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Abstract Penelitianinimenelititentangkemampuanmahasiswadalammenulisteks narasi.Filmdigunakansebagaimediadalampembelajaranmenulis.Ada11 orangmahasiswadarijurusanPendidikanBahasaInggrisUniversitasNegeri Yogyakartayangditeliti.Filmpendekakanditayangkansebelummenulisteks narasi,setelahitumerekaakanmengoreksikesalahantatabahasadalamsesi peerediting.Penelitianiniadalahpenelitiantindakankelas.Datayangdiambil adalahhasiltulisanmahasiswa.MilesdanHubermandipakaiuntukmenganalisis datayangmasuk.Hasildaripenelitianinimenunjukanbahwaterjadipenurunan jumlahkesalahantatabahasadanpeningkatankualitasisitulisannarasi. Katakunci:TeksNarasi,Film,Menulis. 1.BACKGROUND English plays an important role in globalization era. People who speak

this language can be found in almost every facet of life such as in industrial world,commerce,education,andpolitics.Englishissetasmediatobridgeidea, knowledge, and opinion from one person to another person or understanding amongforeignerswhospeakdifferentlanguagessothattheycanhandinhand togetherintheirlife,andhelpeachotheroutinsolvingtheirproblems. To get into that bridge, it needs hard work because there is no magic

powdertoturnazeropersonwhodoesnothavepostulationofEnglishintoa wellwrittenspokenheroinoneblinkofeyes.Strugglingandevenfallinginto piecesarecommonlyseenintheprocesstomasterthislanguage,whichhasfour skills that one of them is writing, which is categorized as the highest and unfortunately,thescariestskillamongEnglishEducationstudentsofYogyakarta StateUniversity.

This study investigates the students ability in writing narrative text.

Movie is singled out to ameliorate their talent in writing narrative text. 11 second year English Department students at Yogyakarta State University were givenshortmoviesasamediatohelpthemincomposingnarrativetext.Afterthe narrative text was completely written, they were assigned to check the grammatical error in peer editing step. Later, the lecturer based on the scale examined the texts. The writing score in the terms of content and grammar wouldbeappearedlikethese;poor,fair,good,andexcellent. Basedonthefactualproblems,thisstudyaimedatfindingaforemostway

notonlytoimprovethecontentofthestudentsnarrativetextwriting,butalsoto enhancethegrammar.Thus,movieisthemostprudentmeanstoovercometheir problems. However, movie cannot stand alone to assist the students in the whole

process of writing. It would be better if it were followed by peerediting step. They need mirrors to see their back. Therefore, The students would have a completewritingprocessandproducedagoodnarrativetext. 2.THEORIES A.LanguageandLanguageCompetence AccordingtoBrown(2000:5)Languageisasetofarbitrarysymbols,other

than that he also states that language is used for communication. It can be said thatlanguageisatool,whichisusedbypeopletosharetheirideas,feelingand otherstaff,andcommunicateeachother. Most people acquire language in the same way communication both

written and spoken.In the process ofcommunication, speakersknowthe rules how to communicate to others, and get information, knowledge about the language itself. When a speaker understands the knowledge of language, it means that one has the language competence. Brown (2000: 31) states the definition of language competence is ones underlying knowledge of system of a

languageitsrulesofgrammar,itsvocabulary,andallthepiecesoflanguageand howthosepiecesfittogether. Bachman (1990: 87) divides language competence into two part

organization competence and pragmatic competence. Organization competence is ability to comprehend and form correct sentences, understand meaning of sentencesandpourthesessentencesintoatext.Itcanbesaidthatwritingisone partofthecompetencies. B.Writing Gathering idea, feeling, belief, information, fact, and imagination in one

goodwritingtextisnotaneasyworktodo.Writingisconsideredasapipethat provides writers with the smooth way out of the individual matters. Writing, however,involvesadialoguewithwritershimself.Itisobviousthatitinvolvesa thinkingprocessinthewholetime.Thus,debunkingallindividualmattersisnot effortless. Elbow in Brown (1994: 322) states, that writing is, in fact, a transaction with words whereby you free yourself from what you presently think,feelandperceive. What you write represents what you think. It is a kind of mirror that

reflects things, which stay in the mind. Learners who are reluctant to write thingsdownoftensufferforit.Theyfindwritingstaleorlaboriousorboth.They start looking for some reasons to write and considering picking up a phone rather than producing written sentences. Mohan (1997: 145) states that there aremanyreasonsforputtingthoughtsintowritingandtheneedtoexaminethe purposeandconsiderwritingstrategiescarefully. Knowingtheapproachesinteachingwritingisoneofthegoodstrategies.

