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Level of hyoid -C3 level of thyroid cartilage -C4/C5 level of first cricoid ring -C6 Level of sup/ inf

angle of scapula -T2/T7 Level of spine of scapula -T3 Level Iliac crest L4/L5 How to increase palpation sensation -close eyes What position (doctor/ patient), assists with developing pre-adjustive tension in the joint? -patient position What can happen to the doctor if the patient is not in the correct position? -mechanical disadvantage and risk of injury Should the doctor have the patient position themselves after they have been instructed what to do? -yes What position assists the doctor to maintain proper body mechanics (patient or doctor)? -doctor position Why should a doctor avoid bony contacts with his CH? -may be painful to the patient cause patient guarding Can the IH/SH be used to deliver an adjustment? -yes What is SCP? -segmental contact point

What does the SCP indicate? -anatomically on the patient where the adjustive contat or contact points are to be placed (bony landmarks) What are SCP s near the site of dysfunction called? -short lever (direct) adjustments What are SCP s away from the site of dysfunction called? -long lever (indirect) adjustments What are SCP s, which are a combo of both long and short lever adjustments called? -semi direct adjustments What method is where the SCP that contacts the superior vertebra of the dysfunctional joint? -assisted method What method is where the SCP that contacts the inferior vertebra of the dysfunctional joint called? -resisted method What are SCP that contacts both superior and inferior vertebra considered (called)? -counter residted method When is tissue pull applied? -during the adjustive contact How can tissue pull be assisted? (position for adjustment abbreviations) IH/SH At times, can more than one adjustment in different vectors be required to free up joint dysfunction? -yes Synarthrodial joint aka? -fibrous Synarthrodial joint, movable or immovable? -immovable What is an example of an immovable synarthrodial joint? -sutures of skull

What are two other types of synarthrodial joints and give examples? -Gomphosis- tooth inserted into mandible -Syndesomosis- two bones jointed by an interosseious membrane (radius/ ulna)

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