked t he st udent . "I am quit e sur e t hat you know how t o
wash clot hes." The woman said, "Then why do you wash your
clot hes bef or e giving it t o me?" The st udent r eplied, "I do
not wash my clot hes bef or e giving it t o you. I f I did wash
my clot hes, I wouldn' t have given it t o you." "Then how is it
t hat I do not f ind mar ks, st ains and bad smells on your
pant s wher eas I f ind t hem on t he pant s of t he ot her
boar der s?" asked t he woman.
The st udent explained, "Madam, I am a Muslim. My r eligion
t eaches me t o be clean. I f a dr op of ur ine comes ont o my
pant s, I am commanded t o immediat ely wash it of f . I am
not allowed t o per f or m Salaah unt il I do so." The woman
asked, "Does your r eligion t each you such t hings as well?"
The st udent r eplied, "Yes, our Pr ophet j has t aught us
such t hings. He t aught us t o r emember Allah at all t imes.
He t aught us duas f or all occasions."
The woman f ound t his f ascinat ing. Ther eaf t er she began t o
car ef ully obser ve t he behaviour , manner s and habit s of t he
Hadith Grade 2

Muslim st udent and she began t o t ake an int er est in I slaam.
Ever y now and again she would ask him quest ions about
I slaam unt il event ually t he t r ut h of I slaam set t led in her
hear t and she became a Muslim. Not only did she accept
I slaam but she also conver t ed many member s of her f amily.

Hadith Grade 2


Save yourself from jealousy.
[Abu Dawood]
Lessons learnt from this Hadith:
1. Jealousy means to desire that the wealth, beauty or intelligence
that Allah has given to someone should be snatched away
from him and be given to you.
2. Jealousy destroys a persons life and good deeds.
3. It causes grief and pain to the jealous person.
4. Allah is displeased with a jealous person.
5. Shaytaan was destroyed because of his jealousy over Aadam .

Hadith Grade 2

St or y 10
Habil and Qabil wer e t he sons of Hadhr at Aadam . Habil
was inst r uct ed t o mar r y a cer t ain gir l and Qabil was
inst r uct ed t o mar r y anot her . The gir l who Habil was
supposed t o mar r y was pr et t ier t han t he one t hat Qabil
was supposed t o mar r y. Qabil was j ealous and want ed t o
mar r y t he pr et t ier of t he t wo. This mat t er was br ought t o
Hadhr at Aadam . Hadhr at Aadam , in or der t o sor t
out t he pr oblem, said, "Bot h of you of f er somet hing t o
Allah . Whoever ' s of f er ing is accept ed will mar r y t he
pr et t ier gir l."
I n t hose days, a sign of an of f er ing being accept ed by Allah
was t hat a f ir e would come down f r om t he sky and eat up
t he sacr if ice. I f t he f ir e didn' t eat up t he of f er ing, it
meant t hat it was not accept ed.
Habil owned sheep and goat s so he of f er ed a good, healt hy
sheep. Qabil was a f ar mer so he of f er ed some gr ains which
wer e not of ver y good qualit y. A f ir e came down f r om t he
sky and at e up t he of f er ing of Habil. This made Qabil
angr ier and j ealous. I n t he end, it was j ealousy t hat made
him kill his br ot her , Habil.

Hadith Grade 2


Feed the hungry.
Lessons learnt from this Hadith:
1. To feed the poor and hungry is an action that will be greatly
rewarded by Allah .
2. A Muslim should not fill his stomach whilst his neighbour goes
3. We should always serve the poor and needy.
4. Allah loves those who take care of the poor and needy.
St or y 11
Hadhr at Ali D and Hadhr at Faat ima D had t wo sons,
Hasan D and Husain D . One day t he t wo boys became
ver y sick. Their par ent s wer e ver y wor r ied. They made a
pr omise t o Allah t hat if t heir sons get well, t hey would
f ast f or t hr ee days.
Allah accept ed t heir dua and soon t he boys wer e well.
Their par ent s began t heir f ast .
Hadith Grade 2

On t he f ir st day, t hey br oke t heir f ast wit h wat er . They
per f or med salaah and sat down t o eat t heir meal which
consist ed of a f ew pieces of bar ley br ead. They wer e about
t o eat when t hey hear d t he voice of an old man calling out :
"For t he love of Allah , give me some f ood. Save my
f amily f r om hunger ." Hadhr at Faat ima D said t o Hadhr at
Ali D , "How can we eat when t hese people ar e hungr y?"
Hadhr at Ali D agr eed and t hey gave all t he br ead t o t he
old man. That night t hey went t o bed hungr y.
The next day, bot h f ast ed again. Af t er sunset , t hey sat
down t o eat a f ew pieces of br ead when t hey hear d
someone cr y, "For t he love of Allah , give us f ood!" At t he
door wer e t wo or phans. Hadhr at Faat ima D f elt sor r y f or
t hem. She said t o Hadhr at Ali D , "I t is t he command of
Allah t hat we should help t he poor . Let t he lit t le ones
have our f ood." Hadhr at Ali D agr eed and f or t he second
night t hey went t o bed wit hout f ood.
Alt hough t hey f elt ver y weak, t he next day t hey f ast ed.
Af t er sunset on t he t hir d day, t hey per f or med salaah and
at e t heir simple meal.
When Rasulullah j hear d of t he incident , he was f illed
wit h j oy and pleased wit h his daught er . I ndeed! Allah
was also pleased wit h t his act of kindness.

Hadith Grade 2


Visit the sick.
Lessons learnt from this Hadith:
1. Visiting the sick is a very good action it has great rewards.
2. Angels make dua for a person who visits the sick.
3. Give the sick person hope that he will soon be cured.
4. Keep your visit short when visiting the sick.
5. Ask the sick person to make dua for you as his dua is accepted.
6. Allah builds a palace in Jannah for a person who visits the

Hadith Grade 2

St or y 12
Hadhr at Sir r i Siqt i said, "Once, I had f allen ill and
was suf f er ing wit h diar r hoea. Some people had come t o
visit me. They sat f or so long t hat it seemed t hat t hey
wer e going t o st ay f or t he ent ir e day. Their long st ay
caused me gr eat dif f icult y because, wit h t hem ar ound, it
was dif f icult f or me t o go t o t he t oilet ever y now and again.
When t hey wer e leaving, t hey asked me t o make dua f or
t hem. I r aised my hands saying, ' O Allah! Teach t hem t he
et iquet t es of visit ing t he sick' ."
St or y 13
Once Allah t old Hadhr at Moosa , "O Moosa! I am sick
and you ar e not coming t o visit me." Hadhr at Moosa
asked, "O Allah! You ar e The Gr eat est . You do not get sick.
What do you mean by saying t hat you ar e sick and I did not
come t o visit you?"
Allah r eplied, "O Moosa! A cer t ain ser vant of mine is
sick. Go and visit him because when you will visit him, you
will come close t o Me. I f you visit t he sick, you will get lot s
of t hawaab. Visit t he sick per son even if he is your enemy
as t his visit could make him your f r iend. I f he does not
become your f r iend, he will not f ight wit h you."

Hadith Grade 3


Guard your tongue.

Lessons learnt from this Hadith:
1. Say good things or remain silent.
2. Think before you speak.
3. Do not say things, which will cause harm to yourself and others
such as lying, backbiting, slandering, swearing etc.
4. Keep your tongue busy in the zikr of Allah at all times.
5. Every morning the limbs of the body pleads to the tongue saying,
If you behave yourself, the rest of us will be saved from trouble
but if you misbehave (by saying wrong things, arguing, etc.), the
rest of us will be in problems.

Hadith Grade 3

St or y 14
Once, t he mast er of Hadhr at Luqmaan t old him t o
slaught er a sheep and br ing t o him t he best por t ions.
Hadhr at Luqmaan slaught er ed a sheep and br ought t he
t ongue and t he hear t . His mast er t old him t o slaught er
anot her sheep and br ing t he wor st por t ions. Hadhr at
Luqmaan slaught er ed anot her sheep and again br ought
t he t ongue and t he hear t . The mast er was sur pr ised and
asked, "How can t hese t wo limbs be t he best and t he
wor st ?" Hadhr at Luqmaan r eplied, "I f t hese t wo limbs
ar e used cor r ect ly, t hen t hey ar e t he best , but if t hey ar e
used incor r ect ly, t hen t hey ar e t he wor st .

Hadith Grade 3


Cry over your sins.
Lessons learnt from this Hadith:
1. Crying over our sins means that we should together with crying,
also regret committing sins.
2. Sins destroy a person in this world and the hereafter.
3. Stay away from all sins.
4. Seek forgiveness from Allah at all times, especially, after
doing an evil action.
5. Seek forgiveness at least a hundred times daily. We should seek
forgiveness by saying, Astaghfirullah.
6. If you harmed or hurt someone, then ask him for forgiveness.