There are two approaches in teaching writing: first, focus on the product of writing and second, on the writing process itself. This step leads those who advocate a process approach to writing, however, pay attention to the various stages that any piece of writing goes through (Harmer, 2001: 257). Therefore, learnersareencouragedtobefamiliarwiththekeyelementsofeffectivewriting; clarity,accuracy,concisenessandcoherence(Mohan,1997;171)

C.NarrativeText AccordingtoAndersonAnderson(2002;3)thenarrativetexttypetellsa

story,indoingso,entertainstheaudience,makestheaudiencethinkaboutan issue,teachesthemalesson,orexcitetheiremotions.Inotherwords,itcanbe saidthatanarrativetextisretellingastorythatistoldbythedoerorother personspointofview.AsimilarstatementalsocomesfromAndersonAnderson (2002;3)ifthenarratorisoneofthecharactersinthestory,thestoryissaidto betoldinthefirstperson.Ifthepersonoutsidethestoryisthenarrator,thenthe storyisbeingtoldinthethirdperson. Thiskindofstoryisveryfamiliarandveryeasytofindindailylife,

becausethethemesofthisstoryhavecloserelationshipwithhumanlifeand humancharacteristics.AndersonAnderson(2002;3)givesanexampleof narrativetextswhichincludes:myths,fairytales,sciencefiction,andromance novels. Thestepsforconstructinganarrativetextareasfollows. Anorientation(canbeaparagraph,apictureoropeningchapter)in whichthenarratortellstheaudienceaboutwhat,whenandwherethe actionishappening. Acomplicationthatsetsoffachainofeventsthatinfluencewhatwill happeninthestory. Asequenceofeventswherethecharactersfinallysortoutthe complication. Acodathatprovidesacommentormoralbasedonwhathasbeenlearned fromthestory(anoptionalstep) Languagefeaturesofanarrativetext: Specificcharacters Timewordsthatconnecteventstotellwhentheyoccur Verbstoshowtheactionsthatoccurinthestory


Therearemanydifferenttypesofnarrativesincluding:humor,romance,crime, reallifefiction,mystery,fantasy,sciencefiction,diarynovels,andadventure. Therecanbeacombinationofnarrativeswithineachofthesedifferenttypes (Anderson,1997;8) Itcanbeconcludedthatnarrativeinvolvesimaginativethoughtsand

fictivestoriestopresentatouchystorybyshowingsequenceofevents.It spreadsthesequencesonebyonetogetfascinatingstory. D.Movie Theuseofvideoprovidesbackgroundinformationandproperstimulifor

subsequentreading,writing,speaking,andlisteningactivities(Lisetyo,2008). ThisalsosupportedbyStempleskiandTomalin(1990:3),theystatethatchildren andadultsfeeltheirinterestquickonwhenlanguageisexperiencedinalively waythroughtelevisionandvideo(film).Inthiscase,moviecanbeanarrative storybecauseitalsostatessequenceofeventsandaconflict.Harmer(2001; 282)statesthatwecanuseashortvideoextractasonecomponentinalonger lessonsequence,whethertoillustratethetopicweareworkingon,tohighlight languagepoints. Whenaclassisworkingonanareaoflanguage,whethergrammatical,

functional,orlexicaloramixtureofallthreethelessoncanbegreatly enhancedbyavideoextractwhichshowsthatlanguageinoperation.Shortvideo sequencesofbetweenoneandfourminutescanyieldanumberofexercises, demonstrateasatisfyingrangeoflanguage,areeasiertomanipulate,andcanbe highlymotivating(Harmer,2001;283).Itcanbeconcludedthattheuseofmovie eithercanmotivatelearnerstowriteorgivethemhintsaboutwhattowrite. Thereisnohesitationthatmoviedonatesamassivenumberofhandin

accommodatinglearnerswritingnarrativetext.Thebenefitofusingmovieasa mediainteachingwritingcanbespottedinstudentsperformance.Themore magnificentthesituationthebettertheyproducetheirwriting.

