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Adolfo Lpez Mateos. 1958-1965.

In the presidency of Adolfo Lopez Mateos the highlights are the repression of railway movements, teachers, electricians, pilots, telephone operators and students, until the murder of Ruben Jaramillo and family. Political reform lopezmatesta was driven to legitimize the electoral process. It was increasingly questioned and despised as it showed the huge abstention. There was a congress where the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), the National Action Party (PAN), the Party popular Socialista (PPS) and the Authentic Party of the Mexican Revolution (PARM) cohabitated. These last two extras playing the role of mediators of the regime and opposition.

News TEDF makes a contest for kids about democracy. The Tribunal Electoral Federal organized a constest named: Yo, la democracia y mi cuidad. Kids from 6 to 12 years old will make drawings, posters, letters, interviews and more to show how they live in a democratic way, or how is democracy present in their lives. -El Universal February 27, 2012. <>

I think this is a good idea, as youg kids will learn since an early age to respect and live democratically. It is fun and simple, and that is one good way to learn.

Cuauhtmoc Crdenas: Una lucha por democratizar Mxico. Last October 27, Cuauhtemoc Cardenas received in the old house of the Senate the Belisario Domnguez Medal for his contribution to democracy in Mexico. -El Universal March 1, 2012. I think it is nice that they recognize the hard work a man does. The thing is, there are lots of people who work harder and never get any recognition.

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