Hadith Grade 3

St or y 15
Hadhr at Maalik bin Dinaar was a ver y pious man. He
was a gr eat sinner bef or e he became pious. He explains how
he changed his lif e.
He says, "When I was young, I was a policeman and ver y
f ond of alcohol. I had a daught er whom I loved ver y much.
When she lear nt how t o t alk and walk, I loved her even
mor e. Whenever she used t o see me holding a glass of
alcohol, she would t ake it and spill it on my clot hes. I never
shout ed her because I loved her ver y much. When she was
t wo year s old, she passed away and I was ext r emely sad.
One night I was dr unk and went t o sleep wit hout r eading
my Esha Salaah. I had a dr eam in which I saw t hat it was
t he Day of Qiyaamah and ever yone was coming out of t heir
gr aves. I hear d t he noise of somet hing f ollowing me. I
looked back and saw a huge, ugly snake coming af t er me. I
st ar t ed r unning away t o save my lif e and t he snake began
chasing me. I saw an old man who was ver y handsome and
smelling of a nice per f ume. I made salaam t o him and asked
him t o help me. He st ar t ed cr ying and said t hat he was t oo
weak t o help me against such a big snake. He asked me t o
go t o a cer t ain hill t hat per haps I would f ind some help.
The snake had come ver y close t o me.
I r an t owar ds t he hill and saw t hat it cont ained many
windows wit h cur t ains of silk. An angel called out , ' Come
out of your r ooms and see if you can help t his man in
Hadith Grade 3

t r ouble.' The windows opened and I saw many small
childr en coming out . Amongst t hem was my daught er who
had passed away r ecent ly. On seeing me she said, ' By Allah
! I t is my f at her .' She came t o me and I picked her up
and hugged her . She point ed t owar ds t he snake and it
immediat ely went away. She t hen made me sit down and sat
in my lap. She played wit h my bear d and r ead t he aayat of
t he Qur ' aan which means, ' Has t he t ime not come f or
t he sinf ul people t o change t heir lives and obey Allah
?' I st ar t ed cr ying and asked my daught er , ' Do all of you
know t he meaning of t he Qur ' aan?' She r eplied, ' Yes! We
know it bet t er t han you.' I asked, ' My dear child! What
was t hat snake?' She said, ' I t is t he shape of your sins.
The snake is ver y st r ong. I t is you who has commit t ed so
many sins. I t was about t o cat ch you and t hr ow you int o
J ahannum.' I asked, ' Who was t hat old, handsome man?'
She said, ' That is your good deeds which has become ver y
weak because you did so lit t le good deeds. That is why it
could not help you against t he snake.' I asked, What ar e
you all doing on t his hill?' She r eplied, ' We ar e t he childr en
of t he Muslims who died when we wer e small. We shall wait
her e unt il t he Day of Qiyaamah when we will be j oined t o
our par ent s and we will help t hem if t hey ar e in t r ouble.'
I t hen woke up st ill ver y scar ed of t hat big snake. I
r egr et t ed over my lif e of sin and t ur ned t o Allah begging
Him t o f or give me. I t hen lef t out all sins and began t o
obey Allah .
Hadith Grade 3


The best person is one who benefits other people.
[Kanzul Ummaal]

Lessons learnt from this Hadith:
1. We should always help others.
2. We must sacrifice ourselves and our things to help others.
3. When we help others they will love us.
4. They will make dua for us and Allah will help us.
St or y 16
Hadhr at Umar D was a gr eat r uler . He used t o walk
ar ound t he cit y at night so t hat he would know t he
condit ions of t he people and help t hem. His desir e t o help
people was such t hat it pr event ed him f r om sleeping at
night .
One night he went t o t he out skir t s of Madinah
Munawwar ah. He came acr oss a t ent , out side which, a ver y
wor r ied man was sit t ing. He also hear d a gr oaning sound
Hadith Grade 3

coming f r om inside t he t ent . Hadhr at Umar D asked him
what was happening inside t he t ent . The man r eplied t hat
he was a t r aveller and inside t he t ent was his wif e who was
about t o have a child. He also said t hat he had no pr ovisions
and he did not know anyone who could help him.
Hadhr at Umar D immediat ely r an home and said t o his
wif e, "O my wif e! Allah has given us a chance t o ear n
gr eat t hawaab. Ar e you r eady f or it ?" He t hen explained t o
her what had happened. She r eadily agr eed. Hadhr at Umar
D t ook some f lour and but t er and his wif e t ook t he
necessar y t hings needed when a child is t o be bor n. They
went quickly t o t he out skir t s of t he cit y. Hadhr at Umar
D sat wit h t he man and pr epar ed some f ood while his
wif e went inside t he t ent and ser ved as a nur se. Af t er a
lit t le while, Hadhr at Umar ' s D wif e called out , "O
Ameer ul Mumineen! Give your f r iend t he good news of a
boy." I t was t hen t hat t he man came t o know t hat he was
sit t ing wit h t he leader of t he Muslims. He became
embar r assed because Hadhr at Umar D was ser ving him.
Hadhr at Umar D said, "Don' t wor r y. The wor k of a leader
is t o ser ve." They t hen gave him some pr ovisions and
r et ur ned home.

Hadith Grade 3


Treat others with the best of manners.

Lessons learnt from this Hadith:
1. Treat others in the way you would like to be treated.
2. Do not be harsh and rude. Be kind to all.
3. Allah loves those who have good manners.
4. The best person is the one who has the best manners.
5. If you lose your wealth you have lost nothing, if you lose your
health, you have lost something but if you lose your character,
you have lost everything.

Hadith Grade 3

St or y 17
Ther e was a man whose ser vant had lef t wor k wit hout
t aking his pay. The man t ook t he money, bought some seeds
and plant ed t hem. The cr ops gr ew and t he man sold it . He
t ook t he money and bought mor e seeds. Mor e cr ops gr ew
and he made mor e money. Event ually, wit h t he money he
bought a f ew cat t le. As t ime passed, t he cat t le mult iplied
unt il t hey f or med a lar ge her d.
Some t ime lat er , t he ser vant r et ur ned t o t ake his pay
which he had f or got t en a f ew year s ago. When he asked
t he man f or his pay, t he man t old him t o t ake t he ent ir e
her d of cat t le. The wor ker t hought t hat t he man was
mocking him. The man t hen explained t o him how he had
t aken his pay and made it gr ow unt il it became t his lar ge
her d of cat t le. The wor ker was ver y happy and, af t er
t hanking t he man, he t ook t he her d away.
St or y 18
Hadhr at Waail bin Huj r D was one of t he leader s of
Hadr a Maut (a cit y in Yemen). When he accept ed I slaam,
Rasulullah j gave him a piece of land in Hadr a Maut and
inst r uct ed Hadhr at Muaawiyyah D t o go wit h him t o
Yemen and mar k of f t he land f or him.
When t hey set of f f or Yemen, Hadhr at Waail D was
mount ed on a camel and Hadhr at Muaawiyyah D was on
f oot . As t he heat of t he deser t incr eased, t he hot sand
began t o bur n t he f eet of Hadhr at Muaawiyyah D . He
Hadith Grade 3

said t o Hadhr at Waail D , I t is ext r emely hot and t he
sand is bur ning my f eet . Will you please allow me t o sit
behind you on t he camel so t hat my f eet do not get bur nt ?
Hadhr at Waail D r eplied, You ar e not f it t o sit behind
kings on t he same mount . However , you may walk in t he
shadow of my camel. Hadhr at Muaawiyyah D cover ed
t he ent ir e j our ney, f r om Madinah Munawwar ah t o Yemen, in
t his way. When t hey r eached Yemen, Hadhr at Muaawiyyah
D mar ked of f t he land f or Hadhr at Waail D and
t her eaf t er r et ur ned t o Madinah Munawwar ah.
Af t er many year s, Allah made Hadhr at Muaawiyyah D
t he Khaleef ah (Muslim r uler ). Hadhr at Waail D lef t
Yemen and came t o Damascus t o meet him. When Hadhr at
Muaawiyyah D came t o know of t his, he went t o t he
out skir t s of t he cit y t o welcome Hadhr at Waail D . He
honour ed him t r eat ed him nicely and not once did he ever
r emind him about t he t r eat ment t hat he r eceived f r om him
on t hat occasion many year s ago.

Hadith Grade 3


Swearing a Muslim is a major sin.

Lessons learnt from this Hadith:
1. Swearing is an evil habit.
2. A person who swears loses his respect.
3. If you swear others they will swear you in return.
4. Swearing will create more problems instead of solving the
St or y 19
Once, a man began t o swear Hadhr at Abu Bakr D whilst
Rasulullah j was also t her e. Hadhr at Abu Bakr D
r emained silent . The man cont inued t o swear him but Abu
Bakr D cont inued t o r emain silent . Af t er some t ime,
Hadhr at Abu Bakr D said somet hing t o him. When he did
t his, Rasulullah j got up and began t o walk away. Hadhr at
Abu Bakr D immediat ely got up and went af t er Rasulullah
j . He asked Rasulullah j t he r eason f or going away.
Rasulullah j r eplied, "As long as you r emained silent , Allah
sent an angel t o swear him on your behalf . When you said
somet hing in r evenge, t he angel went away and shayt aan
came. I , t her ef or e, went away."
Hadith Grade 3


Modesty is part of Imaan.
Lessons learnt from this Hadith:
1. A person who has true Imaan will always be decent and not rude.
2. Modesty should be shown in everything.
3. A persons speech, dressing and manners should always be
4. Imaan and modesty are joined to one another. If ones modesty is
lost, hell lose his Imaan.

St or y 20
Hadhr at Ayesha D had gr eat knowledge of Deen. Once, a
blind man came t o her t o ask her some mat t er of Deen.
When t his blind per son came, she immediat ely made
pur dah. The man sensed t his and asked, "I am blind, why
ar e you making pur dah f r om me?" Hadhr at Ayesha D
said, "You ar e blind but I am not blind. You cannot see me
but I can see you."

