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The Master of the Ascension He rose up out of the Black Waters of NUN appearing as RE SUPREME. KHAF-RE the Black Scarab Beetle. KHAF-RE: to Transform the MIND is to transform it ALL! As African People our Minds are linked to ALL Eternal and Almighty Nature, what we can conceive in our Minds will be, see it and so shall it be seen. Neb Heru


Published By Those Who Truly Care Ghana, West Africa 2012 Here After

Dedicated to: The Pure Ones Living In Spirit and Truth

Guided By the Living Forces of Almighty Eternal Nature


The Symbol of Solar Cycle of RE (RA)

The Three triads
1. The Mental, the Emotional, the Vital Principle. 2. The Intelligence, the intuition, the will 3. The Creator, the Preserver, the Transformer

All aspects reflected in us Deity, coming from RE the Supreme


Question: What is Nunology? Answer: Nunology is our Ancient Mental & Spiritual Science that teaches you how to tap into, work with and Apply the Positive Unseen Forces in Nature known to our Ancient African Egyptian Ancestors as Nupu. Nupu is the Hidden Dark Energy in Nature that represents the Original Creative Forces. Nunology which is known as NUN Pronouced Noon is the Science of Sciences and is the Way we Children of the SUN (PAA RE) and Nature as Ancient Africans also known today as Melaninites learn to tap into, bring forth and work with the Positive Life Forces in Nature. In Ancient Africa (Egypt) and Ancient (NAPATA/NUPU-TA) Nubia or Cush we called this Science of Black Mental Magic (Al-Khemy) NUN. To the onlookers who did not know or was uninitiated our Science appeared to be MAGIC and spookism, but to the Initiated and students of the High Mysteries at the time we always knew about the Laws of Nature (Nazduru) and the Science in working with the Laws of Nature to bring about a Positive result to raise the Vibrations of not only ourselves but all others around us and who come in contact with us.

WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? The People who practice and apply this way of Life in this day and time as in Ancient times are known as NUNOLOGIST. Nupu-Nun = Electromagnetic Energy known today by the Scientific World. As African People Worldwide YOU are an incarnated Whole Light Being (SOUL),that has risen from the Dark Waters of ANUN-RE. ANUN-RE is the Unseen Darkness or Ether of Original Creation still and always will be CREATING which is Growth for creation truly means GROWTH. Realize now that your Melanin or what the Science World is calling MELANIN is a condensed form of Light, and responds to and interacts to Light Waves, Vibrations, Tones and Frequencies in its immediate environment. We as Nunologist always knew that we could have an effect on distant places, persons, and things on this side of h1 (Hydrogen) via MIND POWER. Nunology is Pure Mental Energy that is in contact with the Pure Mental Creative thought of the infinite and boundless Universes (Multiverse) and Beyond the Beyond. Your Mind Power has been a symbol of your GOD POWER and Birth Right which is Greatly Lacking in this day and time as African People World Wide.

WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? We are now Living in the Day and Time where MIND POWER must overcome Physical Matter and gain back control which is Order over the Chaos! As a Nunologist you are the MIND of GOD, learn to utilize it! And when we say GOD, we mean any Person, Place or Thing in control at any given Moment! Your Mind Power as Nunologist is the Governor over Space, Matter and Time thus making you a Quantum Being, and in time all this will become clear to you, as your Awareness grows in remembrance of all these Ancient Facts! Always remember Oh Children of ALL that MIND POWER is GOD POWER and you always receive this confirmation through facts, Which is SOUND RIGHT REASONING! You now have the Master Keys (Ankh) to your ultimate freedom as a Nunologist to shape, mold , control and MASTER your Destiny!


YOU The Real Student of Life!

With the Ankh Master Key in Her or His possession, the Initiate may unlock the many doors of the Mental and Psychic Temple of ALL, thus gaining The Right Knowledge, Right Wisdom and The Right Overstanding, and enter the same freely, using the GOD Mind you have (As the Children of Nature and the Initiates of Life) or the Mind of Mental, which is GOD. This explains the true Nature of Energy, Power, Matter, Existence, and why and how all these are subordinate to the Mastery of Mind, and that each Mind is a slave to the Mental, the Force of Ether, which controls the Action of Matter. One of the old Tehuti Masters wrote, long ages ago: He or She realizes that ALL is, and these words are as true for all time. Without this Ankh Master Key, mastery is impossible, and the Initiate knocks in vain at the many doors of the Temple, and is met by false Teachers of Ghost, Illusions, Spooks, Fictions, Beliefs, and Myths, given false hopes. No Facts, No Confirmations, No Truth, just lie after lie. The Light is devils (Six Ether Death Forces in Nature) tool. Darkness is the home (Abode) of GOD (Deity, Neteru) Peace (Hotep, Hetep), Tranquility, and Bliss.

WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? In this day and time the Students (Initiates) of Life (Nine Ether) must find your way back home to Blackness (NUN) the State of Supreme Mind.

ANKH - The Master Key



Question: What is the Master Key? Answer: The Master Key is based on absolute Scientific Laws of Nature (NUN), Facts, and will unfold the possibilities that lie dormant in each individual, and teach how they may be brought into powerful action, to increase the persons effective capacity, bringing added energy, Conscience the ability to discern from what is right from that which is ultimately wrong in ones life. The Person possessing the Master Key will find vigor, a renewed excitement for life and mental elasticity. The Person who gains an overstanding of these Natural Mental Laws of Nature which are unfolding will come into the possession of an ability to secure results undreamed of, and which has rewards hardly expressed in words. You as Ancient Egyptians have finally arrived where you can take your place as

WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? Divine Rulers, of PTAH-NUN (Earth), PAA RE (THE SUN) and PAA PAUT (THE ALL). With the use of the Master Key you will learn the use of Mind Power, which is true God Power, Ruler Ship, which is Deity Ship. Re-learning how to use the hidden (AMUN) powers of your Mind has nothing to do with Magic or Hypnotism, even though to the unlearnt these concepts where birth. When we are back in our right state of Mind Power, what seems like Magic and Miracles to the unlearned and unknowing on looker, will be simple Fundamental Laws of Nature. Possessing the Master Key allows the Person to cultivate and develop the overstanding which will enable the Person to control the body and thereby the Health. Having the Master Key in your possession improves and strengthens the Mind and Memory. It develops insight and foresight, the type of insight and foresight that is so rare, the kind which is the distinguishing characteristics of every successful, and Powerful and Great Ancestor of the past. The Master Key develops Mind Power which means that others instinctively recognize that you are a person of force, of character that they want to do what you want them to do in the Positive; it means

WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? that you attract people and things to you; that you are what some people call lucky, that things come your way with easy, that you have come into the an overstanding of the Fundamental Laws of Nature, and have put yourself in harmony with them; that you are intune with Infinite Nature; that you Overstand the Law of Attraction, the Natural laws of Growth and Change, and the Inner Laws of Nature on which all advantages in health, Social and Business World rest. Mental Power (The Master Key) is creative power which is GOD Power, gives you the ability to create for yourself; it does not mean to take something away from someone else. Nature never does things that way. Nature the Ultimate provider makes two blades of grass grow where one grew before, and Mind Power enables people to do the same thing. With the Master Key in your possession you will see that it helps you to develop insight, increased independence, and the ability to be helpful. It destroys, fear, distrust, depression, melancholia, and every lack, limitation and weakness, including pain and disease. It awakens buried talents, supplies initiative force, energy, and vitality. The Master Key awakens an appreciation of the beautiful in your own race, self pride and a sense of inner greatness.

WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? You will learn to rise, not fall back in love with self and kind again, and have a greater appreciation for your great Ancient Culture and the great minds of your Ancestors. The Master Key has changed the lives of all the Great Men and Women of today and of our Great Ancient Past, the True Egyptian know today as Nuwaupian. This is truly our day and time! Once you learn to substitute definite Principles of Nature which is the Laws in Nature, the facts, for beliefs, hazy methods, and principles for the foundation and Fundamental Laws of Nature, a great inner strength will arise. You will have facts beyond a shadow of a doubt that your Ancient Ancestral Forces of Nature are with you, in you, and working for you in your everyday life. Having the Master Key you will learn Sound Right Reasoning, in ancient TaMa-Re (Egypt) called Nun. The Master Key teaches Right Principles, and suggests methods for making Practical Application of the Principles. With the Master Key in your possession you the true student of Ancient Egypt, you will learn the value of Application, you will now sit amongst the Doers, the Knowers, and those who Reason. With the Master Key, the true Student of Egypt, will learn the value of putting to practice

WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? the Eternal and Almighty Laws of Nature, with this you see True Facts manifest not spooky beliefs. In this new Millennium, Science has taken on new leaps, and bounds. They have tapped into more facts about the vast universe and its infinite possibilities. In this new Millennium called the Solar Cycle of RE (RA) People are learning the value of the Mind, and the Mental Universe, we are all learning Mind over Matter. Grab your Master Key and come up here and join us true Mental Giants. The Whole World is on an Eve (Neith Biaps the Mother of Energy, Mitochondria DNA) of a new (NU or NUN) Consciousness.

Mine your Mind for the Jewels of your Soul!




If yes

Lets Start



What is Sekhemic Energy? What is Electromagnetism? What is Energy? What is Magnetism? How is Magnetism formed? What are the Magnetic Currents of the Body? What is the Electrical and Magnetic Power of Thought? How do we replenish our Bodies with Electromagnetism? What is the Hidden Mystery of the word Sekhem? Who is the Netert (Deity) Sekhmet? How Important is Sekhemic Energy in this day and time? Can you give more information on our Subconscious Mind and its role? Within the Science of Nunology you speak about Manifestation a lot why? What is the Solar Cycle of RE (The Sun Cycle) I keep hearing about? Who is the Egyptian Deity Ra or RE (Ray)? What does the word transform Mean? What do you mean by a DEAD MIND within Nature? What is fresh air and why is it important? What are some practical ways I can renew my Mind, Body, Spirit and Soul? What is 5-MeO-DMT and DMT? Can you explain to me how Smells and Odors are linked to our Memory? What is the Limbic System? What is a Neurotransmitter? What is a Neuron?

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The Mental Ascension is Now!



And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. - Genesis Ch 2:7 KJV
Question: What is Sekhemic Energy? Answer: There is a Hidden Power within the Air (PAA SHU) this power when overstood can be used to revitalize every cell in the Human Body. This hidden power when applied the right way can be used to raise the vibrations of all those around you, and can also be used to raise your own Emotional Vibrational Frequency. The Hidden Power that is contained within Air (PAA SHU) is termed in Ancient TaMa-Re as Sekhemic Energy, or simply Sekhem meaning Power, Absolute Energy and Life Force. Being all Mystical and Esoteric Sciences and teachings came from Ancient TaMa-Re (Egypt) when other Cultures came into TaMa-Re (Egypt) in order to study and learn, they also learned these Sacred Sciences and went back to their distant lands and translated the TaMa-Rean (Egyptians) terms in their own Languages to make this Universal Science better overstood to their own People. The word Sekhem became known as Prana in India Yogi practices and Chi in Chinese Taoist Schools of thought.

WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? We as NUNOLOGIST and true Ancient TaMa-Rean (Egyptians) prefer to use the word Sekhem pronounced (SECK HEMMM) which induces a Vibration to the speaker. Our Ancient tones are aligned with our Physiological (Physical) makeup which help to open certain Brain Centers in this day and time thus inducing a Higher State of Conscious Awareness, thus making us better receptors to the Vibrations coming from Nature (Neteru). Sekhemic Energy Life Force is energy exhibited in all living things, and is seen as an active Principle of Lifes Vital Force. In Ancient TaMa-Re we viewed Sekhemic Energy Life Force in all living things and when it seized in living things we viewed a lifeless shell. Sekhemic Energy is known as a Universal Principle and Energy that is the essence of all Motion, Force and Energy. Whether manifested in the Laws of Gravitation, Electricity, the revolution of the Planets, and all forms of Life, from the Highest to the Lowest. All is in The ALL (PAA PAUT), as perceived by our Great Ancient TaMa-Rean (Egyptian) Ancestors. Sekhemic Energy may be called the BAA Soul of Force and Energy in all their forms, and this Principle which operates in a certain way, causes that form of activity which accompanies Life. Sekhemic Energy is in all forms of Matter, and yet is not Matter; it is in the

WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? Air (PAA SHU) we breathe yet is not the Air (PAA SHU). Animal and Plant life breathes it in with the Air (PAA SHU), and yet if the Air (PAA SHU) contained it not, they would die even though they might be filled with Air (PAA SHU). It is taken up by the System along with Oxygen, and yet is not Oxygen. In the Hebrew writings of the Book called the Torah of the Jews, in the book of Genesis or Genealogy of Isis Aset it describes the difference between the Atmospheric Air and the Mysterious and Potent Principle contained within it. The Rabbis speak of Neshmet Ruach Chayim, which, translates to mean The Breathe of the BAA or Soul or KAA Spirit of Life. In the Hebrew Language, the word Neshmet means The Ordinary Breath of the Atmospheric Air, and the word Chayim means Life or Lives, while the word Ruach means The Spirit of Life, which youre Ancient Egyptian (Tama-Rean) Ancestors taught is the same Principle Energy which is spoken of as Sekhemic Energy. Please Note: The writer of the Torah called Moses, Musa, Mosheh got it from Egypt (Tama-Re). He was a Student of Tehuti or Thoth, also called Melchizedek in Your Bible and who the Greeks called Hermes.



