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I. Socio Economic Background a. Name of the respondent b. Department c. Grade d. Age Below 20 40-50 e. Sex: Male f. Educational qualification School level Diploma Post Graduates Graduates Professional Female : 20-30 above 50 30-40 : : :

g. How long have you been working in this company? a. less than 1 yr d. 5-10 yrs b. 1-3 yrs e. above 10yrs c. 3-5 yrs

II. Please tick mark the relevant answer as provided against each question.
Strongly Disagree Disagree Strongly Agree Neutral Agree

My Job
1. I have the right tools and resources to do my job well. 2. I have the training and skills to do an excellent job. 3. The amount of work I am expected to do is reasonable. 4. My talents and abilities are used well in my current position. 5. Does the mission/purpose of your company make you feel your job is important? 6. I am satisfied with the level of pay I receive.

My Co-workers
7. My co-workers co-operate each other extensively. 8.We extend new ideas & informations with each other. 9. At work, do your opinions seem to count? 10 Are your associates (fellow employees) committed to doing quality work?

My Superior
11. I clearly understand what my superior expects from me. 12. My superior has a friendly working relationship with all the team members. 13. My superior gives me regular feedback on how I am doing. 14. My superior regularly recognizes me for doing a good job. 15. There is good communication between me and my superior.

Strongly Disagree


My Department
16. My department always provides excellent service to the customers. 17. I have the authority I need to do my best work. 18. My department provides a safe and clean working environment. 19. People from other departments willingly cooperate with our department.

My Company
20. My company cares about its employees well - being. 21. My company provides attractive opportunities for growth and improvement. 22. I am proud to say that I work at this company


In the last year, have you had opportunities at work to

learn and grow?

24. I am fully engaged in doing my best work at this company.

25. What are the greatest strengths of your organization?

26. What are the areas that need the most improvement in your organization?

Thank You for your cooperation

Strongly Agree



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