Hadith Grade 4


He who deceives us is not one of us.
[Kanzul Ummaal]
Lessons learnt from this Hadith:
1. Deceiving and cheating are evil habits.
2. They are major sins.
3. Cheating includes lying, tricking and misleading others.
4. The cure for deception is to be truthful at all times.
5. Rasulullah j did not want to have anything to do with a person
who cheats and deceives.
St or y 21
Rasulullah j once passed by a per son who was selling a
heap of gr ain. Rasulullah j put his mubaar ak hand inside
t he heap and t ook out some gr ains f r om inside which wer e
wet . Rasulullah j asked him how t he gr ains got wet . The
man said t hat t he gr ains got wet in t he r ain so he put dr y
gr ains on t op t o hide it . Rasulullah j t old him t o leave t he
wet gr ains on t op so t hat t he people will be able t o see
t hem ot her wise it will be decept ion. Ther eaf t er Rasulullah
j said, "He who deceives us is not of us."
N.B. Wet gr ain incr eases t he weight and is def ect ive
Hadith Grade 4

18. DUA

Dua is the essence of Ibaadah.
Lessons learnt from this Hadith:
1. Dua means to beg Allah for our needs.
2. Dua must be made with humbleness and sincerity.
3. Dua can be made in any language.
4. Dua is a weapon for a believer to solve his problems.
5. For our duas to be accepted we should ensure that our food and
earnings are always Halaal.
6. We should ask Allah for all our needs of this world as well as
the next.
St or y 22
Hadhr at Rabi' ah Basr iah (R.A) was a lady who was ver y
pious. Once, she was going t o Makkah Mukar r amah t o
per f or m Haj . She had an old donkey t o car r y her luggage.
On t he way t he donkey died. Her f r iends of f er ed t o car r y
her goods but she r ef used. The car avan moved on and
Rabi' ah was lef t alone.
Hadith Grade 4

She t hen made dua t o Allah , "O Mast er of t he wor lds! I
am alone, weak and poor . You have invit ed me t o Your house
and now You have killed my donkey, leaving me alone. Please
help me. Allah answer ed her dua.
At once t he donkey became alive. She put her goods on i t
and cont inued her j our ney.

Hadith Grade 4


All intoxicants are haraam (unlawful).
Lessons learnt from this Hadith:
1. Intoxicants are those things that cause a person to lose his mind
and intelligence.
2. Intoxicants may be in a form of drugs such as Mandrax, LSD,
Heroin, Ecstasy, Dagga etc. or in a liquid form such as beer,
wine, juba and other types of alcohol.
3. Intoxicants lead a person to commit all types of evil actions.
St or y 23
Once a king caught a man and said, "I f you do not kill t his
child, or commit sin wit h t his woman or dr ink wine, I will kill
you." The man t hought t o himself t hat t he least har mf ul of
t he t hr ee was t o dr ink t he wine. I n a dr unken st at e, he
killed t he child and commit t ed sin wit h t hat woman.
Fr om t his incident we lear n t hat alcohol is t he r oot of all
sins. I t leads a per son t o commit many ot her sins.

Hadith Grade 4


He who does not thank people cannot thank Allah.
Lessons learnt from this Hadith:
1. We should always thank those who help us.
2. We may give them a gift or write a note to express our gratitude.
3. We should always be thankful to Allah who provides all our
4. By being grateful and thankful, Allah will increase his favours
upon us.
5. We should thank others by saying Jazaka Allah.
St or y 24
Hadhr at Luqmaan was t he slave of a r ich man. The good
char act er of Hadhr at Luqmaan had such an ef f ect on
his mast er t hat his mast er used t o t r eat him like a ver y
close f r iend. I t was t he habit of t he mast er t hat whenever
he had anyt hing special t o eat , he would let Hadhr at
Luqmaan eat f ir st and he would eat t he lef t over s.
Hadhr at Luqmaan t ook int o consider at ion t he love of his
mast er and would eat a lit t le and t hen send t he maj or
Hadith Grade 4

por t ion t o his mast er . One day, dur ing t he melon season,
t he mast er r eceived a melon f r om somewher e. At t hat t ime
Hadhr at Luqmaan was not t her e. The mast er sent
someone t o call him. When Hadhr at Luqmaan came, t he
mast er cut t he melon int o slices and st ar t ed f eeding it t o
him, slice af t er slice. Hadhr at Luqmaan at e t he slices as
t hough he was r eally enj oying it and all t he t ime expr essed
t hanks t o his mast er .
When t her e was one slice lef t , t he mast er said, "Let me
eat t his slice and see how sweet t his melon is." Saying t his,
he put a piece of melon int o his mout h. The melon was so
bit t er t hat it caused him t o f all unconscious. When he
r egained consciousness, he asked Hadhr at Luqmaan ,
"How could you eat all t hose slices wit h such r elish and
enj oyment when one piece of it made me f all unconscious?"
Hadhr at Luqmaan r eplied, "O Mast er ! I have r eceived
hundr eds of gif t s f r om you. I t would be ext r emely
ungr at ef ul of me t o complain of t his af t er enj oying
hundr eds of f avour s f r om you."

Hadith Grade 4

21. SA LA A H

Salaah is a pillar of Deen.
[Shu'bul Imaan]
Lessons learnt from this Hadith:
1. Salaah is the most important form of Ibaadah (worship)
2. When we perform our Salaah we are showing our obedience to
our creator.
3. Salaah is the key to jannah.
4. The first question we will be asked on the day of Qiyaamah will
be about Salaah.
5. Reading our Salaah will protect us from evil and sins.
St or y 25
Once a woman died. Her br ot her was at t he gr aveside when
she was bur ied. By chance his bag f ell inside t he gr ave
wit hout anyone not icing. When he came home he r ealized
what had happened. He needed t he bag because he had
some impor t ant paper s in it . He decided t o secr et ly go and
dig up t he gr ave. When he dug t he gr ave up, he saw t hat it
was f ull of f ir e and his sist er was being punished. This
made him ver y sad. He went home and t old his mot her what
Hadith Grade 4

he had seen. He asked her if she knew why his sist er was
being punished. His mot her r eplied t hat it was pr obably
because she used t o delay her salaah and per f or m it
af t er t he t ime of salaah passed.
St or y 26
A gr eat saint once said, "Have your needs f ulf illed by Allah
t hr ough Salaah. I n t he past , when a calamit y bef ell t he
people, t hey would hur r y t owar ds Salaah."
Ther e was once a por t er who was well known f or his
honest y. People used t o give him t heir money and ot her
valuables t o t ake t o dif f er ent places. Once he was t aking
some goods t o a cer t ain place when he met a man on t he
way who asked him wher e he was going. He inf or med t he
man. The man asked t he por t er t o give him a lif t on his
mule. The por t er made place f or t he man on his mule and
t hey cont inued on t heir j our ney.
When t hey came t o a cr ossr oad, t he man asked t he por t er ,
"Which r oad will you t ake?" "The main r oad," said t he
por t er . The man said, "No, t ake t he ot her r oad. I t is
shor t er and t her e is plent y of gr ass on t he way f or t he
mule t o f eed on. I have t r avelled on it of t en so I am
f amiliar wit h it ." The por t er believed him. Af t er a dist ance,
t he r oad ended. Ther e wer e many dead bodies lying about .
The man j umped of f t he mule and pulled out a knif e wit h
t he int ent ion of killing t he por t er . The por t er said, "Take
t he mule and t he goods but don' t kill me." The man insist ed
Hadith Grade 4

upon killing t he por t er . The por t er asked t he man a chance
t o per f or m t wo r akaat s Salaah. The man said, "You can do
as you please. All t hese dead people asked f or t he same
t hing but t heir Salaah did not help t hem." The por t er
began his Salaah but could not t hink of anyt hing t o r ead
af t er Sur ah Faat ihah. Meanwhile t he man was get t ing
impat ient and t old t he por t er t o hur r y up. Suddenly t he
f ollowing aayah of t he Qur ' aan came t o t he mind of t he
por t er :

' Who is The One who answer s t he call of t he one who is`
wr onged and r emoves t he evil ....' The por t er r ecit ed t his
ver se and t ear s came t o his eyes when suddenly a hor seman
appear ed on t he scene. He was wear ing a shining helmet and
car r ied a spear in his hand. He st abbed t he r ogue wit h t he
spear and killed him. A f lame of f ir e r ose f r om t he spot
wher e t he dead body f ell.
The por t er went int o saj dah and t hanked Allah f or
saving him. He quickly complet ed his Salaah, r an t owar ds
t he hor seman and asked him who he was. The hor seman
r eplied, "I am a slave of The One who answer s t he call of
t he oppr essed (He was an angel). You ar e now saf e and you
may go wher ever you please." The hor seman t hen r ode away
and disappear ed.

Hadith Grade 4



Do not choose anybody to be your companion except one
who is a Muslim.
[Abu Dawood]

Lessons learnt from this Hadith:
1. A Muslim should choose his friends carefully.
2. Always check the habits of your friends.
3. If they have any bad habits do not become their friends.
4. Always choose good and pious friends.
5. Always help your friends in need.

Hadith Grade 4


St or y 27
' Uqbah bin Abi Mu' eet was one of t he leader s in Makkah
Mukar r amah. I t was his habit t o invit e all t he noble people
of Makkah t o a meal whenever he r et ur ned f r om a j our ney.
He used t o meet Rasulullah J quit e of t en and also invit e
him t o t hese meals.
Once, dur ing one of t hese meals, he pr esent ed t he f ood t o
Rasulullah J . Rasulullah J said, "I cannot eat your f ood
unt il you say t hat Allah is One and I am His Messenger ."
' Uqbah r ead t he kalimah and Rasulullah J t hen at e t he
f ood. Ubayy bin Khalaf was a close f r iend of ' Uqbah. When
he hear d t hat ' Uqbah r ead t he kalimah and accept ed
I slaam, he became ver y angr y.
' Uqbah t r ied t o explain t o him t hat Rasulullah J was a ver y
noble per son and if he did not eat t he f ood, ' Uqbah would
be disgr aced. So, t o please Rasulullah J and t o encour age
him t o eat t he f ood, he r ead t he kalimah. Ubayy did not
believe him and said, "I f you ar e t r ue in what you ar e
saying, go and spit in t he f ace of Rasulullah J ."
(Na' oozubillah)
' Uqbah list ened t o his f r iend and went and spat in t he f ace
of Rasulullah J . Allah disgr aced bot h of t hem in t his
wor ld and t hey will be punished sever ely in t he Aakhir ah.
This is t he end r esult of evil company.