Figure 1 The Supreme Grand Hierophant Tehuti (Thoth)


WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? Sekhemic Energy is in the Atmospheric Air, but it is also elsewhere, and it penetrates where the Air cannot reach. Its also called Ether, which is the 8th Element on the Etheric Elemental Chart. What we must remember in dealing with subtle energies is that everything on the Physical Plane of existence has an Etheric or Ethereal Counterpart, that can be viewed as a mirror world. This is why in Ancient Healing practices or Modalites, Ancient Healers would not just view sickness or illness as a physical disease (dis-ease) they would look into the more subtle realms of energy or Etheric (Spirit) Worlds to see what is causing the illness or Disease (dis-ease). Ancient Healers in Ancient TaMa-Re (Egypt) called SUNU meaning Doctors or Physician and look at the word Physician you see Physic ian or Physics as in Quantum Physics the study of ALL. So in Ancient TaMa-Re (Egypt) we always viewed Life (SUH) from a Holistic (ALL) point of view or Perspective. We took time to examine and look into the Mind (KHU), Body (KHAT), Spirit (KAA) and Soul (BAA). We knew as Ancient Alchemist (Al-Kham = The Black Sciences also known as KHAF-RE = the Manipulation of the hidden Elements and Forces within Nature, or the Transmutation of Space, Matter and Time) that the 99 Elements all had Spiritual

WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? counterparts or more Subtle Energies, Etheric Energies that caused these 99 Physical Elements to manifest. So Oxygen, which is the 8TH Element in the Air, plays an important part in sustaining Animal Life, and Carbon which is the 6th Element plays, a similar part with Plant Life, but Sekhemic Energy has its own distinct part to play in the Manifestations of Life, aside from the Physiological (Physical) functions. We as Human Beings are constantly inhaling Air charged with Sekhemic Energy, and we are constantly extracting the latter from the Air (PAA SHU) and appropriating it to our uses. Sekhemic Energy is found in its freest state in Atmospheric Air, which when fresh is fairly charged with it. And we draw it to us more easily from the Air (PAA SHU) than from any other Source. This Sekhemic Energy is responsible for creating a Magnetic Current of Energy around your Body thus charging your Electromagnetic Energy Field called your Aura. Through Deep Breathing and Positive Thoughts, you can become more Magnetic, thus more Attractive you can increase your ability to Attract positive, good and loving Vibrations to yourself, which in turn will radiate and heal all others around you!



Human Aura or Electromagnetic Energy Field


WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? Question: What is Electromagnetism? Answer: Electromagnetism is Magnetism produced by an electric change in motion. The Physics of Electricity and Magnetism is it creates its own opposites. Electro-Magnetism = Magnetism developed by an Electric Current, thus you have Attraction or The Law of Attraction. Did you know that our bodies are a WALKING ELECTRICAL MAGNET? This is true! We are walking magnets and we draw to us or deflect from us things, people, and places by our Thoughts! Yes our Thoughts and Emotions! Lets look at the word Emotions and you will see what the word Emotions really means Energy in Motion (E-MOTION), E=ENERGY then you have the word MOTION as in movement or to move thus Energy in Motion or Our Emotions!


WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? Question: What is Energy? Answer: Well, Scientist are starting to finally realize that there is a great deal of Energy flowing freely throughout the Universe or Multiverse. This Energy is seen in the Form of Light. In fact, Light is the Visible part of Energy, within the Electromagnetic Spectrum, and a Spectrum is known as a range of things related by certain characteristics. In this case that we NUNOLOGIST are speaking about, a Spectrum of Light is made up of Energy that travels through Space much like a Wave that Ripples in a Pond. Scientifically the height of the Wave is called the Amplitude or the height of its intensity. The distance between the peak of one Wave and the peak of the next is called wavelength and the time per second that it takes a Wave to pass through a specified point is the Frequency. That Spectrum is called Electro Magnetic because it has an Electric Field as well as a Magnetic Field. The Electric Waves of the Electric Field are identical in Amplitude, Wavelength and Frequency as the Magnetic Waves of the Magnetic Field, hence, Electromagnetic. Thus we have the Electromagnetic Nature of Life.



Question: What is Magnetism? Answer: According to Merriam Websters Collegiate Dictionary the word Magnetism is defined as: a class of physical phenomena that include the attraction for iron observed in lodestone and a magnet, are inseparably associated with moving electricity, are exhibited by both magnets and electric currents, and are characterized by fields of force. b: a science that deals with magnetic phenomena 2: an ability to attract or charm Question: How is Magnetism formed? Answer: A Magnet works off of the Principle of moving Electric charges. An Electric current produces a Magnetic Field. In Atoms there are Electrons moving around the Nucleus or the Center of an Atom. In most Atoms, the Electrons spin in different directions and their Magnetic fields cancel each other. But in Atoms of a Magnetic Element, such as Iron or Nickel, the fields do not cancel each other. Once the fields get large enough so that they

WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? dont cancel each other, they are dipole; meaning pointing in two different directions, then the Magnet becomes fully magnetized.

Example of Magnetic Currents



Question: How is Magnetism in the Body Formed? Answer: Magnetism of the Body is formed through: 1. The Food we Eat or Intake 2. The Quality of Air we Breathe 3. By the Quality of our Thoughts

1. The Food We Eat: The Food we eat or ingest plays a major role in sustaining our Life Force Personal Magnetism, Green Whole Foods produce and supply vitality, vigor and Life to each Cell within the Human Body. As we ingest Green Foods we are literally taking in The SUN (PAA RE), and Solar Charged Foods which Produce more life. The Power of a Green Whole Food Lifestyle aligns you with Life Forces in Nature we NUNOLOGIST call NUPU-NUN which are Higher Electromagnetic Energies within the Electromagnetic Spectrum of Whole light that are Responsible for Sustaining your Life. As you should now be fully aware of Green Foods, take in the Whole Light Spectrum and most

WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? importantly the Healing Light Spectrum which is the range of Colors from UV-LIGHT (Black to Purple) to Green Light. In this day and time Scientist have finally admitted that THE SUN (PAA RE) emits more GREEN LIGHT then any other Color within the Visible Light Spectrum. The Green Light being emitted from THE SUN (PAA RE) ranges from 520 565nm (Nana Meters).


WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? The Green Light coming from the SUN (PAA RE) acts like a Magnet stimulated within the Body (Khat), and it Attracts from the Magnetic Force Field surrounding the Body (Khat) know as your Aura. These Etheric PARTICLES of Green Light are waiting to be drawn into your Body (Khat) by what is known as your Energy Seats or Seats of Light (Chakras). Every Molecule in the Human Body (Khat), and Every Atom that makes the Cells of the Body (Khat), is built around a Magnetic Center of Positive and Negative, Forces held together by the Light that connects all to the Bosom of RE (Darkness). The Small Light of the Cells or Atoms is what holds the Body (Khat) together and keeps it from wandering off on its own. When you take in Green Plants, and other Green Foods like Sea Vegetables (Sea weeds) you take in the Original Life forces of the Planet Earth, which assist in increasing your Personal Magnetism and fuels youre Body of Light (Photonic Energy). 2. The Quality of Air we Breathe: Deep Breathing to Increase Magnetic Vitality Magnetism is in every cell of your Brain and Body (Khat), but it is scattered throughout your Body (Khat). When you wish to summon it for any specific purpose you must concentrate (Concentrate


Kelp Great Sea Vegetable!


WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? means to condense your mental (Khu), Spirit (KAA), and Soul (BAA) Force Energy into a Single Point). The Magnetism of your Brain and Body (KHAT) can be built through a Conscious regime. As magnetism is in the air all about you it is vitally important that you breathe deeply and consciously, when you wish to increase the fund of Magnetism within your Body (Khu). The Miracle Super-Forces of your Brain are stirred into Magnetic Action by Deep Breathing, so do not neglect this vital function! A great practical exercise to use is to breathe deeply and hold the breath for four or five counts, then exhale. We recommend at least ten to fifteen Deep Breathes, which you will find becomes very relaxing and soothing to the whole Body (KHAT), Mind (KHU) and your overall health. When you mange to include this as a daily ritual in your life and apply these Magnetic Deep Breathing exercises four to five times a day, it will give you instant energy and even lengthen your life by many years!


WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? 3. The Quality of Our Thoughts: Thoughts are magnetic, and thoughts have a frequency. As you think Thoughts, they are sent out into the Universe (Multiverse), and they magnetically attract all like things that are on the same frequency. Every thought and feeling (Emotional Energy) that is sent out returns to the SourceYOU! You are like a Human transmission tower, transmitting a frequency with your Thoughts. When you want to change anything in your life, change the frequency by changing your Thoughts. Because Thoughts run off Electrical Energy, and this Electrical Energy is known as Electro-Magnetic Energy in Nature. As you Think Positive Thoughts you increase your Personal Magnetism, and Increase your Energy, as you Think Negative Thoughts you decrease your Energy and Depletes your Magnetic Energy. Question: What are the Magnetic Currents of the Body? Answer: There is Two Magnetic Currents of Energy which flow through Human Beings creating this Magnetic Field called the Aura and is part of Earths Magnetic Field, in which it moves independently.

WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? These fields are composed of Positive and Negative Vibratory Energies or Forces, and Positive Masculine (meaning Out Pouring) and Negative (meaning In pouring) Polarity Forces. These forces are presently known as Centripetal and Centrifugal Forces. These Forces are what lock life into a System. Be it the Nucleus in a cell or the Cells in the Human Body, of People on Earth (PTAH), or Earth (PTAH) in the Solar System or the Solar System in the Universe (Multiverse); all are locked by the Positive Masculine Force (which is Centripetal pulling and sending, out pouring), and the Negative Feminine Force (which is Centrifugal; pushing and receiving, in pouring). Centripetal Force comes towards the Earth from the Universe. Centrifugal Force comes out from the Center of the Earth. Questions: Where are the two Main Poles of Magnetic Currents in our Body? Answer: The two Main Poles of Magnetic Currents in your Body (KHAT) are at the Crown Chakra (Aritu, Arushaat) at the Top of the HEAD and the Base of your Spine, your Root Chakra.

WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? Your Heart Chakra (Aritu, Arushaat) also gives off the Most Electromagnetic Energy throughout the Whole Body System. You also have other Magnetic Energy Centers in your Body as well, all known as Chakras, Aritu, Arushaat, and Wheels of Life!

Energy Moving Through the Body


WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? Question: What is the Electrical and Magnetic Power of Thought? Answer: As Mentioned earlier Your Thoughts are Electrically Charged, thus they create Magnetic Currents which manifest as things, persons, places and circumstances. Realize that around your Body there is an Atmosphere, called an Electromagnetic Field of Energy known as an Aura or Glow as we just previously mentioned. Your Thoughts have an effect on your Mood which affects your Aura Color. Your Aura Color equals Frequency, which is a Vibration that is being transmitted back out from You and Seen and Felt by all others around You. Take some time to do some research on Kirlian Photography. Light sensitive Photographic equipment has been developed to pick up on higher band width frequencies, that are able to take pictures of undetectable Lights around living organism be it Human Beings, Plants or Animals. Electro-Magnetism is Magnetism Produced by an Electric charge in Motion. (For more Information refer to: NUN TABLET #1: The Energy of Thought Vibration)



Kirlian Photography Light Around Life!


WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? Question: How do we replenish our Bodies with Electromagnetism? Answer: Pure Alkaline Water (MU) with a High Ph of 8.0 or Higher is a great way to replenish our Bodies (Khaat) with Electromagnetic Energy, as well as Pure SUN LIGHT (PAA RE) as mentioned earlier and Whole Green Foods, that absorb the Electromagnetic Spectrum. (For more information on Electromagnetic Foods refer to: NUN TABLET #4 An Introduction to Electromagnetic Foods) Question: Why is Electromagnetic Energy so Important to our Body? Answer: Because our Bodies (KHAAT) are Electrical! There is Light or Electric Energy in each Cell of our Body (KHAT), and as we learn to replenish our Bodies Cells with Electrical Energy by eating Whole Green Living Foods, we replenish this Light within our Cells known as Biophotons. The more we replenish this Electromagnetic Light, the more we live longer. Your never forget Nunologist that Life is Light, because Life is a Burning! (For more information on Electromagnetic Foods refer to: NUN TABLET #4 An Introduction to Electromagnetic Foods)




WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? Question: What are Chakras, Wheels of Life or Energy Seats? Answer: These Energy Seats are Conducers of Black Light Energy (UV-LIGHT) Entering your Body (Khat) from the Unseen World of Sub-Atomic Particles and Life Forms, and this Black Light Energy (UV-LIGHT) is distributed in many ways throughout your Body (Khat) by way of these Energy Seats, known in India as Chakras and in Ancient TaMa-Re (Egypt) as Aritu or Arushaat. Question: I was wondering what is Black Light? Answer: Great question, when you begin to study Light or what is being called Light, that Visible Light that you see everyday has been discovered by modern day Scientist to contain Small Minute Particles called Photons, and these Photons are moving at a very rapid rate of motion, which is called Vibration. They are moving so fast that they begin to create what is called Friction, and Friction produces Heat, Fire, a burning. This burning gives off what you have been trained and taught in the English Language is called LIGHT. So the White Light or Visible Light that you see is not Whole Light or Pure light but a result or Manifestation from Black Light or Darkness. The Black Light is the True

WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? Light, that light up the Whole World. (Refer to the Master Key Series Vol. 4: The Black Light Ontology of All for more information.)

Figure 2 The Major Chakras (Energy Seats)


WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? Question: How did our Ancient TaMa-Rean (Egyptian) African Ancestors view Sekhemic Energy? Answer: In Ancient TaMa-Re (Egypt) our Great Ancestors viewed Sekhem as Universal and Cosmic Power. In Ancient TaMa-Re this Life Force Energy was also associated with the Female Neter (Diety) SEKHMET or SAKMUT. She was the Patroness of the Healing Fire of PAA RE or RA (THE SUN), as we know the SUN (PAA RE) is the Source of all life on this Planet (PTAH-NUN). The word Sekhem was used in Ancient TaMa-Re (Egypt) as a powerful tool to attune the vibration of dying Kings -Pharaohs to the sanctuary of the Kingdom of the Dead also known as the Duat, Underworld or Nether World which was all symbolic of the Etheric World of Higher Vibrational Energies. It is a symbolism that worked well to describe the power of the attunement, initiation to the higher forms of energy of eternal life. Because in fact, there is no death, all that there is, is just the energy flow

WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? changing its form. Particles flow to form yet another way of life, light and Etheric, non-solid, again, and non- physical. Question: What is the Hidden Mystery of the word Sekhem? Answer: Great question! There is no hidden mystery in the word, the word comes from SA-KHAM or SAKUM pronounced (SAA KUUM) producing an Etheric Vibration as all Ancient Languages. The word SA meaning Protection and Kham (Khem) meaning BLACK as in AL-KHAMY or ALCHEMY also meaning BLACK Spiritual Sciences (NUN), and this Black (KHAM), Protection (SA) or (SA-KHAM) was the black protection from the SUN (PAA RE). This Black Protection was not only the Visible light Energy from the SUN (PAA RE) but was the Hidden (AMUN) or Unseen Energy coming from the SUN (PAA RE) known as the BLACK LIGHT today termed UV-RAYS or Ultra Violet Light. The SA was also the Symbol of us Ancient TaMaReans (Egyptians) as the Original Pygmies on the Planet known as PTAHITES or TA.DANIG or Dwarf beings, Protectors of the Sun (SOLAR), AND Earth (PTAH-NUN) Secrets, or Natural Forces of Nature knowing THE NATURE OF NATURE.

WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? So learning to attune yourself with the original Life Force Energies of the Universe (MULTIVERSE) in and around you known as Sekhemic Energies, gives you the Protection of your Ancient Ancestral Cosmic Forces (NUN-NUPU or NUPU-NUN).








WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? Question: Who is the Netert (Deity) Sekhmet? Answer: The Netert Sekhmet is a Sun Goddess shown as a woman with the face of a Lioness. She is the Eye of Ra. She is a Sun Goddess as well as the Goddess of destruction, rebirth, and healing. She is called the Lady of the place of the beginning of time. One who was before the Gods were. She holds an Ankh in one hand and a Lotus Wand in the other, Her Name is derived from the Egyptian word 'Sekhem', which mean "Power" or "Might". The word Sekhem is literally inseparable from Sekhmet. She is the Goddess of Protection, Medicine, Child Birth, Destruction, Death, and Rebirth. Sekhmet is also associated with war and divine vengeance. Sekhmet's action is always the right, or appropriate action. When Sekhemt destroys it is an appropriate destruction or vengeance. It is never chaotic or random. It is always what is needed at the time. She removes threats and punishes those who do wrong against Ma'at. As a destroying element she plays the part of a power which protects the good and annihilates the wicked. She is a protector for those who call on Her for assistance during this trying times. She is considered to be the Goddess of Regeneration and Healing and destroys that which no longer serves us, and brings healing to the world.

WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? In terms of the representations of Sekhmet in paintings and in statues, the Lioness headdress is reflective of the Higher Beings associated with Sirius (Sibtu). The Solar Disc, Ankh and Sceptre are all linked to bringing other dimensional consciousness and energies down to our planet (PTAH-NUN). The Scarab is also representative of renewal and rebirth.

The Netert (Deity) SEKHMET



The Lioness -SEKHMET



Winged Scarab Beetle -KHAFRE



The Solar Disk of RA

The Ankh -Symbol of Life Force Energy


WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? Question: How Important is Sekhemic Energy in this day and time? Answer: Learning to harness and channel Sekhemic Energy (Life Force Energy) into your daily life is very important in this day and time. Learning to cultivate Sekhemic Energy has great healing benefits for not only for the Body (KHAT) but for the Mind (KHU), Spirit (KAA), and Soul (BAA). The day and time we are now in is known as the Solar Cycle of RE (The SUN Cycle, Refer to Master Key Vol.2 the Solar Cycle of RE), and we are the Children of PAA RE (THE SUN). We as Qatum (Melaninite) Beings and the Children of the SUN (PAA RE) have a link to the SUN (PAA RE) via our SOLAR PLEXUS the great store house of this Sekhemic Energy. Our Solar Plexus not only links us to the Visible SUN (RE) as the SUN within (Refer to NUN TABLET: The Solar Seat of RE) but also links us to the Higher Etheric Celestial realms being the Seat of our Subconscious Mind. Question: You mentioned the word Subconscious Mind several times, can you tell exactly what it is? Answer: Sure, we where leading into introducing you into the Subconscious Mind and its functions. What most People need to begin to realize in this day and time, is there are lets say 3 for now divisions of your

WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? Mind that are all linked to one great stream of Pure Consciousness known as the Mental Reservoir, in Ancient Sanskrit Language this Mental Reservoir is known as the ASKASHA, or AKASHIC records, meaning in Sanskrit aether or ether(known today as the Subatomic World) in Ancient TaMa-Re (Egypt) this Pure Stream of Consciousness is known as PAUT ALL. When we look at the word Sub-Conscious we see two words Sub meaning below or under, and Conscious meaning awareness (perception), So Subconscious in the English sense of the word means Below Awareness or Below Conscious Awareness and Perception. As you already know by now you are QATUM (Melaninite) and Quantum Beings, and there is a whole vast existence going on right underneath your own conscious perception and awareness. (Refer to What is Qatum Melanin Physics Book? Master Key #19). Question: Can you give more information on our Subconscious Mind and its role? Answer: Sure this Section goes into more in-depth information pertaining to the Infinite Power of our Subconscious Minds:



The Subconscious Mind

Sub = Below, Conscious = Awareness (Below Awareness) Subconscious: The Mental activity just below the threshold of Conscious Awareness The Seat of the Fourth Dimension (The Plane of Vibration) Your Subconscious Mind is the seat of your emotions (Energy in Motion), in the Physical body the Subconscious Mind is termed the Abdominal Brain, located just 3 inches above the navel termed the Solar Plexus (refer to the Book The Solar Seat of RE) and is the Creative Mind; when you think good, good will follow; when you think evil, evil will follow. This is the way your mind works. The point to remember is once the Subconscious Mind accepts an idea, it begins to execute it. It is an interesting and subtle truth that the Law of the Subconscious Mind works for good and bad thoughts and ideas. This law when applied in a negative way is the cause of failure, frustration, and unhappiness. However when your constant thoughts are harmonious and constructive, you experience perfect health, success, and prosperity. Peace of mind and a healthy body

WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? are inevitable when you begin to think and feel in the right way. Whatever you claim mentally and feel as true, your Subconscious Mind will accept and bring forth into your experience. The only thing necessary for you to do is to get your Subconscious Mind to accept your idea, and the Law of your own Subconscious will faithfully reproduce the idea impressed upon it. The Law of your mind is this: You will get a reaction or response from your Subconscious Mind according to the Nature of the Thought or idea you hold in your Conscious Mind. Think the things you would Love to see manifested, see them, know them, and you can leave it up to your Subconscious Mind to bring them into being. For Thought is Creative Energy. It brings into being the things that you think. The value of our Subconscious Mind is enormous; it inspires us; it warns us; it furnishes us with names, facts and scenes from the storehouse of memory. It directs our thoughts, tastes, and accomplishes tasks so intricate that no conscious mind, even if it had the power, has the capacity for. We can walk at will; we can raise the arm whenever we choose to do so; we can give our attention

WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? through eye or ear to any subject at our pleasure. On the other hand, we are not able to stop our heartbeats nor the circulation of our blood, nor the growth of stature, nor the formation of nerve and muscle tissue, nor the building of the bones, nor many other important vital processes. If we compare these two sets of action, the one decreed by the will of the moment, and the other proceeding in majestic, rhythmic course, subject to no vacillation, but constant at every moment, we stand in awe of the latter, and ask to have the mystery explained. We see at once that these are the vital processes of our physical life, and we cannot avoid the inference that these all-important functions are designedly withdrawn from the domain of our outward will with its variations and transitions, and placed under the direction of a permanent and dependable power within us. Of these two powers, the outward and changeable has been termed the "Conscious Mind," or the "Objective Mind" (dealing with outward objects). The interior power is called the "Subconscious Mind," or the "Subjective Mind," and besides its work on the mental plane it controls the regular functions which make physical life possible. It is necessary to have a clear overstanding of their respective functions on the mental plane, as well as

WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? of certain other basic principles. Perceiving and operating through the five physical senses, the conscious mind deals with the impressions and objects of the outward life. It has the faculty of discrimination, carrying with it the responsibility of choice. It has the power of reasoning whether inductive, deductive, analytical or syllogistic, and this power may be developed to a higher degree. It is the seat of the will power, with all the energies that flow from there. Not only can it impress other minds, but it can direct the subconscious mind. In this way the Conscious Mind becomes the responsible ruler and guardian of the Subconscious Mind. It is this high function which can completely reverse conditions in your life. It is often true that conditions of fear, worry, poverty, disease, in harmony and evils of all kinds dominate us by reason of false suggestions accepted by the unguarded Subconscious Mind. All this the trained conscious mind can entirely prevent by its vigilant protective action. It may properly be called "the watchman at the gate" of the great Subconscious domain. One writer has expressed the chief distinction between the two phases of mind thus:"Conscious mind is reasoning will. Subconscious mind is instinctive desire, the result of past reasoning will."

WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? The Subconscious Mind draws just and accurate inferences from premises furnished from outside sources. Where the premise is true, The Subconscious Mind reaches a faultless conclusion, but where the premise or suggestion is an error the whole structure falls. The Subconscious Mind does not engage in the process of proving. It relies upon the Conscious Mind, "the watchman at the gate," to guard it from mistaken impressions. Receiving any suggestions as true, the Subconscious Mind at once proceeds to act thereon in the whole domain of its tremendous field of work. The conscious mind can suggest either truth or error. If the latter, it is at the cost of wide-reaching peril to the whole being. The Conscious Mind ought to be on duty during every waking hour. When the "watchman" is "off guard," or when its calm, judgment is suspended, under a variety of circumstances, then the Subconscious Mind is unguarded and left open to suggestions from all sources. During the wild excitement of panic, or during the height of anger, or the impulses of the irresponsible gang, or at any other time of unrestrained passion, these conditions are most dangerous. Your Subconscious Mind is then open to the suggestion of fear, hatred, selfishness, greed, self-depreciation and other Negative Forces, derived from Surrounding PEOPLE or circumstances, hence the great importance of

WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? guarding your Subconscious Mind from false impressions. Your Subconscious Mind perceives by intuition. Thus, it processes information rapidly! Your Subconscious Mind does not wait for the slow methods of Conscious Reasoning. In fact, it cannot employ them! Oh NUNOLOGIST, you must begin to realize that your Subconscious Mind never sleeps, never rests, just like your heart, or your blood. It has been found when you STATE and AFFIRM to your Subconscious Mind certain specific things that you would like to accomplish, Natural Forces are set in motion that lead to the desired result. Your Subconscious Mind is a Source of POWER which places you in touch with ALL Infinite and Boundless. Here is an interesting principle which is well worth our most intense study NUNOLOGIST; the operation of the Law of the Subconscious Mind is very interesting. Those who put it into practice find the resolution to any and all their problems, challenges and affairs. People find that when they are faced with a major issue that all they have to do is make a request to the Powers of their own personal Subconscious Mind to handle any ordeal for them, and by the time they are to meet the situation all challenges or frustration has been dissolved without any Conscious effort as if a unseen power or

WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? forces ran ahead and fixed and removed any obstacles in their way before hand. What we must begin to realize NUNOLOGIST right now, today, at this very moment that our Subconscious Minds are the seat of our principles and our aspirations. It is the fountain of our artistic and creative ideas. The Subconscious Mind cannot argue controversially. Hence, if it has accepted wrong suggestions, the sure method of overcoming them is by the use of a strong counter-suggestion, frequently repeated, which YOUR Mind (KHU) must accept, thus eventually forming new and healthy habits of thought and life, for the Subconscious Mind is the Seat of Habit. That which we do over and over becomes habit; it is no longer an act of judgment, but has worn its deep grooves into our Subconscious Mind. This is favorable for us NUNOLOGIST when the habit be wholesome and right. When it is harmful and wrong, the remedy is to recognize the omnipotence, omnipresence, (OMAUM) of your Subconscious Mind and suggest present actual freedom! Your Subconscious Being creative and one with your Divine Source will at once create the freedom suggested. To sum up: The normal functions of your Subconscious Mind and its role on the physical side

WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? of things Your Subconscious Mind deals with your Bodies regular and vital processes, the preservation of Your life and the restoration of Your health; with the care of offspring, which includes an instinctive desire to preserve all life and improve conditions generally. On the Mental Side, Your Subconscious Mind is the Storehouse of Memory; it harbors the wonderful thought messengers (Etheric Beings, Your Ancestors), who work, unhampered by Space, Matter or Time; it is the Fountain or Reservoir of the practical initiative and constructive forces of life: It is the seat of habit. On the Spiritual side, it is the source of ideals, of aspirations, of the imagination, and is the channel through which we recognize our Divine Source, and in proportion as we recognize this divinity do we come into an overstanding of the Source of Power. Well you may ask: "How can my Subconscious Mind change my conditions?" The reply is, because your Subconscious Mind is a part of the Universal Mind and a part must be the same in kind and quality as the whole; the only difference is one of degree. The whole, as we know, is creative; in fact, it is the only creator there is; consequently we find that Mind (KHU) is creative, and as thought is the only activity which your Mind (KHU) possesses thought must necessarily be creative also. But we shall find that

WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? there is a vast difference between simply thinking and directing our thought consciously, systematically and constructively; when we do this we place our Mind (KHU) as NUNOLOGIST in complete Harmony with the Universal Mind (NUN KHU), we come in tune with the Infinite and Boundless, we set in operation the mightiest force in existence, the Creative Power of the Universal Mind (NUN KHU). This, as everything else, is governed by Natural Law, and this law is the "Law of Attraction," which is that Mind is Creative, and will automatically correlate with its object and bring it into manifestation. Question: Within the Science of Nunology you speak about Manifestation a lot why? Answer: We are now living in a Great Day and time, where the Forces of Almighty and Eternal Nature have swung back into the Positive Direction and are supporting a Positive Change. As you know or may not know, Nature on our Planet Earth (PTAH-NUN) as well as throughout the Boundless Universe (Multiverse, Nuniverse) goes through Cycles, we call these Cycle as Nunologist Cyclical Changes or Cosmic Seasons. We are now in the Solar Cycle of RE. (Refer to: The Solar Cycle of RE Master Key Vol.2)


WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? Question: What is the Solar Cycle of RE (The Sun Cycle) I keep hearing about? Answer: We are now living in a Great Day and Time because the Living Cycle of Nature called the Solar Cycle of RE (The Sun Cycle) is waking up again! The Planet Earth (PTAH) is waking up and coming alive. Earth is going through a cleansing process; Earth (PTAH) is coming out of her Winter Season of Death, which is Earths (PTAH) Death Cycle called The Moon or Lunar Cycle where all living organism that was part of original creation begins to regress in quality and standards and values. Where the original people and root race of the Planet Earth (PTAH) African People Mentally go into a sleep, slumber state, and are not living up to their full potential. They lose contact with their true Spiritual Powers and resources, in ancient times we called this the Spell of Apep, Amam, Kingu, or Leviathan, simply the Spell of Sleep of your Subconscious Minds. Where we lose contact and forget the infinite resources we once had through this great Power of our Mind. Well our time has now Cycled or circled back around, to re-learn and reawaken our dormant abilities. We are now at the end of a 24,000 year complete cycle and the Children of the Sun (RE) reawaken!

WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? Question: Can you explain further about this 24,000 year Cycle? Answer: Sure, There are 4 Cycles, 2 Moon (Lunar) or Silver Cycles and 2 Sun (Solar) or Gold Cycles. Each Cycle lasts 6,000 Years. These Four Cycles make up what is called an Equinox, which lasts 24,000 Years. We are currently in the 4th Cycle of the 24,000 years. This Cycle is called the Sun Cycle or Solar Cycle of Re, where the Children of the Sun (PAA RE) raise back to their Glory, once they are using the full potential of their Minds. So the first Cycle, in this Equinox was a Moon (Lunar) or Silver Cycle, that changed to a Sun (Solar) Cycle, that changes to a Moon (Lunar) Silver Cycle, and back to a Sun (Solar) Cycle, where we are currently.


WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? These Cycles not only involve a change in Evolution, which has actually come to an end and is thrown in reverse, but they are now regressing to the original Primitive State they were Evolving from. This is what happens to Mankind (The Indo Arab and Caucasian-European Races). With the Solar Cycle of Re (Sun Cycle), it has turned into a Revolutionary Cycle, were we revolve back into our Greatness as Ancient African People Worldwide. You have this Whole Galaxy or Solar System, Central Solar (Sun), with Systematic Bodies moving around it. It moves around a Larger Mass every 24,000 years, of course that varies in an Equinox. Your Equinox varies from 24,000 to 24,896 Years, which is also the circumference of the Planet. 24,896 Miles where land that is equal to one mile for every year. The Planet called Earth (PTAH-NUN) positioned itself in the location of the Revolution (Revolutionary Cycle) of Earth (PTAH-NUN) in the year 1970A.D. which was the end of the 3rd Cycle, as you know it. In this new Millennium we are truly in the Solar Cycle of RE where the Mind of the Gods return!



PAA RE (THE SUN) Moving Around the Milky Way (Central Sun)



Our Ancient African Ancestors Giving Praise to the SUN


WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? Question: Who is the Egyptian Deity Ra or RE (Ray)? Answer: The Ancient Egyptian Deity Ra or RE (Ray) also known as Amun, or Amon-Ra was always linked to the Sun, thus making Ra (RE) A Solar Deity. The Sun RE were an external far-away Deity and a mortal as well, being also symbolic of the Sun Cycle (Solar Cycle of RE) of the Melaninite Children, the dark wooly haired beings. We Ancient TaMa-Reans (Egyptians) gravitated toward an internal Deity as the Sun of RE in our Soul Plexus. Your Body is the Temple, lit by your Soul (BAA) or Solar Plexus Sun. This is the true journey to God that would at the same time be everywhere in and out of each of us.



Neter Amun RA (RE)


WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? Question: Wow, that is very interesting about the Cycle within Nature, but I still would like to know why Nunologist Speak about Manifestation so much? Answer: Wow, no problem we were coming back to the word Manifestation! Well, we NUNOLOGIST have learned to have an effective working relationship and onesness with the Laws of Almighty Eternal Nature known as NUN or NUN FORCES, These Unseen forces that guide your everyday life, that appear to be seen and reflected in the actions of People, Places and Things all being guided by your Thoughts, Emotions or Feelings (WILL POWER). So, in learning how to work with the Almighty Eternal Laws within Nature known as the NATURE OF NATURE, we learn to Manifest them into our Everyday life. What is the Point or Purpose, to learn knowledge, gain wisdom, and an understanding now overstanding if you do not know how to apply it and use it in your everyday life? We are all here on this Planet (PTAH-NUN) for a reason, and we NUNOLOGIST have discovered or Uncovered our reason and Purpose and now we are learning to use our Purpose in accord with Almighty Eternal Nature to Bring about a Positive change not just in our lives but all others around us. When we look a look at the word Manifestation according to the Merriam

WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? Websters Collegiate Dictionary the word Manifestation means: a : the act, process, or an instance of manifesting b (1) : something that manifests or is manifest (2) : a perceptible, outward, or visible expression An occult phenomenon; specifically: MATERIALIZATION KEYWORDS TO FOCUS ON: 1. Perceptible = YOUR PERCEPTION dealing with your Eyes and how your Brain is Hard Wired and Mapped to Builder your Outer Reality! 2. Outward = Living outside of you as in FREEDOM, no Restraints. 3. Visible Expression = Visible as to see, in plain sight. Expression = as to move, emotion, persona or personality! 4. Occult = Hidden from plain sight yet still existing, until made to Manifest. Example, ATOMS, CELLS, MOLCULES, all Occult (HIDDEN) Phenomenon. They exist, yet until you have the technology or devices to see them they are hidden from plain sight or Visible Perception.



KHAF-RE - Transformational Power of RE THE WINGED SCARB BETTLE

The Symbol of KHAF-RE as a Winged Scarab Beetle is the Principle of Mental Thoughts Brought into Concrete Reality or Physical Manifestation. The Symbol and Principle of KHAF-RE in Ancient Tama-Re (Egypt) also represented the Renewal of Life and the Alchemical (ALCHEMY) Power of Transforming the Mind (PAA KHU) or Mental Thoughts Waves from

WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? Mortal Consciousness into Super Conscious Awareness or G.O.D. Consciousness (Divine Mind, Nine or 9 MIND). Realize now that to transform the Mind (PAA KHU) is to transform it all. Question: What does the word transform Mean? Answer: According to the Merriam Websters Collegiate Online Dictionary the word Transform means: a : to change in composition or structure b : to change the outward form or appearance of c : to change in character or condition : CONVERT KEYWORD: TO CHANGE, AS IN THE GREAT LAW OF CHANGE, THE ONLY REAL TRUE LAW WITHIN ALMIGHTY ETERNAL NATURE! So as you can see from the above definition the English word Transform means to Change Form, from what state to another. As we know Energy or Matter is never Destroyed it only changes it form or composition, this is a Living Natural Law within Almighty Eternal Nature known as the Law of Conservation.


WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? So the transmutation of a NEGATIVE MIND, NEGATIVE MENTALITY (DEAD MIND) to a POSITIVE MINDSET, POSITIVE MENTALITY (LIVING MIND) only brings higher living qualities to the same Living Being. Question: Wow, what do you mean by a DEAD MIND within Nature? Answer: Well as we NUNOLOGIST know by now that ALL IS MENTAL or MIND. So you must begin to realize with your Inner Eyes or REAL EYES (9 EYE, NINE EYE or 3RD EYE) that Nature (NETER, NETERU) is alive, feeling, expressing, calculating, transforming, manifesting, thinking etc and this is all taking place by THE ONE Great Almighty and Eternal Law within Nature and that is CHANGE (THE LAW OF CHANGE). So again Nature (NETER, NETERU) is a live and has Cosmic Microscopic Forces working within Nature created by Nature and knowing this means you know the NATURE OF NATURE, which NUNOLOGY is teaching you about. Nature has Forces that are responsible for DEATH as in DECAY and DECOMPOSITION which is still TRANSFORMATION meaning to change form. Nature has Forces that strictly deal with Growing Persons, Places and Things into Visible Existence

WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? known as LIFE FORCES or LIVING FORCES, which is still TRANSFORMATION all dealing with the LAW OF CHANGE! Being ALMIGHTY ETERNAL NATURE is MENTAL or MIND, Nature communicates Mentally with ALL FORCES WITHIN ITS EXISTANCE. The Living Mind of Nature deals with the Living Forces in Nature that manifest in Human Mentality and Conscious Awareness as LOGIC, FACTS, SOUND RIGHT REASONING, SOUND RIGHT ACTIONS, TRUGHT, JUSTICE, EQUALITY, LIBERATION etc These Life Forces bring Prosperity, and Cosmic Life Eternally, this is what we NUNOLOGIST mean the LIVING MIND OF NATURE. The other Forces within Natures Existence deal with Death, Destruction, Decomposition, and are MENTALLY communicated to by ALMIGHTY ETERNAL NATURE as well, This is what we NUNOLOGIST call the DEAD MIND of NATURE. REMEMBER NUNOLOGIST, Death Forces within Nature deal with Decomposition, meaning to decompose or to make living things disappear out of plain sight and transform them from 99 Elements that make up Visible Matter, back to ALL.



The Cycles of Nature and the Positions of the SUN (PAA RE) known to our Ancient Tama-Rean (Egyptian) African Ancestors!


WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? Same Symbol Expressing the Movement and Cycles and Seasons of Nature can be found throughout Africa and World Wide!

Dikenga dia Kongo, a core symbol of the BaKongo Culture (Kongo Cosmogram, Cosmology) Congo, Central Africa



Congo Region, Africa



ASASE YE DURU (The Earth is heavy) Symbol of PROVIDENCE and THE DIVINITY of MOTHER EARTH. Prov. "Asase ye duru se po." (The earth is heavier than the sea). - Andinkra Symbol Ghana, West Africa *Notice the four Circles, Cycles within the Hearts!



Adioukrou African Queen Mother (Asante Tribe Ghana, West Africa)



Symbol for the Cycles of Nature by the Hopi Native American Tribe, Phoenix Arizona (USA)



Hopi Native American Female



Man from the Hopi Native American Tribe


WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? We as NUNOLOGIST deal with Manifestation as a Supreme Principle and a normal act within Almighty Eternal Nature because Nature is always seeking to better and improve itself, thus we NUNOLOGIST are always seeking to improve our inner and outer conditions. We know that all manifestations on this side of H1 (HYDROGEN) the leading Element within Nature is responsible for Physical Manifestation coming from an Unseen World that we NUNOLOGIST Affectionately call NUN. Manifestation is an EXACT Science, because when Persons, Places, or Things Manifest you cannot deny their existence. When a Baby is in the Womb of its Mother growing and tumbling for 9 months, and when all the elements within Nature within that Baby are functioning correctly we will see the result of a Manifestation in Human form, this is a fact! So Manifestations deal with FACTS and CONFIRMATIONS not Spooky beliefs that you cannot place your Physical Hands on, its tangible thus its REAL to you! We NUNOLOGIST know when dealing with our Thoughts, that there is a Living Law within Nature that says Energy Follows Thought, as long as you apply enough Mental Energy and Emotional Energy

WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? (WILL POWER, NUN POWER), behind that thought and you begin to do the work in making this inner thought into an outer reality, it will in due time Manifest into Concrete Physical Reality! So Manifestation again is an example of FACTS, you cannot lie once you see things manifest in your life, it shows if one is putting in the work, which is why NUNOLOGY is an EXACT SCIENCE now here for the Children of the SUN (PAA RE), The Haru/ Heru Children which are the PURE IN HEART known as the PURE ONES, YOU CAN NOT LIE IN THE SPIRIT WORLD, REMEMBER THIS NUNOLOGIST, PURE THOUGHTS PRODUCES AND MATERIALIZES PURE RESULTS! Question: How Important is Sekhemic Energy in this day and time? Answer: Learning to harness and channel Sekhemic Energy (Life Force) into your daily life is very important in this day and time. Learning to cultivate Sekhemic Energy has great healing benefits for not only the Body (KHAT) but for the Mind (KHU), Spirit (KAA), and Soul (BAA). The day and time we are in is known as the Solar Cycle of RE (The SUN Cycle), and we are the Children of PAA RE (THE SUN). We as the Melaninites (PAA QATUM) and the Children of the SUN (PAA RE) have a link to the SUN via our


Nine (9) Month Completion Cycle!



SOLAR PLEXUS the great store house of this Sekhemic Energy. Our Solar Plexus not only links us to the Visible SUN (RE) as the SUN within (Refer to the Nun Tablet: the Solar Seat of RE) but also links us to the Higher Etheric Celestial Realms being the Seat of our Subconscious Mind. Question: What is fresh air and why is it important? Answer: Fresh Air is important because of the hidden power in the Air known in Ancient Tama-Re (Egypt) as Sekhem or known in Asia as Chi and Prana in India. Today the Science World calls this Hidden Energy Negative Ions and these Negative Ions, have a Renewing Power to your Life! When you practice the Art of Deep Breathing, in the right environment you can literally renew your life! Question: Wow, so are you saying I can renew my Life by Deep Breathing? Answer: Yes this is exactly what I am saying, look at the English word RENEW you hear it, RE-NEW or RE-NU, which are to Ancient African, Ancient TamaRean (Egyptian) Tones and Principles in Nature, RE and NU both representing Hidden Potential Energy, Unseen Energy.

WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? RE= Infinite Potential and Nu or (NUN) = Dark Waters, Unseen hidden Potential, waiting to be shaped and Molded into form! To go further lets look at what the English Renewal Means. According to the Merriam Websters Online Dictionary the word Renewal means: Main Entry: renewal Pronunciation: \ri-n-l, -ny-\ Function: noun Date: circa 1686 1 : the act or process of renewing : repetition The word RENEW means: to make like new : restore to freshness, vigor, or perfection <as we renew our strength in sleep> 2 : to make new spiritually : regenerate KEYWORDS: REPETITION , REGENERATE! So according to the above meanings of the words Renewal or to Renew or (RE, NU coming from the Ancient Tama-Reans Egyptian Words) the process of renewing yourself thus your life is to create new repetition patterns in your Mind. How? By creating a new way of Thinking, learning to see the bright side of the coin, learn to notice the little PRAYERS being answered in your life and also the Manifestations of

WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? MIRACLES, and COINCIDENCES, thus producing a REGENERATED SPIRIT AND SOUL! Everything in Nature goes through a renewal, the Seasons Summer, Winter, Spring, and Fall, are examples of Climatic Changes and Renewal, Our Bodies also goes through a Renewal Period, called Circadian Rhythms. In the Supreme Mitochondrial Females your bodies go through a monthly renewal where body literally takes on a New you in a 30 day Cycle which is not only intune with the Phases of the Moon, but also the Planet Earth and the Cosmos as a whole! Our Cells in our Bodies renew themselves every split second things are being destroyed only to be rebuilt and made better! This is how we must being to viewing life! Everything in the Universe (MULITIVERSE) moves in Cycles and Renewals. Even on a Cosmic Level our Planet replenishes itself every 24,000 years. So we are in a great day and time, called the SOLAR CYCLE OF RE the Sun Cycle! (Refer to Master Key#2 The Solar Cycle of RE) Question: What are some practical ways I can renew my Mind, Body, Spirit and Soul? Answer: Great Question! You can start today by learn more about Deep Breathing, People think that deep breathing is something New, that started with

WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? the NEW AGE MOVEMENT, or some Swamis or Gurus from Tibet, India, or even Asia. The Science of deep Breathing did not start in YOGA practices; this Science was all birthed in Africa, Ancient TaMa-Re (Egypt, Cush). The Science of Deep breathing was known as HUDU, and we called this Sacred Hidden Energy within the Air or Paa Shu SEKHEM meaning POWER, which tied into the Feminine Force in Nature and Female Deity SEKHMET who is represented as FIRE, because this Sekhemic Energy, ignites the Fire within yourself Called your INNER SUN known as your SOLAR PLEXUS, today called Scientifically the Celiac Plexus or Seat within your body which sits at the back of the pit of your stomach and actually is one of your main psychic centers in your body. The Solar Plexus is your Inner light and must be Renewed with Proper breathing, and Proper foods. Question: Why is this important to know? Answer: Because the African Physiological makeup ties into Nature, we are the SUN (PAA RE or RA) we are the Water (MU or TEFNUT) we are the Air (SHU, NEFU) and we are the Earth (PTAH-NUN or GEB). We have a SUN in us SOLAR PLEXUS, we have Water in US (THE BLOOD) we have the AIR in us (The

WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? Respiratory System) and we have the Earth (OUR PHYSCIAL BODY) we are intune with the RENEWED Cycles and Season in Nature. Question: So how do you prove that Sekhemic Energy or Chi exists? Answer: Easy research what is being called NEGATIVE IONS, since the last 10 years or so Science is now catching up to what our Ancient African Ancestors always knew, when you research Negative IONS you will find out that Negative Ions are odorless, tasteless, and invisible molecules that we inhale in abundance in certain environments. They are found most in places like mountains, waterfalls, and beaches!" Scientist have also found that these Negative Ions create POSITIVE VIBES, which creates a heightened sense of Awareness. How does these Negative Ions or Sekhemic Energy also being called CHI today create a positive vibe? Wellnegative ions produce biochemical reactions that increase levels of the mood chemicals that are created in the Brain and Secreted by Pineal Gland known as Serotonin, helping to alleviate depression, relieve stress, and boost our daytime energy! Start today, you can learn to do deep breathing, inhaling through your Nose

WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? slowly, and place your eyes in an upward position as you inhale the fresh Sekhemic field Air (PAA SHU). Hold your breath for about 5 seconds at 1st and extended the stomach (like you are blowing up a balloon), then after 5 seconds exhale through the mouth. Repeat this 9 times then move on doing your daily life activities. This can be done upon waking up, in the middle of the day and right before resting to sleep.





WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? Question: What are some other ways to have a Renewed Sense of WELL BEING? Answer: Well of course the foods we eat in this day and time really have a major change on our Positive Mental thought patterns, and our being as a whole. We have what is called High Vibrational Foods and Low Vibration foods. Foods that you can eat that will give you a sense of a renewed filling and wellness and foods you can eat that will just keep you on a Negative sluggish Station! We would recommend in brief taking in more HAPPY FOODS. Happy foods are foods that you can eat that promote a positive sense of well being and stimulate happy Brain Chemicals within the Pineal and Pituitary Glands which are then secreted throughout the Rest of the Body via the Blood Stream. An increase in foods high in Tryptophan which then produces Serotonin which then produces Melatonin. Question: Wait! What does all this mean Brother, you using all these Scientific terms that I do not know what the heck they mean, why knowing all this is important? Answer: Great question! Knowing about how your Body (KHAT) works is important and once you KNOW things will not seems like a mystery, thus

WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? breeding ignorance (meaning toignore the facts). When a person knows the facts, no one can come along and teach them or tell them foolishness about themselves, thus NEVER BE LIED TO AGAIN. So when you know how your Body (KHAT) works, you can go to the Problem immediately, thus you have now become your own HEALER, or DOCTOR, in Ancient TaMa-Re (Egypt) we say SUNU, and the word SUNU comes from the word SUH for Life Force Energy and NU meaning ETHER or Etheric Energies, or Atomic Particles. So it is very important to start to take on a SCIENTIFIC MIND what we call Nunology, and give your Body (KHAT) only the best! Our Ancient TaMa-Rean (Egyptian) Ancestors where Scientist and if we claim to be there children we embrace all of our POSITIVE Ancient Sciences and bring them forth in this day and time for a RENEWED THINKING, A higher mind, a higher conscious awareness we call 9ine or NINE MIND! Question: You mentioned earlier about the Neurotransmitters Tryptophan, Serotonin, and Melatonin can you give me more information on them? Answer: Sure! Tryptophan is an amino acid (LTryptophan), one of the building blocks of Protein, but unlike some Amino Acids, Tryptophan is

WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? considered essential because your Body (KHAT) cannot manufacture its own. Tryptophan plays many roles in Animals and Humans alike, but perhaps most importantly, it is an essential precursor to a number of Neurotransmitters (Serotonin being one of the most important) in the Brain. As such, Tryptophan is the only substance that can be converted into Serotonin. Since Serotonin, in turn is converted into Melatonin, which has been shown in several good studies to assist in sleep, Tryptophan clearly plays an instrumental role in balancing mood and sleep patterns. Tryptophan may also be of some benefit in the treatment of some Psychiatric Disorders. What is now a Scientific Fact that Serotonin Levels can be elevated by the Foods we eat! Tryptophan occurs naturally in foods, so increasing the Tryptophan - Serotonin - Melatonin Levels through proper eating habits is a far Superior Method of Balancing Mood and Sleep. Mood and Sleep is important because as we Nunologist teach, your Moods (Emotional Energy) affects what you are attracting into your life by way of the LAW OF ATTRACTION, Negative Moods are coming from depressive thoughts and lower vibrations which are attracting negative into your life, which is anti the cycle and time we are in, the LIFE CYCLE, SUN CYCLE

WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? (Solar Cycle of RE) where everything comes back to Life and is renewed or RE-NU! Lets finish speaking about Tryptophan shall we? The conversion of Tryptophan to Serotonin is a two-step process. First, Tryptophan is converted into 5hydroxy L-Tryptophan, or 5-HTP, and then 5-HTP is, in turn, converted into Serotonin. This is the process by which Serotonin is produced from food. Foods highest in Tryptophan Studies have shown sleep deprivation, poor eating habits appear to have a direct effect on not only the duration, but the timing of sleeping patterns. Getting enough rest is very important in this day and time, with all the changes occurring on the PLANET EARTH (PTAH-NUN). A List of Foods High in Tryptophan: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Black-eyed Peas Black and English Walnuts, Almonds Sesame Seeds Roasted Pumpkin Seeds Black Rice Seaweed Super Blue-Green Algae (AFA)



WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? Melatonin - Melatonin is a Neurotransmitter that is produced in the Body (KHAT) to regulate sleep habits. The amount of Melatonin is dependent on the persons surroundings at the time of sleep. The benefits of Melatonin consist of determining metabolism rates and regulating Circadian Rhythm and sleep patterns so the Body (KHAT) receives adequate rest. As mentioned earlier Melatonin is associated with the release of Innate (NaturalComing from within) Hallucinogens, and research shows that High levels of Melatonin are present during altered States of Consciousness and Psychic visions. Serotonin, Tryptophan, and Melatonin convert eventually into Higher Neurotransmitters for Higher Brain Activity, and Spiritual, Mental Awareness. As enough of these Brain Chemicals are stimulated within the Brain, these Neurotransmitters begin to convert into the Higher Brain Chemicals or Neurotransmitters, needed to access higher planes of Existence. As Above So Below, what takes places within the Body (KHAT) also happens in the Universe (Multiverse). In order to communicate with Energies and Forces outside of this Time Zone and So-Called Physical Reality, you must supply your Brain with the proper fuels in order to JACK INTO these Higher Creative Frequencies, which are aligned with the

WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? LIFE FORCES NUN FORCES within Nature we Nunologist call NUPU-NUN 9 Ether! Question: Can you tell me what happens after Tryptophan, Serotonin, and Melatonin is converted into Higher Brain Chemicals? Answer: Well the process goes like this: As you take in foods HIGH in Tryptophan during the day, Serotonin levels build up, along with High exposure to SUN LIGHT (Vitamin D), then this Serotonin is converted to Melatonin in the evening time or during sleep hours, which is then converted into a Brain Chemical known as Pinoline, then Pinoline is converted to 5-MeO-DMT which is then converted to DMT now known as the Spirit Molecule. Question: Wow ok, interesting well what is 5-MeODMT and DMT? Answer: 5-MeO-DMT stands for 5-methoxydimethyltryptamine and DMT stands for dimethyltryptamine which your Body (KHAT) will Natural produce when enough Brain Fuel from the other Brain Chemicals are supplied! These High Brain Chemicals are Present during Higher States of Consciousness, also at the time of Transition or what many call DEATH DMT is released from the Brain

WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? and the SOUL passes through the Crown Chakra, (Pineal Gland). *Note: Again do not be afraid we NUNOLOGIST take the ORGANIC NATRUAL Approach, meaning when you EAT or INTAKE Natural RAW Living Organic GREEN FOODS etc.., youre Body (KHAT) NATRUALLY produces these Higher Brain Chemicals. Many rush the process, and do not allow Nature to take its course. There is no fast Track way to HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS, be Patient with yourself and the PROCCESS, it all comes in its OWN DUE TIME!

Sekhemic Energy, Fresh Air and Memory Question: Can you explain to me how Smells and Odors are linked to our Memory? Answer: Well, before we explain how smell is linked to Memory, lets first look at what the word Smell means. According to the Merriam Websters Collegiate Online Dictionary the word Smell means: : To perceive the odor or scent of through stimuli affecting the olfactory nerves: get the odor or scent of with the nose

WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? 2: to detect or become aware of as if by the sense of smell <Ismell trouble> 3: to emit the odor of intransitive verb 1: to exercise the sense of smell 2a (1) : to have an odor or scent (2) : to have a characteristic aura or atmosphere : SMACK <the accounts seemed to me to smell of truth R. S. Bourne>; KEYWORDS: EMIT: AURA: ATMOSPHERE So as you can see according to the above definition, the Sense of Smell has to deal with Emitting an Aura into the Atmosphere! Question: What do they mean by Emitting an Aura into the Atmosphere? Answer: Ok, before we go into the Anatomy of your Nose, and how Smell is linked to Memory lets focus on the words Emit, Aura, and Atmosphere and define each one to give us a better overstanding on

WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? what is meant by Emitting an Aura into the Atmosphere. According to the Merriam Websters Collegiate Online Dictionary the word Emit means: a: to throw or give off or out (as light or heat) b: to send out : EJECT 3: to give utterance or voice to <emitted a groan> KEYWORDS: THROW: GIVE OFF: UTTERANCE Lets define the word Aura. According to the Merriam Websters Collegiate Online Dictionary the word Aura means: a subtle sensory stimulus (as an aroma) b : a distinctive atmosphere surrounding a given source <the place had an aura of mystery> 2: a luminous radiation : NIMBUS 3: a subjective sensation (as of lights) experienced before an attack of some disorders (as epilepsy or a MIGRAINE) 4: an energy field that is held to emanate from a living being

WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? WOW! Did you all read that an AURA according to the Merriam Websters Collegiate Online Dictionary is said to mean a subtle sensory stimulus (as an aroma), AROMA as in Smell! So as we can see according to the above definition the word Aura really means an Aroma or Smell which is why we have been taught that DOGS can smell your FEAR, because as we know Fear is a Chemical that is given off and is being secreted by way of your Adrenal Glands which produces a Chemical known as Adrenalin!. So the Smell of a Thing, Person, or Place can tell you a lot about the Energy of it.


WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? Question: Wow this is interesting, can you speak about Fear real quick, before you explain about Smell and Memory? Answer: Sure! This is interesting right, we know this is opening so many thoughts and Portals within your DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid) or Genetic Records, this information known as NUNOLOGY is almost unreal, but its very real and factual. This is why our Ancient Tama-Rean (Egyptian) African Ancestors were so conscious about the Smells they had around them. Essential oils and AROMA THERAPY was big with our Ancestors, they knew as we NUNOLOGIST know today that we can communicate with the Spirit World, Unseen World, the Forces of Nature we call NUN and to study the World of the Unseen and interact with it in a Positive way is known as NUN-OLOGY! There is a place or a location located within side of your Brain, known as the LIMIBIC SYSTEM that plays a major role in the way you process all your emotions including fear. Lets now look further into this area of the Brain known as the LIMBIC SYSTEM to get a better OVERSTANDING about whats happening within our Brain and whole Body (KHAT) as we are experiencing an emotion we have

WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? been programmed within the English language to call FEAR! Your Limbic System and Fear


WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? Questions: What is the Limbic System? Answer: Your Limbic Systems main function is to respond to Pleasure or Pain. This is the Seat of Emotion and Memory in Your Brain. Your Limbic System is the Transmitter to the Universe (Multiverse). Your Limbic System is made up of Several Areas, the Cingulate Gyrus, the Pineal Gland, the Fornix, the Thalamus Gland, Hypothalamus Gland, the Amygdala, Hippocampus Area and the Mammillary Body. (Refer to Nun Tablet: Your Brain and How to use it for more information.) The Main Fear Centers within the Limbic System that we are now going to focus on are: 1. The Amygdala pronounced uh-mig-duh-luh this Area within the Limbic System scans incoming information to detect danger, then if danger is detected your Amygdala will create a WHOLE FULL BODY(KHAT) response. Your Amygdala is Almond Shape in Size and is said to release a Natural Neurotransmitter, Brain Chemical by the name of Tryptophan. This is very interesting because the food we eat named ALMONDS is also known to be High in Tryptophan which is a Natural Brain Chemical, Neurotransmitter used in Stress relief and Relaxation.



WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? Almonds are High in Tryptophan which is a much needed Neurotransmitter or Brain Chemical used for the Production of Serotonin, which then Serotonin converts into another much needed Neurotransmitter or Brain Chemical known as Melatonin.

Almonds are a Great Brain Food!


WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? Question: What is a Neurotransmitter? Answer: Great question! Well Neurotransmitters are naturally occurring chemicals in the Brain that either encourages flow or discourages flow of Electrical Messages between Neurons. Question: What is a Neuron? Answer: The Nerves in your Brain are called Neurons. A Neuron has a body, a long tail, and many branches. Each Nerve Cell is connected with thousands of other Nerve Cells by these branches, which almost touch each other, called Dendrites. From the end of each branch of Dendrites, chemicals are sent out and picked up by the nearest branch of another Neuron. When a Chemical Message is received by a Neuron, it is carried through its branches by Electricity. This is the fundamentals of how your Brain Works through Electrical Messages and Impulses. Million upon millions of messages are being sent through Your Brain at each second. This is how the Brain does it work, to communicate to the rest of the Body, through Chemicals Light Messages (Electricity). Besides Neurons there are other cells in your Brain called Glial Cells. These Cells act like Cement, and hold

WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? Neurons in place. They also help to feed the Neurons.

*Notice the word Astro-cyte which is known as the (Glial Cell). Which is A large, star-shaped cell found in certain tissues of the nervous system. Astro = Light!





