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Choose the right answer

1. Friction is a force that _______ motion a. repulse b. oppose c. attract 2. Friction acts in ___________ direction to the movement of the object. a. an opposite b. the same 3. A force can be a _________ or a pull. a. direction b. push 4. Forces can cause things as follow, except . a. start moving b. move faster c. change its colour d. move slower 5. One of the followings is not included into types of forces: a. Direction Force b. Elastic spring force c. Gravitational force 6. The tread patterns on the tyres of the vehicle is the sample of . Friction a. harmful b. useful 7. Friction can be a disadvantage because it causes objects to a. slow down b. overheat c. wear out d. all correct 8. Some materials may change in shape when a force is applied on them, but they have the ability to return to their original shape when the force is removed. This is the sample of . a. Friction force b. Elastic spring force c. Gravitational force

9. When a force acts on a spring, the spring stretches. The larger the force, the . The spring extends. a. Shorter b. Longer 10. An apple falls to the ground is the sample of . a. Direction Force b. Elastic spring force c. Gravitational force 11. If you put two north poles of two magnets together, you can feel the like poles of the magnets pushing each other. The push is also known as the . a. force of repulsion b. force of attraction

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