Hadith Grade 5


Do not spy.
Lessons learnt from this Hadith:
1. A Muslim does not spy on another person. Spying is an evil
2. Spying creates hatred because you are interfering in another
person's affairs.
3. By spying you will be finding fault with another Muslim
whereas finding faults is haraam.
4. We should hide one anothers faults.
5. Do not spy into another persons home intentionally.
St or y 28
Once Rasulullah j was walking wit h a gr oup of Sahabah
when t hey passed by t wo gr aves. Rasulullah j said, "The
t wo people bur ied in t hese gr aves ar e being punished. One
is being punished because of spying/ car r ying t ales and t he
ot her is being punished because of not being car ef ul about
t he splashes of ur ine."
Hadith Grade 5

St or y 29
Once, a per son was selling a slave. Someone came and bought
t he slave. Bef or e selling him, t he seller t old t he buyer t hat
t he slave has t he f ault of car r ying t ales. The buyer did not
wor r y about it and bought t he slave. He t ook t he slave home
and gave him wor k t o do. Af t er wor king f or a f ew days, t he
slave came t o t he wif e of t he mast er and t old her t hat her
husband didn' t like her anymor e and was planning t o r emar r y.
The wif e said in shock, "What ar e you saying?" The slave said,
"I am t elling t he t r ut h. However , I have a plan which, if you
car r y out , will make him love you mor e." The mast er ' s wif e
said, "Tell me t his plan." The slave said, "When your husband
sleeps at night , shave of f a f ew hair s f r om under his bear d.
This is a pr oven met hod."
The slave went up t o t he mast er and said, "I t seems t hat your
wif e is int er est ed in someone else and wishes t o kill you." The
mast er said in sur pr ise, "That cannot be possible." The slave
said, "Test it out f or your self . Tonight pr et end t o be asleep
and see what happens."
That night , t he wif e t ook a r azor and st r et ched her hand
f or war d t o shave some hair f r om behind his bear d. As she put
her hand f or war d, t he mast er caught her hand and killed her
wit h t he same r azor . The wif e' s f amily hear d about it and
killed t he husband. I n t ur n t he husband' s f amily hear d about
it and killed t he wif e' s f amily. This f ight last ed f or many
year s. This was because of t he evil of car r ying t ales.

Hadith Grade 5


He who humbles himself for the sake of Allah , Allah
will elevate him in rank.
[Shu'bul Imaan]
Lessons learnt from this Hadith:
1. Being humble means to believe that others are better and superior
than you.
2. This will help you in being of service to others.
3. If one has position or wealth one should be more careful to be
humble as these qualities create pride in ones heart.
4. We should always feel that we are lower than all Allahs
St or y 30
Hadhr at Salmaan Far si D was t he gover nor of Madinah
Munawwar ah. On one occasion, he was walking t hr ough t he
mar ket when someone t hought t hat he was a labour er . That
per son t old him t o pick up his load. Hadhr at Salmaan D
happily picked up t he load and car r ied it f or t he man. When
t he people saw t his, many r equest ed t hat he give t he load
t o t hem but he r ef used.
Hadith Grade 5

Af t er some t ime t he per son r ealised who was car r ying his
load. He became wor r ied and begged Hadhr at Salmaan D
t o f or give him. Hadhr at Salmaan D t old him not t o wor r y.
The man f elt ashamed of what he had done t hat he t ook an
oat h never t o give his load t o anybody t o car r y.
St or y 31
Hadhr at Umar ' s D j our ney t o Syr ia is well known. He and
his slave wer e t r avelling on one camel t o Syr ia. They shar ed
t he camel. For a cer t ain dist ance Hadhr at Umar D would
r ide t he camel and his slave would lead it , and f or t he same
dist ance t he slave would r ide t he camel and Hadhr at Umar
D would lead it .
At one st age it was Hadhr at Umar ' s D t ur n t o lead t he
camel when t hey had t o pass t hr ough wat er . He t ook of f
his shoes and, holding t hem under his ar ms, ent er ed t he
wat er and cr ossed. When t hey near ed Syr ia, it was once
again t he t ur n of Hadhr at Umar D t o lead t he camel.
Hadhr at Abu Ubaidah D , who was wait ing f or Hadhr at
Umar D , saw t his and said, "O Ameer ul Mumineen, t he
people of t he cit y will come t o welcome you. I t is
inappr opr iat e t hat you lead t he camel while t he slave r ides
it . You should be r iding t he camel." Hadhr at Umar D
r eplied, "Allah had honour ed us t hr ough I slaam. Your
suggest ion will make me t o be unj ust t o my slave. Should I
be unj ust t o impr ess people?"

Hadith Grade 5



Nabi j was naturally not an obscene person nor did he
behave with indecency.
Lessons learnt from this Hadith:
1. To be obscene means to be rude or indecent.
2. A Muslim is never rude in his behaviour or in his speech.
3. If anyone is rude to you, never behave rudely to him, rather treat
him with kindness.
4. We should never swear anyone or behave in a shameless manner.
St or y 32
Hadhr at Anas D says, "I was once walking wit h Rasulullah j .
He was wear ing a shawl made of coar se mat er ial. A villager
came up t o Rasulullah j , gr abbed t he shawl and pulled
Rasulullah j t owar ds him. He pulled Rasulullah j so har d t hat
t he shawl act ually lef t a mar k on his blessed shoulder . The
villager t hen said (ver y r udely and disr espect f ully), ' O
Muhammad! Give me some of t he wealt h t hat is by you which
belongs t o Allah .' (Look at t he t oler ance and beaut if ul
Hadith Grade 5

char act er of Rasulullah j ) Rasulullah j smiled and t old one
of t he Sahabah t o give t his villager some wealt h."

Fear Allah wherever you are.
[Shu'bul Imaan]
Lessons learnt from this Hadith:
1. Taqwa means to fear Allah in every place or condition. Allah
is observing us every moment of our lives.
2. Taqwa is to fulfil every command of Allah and to protect
yourself from his disobedience by not committing any sin.
3. Allah loves those who have the quality of Taqwa.
4. A person who possesses Taqwa will be very close to Rasulullah
j on the Day of Qiyaamah.

Hadith Grade 5


St or y 33
Hadhr at Umar D was t he leader of t he Muslims. One
night he was walking in t he st r eet s of Madinah. As he
passed one of t he houses, he hear d t wo people t alking. A
woman was saying t o her daught er , "Let us mix some wat er
wit h t he milk. We can make mor e money. We ar e poor and
we need t he money. Nobody will know what we did."
"No," said t he daught er . "I t is wr ong t o mix wat er wit h t he
milk and t hen t o sell it . I t is against t he or der of Hadhr at
Umar D . I t is dishonest ."
The mot her said, "Hadhr at Umar D is not her e. He will
not know what we ar e doing." "We must obey Hadhr at Umar
D , even if he is not her e," said t he daught er . "Besides, he
may not know, but how can we hide f r om Allah ? He sees
ever yt hing and He knows ever yt hing."
Hadhr at Umar D walked of f silent ly. He was ver y pleased
wit h t he gir l.

Hadith Grade 5


St or y 34
Once, while Hadhr at Umar D was t r avelling, he saw a
shepher d gr azing a f lock of sheep. He r equest ed f or some
milk since t he Ar abs used t o give t r aveller s milk t o dr ink
f or f r ee. The shepher d apologised and said, "I am not t he
owner of t hese sheep. I am only a shepher d. I do not have
t he owner s per mission t o give you t he milk."
Hadhr at Umar D decided t o t est him. He said t o t he
shepher d, "Let me t ell you somet hing which will benef it
bot h of us. You sell me a goat . I will benef it f r om it s milk.
You can t ake t he money f or your self . As f or t he owner , t ell
him t hat a wolf at e up t he sheep. He will believe you
because t her e ar e many wolves in t his ar ea." Upon hear ing
t his, t he shepher d immediat ely st ar t ed saying,
"Then wher e is Allah ? Then wher e is Allah ?"
(What t he shepher d meant was t hat have you f or got t en
t hat Allah is wat ching? Maybe I can lie t o t he owner and
t ake away t he money, but can I hide f r om Allah ?).
Hadhr at Umar D was ver y pleased wit h his r eply. He
lat er bought t he shepher d (who was a slave) and f r eed him.
He also gave him many sheep as a gif t .
Hadith Grade 5


Hadith Grade 5


Do not hate one another.
Lessons learnt from this Hadith:
1. To hate another person is an evil habit.
2. As Muslims we should love each other.
3. We must always keep our hearts clean.
4. If we had a problem or a fight, we should be the first to ask for
St or y 35
Hadhr at Anas D says, "Once we wer e sit t ing wit h
Rasulullah j when he said, ' Ver y soon a per son f r om
J annah will ent er .' A man f r om t he Ansaar ent er ed wit h his
shoes in his lef t hand and wat er dr ipping f r om his bear d
(showing t hat he had j ust made wudhu). The next day
Rasulullah j r epeat ed his st at ement and t he same man who
ent er ed wit h his shoes in his lef t hand and wat er dr ipping
f r om his bear d. The t hir d day t he same t hing happened.
Hadith Grade 5

When Rasulullah j went away, Hadhr at Abdullah bin Umar
D went up t o t hat man and said, ' I had an ar gument wit h
my f at her and t ook an oat h t hat I will not st ay at home f or
t hr ee days. Please allow me t o st ay wit h you f or t hr ee
days.' Hadhr at Abdullah bin Umar D spent t he t hr ee
night s wit h t hat Sahaabi and did not see him do any ext r a
ibaadah. Af t er t he t hr ee days he said t o t hat Sahaabi, I
did not have any ar gument wit h my f at her . I want ed t o see
what special act ion you ar e doing t hat made Rasulullah j
declar e you a man of J annah. Thus I only made an excuse t o
come and st ay wit h you. Now af t er st aying wit h you, I don' t
see anyt hing special.
The Sahaabi said, I don' t do anyt hing special. However , I
don' t have hat r ed nor j ealousy f or any Muslim. Hadhr at
Abdullah D t hen said, This must be t he qualit y t hat
makes you a J annat i.

