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OFFICE OF THE MINISTER sewveavancrsanan cAgmeT ou musTRE 0729 April 17, 1989 Mr. Werner Bock RAR, 2 Anagance, New Brunswick EOE 1A0 Dear Mr. Bock: First of all I want to thank you for taking the opportunity to come to Fredericton to meet with me on Friday last. I have started to investiqate some of your concerns and I wish to advise you that once I have a full report on those concerns, I will again be in communication with you. However, at this time T want to advise you that it may take a little while to get ali the information gathered. You can rest assured that once all that information {s accummalated I will be in communication with you. once again thank you for bringing your concerns to my attention. T remain, Yours very truly, Zl , , . 4 oo es oxatan men soe fom aan Minister

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