3.METHODOLOGY Thisstudyisclassroomactionresearch.ItfollowsthedesignfromJohn

Elliot(McNiff,1998;30).Thisresearchhadthreecycles.Eachcycleconsistsof threemeetings.Thesourceofthedatawasstudentswriting.Studentsproduced sixnarrativetextsattheendoftheresearch. Peereditingstepwasinvolvedineverytimetheyhavefinishedtheir

writing.Theywouldbescoredpoor,fair,good,andexcellent,dependonthe qualityofthecontentandgrammar.MilesandHubermanwasusedtoanalyze theobtaineddata. 4.RESULTS Shortsmoviesweredisplayedatthebeginningofeverythesession.Itwas

expectedthatlearnerscouldgrabsomeinspirationsafterwatchingthem.It stimulatedthemtowritegoodnarrativetexts.However,ittooklongtimefor somelearnerstocomposeandreachabetterlevelofscoringwhetherintermsof contentorgrammar. Theresultfromthefirstcycleshowedthattherewasnoleanersgot

excellent.Twolearnersgotgoodincontentandgrammar,andtherestofthe classgotpoor.Abetterconditionappearedinthesecondcycle.Onestudentgot excellent,twoofthemgotgood,andtherestgotfair.Theresultofthelastcycle revealedthatthenumberofpoortextsreducedslowly.Moreover,thisfact showedthatthegrammaticalerrorsplummetedtoasmallnumber.These numberscanbeseeninthistable1below. Table1

The Result of Students Narrative Writing in Content of The First Cycle No 1 2 3 4 Level of score Excellent Good Fair Poor Number of students 0 2 0 9


thatithasmorethantengrammaticalerrorsandpoorlanguagefeatures,and poornarrativestructure. Example1. Oncedayamanwassitonthebenchwithhissoninparkinunderthe tree.Behindtheparktherearesomebigshadyandhightrees.Surroundingpark therearemanytreesorplants.Thenontherightsideoftheparkthereareladder wayofhouseandmanyplans.Infrontoftheparkthereisagate.Theparkwasfull ofgreenplant. Onthetimethemanwassittingontherightsideofhissonandhisson wasreadinganewspaper.Suddenlythereisabirdwasperchintheplantsinfront rightside.Themanaskedhisson.Whatisthat!.sparrow.Answeredhis son.Hisfatherwasrepeathimquestionandhisansweredtoo.Thebirdwasflyto thebigtreebehindtheman.Thenthebirdwasflyingagaintoground.Whenhis fatherrepeatedtothesamequestionhissonsoveryangry.Heansweredwith veryangry.Heansweredveryclear.Itissparrow.S,p,a,r,r,o,w.hisfather justsilent.Finallyhisfatherwalkedtohouseandcomebackbroughtthediary. Thenhisfatheropenedthediaryandgavetohisson.Hisfatherorderedhisson forreadingloud.Thediarystoryabouthissonatboyhood.Whenhechildaskedto hisfatherseveraltimes.Hissonaskedtohisfahterabout21timesandhisfather answered21timestoo.Hisfatheransweredquestionhissonwithoutangry.After readingthediarythesonrealizedwhathedidtohisfather.Finallytheson embracedhisfather. Afterwatchthevideo.Iamremembermyparent.AllthistimeIamoften wrothandtalkunpolitetomyparent.Howunhappilymyparenttome.My parentwerenursingpatientlytome,butIamoftencomportunpolite.Ihopeafter watchingthevideoIamcancomportpolitetomyparentandlove.Isayingtanks forGodbecauseIamgiveparentlovetome. Table2

The Result of Students Narrative Writing in Content of The second Cycle No 1 2 3 Level of score Excellent Good Fair Number of students 1 2 8