Hadith Grade 5


Allah does not show mercy to him who does not show
mercy to others.
Lessons learnt from this Hadith:
1. We must be merciful and kind to the creation of Allah .
2. We should not ill-treat or harm any creation of Allah .
3. Be kind to your servants and workers.
4. Always show kindness to children and to the old people.
5. Allah will show kindness and mercy, to a person who is kind
and merciful.
St or y 36
I n t he ear ly days of I slaam, t he non-Muslims made lif e
ver y dif f icult f or Rasulullah j . They mocked him and spat
in his f ace. They t hr ew t hor ns in his pat h. They t hr ew t he
insides of a camel on him. They t r ied t o st ar ve him. They
st oned him. His t oot h was br oken in bat t le. His r elat ives
and f r iends wer e killed. They even t r ied t o kill him!
Hadith Grade 5

When Rasulullah j ent er ed Makkah vict or ious, wit h 10 000
men, t he non-Muslims wer e at his mer cy. They wer e weak,
helpless and ver y f r ight ened. He asked t hem, "How do you
expect me t o t r eat you?" "Wit h kindness and pit y, one
noble Br ot her and Nephew!", t hey r eplied.
Tear s f illed t he eyes of Rasulullah j and he said, "I say t o
you what Yusuf said t o his br ot her s. Have no f ear t his
day. Go f or you ar e all f r ee." Rasulullah j had mer cy on
t hem.
St or y 37
Once, Hadhr at Umar D was pat r olling t he st r eet s of
Madinah when he spot t ed a t ent on t he out skir t s. When he
r eached t her e, he saw a woman wit h childr en. He not iced
t hat t he childr en wer e cr ying and t hat t her e was a pot
placed on t he f ir e. He asked t he woman why t he childr en
wer e cr ying. She r eplied t hat t hey wer e cr ying out of
hunger . Hadhr at Umar D asked her what was in t he pot .
She r eplied t hat t her e was only wat er in t he pot t o make
t he childr en t hink t hat somet hing was cooking.
Hadhr at Umar D hur r ied t o Madinah t o f et ch f lour ,
dat es and ot her t hings t o pr epar e a meal. He car r ied t he
f ood on his back and he himself pr epar ed t he meal and gave
it t o t he lady t o f eed t he childr en. The lady was pleased
wit h Hadhr at Umar ' s D kindness and made dua f or him.

Hadith Grade 6


Every nation had a test. The test of my Ummah is wealth.
Lessons learnt from this Hadith:
1. The test of wealth means that neither should we be greedy for
wealth nor should we misuse the wealth Allah has provided.
2. Having wealth or money is not harmful provided one uses it
3. We should not desire for more than what Allah has destined
for us.
4. We should always thank Allah for what He has provided us
and trust in Him alone to fulfil our needs.
5. We should always spend in the path of Allah by helping the
poor and needy.

Hadith Grade 6

St or y 38
A poor man by t he name of Th' alabah ibn Haat ib came t o
Rasulullah j and r equest ed Rasulullah j t o make dua t hat
he becomes wealt hy. Rasulullah j said, "Don' t you like my
way (of simplicit y and pover t y)? I t ake an oat h in t hat
Being who cont r ols my lif e t hat if I wished, t he mount ains
of Madinah would t ur n int o gold and f ollow me wher ever I
go. However , I do not like such r iches." Th' alabah went
Af t er some t ime he came back and made t he same r equest
and also pr omised t hat if he became wealt hy, he would
f ulf il t he r ight s of ever yone. Rasulullah j made dua t hat
he must become wealt hy. The r esult of t his dua was t hat
t he f ew goat s t hat he had, began t o incr ease. They
incr eased t o such an ext ent t hat he had t o move t o t he
out skir t s of Madinah. Thus he used t o per f or m only Zuhr
and Asr wit h Rasulullah j whilst t he r est of t he Salaahs
he per f or med at home. Ther eaf t er his goat s incr eased
even mor e and he had t o move r ight out of Madinah.
Consequent ly he used t o come f or J umu' ah Salaah only.
Event ually he had t o move even f ur t her out of Madinah and
t her eaf t er st opped at t ending even t he J umu' ah Salaah.
Meanwhile t he aayaat of Zakaat wer e r evealed. Rasulullah
j wr ot e out in det ail t he Zakaat t hat should be t aken f r om
animals. Rasulullah j t hen gave t he paper t o t wo Sahaabah
and t old t hem t o collect t he Zakaat f r om t he people he also
Hadith Grade 6

specif ically inst r uct ed t hem t o go t o Th' alabah and anot her
per son f r om t he Banu Sulaim t r ibe.
When t hese t wo people r eached Th' alabah and showed him
t he paper of Rasulullah j , he said, "This is Khar aaj (t ax
t aken f r om non-Muslims). Car r y on wit h your wor k. On your
way back, st op by me again."
The t wo of t hem t hen went t o t he per son f r om t he Banu
Sulaim t r ibe. When he saw how much Zakaat he had t o give
f r om his animals, he chose t he best animals and happily
gave it t o t hem. They said, "You have br ought t he best
animals wher eas we have been inst r uct ed t o t ake t he
aver age animal, not t he highest qualit y nor t he lowest
qualit y. Thus we cannot t ake t hese animals." However t his
per son insist ed t hat t hey t ake t he best qualit y animals.
They t hen went and collect ed Zakaat f r om t he ot her
On t heir r et ur n, t hey again st opped by Th' alabah. He asked
t hem t o show him t he paper on which t he det ails of t he
Zakaat wer e wr it t en. Af t er examining it again, he said,
"This is a t ax which is not t o be t aken f r om Muslims. Car r y
on back t o Madinah. I will t hink about it f or a while bef or e
I make a decision."
When t hey r et ur ned t o Madinah, t hey r epor t ed t he ent ir e
incident t o Rasulullah j . Rasulullah j was pleased wit h t he
man f r om t he Banu Sulaim t r ibe and made dua t hat Allah
give him a lot of Bar akah in his lif e. When Rasulullah j
Hadith Grade 6

hear d about Th' alabah, he said t hr ice, "Woe be t o
Th' alabah!" Ayaat of t he Qur ' aan wer e t hen r evealed about
Th' alabah. A f r iend of Th' alabah who was pr esent
immediat ely went t o Th' alabah, r ebuked him and t old him
what had happened.
Th' alabah r ushed t o Madinah wit h his Zakaat and begged
Rasulullah j t o accept it . Rasulullah j said, "I have been
commanded by Allah not t o accept your Zakaat . When I
had sent my inst r uct ion t o you, you did not obey. Now your
Zakaat cannot be accept ed."
Shor t ly t her eaf t er Rasulullah j passed away. When
Hadhr at Abu Bakr D was t he Khaleef ah, Th' alabah
br ought his Zakaat t o him. Hadhr at Abu Bakr D said,
"How can I accept what Rasulullah j did not accept ?"
When Hadhr at Umar D became t he Khaleef ah, Th' alabah
again br ought his Zakaat . Hadhr at Umar D said, "How can
I accept what Rasulullah j and Hadhr at Abu Bakr D did
not accept ?" When Hadhr at Ut hmaan D became t he
Khaleef ah, Th' alabah once again br ought his Zakaat .
Hadhr at Ut hmaan D said, "How can I accept t hat which
was not accept ed by Rasulullah j , Hadhr at Abu Bakr D
and Hadhr at Umar D ?" Th' alabah died dur ing t he r ule of
Hadhr at Ut hmaan D .

Hadith Grade 6


Seeking knowledge is the compulsory duty of every
[Ibn Majah]
Lessons learnt from this Hadith:
1. Ilm or Knowledge of Islam is the greatest treasure and fortune
any person can gain.
2. Ignorance of Islam is the worst poverty.
3. Without Ilm a person will never understand his purpose of life
nor will he be able to practice his Deen.
4. When a person seeks the knowledge of Deen, Angels accompany
him and he is rewarded for every step he takes towards learning.
5. A student of Deen is protected from sin when he learns and the
mercy of Allah descends upon him.
6. We should always have a desire to learn more about our Deen.

