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Remember back The English Civil War was caused in part because of King Charles I inability to relate to the

common man. The American Revolution is sparked by enlightenment era ideas from Central Europe, and we are now entering a period of history where there is great income and personal inequality between classes.
What was an absolute Monarch? __________________________________________________________________ What was the difference between the privileged and unprivileged classes? In pre revolution France, Who make up each of the three Estates? First Estate-

Second Estate-

Third Estate-

How was the French Population divided up? That is, what estates were most of the people in? What type of burdens were on the Third Estate?

How was Frances economy structured before the revolution?

How did France become bankrupt? What is deficit spending?

Who was Marie Antoinette? What were the causes of the French Revolution? ( a few each) Long-term-

Short-termWhat was the meeting of the Estates General? What was the outcome of the Meeting of the Estates General? What was the result of the Tennis court oath? What was Louis XVIs reaction the changes? What was the Bastille? What were some of the features of the Constitution of 1791? What is the eventual outcome of the Royal Family of France?

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