The Result of Students Narrative Writing in Content of The Third Cycle

No 1 2 3 4

Level of score Excellent Good Fair Poor

Number of students 4 5 3 0


minorgrammaticalerrorandhasgoodcontentbecauseitmeetsthelanguage featuresthatshouldbepresentedinnarrativetext.Itcanbeseenbelow. Example 2 In a very hot day, the heat of the sunlight was completely stinging and Ferrys throat was choked by thirst. He felt very uncomfortable. In a short while, ideas passed through his head Having some refreshment and a glass of coconut ice are good idea I think more less that was just he thought. He rapidly took a machete and focusing his sight about sixty-five degree above. There was a large coconut garden ten meters next to his house. A Chinese entrepreneur possessed the garden. The garden was not been well taken care of by the owner so that it became a very horror place during the night. In addition, it became a snake nest. I am sure a wicked devil or even Lucifer will have pray before pass through this -hectare garden during the night. Villagers often make use any plants grown in the garden, including coconut. Everybody could pick the coconut, but you are not allowed to bring it home, you should eat it here, as my memory told me, that was what the owner said. Bringing a machete, Ferry kept searching a short coconut tree in order to easy to climb. A body squatting in the front of him surprised ferry. He recognized that it

was Didin, his best friend. Didin was drinking a young coconut milk to wet his dry throat due to burnt by sunlight. Ferry could drink a free coconut milk without any effort to climb the tree for Didin have picked up some young coconuts. While Ferry perforated the coconut shells, that is coconut shell which is cut at its edge so that remains a hole to let somebody to drink the coconut milk, Ferry gnawed at the young coconut flesh clinging on the sliced-shell. Plaaaakk.... Didin suddenly blew his arm. Hey kid, it is forbidden to eat coconut flesh sticking on its sliced-shell, Didin tried to explain. Whats wrong with this? Ferry kept gnawing at it. The myth said, ehmmm... the old and former people said it is forbidden to eat that, or you will marry a widow. Did you understand? Didin said. Dont be silly? I am a student, and my logical mind is completely denied your irrational statement, I will not marry any of your widow or whatever you said merely because I gnawed this flesh. Ferry said in gasp and pant. Once again, I cant agree more that you have been so much listening to old people bulshit, yeah you have, and I can see you have been affected. In a short while, you might be a myth maniac Ferry added his comment. Am I wrong if I believe? At least old people had ever been young; they have got more experience, havent they? Didin defended his argument. Ferry did not pay any attention to him. While he was leaving his friend and their foolish debate, Owh shit... Ferry stepped at a snake. Watch your step kid, you might meet the bigger one,Didin said lazily. Young boys in Ferrys village usually hang out in a village patrol post every night as if it was a compulsory task to do. I bet, if there were a job vacancy to be a village patrol post officer they would fight to be an activist on that 2x3 meter room.On the village patrol post, their routine activities are playing guitar, making a disturbing noise and sometimes telling a vulgar story to heat the atmosphere.

While they were singing, uuu uukk.... they heard a rooster crowing, and replied by others. It was so strange for it has been half past ten. Everybody showed his interest in the crowing rooster but Ferry. He seemed to be not attracted at all. A rooster crowing in the middle of night, old people said, there must be a pregnant virgin near here, Didin spoke confidently as if he was a king adviser. What a foolish boy! How a virgin can be pregnant, it is obvious, as obvious as the noose on your face, that a pregnant woman is not a virgin anymore, Ferry said mockingly, then it was followed by his friends laugh. Yes you are right fer one of his friends added. Ok, what I mean by virgin is unmarried clarified Didin. Ferry, my best friend ever after, why did you never believe in myth? Ferry simply answered there were no scientific method or research proving that myth is true. In addition we are educated people, so we should not believe in such unscientific tale like myth. Their friends remained silent while Ferry and Didin were debating. Nevertheless this is globalization era; you must erase your primordial paradigm from your mind. Myth is only a stupid tale to scare a stupid child like you. Dont you remember when you were kid; you were not allowed to go out at night. Our parent said that there were ghosts at night. Our parents also forbid us when we sat on a pillow. They said we will suffer from ulcers or boils at our ass. It is not about suffering from ulcers nor meeting ghosts. It is about you were not allowed to sit on a pillow nor to go out at night, Ferry tried to convey his ideology to his friend. You will never believe in myth even I told you hundred times , Didin started playing guitar to end this foolish debate. The weaker rang. It is about time to Ferry to wake up. While he drank a glass of milk, he saw his mother watering the ground around the house. He spontaneously asked, What are you doing mom? You seem to waste water. She turned her head you have woken up, eh? It will prevent snakes entering our house. Is that a kind of pesticide or poison? Ferry scratched his head. This is soapsuds of washing waste and I add some salt, former people said so, in order to safe our home from snakes, of course, his mother explanation kindled Ferrys anger, for he was a myth-allergy. Then he left his mother without a single word. See you mom, assalamualaikumFerry started his motorcycle. Be careful son, and go straight home from school. Mmmm I think I will pick Dina up and before I go home, is it ok?. Ok, but you should go straight home after that, dont play around with her nor make indecent suggestion to her. Former people said....... See you mom, Ferry left his mother before she finish