Images of Neurons and Neurotransmitters




WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? Question: You mentioned earlier about the Neurotransmitters Tryptophan, Serotonin, and Melatonin can you give me more information on them? Answer: Sure! Tryptophan is an amino acid (LTryptophan), one of the building blocks of Protein, but unlike some Amino Acids, Tryptophan is considered essential because your Body (KHAT) cannot manufacture its own. Tryptophan plays many roles in Animals and Humans alike, but perhaps most importantly, it is an essential precursor to a number of Neurotransmitters (Serotonin being one of the most important) in the Brain. As such, Tryptophan is the only substance that can be converted into Serotonin. Since Serotonin, in turn is converted into Melatonin, which has been shown in several good studies to assist in sleep, Tryptophan clearly plays an instrumental role in balancing mood and sleep patterns. Tryptophan may also be of some benefit in the treatment of some Psychiatric Disorders. What is now a Scientific Fact that Serotonin Levels can be elevated by the Foods we eat! Tryptophan occurs naturally in foods, so increasing the Tryptophan - Serotonin - Melatonin Levels through proper eating habits is a far Superior Method of Balancing Mood and Sleep. Mood and Sleep is

WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? important because as we Nunologist teach, your Moods (Emotional Energy) affects what you are attracting into your life by way of the LAW OF ATTRACTION, Negative Moods are coming from depressive thoughts and lower vibrations which are attracting negative into your life, which is anti the cycle and time we are in, the LIFE CYCLE, SUN CYCLE (Solar Cycle of RE) where everything comes back to Life and is renewed or RE-NU! Lets finish speaking about Tryptophan shall we? The conversion of Tryptophan to Serotonin is a two-step process. First, Tryptophan is converted into 5hydroxy L-Tryptophan, or 5-HTP, and then 5-HTP is, in turn, converted into Serotonin. This is the process by which Serotonin is produced from food. Foods highest in Tryptophan Studies have shown sleep deprivation, poor eating habits appear to have a direct effect on not only the duration, but the timing of sleeping patterns. Getting enough rest is very important in this day and time, with all the changes occurring on the PLANET EARTH (PTAH-NUN).


WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? A List of Foods High in Tryptophan: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Black-eyed Peas Black and English Walnuts, Almonds Sesame Seeds Roasted Pumpkin Seeds Black Rice Seaweed Super Blue-Green Algae (AFA)

Melatonin - Melatonin is a Neurotransmitter that is produced in the Body (KHAT) to regulate sleep habits. The amount of Melatonin is dependent on the persons surroundings at the time of sleep. The benefits of Melatonin consist of determining metabolism rates and regulating Circadian Rhythm and sleep patterns so the Body (KHAT) receives adequate rest. As mentioned earlier Melatonin is associated with the release of Innate (NaturalComing from within) Hallucinogens, and research shows that High levels of Melatonin are present during altered States of Consciousness and Psychic visions.

WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? Serotonin, Tryptophan, and Melatonin convert eventually into Higher Neurotransmitters for Higher Brain Activity, and Spiritual, Mental Awareness. As enough of these Brain Chemicals are stimulated within the Brain, these Neurotransmitters begin to convert into the Higher Brain Chemicals or Neurotransmitters, needed to access higher planes of Existence. As Above So Below, what takes places within the Body (KHAT) also happens in the Universe (Multiverse). In order to communicate with Energies and Forces outside of this Time Zone and So-Called Physical Reality, you must supply your Brain with the proper fuels in order to JACK INTO these Higher Creative Frequencies, which are aligned with the LIFE FORCES NUN FORCES within Nature we Nunologist call NUPU-NUN 9 Ether! Question: Can you tell me what happens after Tryptophan, Serotonin, and Melatonin is converted into Higher Brain Chemicals? Answer: Well the process goes like this: As you take in foods HIGH in Tryptophan during the day, Serotonin levels build up, along with High exposure to SUN LIGHT (Vitamin D), then this Serotonin is converted to Melatonin in the evening time or during sleep hours, which is then converted into a Brain Chemical known as Pinoline, then Pinoline is

WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? converted to 5-MeO-DMT which is then converted to DMT now known as the Spirit Molecule. Question: Wow ok, interesting well what is 5-MeODMT and DMT? Answer: 5-MeO-DMT stands for 5-methoxydimethyltryptamine and DMT stands for dimethyltryptamine which your Body (KHAT) will Natural produce when enough Brain Fuel from the other Brain Chemicals are supplied! These High Brain Chemicals are Present during Higher States of Consciousness, also at the time of Transition or what many call DEATH DMT is released from the Brain and the SOUL passes through the Crown Chakra, (Pineal Gland). *Note: Again do not be afraid we NUNOLOGIST take the ORGANIC NATRUAL Approach, meaning when you EAT or INTAKE Natural RAW Living Organic GREEN FOODS etc.., youre Body (KHAT) NATRUALLY produces these High Brain Chemicals. Many rush the process, and do not allow Nature to take its course. There is no fast Track way to HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS, be Patient with yourself and the PROCCESS, it all comes in its OWN DUE TIME!


WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? Question: Are there any more Fear Centers in the Brain? Answer: Yes. The 2nd Fear and Emotional Center in the Brain is known as Your HIPPOCAMPUS Area pronounced hip-uh-cam-pus! Your Hippocampus is the area of your Limbic System inside of your Brain that deals with memories from the past. Your Hippocampus and Amygdala work together to help assist you Overstand and deal with not only your feelings but also the feelings of others! Your Hippocampus also CONTROLS how your Emotional Memories are stored.





The following image is taken from an article from Discover Magazine Emotions and the Brain: Fear by Steven Johnson, Graphics by Don FoleyFrom the March 2003 issue; published online March 1, 2003 website at 123

WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? The 3rd Fear and Emotional Center in the Brain is known as Your Hypothalamus Gland, pronounced hy-puh-thal-uh-muh s this area of your Brain signals your Adrenal Glands which sit just above your Kidneys, to release a Hormone known as Adrenalin in order to activate your bodies Natural Defense Mechanism.

Adrenal Gland attached to the Kidneys




WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? The 4th Fear and Emotional Center in the Brain is known as Your Thalamus Gland pronounced thaluh-muh s. This Endocrine Gland receives signals from all your Sensory Organs, and conducts basic low-level processing of Sensory Information before relaying it to Amygdala or Sensory Cortex.

The Thalamus, Amygdala, and Sensory Cortex

The 5th Fear and Emotional Center in the Brain is known as Your Sensory Cortex. Your Sensory Cortex refers to your Auditory, Olfactory, and Somatosensory Cortices. These are the areas that

WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? thoroughly process information channeled by your Thalamus Gland from your Sensory Organs.

Sensory Regions of the Brain

The 6th Fear and Emotional Center in the Brain is known as Your Brain Stem. Your Brain Stem is responsible for triggering freeze responses, as well as other bodily changes associated with fear, like rapid breathing and a heightened sense of awareness.



WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? The 7th Fear and Emotional Center in the Brain is known as Your Prefrontal Cortex. Your Prefrontal Cortex is responsible for keeping your fear system from Spiraling out of Control by inhibiting your Amygdala!


WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? Question: So what is the Connection or Link between Memory and Smell? Answer: Now we will show you the Process of Smell and how it is linked to your Memory. How the Sense of Smell works Our Sense of Smell, just like our Sense of Taste, is a Chemical Sense. These are called Chemical Senses because they detect Chemicals in the environment, with this one difference being that Smell works at greatly larger distances than Taste. The Process of Smell is an amazing Process and works like this: 1st. Vaporized Odor Molecules (Chemicals) floating in the Air (PAA SHU, Sekhemic Energy) reaches your nostrils and dissolves in the mucus (which is on the roof of each nostril).
2nd. underneath the mucus, in what is known as your olfactory epithelium, specialized receptor cells called olfactory receptor neurons detect odor. These neurons are capable of detecting thousands of different odors.


The Process of Smell





3rd. Your Olfactory Receptor Neurons transmit the information to the olfactory bulbs, which are located at the back of the nose.



4th. the Olfactory Bulbs have Sensory Receptors that are actually part of The Brain which send messages directly to:

The most Primitive (Original) Brain Centers where they influence Emotions (Energy in Motion) and memories (Limbic System Structures), and Higher Centers where they modify Conscious Thought (Neo-Cortex).

WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? 5th. these Brain Centers perceive odors and access memories to remind us about people, places, things or events associated with our Olfactory Sensations.

Your Sense of Smell and Your Limbic System Your Olfactory Bulb is one of the structures of Your Limbic System and a very ancient part of Your Brain. As mentioned in the previous description of the Olfactory process, the information captured by the Sense of Smell goes from the Olfactory Bulb to other structures of the Limbic System.



Aromatherapy - The Sekhemic Power in Plants Activating a Higher State of Conscious Awareness Question: Now that we are speaking about Smell and Memory, do you know anything about Aromatherapy? Answer: Sure! Every smell has a vibration associated with each Force within Nature. Death and Decay Produces a Vibration that is linked to its energy, as well as Life and Pleasant Smells!

WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? The Power of Smell is a very deep Science and should not be taken lightly. We NUNOLOGIST know that because smells are linked to Memory we do our Best to always wear Pleasant Smells to always Attract the Forces within Nature towards us to assist us with every outcome. We as NUNOLOGIST also know, that we are always seeking to have a Positive impression on all the Minds we meet, for we know when you impress a mind you impress a Heart (AB) and Soul (BAA) of an individual, group or tribe. By Smelling a particular Flower you take on the Quality and Essence of that Flower. You are inhaling the Life Giving frequency and Personality of any particular Flower you Smell. Remember everything on this Physical Plane is Vibrating thus has its own Vibration, Personality and or Persona, as in Personification! The minute Particles within these Smells also have a major effect on your Brain and over all Emotional Health and well being, which is why whenever you go to a Healing Spa or Temple they always have it scented in such a way to bring Peace, Abundance, Prosperity and Tranquility to the Mind (KHU) as well as these smells promote relaxation. Our Ancient Tama-Rean (Egyptian) African Ancestors also knew the importance of Smells, and

WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? Positive and Negative Forces within Nature. In the Sun (PAA RE) or Solar Temple of the King Neferirkare you will find picture of Nikaures wife Ihat smelling a Lotus Flower!

The Symbol of the Lotus Flow in Ancient Tama-Re (Egypt) Question: Is there a deeper meaning to the Lotus Flower in Ancient Tama-Re, I noticed it was used a lot in our Ancestors Artwork and Hieroglyphs? Answer: Yes theres a deeper Esoteric Meaning to all the Symbols in Ancient Tama-Re (Egypt). The Lotus


WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? Flower is the Symbol of Rebirth! To our Ancient Egyptian Tama-Re African Ancestors they saw this Flower as the Symbol of the Sun (PAA RE) and Creation. In many Ancient Hieroglyphs the Lotus Flower is seen as emerging or coming out of NUN the Dark Primordial Waters being the SUN GOD RA or RE! The Lotus Flower is an actual Flower that literally closes up and retracts in water at night and reemerges during the day, just as the Sun (PAA RE). So to us NUNOLOGIST the Symbol of the Lotus Flower is very important. Its a Symbol of your Daily Life Cycle! Question: What do you mean NUNOLOGIST view the Lotus as a Symbol of your Daily Life Cycle? Answer: As the Lotus is RE-Born out of Darkness (NUN) each day so are you. The Lotus is also a Symbol of Creative Thoughts. The Darkness (NUN) that the Lotus Flower retreats in each evening is a Symbol of your SUBCONSCIOUS MIND linked the UNIVERSAL CONSCIOSUNESS (NUN CONSCIOUSNESS). As you go back into the Darkness of your Mind for any length of time you call Meditation you bring forth like RA or RE life giving thoughts that provide re-birth and rejuvenation for yourself, your family, your

WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? environment and all those around you, which is why we NUNOLOGIST always say go inside the Darkness of your Mind (KHU), the Hidden Vault of your HEART (AB) and bring forth Greatness!

1,000 Petal Lotus Flower Symbol of the 9th Gate (Chakra, Arushaat, Aritu), the 9th Energy Seat of Consciousness, NUN CONSCIOUSNESS Symbol of the SUN PAA RE with its 1,000 Points of Light!


Tutankhamun emerging from Lotus Flower!



Priest Neb-Sini holding the Blue Lotus Flower.



Ancient Tama-Rean (Egyptian) Priestess Smelling Lotus Flower!




WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? Question: Does Aromatherapy have an effect on the Brain? Answer: Yes! According to an Article written in the Science Daily dating May 20, 2008 entitled Burning Incense Is Psychoactive: New Class Of Antidepressants Might Be Right Under Our Noses it reads: Religious leaders have contended for millennia that burning incense is good for the soul. Now, biologists have learned that it is good for our brains too. An international team of scientists, including researchers from Johns Hopkins University and the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, describe how burning frankincense (resin from the Boswellia plant) activates poorly understood ion channels in the brain to alleviate anxiety or depression. This suggests that an entirely new class of depression and anxiety drugs might be right under our noses. The Article continues to read: "In spite of information stemming from ancient texts, constituents of Bosweilla had not been investigated for psychoactivity," said Raphael Mechoulam, one of the research study's co-authors."We found that incensole acetate, a Boswellia resin constituent, when tested in mice lowers anxiety and causes antidepressive-like behavior. Apparently, most

WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? present day worshipers assume that incense burning has only a symbolic meaning." To determine incense's psychoactive effects, the researchers administered incensole acetate to mice. They found that the compound significantly affected areas in brain areas known to be involved in emotions as well as in nerve circuits that are affected by current anxiety and depression drugs. Specifically, incensole acetate activated a protein called TRPV3, which is present in mammalian brains and also known to play a role in the perception of warmth of the skin. When mice bred without this protein were exposed to incensole acetate, the compound had no effect on their brains. "Perhaps Marx wasn't too wrong when he called religion the opium of the people: morphine comes from poppies, cannabinoids from marijuana, and LSD from mushrooms; each of these has been used in one or another religious ceremony." said Gerald Weissmann, M.D., Editor-in-Chief of The FASEB Journal. "Studies of how those psychoactive drugs work have helped us understand modern neurobiology. The discovery of how incensole acetate, purified from frankincense, works on specific targets in the brain should also help us understand diseases of the nervous system. This study also provides a biological explanation for

WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? millennia-old spiritual practices that have persisted across time, distance, culture, language, and religion-burning incense really does make you feel warm and tingly all over!" According to the National Institutes of Health, major depressive disorder is the leading cause of disability in the United States for people ages 15--44, affecting approximately 14.8 million American adults. A less severe form of depression, dysthymic disorder, affects approximately 3.3 million American adults. Anxiety disorders affect 40 million American adults, and frequently co-occur with depressive disorders. (Article Source: ScienceDaily Burning Incense Is Psychoactive: New Class Of Antidepressants Might Be Right Under Our Noses (May 20, 2008)

Question: What is Frankincense? Answer: According to the Merriam Websters Online Collegiate Dictionary Frankincense is defined as: noun \fra-kn-sen(t)s\ a fragrant gum resin from trees of a genus (Boswellia of the family Burseraceae) of Somalia and southern coastal Arabia that is an important incense resin and has been used in religious rites, perfumery, and embalming.