Hadith Grade 6

St or y 39
Kat hir bin Qais says, "I was sit t ing wit h Hadhr at Abu
Dar da D in a musj id in Damascus when a per son came t o
him and said, ' O Abu Dar da D ! I have come all t he way
f r om Madinah Munawwar ah t o lear n one Hadit h f r om you as
I under st and t hat you have hear d it dir ect ly f r om
Rasulullah j .' Hadhr at Abu Dar da D asked him if he had
any ot her wor k in Damascus. He r eplied t hat he did not
have any ot her wor k. Hadhr at Abu Dar da D again asked,
' Ar e you sur e t hat you have no ot her wor k in Damascus?'
He r eplied, ' I have come her e only t o lear n t his Hadit h
f r om you.' Hadhr at Abu Dar da D t hen said, ' List en! I
have hear d Rasulullah j saying t hat Allah eases t he way
t o J annah f or one who t r avels t o seek knowledge. The
angels spr ead t heir wings f or him and ever yt hing in t he
heavens and ear t h even t he f ish in t he sea, make dua f or
his f or giveness. The super ior it y of a per son possessing
knowledge over a per son involved in wor ship is like t he
super ior it y of t he moon over t he st ar s. The Ulama ar e t he
inher it or s of t he Ambiyaa . The Ambiyaa did not
leave behind gold and silver . They lef t behind knowledge. A
per son who acquir es knowledge acquir es a gr eat wealt h.' "
Hadhr at Abu Dar da D was one of t he Sahabah who had
gr eat knowledge. He is known as Hakimul-Ummah (The ver y
wise per son of t he ummah).
Hadhr at Anas D nar r at es t hat Rasulullah j said, "I f you
wish t o see people who ar e f r eed f r om t he f ir e of
Hadith Grade 6

J ahannum, t hen look at t he st udent s st udying t he
knowledge of Deen. By Allah , when a st udent goes t o t he
door of an ' Aalim wit h t he int ent ion of lear ning, f or ever y
st ep t hat he t akes he will be given t he r ewar d of one year s
' ibaadah. Ever y por t ion of gr ound t hat he st eps on makes
dua f or his f or giveness and day and night t he angels
announce, ' Her e ar e t hose whom Allah has f r eed f r om
t he f ir e (of J ahannum).' I n t his way an abode is made f or
him in J annah."
St or y 40
Many st udent s wer e st udying Hadit h in Madinah
Munawwar ah by I maam Maalik . One day t her e was an
announcement t hat an elephant had come int o t he t own. An
elephant is a ver y st r ange animal t o t he Ar abs. The
st udent s hear d t his announcement and immediat ely lef t t he
lessons and r an out . One of t he st udent s, whose name was
Yahya, r emained seat ed peacef ully. I maam Maalik
asked him: Ther e ar e no elephant s in t he count r y t hat you
live in. Why dont you also go t o see it ? Yahya r eplied:
Hadhr at , I lef t Spain t o meet you and lear n f r om you. I
did not leave my homet own t o see elephant s. I maam Maalik
was ver y pleased when he hear d t his r eply and gave
him t he t it le; "The most int elligent of t he people of
Andalus (Spain).

Hadith Grade 6


The best amongst you is he who learns the Qur'aan and
teaches it.
Lessons learnt from this Hadith:
1. The Qur'aan is the greatest gift and blessing of Allah .
2. Those who are making an effort to learn or teach the Qur'aan are
very fortunate as they are best of all people.
3. We should always try to learn to recite the Qur'aan correctly with
4. We should also learn the meaning of the Qur'aan and practice on
its teachings.
5. Great rewards have been promised for those who are learning or
teaching the Qur'aan.

Hadith Grade 6

St or y 41
Hadhr at Zaid bin Thaabit D was six year s old when his
f at her passed away. He was eleven at t he t ime of hij r ah.
He want ed t o t ake par t in t he bat t les of Badr and Uhud
but was not allowed because of his young age. He t ook par t
in all t he bat t les t her eaf t er .
When t he Sahabah wer e mar ching t owar ds Tabuk f or
bat t le, t he f lag of t he Banu Maalik t r ibe was being held by
Ammar ah D . Rasulullah j inst r uct ed him t o give it t o
Hadhr at Zaid D . Ammar ah D t hought t hat maybe,
someone had complained about him t her ef or e Rasulullah j
inst r uct ed him t o give t he f lag away. He asked, "O
Rasulullah j , is t his because someone complained about
me?" Rasulullah j r eplied, "No. Because Zaid D knows
mor e Qur ' aan t han you. This has given him pr ef er ence."

Hadith Grade 6


The best form of Zikr is Laa ilaha illallah.
Lessons learnt from this Hadith:
1. Zikr means to remember or think of Allah .
2. A person who remembers Allah , Allah remembers him.
3. By making Zikr our hearts will be cleansed of all evil qualities.
4. A person who recites laa ilaha illallah 100 times daily, his face
will shine like the full moon on the day of Qiyaamah.
5. A person who makes the Zikr of Allah is like a living person,
whilst a person who does not make Zikr is like a dead person
St or y 42
Once, Hadhr at Moosa asked Allah t o t each him a special
f or m of Zikr . Allah t old him t o r ead laa ilaha illallah.
Hadhr at Moosa said t hat t his Zikr is r ead by ever ybody.
Allah again t old him t o r ead laa ilaha illallah. Hadhr at
Moosa r eplied t hat he want ed a Zikr t hat was f or him only.
Allah said, "O Moosa , if t he seven skies and t he seven
ear t hs wer e placed in one pan of t he scale and t he kalimah laa
ilaha illallah was placed in t he ot her pan, t he kalimah will be
heavier ."
Hadith Grade 6

St or y 43
Abu Yazeed Qur t ubi wr it es, "On lear ning (t hr ough
t he Hadit h) t hat t he one who r eads sevent y
t housand t imes will be saved f r om t he f ir e of J ahannum, I
complet ed t his number once f or my wif e and f ew t imes f or
myself .
Ther e used t o live near us a young man who was known t o be
blessed wit h t he power of kashf (Allah somet imes allows
him t o see cer t ain t hings of t he unseen like what is
happening in someone' s gr ave, J annat , J ahannum, et c.) but
I hesit at ed t o believe it .
Once, t his young man was eat ing wit h us when he suddenly
ut t er ed a cr y and said, "I see my mot her bur ning in t he
f ir e of J ahannum." When I saw how gr ieved he was, I
t hought of giving one of my complet e sevent y t housand
r ecit at ions of t he Kalimah f or his mot her . I quiet ly did so
in my hear t wit hout t elling anybody about it . As soon as I
did t his, t he young man became happy and said, "O Uncle,
my mot her has been r elieved of t he punishment of
J ahannum." This incident pr oved usef ul t o me in t wo ways:
Fir st ly, t he blessing of r ecit ing t he Kalimah sevent y
t housand t imes was pr oved by act ual exper ience, and
secondly, it showed t hat t he young man was r eally blessed
wit h t he power of kashf ."

Hadith Grade 6


One who sends one durood upon me, Allah will bless
him ten fold.
Lessons learnt from this Hadith:
1. Our Nabi j made great sacrifices on our behalf. He went
through many difficulties for us.
2. We should send Durood and Salaam upon him in great quantity
in return for his favours upon us.
3. By sending Durood upon Nabi j , the love of Nabi J will enter
our hearts.
4. A person who does not send Durood after hearing the name of
our Nabi j is a miser or a stingy person.
5. We should at least send 100 Durood upon our Nabi j daily.
6. We should increase our recitation of durood on Fridays.

Hadith Grade 6

St or y 44
Allah once r evealed t o Hadhr at Moosa , "O Moosa ,
if t her e wer e no people on ear t h t o make My Zikr , I would
not send down a single dr op of r ain nor would I allow a
single seed t o gr ow. O Moosa , do you wish t o become
ver y close t o me?" Hadhr at Moosa said, "Yes indeed O
Allah ." Allah said, "Recit e abundant Dur ood on t he
Pr ophet Muhammad j ."
St or y 45
Ubaidullah bin Umar D says, "I once had a close f r iend
who was a wr it er . Af t er he died, I saw him in a dr eam and
asked him how Allah had t r eat ed him. He said t hat Allah
had f or given him. I asked him what act ion of his was
liked by Allah f or which Allah had f or given him. He
r eplied t hat whenever he used t o wr it e t he name of
Rasulullah j , he used t o always add j . For t his Allah
gave him what no eye has seen, no ear has hear d of and no
hear t has imagined."

Hadith Grade 6


Save yourself from backbiting.
[Kanzul Ummaal]
Lessons learnt from this Hadith:
1. Backbiting means to say such things about someone in his
absence which if he happens to hear he will dislike.
2. If what is said about him is found in him then this is gheebah
and if not, then it is slander, which is worse than backbiting.
3. Backbiting creates disunity, fighting, hatred, jealousy, etc.
4. Backbiting is like eating someone's dead flesh.
5. We are giving all our good deeds away to that person whom we
speak ill of.

Hadith Grade 6

St or y 46
Rasulullah j once commanded t he people t o f ast and said
t o t hem t hat none of t hem should br eak t heir f ast unt il he
gives t hem per mission. When t he night set in, a per son
came t o Rasulullah j and said, "O Rasulullah j , please
per mit me t o br eak my f ast ." Rasulullah j per mit t ed him.
Anot her per son came wit h t he same r equest and was also
gr ant ed per mission t o br eak his f ast . A t hir d per son came
and said, "O Rasulullah j , t her e ar e t wo women who ar e
f inding t he f ast ver y dif f icult . They ar e f eeling shy t o ask
you f or per mission t o br eak t heir f ast . Please give t hem
per mission." Rasulullah j t ur ned away f r om him. He
pr esent ed his r equest a second t ime but again Rasulullah j
t ur ned away f r om him. When he r equest ed f or t he t hir d
t ime, Rasulullah j t ur ned away f r om him and said, "They
did not f ast . They wer e eat ing t he f lesh of people dur ing
t he day (t hey wer e indulging in gheebah). Go and t ell t hem
t o vomit ." This man went and t old t hose t wo women t o
vomit . When t hey vomit ed, blood and pieces of f lesh came
out . He r et ur ned and inf or med Rasulullah j of what
happened. Rasulullah j said, "I f t hat blood and f lesh
r emained in t heir st omachs, t hey would have ent er ed t he
f ir e of J ahannum."