her sentence. Once again. Myth. He has heard it twice this morning. Former people have gone so far, they made myth however they please. Ferry kept cursing at former people. After having such long classes at school, he accompanied Dina to go home. In the next following minutes, this couple went to play in somewhere else. Most of young people commonly did it, Playing around with his or her boy/girl friend, then telling lies when his or her parent asking why you come home so late. Of course, a cheap trick is usually effective. Just say I have a lot of homework to do and I cannot do it alone, Then show that you are too tired to explain more. Albert Einstein said that time is relative. It is proved when we spent our time with our beloved person; time seems to fly right by. In the other hand, a single minute will be as if it was an hour when you were attending a boring course. So do Ferry, he was playing with time relativity. It has been 4 pm and he still played around with his lovely girlfriend. He totally forgot what his mother said. Worst of all they did something indecent,imoral and something that I should not tell it to you if you are under seventeen years old. In the way home,you can see how Dina bevahe so spoiled to him like a child whimpering in his mothers embrace. I cant imagine what they will do if they were in a closed room. Its too late to realize that he must be late at home. He hurriedly accompanied Dina to go home and he rapidly went home. Unfortunately, he got an accident. Although he only got minor injured, he came home in scare and hope. He scares if his explanation will raise his mother anger since he did not listen to her. Mom... Ive got an accident, he explained without staring his mothers eyes. Are you playing around before you went home? I have told you to go straight home dont you listen to me? she snapped at him. His mothers anger was more than enough to freeze his tongue so that he forgot to apply the cheap trick I have written before. Where have you been? And what have you done, uh?, his mother kept talking as if she has been cursed to speak forever. I just.... suddenly he become speechless. I have just done something great mom,dont you know that, but I wont tell it to you. You know, it is said that if you do an immoral act,you will have bad luck, his mother was still talking. As usual,he left his mother witout a singgle word. After that, he went to Didins house to share what was happened to him. This must be crazy. Ive got an accident but my mother got angry to me and said that it was related to myth He shots the breeze. Myth? Didin still couldnt catch what his friend was talking about. My mother is such a myth maniac like you, she said that

somebody will have an accident if they played around and did an immoral act with his or her boy/girlfriend. This must be crazy! Ferry seemed very angry like Malik( hell guardian angel) sees a bastard entering heaven. I have a bit logical explanation about myth, are you interested in it? Didin stared to out there somewhere as if he had got an inspiration from God. Are you kidding me? Ferry dramatically changed his expression from angry to laughing. Ok, but if you fail to give rational explanation, you are stictly prohibited to say anything about myth in the front of me. What if I give you an acceptable explanation? Didin asked. So I will believe you then, even this is only hypocrisy. It was honest, wasnt it? Didin cracked Ferry up. Yes, an honest hypocrisy. The first thing you should do is to gather all crude memories about how myth could happen, then you move on to look for the cause and effect, Didin spoke like a professor. Such as what makes a rooster crowing in the middle of night when there was an unmarried pregnant woman? the sentence was uttered spontaneously from Ferrys mouth. I am still in fog about what the relation between a pregnant woman and crowing rooster is, and then about salted-soapsuds and snakes. Didin went to his kitchen and then bring some salt let me give you some illustration, what do you feel if I put salt in your wound?. Terrible replied Ferry. So do snakes, their movement organ is skin. Salt, when you look it with a microscope the structure is almost the same with broken glass. If snakes passed through a line of salt, the salt would adhere on their skin and irritated those while they are moving. It will painfully hurt them. Listen to me, my mom did not put a line of salt. She mixed the salt with saltedsoapsuds, so the salt must dissolve with the soapsuds. Snake will never pass through anything. I can draw a conclusion that what my mom did was useless Ferry proudly denied his friend argument. Let me clarify something here, snakes put their tongue out to detect particles in the air. They do not smell nor see something like you do. Actually they are blind. They use their tongue to smell air particles then send the particles to an organ called Jacobson, eventually the particle was translated. Nah..Snakes are animal. They follow their instincts that guide them to avoid everything that might hurt them. One of the things they should avoid is salt. My question is why your mom fixed the salt with water. The answer is clear. When the salt dissolved with water, it will be easier and faster to vaporize. As I told you before, they are blind, they only detect air particles. When they detect vaporized-salt odour they will go. They didnt know whether there were really salt or not.

