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Annotated Bibliography Primary Sources Dei Verbum. Vatican City: n.p., 1965. documents of the II Vatican Council. Web.

11 Jan. 2012. <>. This is the constitution that explains Divine Revelation and Sacred Scripture. This is the first constitution because the Sacred Scripture is how we know what we know about Jesus Christ, Moses, and all of the other Biblical characters and stories. This is also the constitution that allows the Bible to be translated. I can use this source to help me understand what Divine Revelation is, what it means, and how important Sacred Scripture truly is. Gravissimum Educationis. Vatican City: n.p., 1965. Documents of the II Vatican Council. Web. 16 Jan. 2012. < m-educationis_en.html>. The deceleration explaining how schools, both Catholic and public, should be run in a holy way. This Deceleration was important because the US Public school system just had prayer banned from the school system in 1963. I can use this source to help me understand how Vatican II changed catholic and public school. Lumen Guenium. Vatican City: n.p., 1964. Documents of the II Vatican Council. Web. 11 Jan. 2012. < umen-gentium_en.html>. The constitution explaining the Hierarchy of the clergy, lay people, and the mysteries of God. This source was very helpful in helping me to understand how the clergy works, what lay people are, and what the mysteries of god are. This will help me in my project because it gives me much needed background information on a very confusing topic. Nostra Aetate. Vatican City: n.p., 1965. Documents of the II Vatican Council. Web. 16 Jan. 2012. <>. This is a Deceleration that explains how the Catholic Church relates to other religions. It states that it sees Islam and Judaism as true and holy religions in many ways. It also explains how the church does not find many other religions to be true. I can use this Deceleration to help me to understand how the church relates to other religions. Sacrosanctum Concilium. Vatican City: n.p., 1963. Documents of the II Vatican Council. Web. 16 Jan. 2012. < m-concilium_en.html>.

This is the constitution stating how the church needs to protect the holy liturgy, the holy Eucharist, The sacred sacraments, holy music, and sacred art. This all is very important because the more of all of this we have, the more we can understand the church. I can use this source to help me to understand a wide range of topics from holy music to holy offices. Shay, Mary Joan. Personal interview. 5 Feb. 2012. This source was very helpful because it is an interview of my grandmother who lived through Vatican II. She told me what she knew changed, how it affected your faith, and whether she enjoyed the change. I can use this source to help me understand the change of Vatican II Secondary Sources Bugnolo, Alexis. A VOICE CRYING IN THE WILDERNESS. A Rebuttal. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Dec. 2011. <>. This source shows how Rome became a center of Antichrist. It explains many problems that exist within a book about Vatican II. This book had stated many incorrect facts. This was very helpful because they stated many true facts after the incorrect facts. Marcin, Raymond B. The Great Moral Flaw in the Second Vatican Council. N.p., 11 Oct. 2006. Web. 22 Dec. 2011. <>. This is an article explaining how Vatican II is against the Bible. It states that there is a Great Moral Flaw in the II Vatican council. That Moral Flaw is that it is against God and the Holy Spirit. I can use this source as an article explaining negative things about Vatican II Patch, William L. What Happened at Vatican II. Rev. of What Happened at Vatican II, by John W. OMally. EBSCO. History Refrence Center, n.d. Web. 22 Nov. 2011. < %40sessionmgr115&vid=10&hid=127>. This review is about a book that outlines the popes role in Vatican II. It Helped me to understand how crucial the popes role in Vatican II really was. This article will help me To understand the importance of the Pope in Vatican II. Pope, John XXIII. Opening Speech for Council of Vatican II. N.p., 11 Oct. 1962. Web. 22 Dec. 2011. <>. This is the speech that Pope John XXIII said before the start of the II Vatican Council. This speech was important because it explained to everybody in Vatican City what this was going to change. I can use this source to get a general understanding of what Pope

John XXIII wanted to change during the II Vatican Council. Tanner, Norman. Gaudiem et Spes. Vatican II - Voice of the Church. N.p., 5 Dec. 2011. Web. 21 Dec. 2011. <>. An article about the constitution of Gaudiem et Spes and explained how it allowed the church to become more available in more modern situations. This source is very helpful because it explains in simple terms what Guadiem et Spes means. i will use this source to help me understand this constitution

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