Hadith Grade 7


The best neighbour in the sight of Allah is he who is
good to his neighbour.
[Mustadrak Haakim]

Lessons learnt from this Hadith:
1. We should always be kind to our neighbours. Never harm them
in any way.
2. We should always be the first to help them if they are in any
3. We should share our food with them. If they are poor we should
assist them.
4. We should not do any action which will cause problems like
disturbing them when they are asleep.
5. If they cause any difficulty to us we should be patient and forgive

Hadith Grade 7

St or y 47
One of t he neighbour s of Hadhr at Bayazid Bust ami
was a f ir e-wor shipper . This neighbour once went on a
j our ney, leaving behind his wif e and his suckling child.
When t he night would appr oach, t he child would become
r est less and cr y because of t he dar kness. (They didn' t
have a lamp). When Hadhr at Bayazid came t o know
of t his, he would light his lamp and leave it at t he
neighbour ' s house at night . Because of t he light , t he child
would be at ease and sleep soundly. When t he f ir e-
wor shipper r et ur ned, his wif e inf or med him of t he kindness
of Hadhr at Bayazid . This had such an ef f ect on t he
f ir e-wor shipper t hat he immediat ely went next door and
accept ed I slaam at t he hands of Hadhr at Bayazid .

Hadith Grade 7

St or y 48
One of t he neighbour s of I maam Abu Haneef ah was
a cobbler . Dur ing t he day he would be busy making and
mending shoes and at night he would get dr unk and sing t ill
lat e, causing a dist ur bance. Ever y night , whilst per f or ming
Salaah, I maam Abu Haneef ah would hear him making
One night , I maam Abu Haneef ah did not hear him
making noise. On making enquir ies, he f ound out t hat t he
police had ar r est ed t he cobbler . Next mor ning, immediat ely
af t er Salaah, I maam Sahib went t o t he door of t he
gover nor of t he cit y. The gover nor r eceived him honour ably
and asked if he needed anyt hing. I maam Sahib said,
"One of my neighbour s has been ar r est ed. I r equest t he
gover nor t o r elease him." The gover nor or der ed t he r elease
of I maam Sahib' s neighbour as well as all t he ot her
pr isoner s who wer e ar r est ed on t hat day.
As I maam Sahib was r et ur ning f r om t he gover nor ' s
house, his neighbour , who was now r eleased, r an up t o him
and said, "You have made gr eat consider at ion f or me. May
Allah gr ant you t he gr eat est r ewar d f or pr ot ect ing your
neighbour ."
The cobbler r epent ed f r om dr inking alcohol. He t hen began
t o at t end t he gat her ings of I maam Sahib unt il he
became one of t he pr ominent Ulama of t he t ime.

Hadith Grade 7


Give gifts to each other you will love each other.
[Al-Adabul Mufrad]
Lessons learnt from this Hadith:
1. Muslims should always love one another.
2. By giving gifts to another Muslim it shows our love for him.
3. Giving of gifts removes hatred from the heart.
4. If we give someone a gift we should never ask him to return it.
5. We should make a habit of giving gifts to one another.
6. We should not feel shy to give simple things as gifts.

Hadith Grade 7


Leave out those things which create doubt in your mind
and choose those things that do not create doubt in your

Lessons learnt from this Hadith:
1. If a person is in doubt regarding the permissibility of something,
he should abstain from it.
2. Use only things that are not doubtful.
3. Stay away from doubtful foods. Do not eat such food which are
you not sure of.
4. A person who avoids doubtful things safeguards his Imaan and
his honour.
5. A person who uses doubtful things might indulge in haraam.
6. Remember, when in doubt leave it out or first find out.
Hadith Grade 7

St or y 49
Hadhr at Abu Bakr D had a slave who used t o give him a
por t ion of his daily income. Once t he slave br ought some
f ood f r om which Hadhr at Abu Bakr D at e a mor sel f r om
it . The slave said, "You always f ir st ask me wher e I get t he
f ood f r om, but t oday you did not ask." Hadhr at Abu Bakr
D r eplied, "I was so hungr y t hat I f or got . Tell me now,
how did you get t his f ood?" The slave said, "Bef or e I
became a Muslim, I used t o do f or t une-t elling (which is
har aam). I did some f or t une-t elling f or some people who
pr omised t o pay me lat er . I happened t o see t hose people
t oday celebr at ing a wedding and t hey gave me t his f ood."
Abu Bakr D said, "Ah! This will kill me." He t hen t r ied t o
vomit t he mor sel which he had swallowed but could not do
so as his st omach had been quit e empt y. Somebody
suggest ed t hat he dr ink wat er t o his f ill and t hen t r y t o
vomit . He kept on dr inking wat er and vomit ing unt il t he
mor sel came out . Somebody r emar ked, "May Allah have
mer cy on you! You put your self t hr ough such dif f icult y f or
a single mor sel."
Hadhr at Abu Bakr D said, "I would have t aken it out even
if I had t o lose my lif e. I have hear d Rasulullah j saying,
' The f lesh nour ished by har aam f ood will go int o t he f ir e of
J ahannum.' I t her ef or e quickly t r ied t o vomit t hat mor sel
lest any por t ion of my body should r eceive nour ishment
f r om it ."
Hadith Grade 7

The pious people would not eat anyt hing unt il t hey wer e
per f ect ly sur e t hat it was halaal. I f t her e was t he
slight est doubt , t hey would not eat it and if by mist ake
t hey at e it , t hey would immediat ely vomit it out .
St or y 50
Hadhr at Umar D once r eceived some musk f r om Bahr ain.
He said, "I want someone t o weigh it so t hat it may be
equally dist r ibut ed among t he Muslims." His wif e said, "I
shall weigh it ." Hadhr at Umar D kept quiet . A lit t le lat er
he again asked f or someone t o weigh t he musk and again his
wif e volunt eer ed t o do so. Again, Hadhr at Umar D kept
quiet . When she of f er ed f or t he t hir d t ime, Hadhr at Umar
D said, "I do not like your t ouching t he musk while
weighing it and r ubbing it on your self af t er war ds as t his
would amount t o somet hing mor e t han my shar e."
Any ot her per son weighing t he musk would have had t he
same advant age but Hadhr at Umar D did not like t his
pr ef er ence f or any member of his own f amily. Look at t his
caut iousness t o avoid even t he slight est bit of doubt .

Hadith Grade 7

38. A NGER

Avoid anger.
[Shu'bul Imaan]
Lessons learnt from this Hadith:
1. It is necessary to control ones anger.
2. Shaytaan takes control of a person who does not control his
3. If an angry person is standing he should sit down. If he is sitting
he should lie down or move away from the place.
4. When angry, recite Taawwuz, drink water or make wudhu.
St or y 51
Once, a pious per son by t he name of Hadhr at Bayazid
Bust ami was get t ing r eady f or t he Eid Salaah. He
had a bat h, put on clean clot hes, applied some it r and set
of f f or t he Eidgaah. While passing by a house, someone
mist akenly t hr ew some ash f r om t he r oof , which landed on
Hadhr at Bayazid . I nst ead of get t ing angr y, Hadhr at
Bayazid st ar t ed r ubbing t he ash on himself and said
t o himself , "O Bayazid! You wer e deser ving of f ir e bur ning
you but Allah sent ash." He went away wit hout even
looking up t o see who had t hr own t he ash.
Hadith Grade 7

St or y 52
Once, shayt aan appr oached Hadhr at Moosa and said,
"You ar e t he chosen messenger of Allah . You speak
dir ect ly t o Allah . I wish t o r epent . I r equest you t o
int er cede on my behalf t o Allah . Hadhr at Moosa was
ver y happy at t his. I f shayt aan r epent ed, he would not
mislead t he people anymor e. Ever yone would t hen obey
Allah . He made wudhu and per f or med salaah. He t hen
made dua. Allah said, "O Moosa, shayt aan is a liar and he
int ends t o deceive you. Tell him if he wishes t o make
t aubah, he should go t o t he gr ave of Hadhr at Aadam
and make saj dah t her e."
Hadhr at Moosa was again ver y happy as he t hought t hat
t his was a ver y easy t hing f or shayt aan t o do. He conveyed
t he message t o shayt aan. When shayt aan hear d t his, he
became ver y angr y and said, "How can I make saj dah t o
t hat per son who is dead when I did not make saj dah t o him
whilst he was alive.
Never t heless O Moosa , you have done me a f avour . I n
appr eciat ion f or what you have done, I will t ell you
somet hing. On t hr ee occasions bewar e of me:
1) At t he t ime of anger . At t hat t ime I am in t he hear t of a
human being and I r un in his body like blood.
2) At t he bat t lef ield (as well as when lear ning or
pr opagat ing Deen or being in any way in t he pat h of Allah
Hadith Grade 7

). At t hat t ime I at t r act t he per son t o his wif e, childr en
and belongings so t hat he may r et ur n t o t hem.
3) When a male and f emale ar e in pr ivacy. I at t r act t hem
t o each ot her unt il t hey bot h engage in evil."