I think I get the point, professor. What about pregnancy and rooster? In our culture, pre-marriage pregnancy is such ashamed. A woman who is pregnant before she has got a husband is psychologically depressed. Such woman has tendency to be alone. The best time to be alone is night. Moreover, a pregnant woman usually wants to eat certain food during the night. So whats make it special? Ferry said curiously. Slow down young boy, in the former time, this habit seems strange for at the time people had regular bed-time. Of course they will extinguish the illumination while they were sleeping. When the woman wanted to eat or just wake up contemplating her mistake in the middle of night, she needs to kindle a torch. Trust me, without a torch; you will see nothing during the night in a place without electricity. The light of the torch changes the dark house becomes brighter. This is unintentionally woke the rooster up.Didin stopped talking to breathe. Why the rooster put inside the house? Chicken had their special cage outside, hadnt they? asked Ferry protest. Roosters are more expensive than chicks or hen, so that former or recent people wont put it outside, if you dont believe me, you may ask to the seller. The bottom line is the rooster was woken up because the dwellers of the house wake up. Rooster know nothing whether it has been dawn or not. As long as the dweller woke up, so roosters thought that its been dawn, then they start crowing and naturally replied by the others. Accidentally people who often wake up in the middle of night were a pregnant woman, as I toldd you, a pregnant woman usually wants to eat certain food or fruit during the night so that former people draw such conclusion.said Didin.That was not scientific, Ferry was unsatisfied.I am in the same mind with you, it was habitual tendencies. For a moment, they smiled each other. The last question is, tell me what relations between me and Dinas indecent act and accident?.Of course they are closely related. After you both have acted indicently, automatically Dinas face is always visualized on your mind so that you lost your concentration while riding. Am I right? Didin smiled wickedly and stare him deeply, I dont know how deep since there were no international standard to measure a stare. I am afraid so. My mom forbids me to be indecent so as to not to lost my concentration while riding, didnt she? Sure, moreover you have had an indecent scene even in a short duration.

Enough my friend, I am afraid if there was an acceptable explanation about eating coconut flesh and marry a widow, that scary... My best friend ever after, if the definition of a virgin is someone who had never have sex and a widow is someone who is not a virgin anymore, I completely believe that....Didin stopped.Believe what? Ferry interupted. I completely believe that your lovely girlfriend is the same with a widow since you had ever told me that she is not a virgin anymore, hahahahahahahahaha Didin ran away and kept laughing. Son of a bitch, I will kill you if I get you. They chase each other like a mouse and cat, they laughed as if they were born to laugh. 5. CONCLUSION Movie gives extra help to the learners in writing narrative texts. They find it enjoyable and fun while and after watching the movies. This condition supported them to start writing. Watching movies can reduce the number of grammatical errors and increase the quality of the writing content. It was because movies gave them much inspiration for what to write and how to write. It is expected that displaying movies in the class will give many benefits to students not only for fixing the content and grammar of the writing but also for improving and mastering the vocabulary. References Abismara, Nada Salem (2001). Approaces and Activities. American University of Beirut. Downloaded on 18 Maret 2010. Anderson, Mark. Anderson, Kathy. 1997. Text Types in English 2. South Yarra: MacMillan Education Australia PTY LTD ------------------------------------------------. 1998. Text Types in English 3. South Yarra: MacMillan Education Australia PTY LTD Bachman, Lyle, F. 1990. Fundamental Consideration in Language Testing. Hongkong: Oxford University Press. Brown, H. Douglas. 1994. Principles of language learning and teaching (Third Edition). San Francisco: Prentice Hall Regents.

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