No male should be alone with a strange female.
Lessons learnt from this Hadith:
1. If a strange male and female are alone then the third person is
Shaytaan. Strange means that they are not blood relatives eg.
(Father and daughter, Mother and son or brother and sister.)
2. Shaytaan will try his best to make them commit an evil action as
he becomes the messenger between the two of them.
3. A person should be careful not to go to such places where he will
be alone with a female.
4. A strange male and female may only remain alone in privacy
once they are married.

Hadith Grade 7

St or y 53
Ther e was a ver y pious monk I n t he Bani I sr aeel who was
f amous f or his piet y. He used t o st ay alone in his
monast er y and engage himself in t he wor ship of Allah .
Ther e wer e t hr ee br ot her s and t heir sist er also st aying in
t hat ar ea. The t hr ee br ot her s wer e called t o go out in
j ihaad. They wer e concer ned about t he saf et y of t heir
sist er . Af t er making mashwar a (i.e. af t er holding a
meet ing) t hey decided t o leave her by t he monk. They
t r ust ed him because of his piet y.
When t hey appr oached him and inf or med him of t heir
int ent ion of leaving t heir si st er wit h him he blankly
r ef used. Af t er much insist ence and begging, he f inally
agr eed t o look af t er t heir sist er . He t old t hem t o leave her
in a small house which was next t o his monast er y. They lef t
her t her e and went out in j ihaad.
I nit ially, t he monk used t o t ake f ood and leave it out side
t he door of t he house. He would t hen go back t o his
monast er y and f r om t her e inf or m her t hat her f ood was by
t he door . Gr adually shayt aan began t o whisper t o him, "The
poor gir l is alone. She has no f amily wit h her and she
doesn' t know anybody else. At least speak t o her a lit t le so
t hat she won' t f eel so lonely." Thus he began t o speak t o
her a lit t le but f r om out side t he house (He was out side
while she was inside). As t ime went , t heir conver sat ions got
longer and longer unt il event ually t hey began t o speak t o
one anot her f or t he ent ir e day.
Hadith Grade 7

Then shayt aan again began t o whisper t o him, "I t is r ude t o
speak t o someone while you ar e out side and t he ot her
per son is inside. Et iquet t e demands t hat you go inside t he
house and speak t o her ." Thus he began t o go inside t he
house and speak t o her . Wit hin a ver y shor t t ime, shayt aan
got t hem involved in sin. Af t er some t ime she gave bir t h t o
a son. Shayt aan began t o f r ight en t he monk about what will
happen when her br ot her s r et ur n. I n t his f ear he killed
t heir sist er and her child, dug a hole in which he placed
t heir bodies and placed a big r ock over it .
When t he br ot her s r et ur ned t o f et ch t heir sist er , t he
monk t old t hem t hat she got ver y sick and died. He t hen
t ook t hem t o a place and said t hat t his was wer e he bur ied
her . (That was not t he r eal place wher e her body was) The
br ot her s wer e ver y gr ieved over t he deat h of t heir sist er .
That night , shayt aan came in t he dr eam of all t he br ot her s
and t old t hem t hat t he monk lied t o t hem. Act ually he
f at her ed a child f r om her t hen killed her and her child. He
t hen showed t hem t he place wher e t heir bodies wer e
bur ied.
I n t he mor ning t he br ot her s discover ed t hat t hey all had
t he same dr eam. They went t o t he place which t hey wer e
shown in t he dr eam. They moved t he r ock, dug up t he hole
and f ound t he bodies of t heir sist er and her child. They
t hen appr oached t he monk and inf or med him of what t hey
had seen in t heir dr eam. The monk conf essed t hat he had
done all t hese evil t hings.
Hadith Grade 7

The br ot her s t hen t ook t heir case t o t he king who decided
t hat t he monk should be execut ed. J ust bef or e his
execut ion, shayt aan came up t o t he monk and said, "I t was
I who encour aged t he br ot her s t o leave t heir sist er in your
car e, it was I who ur ged you t o speak t o her , it was I who
pr ompt ed you t o go inside t he house, it was I who t empt ed
you t o sin and it was I who t old t he br ot her s t he t r ut h. I
put you in all t hese pr oblems. Now if you believe in me and
disbelieve in Allah , I will get you out of all t hese
pr oblems." At t hat moment he disbelieved in Allah and he
was execut ed. May Allah save us f r om such an evil deat h.

Hadith Grade 7

40. DEA TH

Increase in the remembrance of the destroyer of all
pleasures (death).

Lessons learnt from this Hadith:
1. A person who is enjoying the pleasures of this life forgets that he
will have to die.
2. Death will bring an end to the pleasures of life in this world.
3. We should prepare ourselves for the life of the hereafter by
thinking of death all the time.
4. The actions of a person will accompany him in the hereafter.
5. We should always do such actions that will benefit us in the

Hadith Grade 7

St or y 54
Ther e was once a man who amassed gr eat wealt h. He built a
magnif icent palace f or himself and ar r anged all t ypes of
comf or t s and luxur ies in it . When he moved int o t he palace,
he or ganized a f east f or his f r iends and r elat ives. When
ever yone sat down f or meals, he sat on a t hr one and
t hought t o himself t hat he has a good st ock of ever yt hing
which will last f or year s. While he was t hinking t hese
t hought s, a beggar came and knocked on t he door so loudly
t hat it dist ur bed all t he guest s who wer e eat ing.
The ser vant s r ushed t o t he door t o see who was causing
t he dist ur bance. When t hey saw t his per son, t hey asked
him what he want ed. He said, "Send your mast er t o me."
They said, "Do you t hink our mast er is going t o come out t o
see you?" The man said, "He will come. Go and t ell him."
When t hey went and t old t heir mast er about it , he said,
"Why didn' t you all give him a good hiding and send him
away f or being so r ude?" As he said t his, t he man st ar t ed
knocking even louder . The ser vant s again r ushed t o t he
door . The man said, "Tell your mast er t hat I am I zr aeel,
t he angel of deat h." The ser vant s wer e shocked and when
t hey t old t heir mast er , he was st unned and humbly said,
"Ask him t o t ake someone else in my place."
The angel, who had ent er ed t he palace alr eady, said, "You
can do what you want but I cannot go back unt il I t ake your
soul out of your body." The r ich man gat her ed his wealt h
and said, "Cur ses upon you, O wr et ched wealt h! You kept me
t oo busy t o r emember and wor ship Allah ." Allah
Hadith Grade 7

gr ant ed his wealt h t he power t o speak and it said t o him,
"Why do you cur se me? I t was because of me t hat you
could go int o t he cour t s of kings when t he poor wer e dr iven
away. I t was because of me t hat women wer e at t r act ed t o
you and you used t o indulge in sin wit h t hem. You spent me
on har aam and I was helpless in your hands. Had you spent
me on good, I would have benef it ed you." I n t he middle of
t his dialogue, t he angel of deat h pulled out t he soul f r om
his body. This was a bad ending f or t he one who f or got
deat h.
St or y 55
A king once decided t o t our his kingdom. A suit of clot hes
was br ought t o him but he r ej ect ed it . Anot her was
br ought but he r ej ect ed it also. Af t er r ej ect ing many
dif f er ent suit s of clot hing, he f inally chose one. He wor e
t his elegant suit and called f or a hor se. A f ine hor se was
br ought but he r ej ect ed it . Anot her was br ought which he
also r ej ect ed. An ent ir e st able of hor ses was br ought
bef or e him and he select ed t he best hor se. The king t hen
mount ed t he hor se and r ode of f f ollowed by his cour t ier s,
minist er s and soldier s. Shayt aan made him f eel ver y pr oud
and super ior t o ever yone else. As he r ode on, he came
acr oss an old man who was dr essed in r ags. The old man
gr eet ed t he king but t he king ignor ed him. The old man
caught hold of t he hor ses br idle. This gr eat ly anger ed t he
king who said, Of f wit h you. How dar e you cat ch hold of
my hor ses r eins? The man said, I have some business
wit h you. The king said, Be pat ient and wait t ill I r et ur n
Hadith Grade 7

f or t hen I shall have t ime t o list en t o what you have t o
say. The man said, I must say it now. He t hen gave a
violent t ug and pulled t he br idle away. The king asked,
Well, what do you want t o say? The man said, I t is a
secr et , I must whisper it in your ear s. The king bowed his
head and t he man whisper ed in his ear s, I am t he Angel of
Deat h and I have come t o t ake your soul. The king t ur ned
pale and said in a shaky voice, Please give me some t ime t o
go home, meet my people and ar r ange my af f air s. The
angel said, No, you shall have no r espit e. Never again shall
you meet your people or see your possessions. Saying t his,
t he Angel of Deat h pulled out t he soul f r om his body and
he f ell down f r om t he hor se like a log of dr y wood.
Af t er t his, t he Angel of Deat h went t o a pious man who was
also on a j our ney. The angel gr eet ed him wit h Salaam and
t he man r eplied wit h Salaam. The angel said t o him, I want
t o say somet hing in your ear . I am t he Angel of Deat h. The
man said, Most welcome! Blessed is your visit ! I have been
wait ing f or you f or a ver y long t ime. Of all t he people who
wer e away f r om me, I was most anxious t o meet you. The
angel said, Go and hast en t o do t he t ask f or which you
have under t aken t he j our ney. The man said, I would
dear ly love t o meet my Allah mor e t han anyt hing else in
t he wor ld. The angel said, Choose f or your self any st at e
in which you would like t o meet deat h and I shall dr aw out
your soul when you ar e in t hat st at e. The man said, Let
me make wudhu and st and in salaah. When I am in Saj dah,
t ake my lif e away. The pious man began his Salaah and
Hadith Grade 7

when he went int o Saj dah, his soul was t aken out of his

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