Smoking incense burner in Nepal. (Credit: iStockphoto/Yungshu Chao)



Frankincense is the resin from the Boswellia Tree Photo: GETTY Question: What does the word Psychoactivity mean? Answer: Well according to the Merriam Websters Online Collegiate Dictionary Psychoactivity is defined as: adj \s-k-ak-tiv\ affecting the mind or behavior <psychoactive drugs>. KEYWORDS: PSYCHO : ACTIVE So when we NUNOLOGIST see the words PSYCHO & ACTIVE we know Psycho deals with the Mind (PAA KHU) according to the Etymology of the English

WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? Language, and Activity as in being Active deals with the Body (PAA KHAT) motion movement! Here is Psycho defined according to the Online Etymology Dictionary psycho- comb. form meaning "mind, mental," from Gk. psykho-, combining form of psykhe (see psyche). So as we can see the Scent of Smell does have an effect on the Mind (KHU) and Body (KHAT)!

The Healing Power of Frankincense!


WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? There is real healing power in Frankincense Resin. As we mentioned earlier the Resin Sap that has become to known as FRANKINSENCE comes from the Boswellia Tree.

THE FRANKINSENCE TREE (Boswellia) The Resin Sap known as Frankincense that comes from the Boswellia Tree is known to be a very Potent stimulator of Brain Receptors known as TRP (Transient Receptor Potential) V3 (Vanilloid 3) or simply TRPV3. TRP is the family or type of Receptors and V3 is the Subgroup. TRPV3 (Transient

WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? Receptor Potential Vanillloid 3) is known to lower anxiety and also known to exert antidepressant-like effects. We as NUNOLOGIST know that when you read these NUN TABLETS you will find a lot of High Scientific Medical terms as they relate to the Antamony of the Body, but this is a Must! By reading these terms and learning all you can about your Body (KHAT) it helps and assists you informing a Scientific Mind or Mentality. Also it assists you in dispelling the illusion that Science is hard and not fun to learn about. Also we as NUNOLOGIST know that it is the hidden kingdom of Nature (NETER, NETERU) that has all LIFE GIVING Resources to live a healthy and productive life. As we always mention NUN-OLOGY deals with the UNSEEN, HIDDEN yet existing! So lets us continue about the HEALING POWER OF FRANKINSENCE SHALL WE! A Major component found in FRANKINSENCE RESIN is Incensole Acetate which is known to inhibit inflammatory Mediators in Brain Tissue. Incensole Acetate is also known to inhibit degeneration of brain cells found in the Hippocampus Area of the Brain, which is the Area of the Brain mostly known for processing Memory.


Hippocampus Area of the Brain!


WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? Aromatherapy , Your Nine (9) Principles and Essential Oils

The Symbol of the Solar Cycle of RE (The Sun Cycle) Where Human Beings reach their Full Potential!




WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? Using Aromatherapy is a Great way and a Great tool to use in order to bring Balance and Harmony back to all your Energy Seats known as Arushaat, Wheels of Life or Chakras. There are different Scented Fragrance Oils that correspond to each Arushaat, Chakra (Wheel of Life or Energy Seat). *Please note: There are 3 Major ways you can benefit from the Power of your Aromatherapy Scented Oils. 1. Burning your Oils in an Aromatherapy Diffuser.

2. Rubbing your Oils on each Energy Seat (Arushaat, Chakra). *Please not, most oils sold today on the Market are said to be 100% Pure Oils, so with this said, we suggest you dilute a few drops of your favorite Aromatherapy Oil with Olive Oil, Shea Butter, Coconut Oil, or even Coco Butter before rubbing on Skin and Energy Seats (Arushaat, Chakras). 3. Pouring a few drops of Aromatherapy Oil in your Bath Water. This is also a very Powerful.


Aromatherapy Diffusers!


WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? 1ST Life Principle in Human Beings The Perineum (Carnal Seat, Setekht) is located between your genitals and anus. When your Perineum is strong, your internal organs remain firm and healthy, but when your Perineum Seat becomes weak your internal Organs loose there cohesiveness which causes Sekhemic Life Force Energy to drain away. Because this Energy Center (Chakra, Arusha, Wheel of life) is the gate through which Sekhemic Energy from other Internal Organs can be either retained or lost, it is called the Gate of Life and Death. *AROMATHERAPY OILS FOR YOUR PERINEUM CARNAL SEAT ARE: Vetiver, Peppermint, Frankincense, Cedarwood, Myrrh, Carrot, Cardamon, Clove, Oakmoss, Patchouli, Laurel, Ginger, Sandalwood and Benzoin.



Drawing taken from Mantak Chia's book on Awakening Healing Light of the Tao!



The Perineum Seat


WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? 2nd Life Principle in Human Beings The Reproductive Organs (Sacral Seat, Tchet) - is located in the lower abdominal area. This Energy Seat deals heavily with your emotions and feelings. It also deals with Creativity for Sexual Energy is Creative Energy meaning the Power to Create and Give Life. People who suffer from an imbalanced Sacral Seat may experience Emotional Disorders and Addictions. *AROMATHERAPY OILS FOR YOUR SACRAL SEAT ARE: Jasmine, Ylang, Cinnamon, Petitgrain, Tangerine, Myrrh, Pine Cypress, Coriander, Oakmoss, Rose, Rose Geranium, Geranium, Vetiver, Cary Sage and Patchouli. 3rd Life Principle in Human Beings The Navel Seat (Tekht) is another Emotional (Energy in Motion) Center in Human Beings. This Energy Center also is the main storage location for Sekhemic (Chi, Prana, Life Force) Energy. It is our first connection while in the womb with the external world and this connection continues on after we are born. Your Navel Center absorbs, transforms, balances and distributes your Life Force Sekhemic Energy from both the Outer World (Earth Energy, and Celestial Energy) as well as the inner World or

WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? Kingdom (that which is inside of you, e.g. blood, bone, organs etc). *AROMATHERAPY OILS FOR YOUR NAVEL SEAT ARE: Ginger, Ylang, Lemon, Lemongrass, Carrot, Cade, Juniper, Cedarwood, Meilssa Black Pepper, Rosemary, Marjoram, Oregano, Thymes, Vetiver, Cinnamon Bark, Peppermint, Cardamn, Citronella, Valerian and Spikenard.



WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? 4th Life Principle in Human Beings The Diaphragm Seat (Solar Plexus, Seat of RE,RA) (AB) is Your Great Kingdom of Power with your Body (KHAT). This is Energy Seat is the most Psychic part of You. When functioning properly you have the Power to accomplish any and all your Goals and Desires at Will! This is the Seat or Location of all your Will Power. All your Energy Seats are important but this Energy is one of the Most Important. If you experience a Serious Blow to this Area it can be fetal! (To learn more about YOUR SOLAR PLEXUS refer to: The Nun Tablet The Solar Seat of Re the Hidden Light within) *AROMATHERAPY OILS FOR YOUR SOLAR PLEXUS SEAT (THE SOLAR SEAT OF RE) ARE: Ginger, Ylang, Lemon, Lemongrass, Carrot, Cade, Juniper, Cedarwood, Meilssa Black Pepper, Rosemary, Marjoram, Oregano, Thymes, Vetiver, Cinnamon Bark, Peppermint, Cardamn, Citronella, Valerian and Spikenard. ((( *NOTE: THE SAME OILS CAN BE USED FOR BOTH NAVEL AND SOLAR PLXUS)).



The Celiac Plexus or Solar Plexus


WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? 5th Life Principle in Human Beings The Heart Seat (Heper) is the Energy Seat or Center where feelings of Love emanate. Your Heart Chakra is also associated with other virtuous emotions such as Joy, Divine Love, Happiness, Honesty, Respect and Compassion just to name a few. When your Heart Chakra is closed your ability to attract Abundance into your Life becomes limited. When this Energy Seat or Center is open abundance flows into your life, like the River Nile. *AROMATHERAPY OILS FOR YOUR HEARTARE: Rose, Benzoin, Meilssa, Neroli, Frankincense, Bergmot, Carrot, Inula, Lavandin, Lavender, Spikenard, Oregano, Marjoram, Black Pepper, Sage, Sandalwood, Tansy, Everlast, Hyssop, Cinnamon Bark, Laurel, Camphor and Amni Visnaga. 6th Life Principle in Human Beings The Throat Seat (Sehem) is the Energy Seat that rules your ability to Speak and Communicate effectively with others. Being the midway point between your Tongue and Your Heart this Energy Seats gives you the ability to become Clairaudience (the ability to hear spirits). When this Energy Seat is function properly, it gives you the ability to express yourself, and speak smooth and

WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? clearly. Many People who have an issue with getting there point across, have blockages in this area of the body. This is a Very Powerful Energy Seat, and must not be taken lightly. This is where your Sekhemic Energy, tones, and sounds leave the Body (KHAT) and is engendered in all others. (For more information on the The Law of Enegenderment refer to the Nun Tablet: The Solar Seat of Re) *AROMATHERAPY OILS FOR YOUR THROATARE: Lavender, Roman and German Chamomile, Spearmint, Catnip, Frankincense, Opopanax, Cypress, Geranium, Spruce, Sandalwood and Carrot Seed. 7TH Life Principle in Human Beings The Nasal Seat (Shiru) is the Energy Seat associated with being receptive to communication of others as well as Spirits, and with the sense of smell, taste and hearing. This is a Very Powerful Energy Seat because this is where you Breath in Sekhemic Energy from The Air (PAA SHU). AROMATHERAPY OILS FOR YOUR NASALARE: Peppermint, Rosemary, Lavender, Patchouli, Eucalyptus, Bergamot, Sweet Basil.


WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? 8TH Life Principle in Human Beings The Brow Seat (Mer) is the Energy Seat associated with Physical as well as Spiritual insight. Your 3rd eye seat (Pineal Gland) is where all Creative Thought Process comes in from an unseen place to the seen. (For more information refer to the Nun Tablet: The Nunology of the Pineal Gland) *AROMATHERAPY OILS FOR YOUR BROW SEATARE: Wormwood, Frankincense, Cedar, Everlast, Spruce, Pine, Terebinth, Rose, Rosemary, Clary Sage, Oregano and Marjoram, Thymes and Linden. 9th Life Principle in Human Beings The Head/ Crown Seat (Ikh) - is the Energy Seat associated with our connection to others and the world around us. When this Energy Seat is open we are willing and able see ourselves in others, thus we experience without prejudice! We are brought knowledge, wisdom and an overstanding that promotes peace, prosperity, abundance and a more spiritual connection to Nature (PAA NETER). We also become better at manifesting our Dreams. *AROMATHERAPY OILS FOR YOUR CROWN SEATARE: Benzoin, Cistus, Frankincense, Myrrh,

WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? Sandalwood, Spruce, Angelica, Rosewood, Sweet Myrrh, Lavenders, Spikenard, Rose, Ravensara, Basil and Rosemary.

The Science of Your Breath!

NOSTRIL-BREATHING VS MOUTH-BREATHING One of the first lessons in the Science of Proper Breathing is to learn how to breathe through your nostrils, and to overcome the common practice of breathing through your Mouth! We as NUNOLOGIST must begin to realize that one form of Breathing brings Strength, Vigor and Excellent Health and the other form of breathing brings Potential Disease (Dis-ease), Weakness and Discomfort. The form of Breathing that brings Health, Wealth and Vitality to the Whole Body (KHAT) is Breathing through your Nose also known as Nostril Breathing. Many of the common Sickness that happen today like your Common Cold, Flu etc can be avoided by learning The Science of Proper Breathing though youre Nose (Nostrils) and not youre Mouth.


In an article named Mouth Breathing vs. Nose Breathing (for Mouth Breather) written by Dr. Artour Rakhimov states: If you are a mouth breather, you need to know these medical facts. Published western clinical evidence clearly proved that mouth breathing, apart from factors discussed here, is one of 2 immediate leading causes of mortality in the severely sick due to chronic diseases. Early morning hours (from about 4 to 7 am) have highest death rates due to coronary artery spasms, anginas, strokes, asthma attacks, seizures and many other exacerbations. The relevant medical research is considered on web page "Sleep Heavy Breathing Effect". Why and how mouth breathing contributes to deaths and how does it undermine health of any mouth breather? What are the biochemical effects of mouth breathing on health of a mouth breather? Dr. Artour Rakhimov continues to state When seeing modern people on Western streets and in public places, one may easily notice that up to 3040% of them can breathe through their mouths when walking or even while standing or sitting. Most people these days are mouth breathers. The same

WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? can be easily observed during night sleep. Some decades ago mouth breathing was socially abnormal and unacceptable. For example, one dictionary suggests that a "mouth-breather = n. a stupid person; a moron, dolt, imbecile". Normal nose breathing helps us to use our own nitric oxide generated in sinuses. The main roles of NO and its effects have been discovered quite recently (last 20 years). Three scientists even received a Nobel Prize for their discovery that a common drug nitroglycerin (used by heart patients for almost a century) is transformed into nitric oxide. NO dilates blood vessels of heart patients reducing their blood pressure and heart rate. Hence, they can survive a heart attack. This substance or gas is produced in various body tissues, including nasal passages. As a gas, it is routinely measured in exhaled air coming from nasal passages. Therefore, we can't utilize own nitric oxide, an important hormone, when we start mouth breathing. The confirmed functions of the nitric oxide are: 1. Destruction of viruses, parasitic organisms, and malignant cells in the airways and lungs by inactivating their respiratory chain enzymes.

WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? 2. Regulation of binding - release of O2 to hemoglobin. This effect is similar to the CO2 function (the Bohr effect). 3.Vasodilation of arteries and arterioles (regulation of blood flow or perfusion of tissues). 4. Inhibitory effects of inflammation in blood vessels. 5. Hormonal effects. NO influences secretion of hormones from several glands (adrenaline, pancreatic enzymes, and gonadotropin-releasing hormone) 6. Neurotransmission. Memory, sleeping, learning, feeling pain, and many other processes are possible only with NO (nitric oxide) present (for transmission of neuronal signals). Obviously, during mouth breathing it is not possible to utilize one's own nitric oxide which is produced in the sinuses. The mouth, according to Doctor Buteyko, is created by Nature for eating, drinking, and speaking. At other times it should be closed.(ArticleSource:http://www.normalbreathing.c om/indexnasal.php#Mouth_breathers_were_not_wel comed_in_the_past_).


WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? So as you can see we NUNOLOGIST must pay extreme attention to our Bodies (KHAAT) which is the The Eternal Temple of Nun and how we treat this Divine Temple we have, and chose to incarnate in this day and time. Learning to Art Form of Breathing Properly is the beginning point of Higher Conscious and Ascended thinking which leads into your Supreme ability as NUNOLOGIST to reason whole heartedly with your Nine Mind, Higher more refined Mind which is linked to the Living Mind of Almighty Eternal Nature. Give time to what we are about to give you, which is the Beginning stages of the Science of Sekhemic Breathing. Do not take these Practical Application Exercises and Experiments Lightly for these are the Master Keys (Ankh) to the Longevity of Life its self. Remember always on this Physical Realm of Existence (H1, Hydrogen), when you stop Breathing you no longer Exist, for Breath is the Key to Life learn to RE-SPECT it!



Practical Application
These Practical Applications are geared to do one thing and one thing only, for you to put to the Test what you have read, learned and studied thus far. We are living in the day and time where we must know, no more time for beliefs, we must know in our personal lives. We must have facts and confirmations that the Knowledge and Information we are reading, taking in is working for us, for if any knowledge received and placed within the Subconscious Minds are not for our benefit as NUNOLOGIST, then it is against us! This we must NOW begin to realize and know, the Universe is vast with infinite resources and our Powerful African Minds are the Key (Ankh) to open the Door! Before we can truly learn to control outer conditions in our lives we first must learn to have true control over ourselves. Dr.NEB HERU Whether we realize it or not, we are governed by Laws. One of these Laws is the Law of Self Control.A strong willed person often does what others do not do. He or She had the, will to resist a common urge.When the will is missing, there must be no excuses. Excuses come from people who live in

WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? the Past; they do not accept the Future as being in their control. This is what we NUNOLOGIST know and do our Best to become Masters of. SELF CONTROL means to MASTER ONES SELF. How to Breathe Through your Nose Properly!


WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? Start by Inhaling through your Nose slowly, and place your eyes in an upward position as you inhale the fresh Sekhemic field Air (PAA SHU). Hold your breath for about 5 seconds at 1st and extended the stomach (like you are blowing up a balloon), then after 5 seconds exhale through the mouth. Repeat this 9 times then move on doing your daily life activities. This can be done upon waking up, in the middle of the day and right before resting to sleep. The Sekhemic Cleansing Breath Here is a powerful but simple exercise you can apply to your daily life as NUNOLOGIST whenever you feel the need to refresh your whole being and revitalize your Lungs with fresh Sekhemic Energy. This simple yet Powerful exercise known as the Sekhemic Cleansing Breath will cleanse your Lungs, stimulate your cells, and give a general tone to your Respiratory Organs. (1) Inhale a complete breath through your nose. (2) Retain the air a few seconds. (3) Pucker up the lips as if you are going to whistle (but do not poke out, or swell out the cheeks), then exhale a little air through the opening of your mouth, with considerable vigor! Then stop for a

WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? moment, retaining the air, and then exhale a little more air. Repeat this process until you feel the air is completely exhaled. Remember that considerable vigor is to be used when exhaling the air through the opening in your lips. This breathing exercise will be found very refreshing when one is tired, and dwelling at a Low Vibration! This exercise should be practiced until it can be performed naturally and easily, as it is used to finish up a number of other exercises given in this NUN TABLET, and it should be thoroughly overstood. THE SEKHEMIC NERVE VITALIZING BREATH The purpose of this Exercise is to stimulate your Nervous System, develop Nerve Force (Will Power), Energy and Vitality. This exercise brings a stimulating pressure to bear on important nerve centers, which in turn stimulate and energize the entire nervous system, and send an increased flow of Nerve Force (Will Power) to all parts of the Body (KHAT). (1) Stand erect. (2) Inhale a Complete Breath through your Nose, and retain the same.

WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? (3) Extend your arms straight in front of you, letting them be somewhat limp and relaxed, with only sufficient Nerve Force (Will Power) to hold them out. (4) Slowly draw the hands back toward the shoulders, gradually contracting the muscles and putting force into them, so that when they reach the shoulders the fists will be so tightly clenched that a tremulous motion is felt. (5) Then, keeping the muscles tense, push the fists slowly out, and then draw them back rapidly (still tense) several times. (6) Exhale vigorously through the mouth. (7) Practice the Cleansing Breath. The efficiency of this exercise depends greatly upon the speed of the drawing back of the fists, and the tension of the muscles, and, of course, upon the full lungs. This exercise must be tried to be appreciated.



We are living in a Great Day and time where People from all walks a life have a voice and want to be heard in a Positive Way. With that being said, this Breathing exercise is for you. This exercise is great for Public Speakers, Teachers, Singers, Actors, Artist, and anyone who has to use their Voice on a constant basis. Of course it should be overstood that this form of breathing is not an all the time breathing pattern, just on occasions where you feel you need to recharge your VOICE OF POWER!

(1) Inhale a Complete Breath very slowly, but steadily, through the nostrils, taking as much time as possible in the inhalation. (2) Retain for a few seconds. (3) Expel the air vigorously in one great breath, through the wide opened mouth. (4) Rest the lungs by the Cleansing Breath.


WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? THE SEKHEMIC RETAINED BREATH This is a very important exercise that will strengthen your Lungs, develop your Respiratory System as well as expand your Chest! Holding and retaining your Breath tends to purify the Air (PAA SHU) that still remains in your Lungs. Remember the Natural Laws of Almighty Eternal Nature, what goes in must come out! New Air in Old Air out! (1) Stand erect. (2) Inhale a Complete Breath. (3) Retain the Air as long as you can comfortably. (4) Exhale vigorously through the open mouth. (5) Practice the Cleansing Breath. Realize that at first you will be able to retain your Breath only for a short period of time but with practice your time will increase!



This exercise is designed to Stimulate the Air (PAA SHU) in your Lungs, but be cautious not to overdo it. When practiced to fast, this exercise can lead to a slight dizzy feeling from all the PURE AIR rushing into the Lungs. In all we do, we NUNOLOGIST know we must take our time! (1) Stand erect, with hands at sides.

(2) Breathe in very slowly and gradually. (3) While inhaling, gently tap the chest with the finger tips, constantly changing position. (4) When the lungs are filled, retain the breath and pat the chest with the palms of the hands. (5) Practice the Cleansing Breath.


WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? RIB STRETCHING This exercise is very great for overall Rib Health and Maintenance. (1) Stand erect. (2) Place the hands one on each side of the body, as high up under the armpits as convenient, the thumbs reaching toward the back, the palms on the side of the chest and the fingers to the front over the breast. (3) Inhale a Complete Breath. (4) Retain the air for a short time. (5) Then gently squeeze the sides, at the same time slowly exhaling. (6) Practice the Cleansing Breath. Take your time with this exercise and do not overdo it!


WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? CHEST EXPANSION This exercise is very great for restoring natural conditions and gaining chest expansion. (1) Stand erect. (2) Inhale a Complete Breath (3) Retain the air. (4) Extend both arms forward and bring the two, clenched fists together on a level with the shoulder. (5) Then swing back the fists vigorously until the arms stand out straight sideways from the shoulders. (6) Then bring back to Position 4, and swing to Position 5. Repeat several times. (7) Exhale vigorously through the opened mouth. (8) Practice the Cleansing Breath. Take your time with this exercise and do not overdo it!


WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? THE SEKHEMIC BREATHING WALKING EXERCISE (1) Walk with head up, chin drawn slightly in, shoulders back, and an even pace. (2) Inhale a Complete Breath, counting (mentally) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 one count to each step, making the inhalation extend over the Nine counts. (3) Exhale slowly through your nostrils, counting as before-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9one count to a step. (4) Rest between breaths, continuing walking and counting, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 one count to a step. (5) Repeat until you begin to feel tired. Then rest for a while, and resume when you feel the need. Repeat several times a day. *Also Note: If you are not able to do the full count 19 at first its ok, just pick a number system that is comfortable to you until you are able to count all the way up to the Supreme Number Nine.


WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? MORNING EXERCISE (1) Stand erect , head up, eyes front, shoulders back, knees stiff, hands at sides. (2) Raise body slowly on toes, inhaling a Complete Breath, steadily and slowly. (3) Retain the breath for a few seconds, maintaining the same position. (4) Slowly sink to first position, at the same time slowly exhaling the air through the nostrils. (5) Practice Cleansing Breath. (6) Repeat several times, varying by using right leg alone, then left leg alone. STIMULATING CIRCULATION (1) Stand erect. (2) Inhale a Complete Breath and retain. (3) Bend forward slightly and grasp a stick or cane steadily and firmly, and gradually exerting your entire strength upon the grasp.


WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? (4) Relax the grasp, return to first position, and slowly exhale. (5) Repeat several times. (6) Finish with the Cleansing Breath. EXERCISE I (1) Stand erect with hands at sides. (2) Inhale Complete Breath. (3) Raise the arms slowly, keeping them rigid until the hands touch over head. (4) Retain the breath a few minutes with hands over head. (5) Lower hands slowly to sides, exhaling slowly at same time. (6) Practice Cleansing Breath. EXERCISE 2 (1) Stand erect, with arms straight in front of you. (2) Inhale Complete Breath and retain.

WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? (3) Swing arms back as far as they will go; then back to first position; then repeat several times, retaining the breath all the while. (4) Exhale vigorously through mouth. (5) Practice Cleansing Breath. EXERCISE 3 (1) Stand erect with arms straight in front of you. (2) Inhale Complete Breath. (3) Swing arms around in a circle, backward, a few times. Then reverse a few times, retaining the breath all the while. You may vary this by rotating them alternately like the sails of a windmill. (4) Exhale the breath vigorously through the mouth. (5) Practice Cleansing Breath. EXERCISE 4
(1) Lie on the floor with your face downward and palms of hands flat upon the floor by your sides.

(2) Inhale Complete Breath and retain.


WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? (3) Stiffen the body and raise yourself up by the strength of your arms until you rest on your hands and toes. (4) Then lower yourself to original position. Repeat several times. (5) Exhale vigorously through your mouth. (6) Practice Cleansing Breath. EXERCISE 5 (1) Stand erect with your palms against the wall. (2) Inhale Complete Breath and retain. (3) Lower the chest to the wall, resting your weight on your hands. (4) Then raise yourself back with the arm muscles alone, keeping the body stiff. (5) Exhale vigorously through the mouth. (6) Practice Cleansing Breath.


WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? EXERCISE 6 (1) Stand erect with arms "akimbo," that is, with hands resting around the waist and elbows standing out. (2) Inhale Complete Breath and retain. (3) Keep legs and hips stiff and bend well forward, as if bowing, at the same time exhaling slowly. (4) Return to first position and take another Complete Breath. (5) Then bend backward, exhaling slowly. (6) Return to first position and take a Complete Breath. (7) Then bend sideways, exhaling slowly. (Vary by bending to right and then to left.) (8) Practice Cleansing Breath. EXERCISE 7 (1) Stand erect, or sit erect, with straight spinal column.


WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? (2) Inhale a Complete Breath, but instead of inhaling a continuous steady breath, take a series of short, quick "sniffs," as if you were smelling aromatic salts or ammonia and did not wish to get too strong a "whiff." Do not exhale any of these little breaths, but add one to the other until the your entire lungs are filled. (3) Retain for a few seconds. (4) Exhale through the nostrils in a long, restful, sighing breath. (5) Practice Cleansing Breath.

VIBRATION AND SEKHEMIC RHYTHMIC BREATHING All is in Vibration! From the tiniest Atom to our Mega Sun (PAA RE), everything is in constant motion and Vibration. There is nothing at rest in Nature, All is, All will be in Constant Motion. This is the Great Law of Change! Just as everything in existence is vibrating, so are the Atoms in your Body (KHAT) Vibrating! Every cell in your Body (KHAT) is in constant motion, renewing itself. Each Second and Millisecond your Cells are dying off and being re-born, you are truly being made a new. Know now oh NUNOLOGIST that

WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? you are not the same Person you where lets say one week ago, for there are new Cells constantly being born or birthed throughout your whole body. So knowing these simple actual facts about the Simple but Profound Laws of Nature, as it relates to your Body (KHAT), lets focus on the Positive Part of the Law of Change and not the Negative. Now when dealing with the Law of Vibration you will find a certain Rhythm taking place within this Natural Almighty Law. Know now Oh NUNOLOGIST that Rhythm pervades the whole Universe (Multiverse). There is a ebb and flow, a swing of the Planets around The Sun (PAA RE), a swing of the Climate from Month to Month from Cool, to Cold, to Warm, to Hot and in some cases depending on what part of the World you Live or Reside you will find the Rhythm of Extremely Hot, this is all part of the Rhythm of Life, the Rhythm of Almighty Eternal Nature. Our Bodies are also subjected to the Law of Rhythm. The Body (KHAT) which you now occupy is like a small inlet running in to the land from the Universal Sea of Infinite Ethers. This Great Infinite Sea of Universal Ethers we are all subjected to its Ebb and Flow. When we become disconnected from this Infinite River of Life, our Rhythm is thrown off and

WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? we become sick and diseased (dis-eased). When we learn to acquire balance in our life by pulling from this infinite Sea of Universal Ethers we experience Supreme Health. NUNOLOGIST know now that there is no Human Being that has not been subjected to a decline in Health, no matter what part of the World you may currently reside. This is why the Science of Sekhemic Breathing you NUNOLOGIST will find much benefit in. In dealing with ones Health and Well being it is all about Maintenance, do your best to find your own personal Happy Balance. Now we will introduce you to Sekhemic Rhythmic Breathing. In Sekhemic Rhythmic Breathing the main thing to be acquired is the Mental Idea of Rhythm. If you know anything about Music the idea of measured counting should be familiar to you. For those not so familiar, just think of the steps of a Soldier in the Military. There steps consists of a Rhythmic march of left, right, left, right, one, two, one two, etc In Sekhemic Rhythmic Breathing we as NUNOLOGIST base our Rhythmic time on our Heart Beat. Yes our Heart Beat! Each Persons Heart Beat Rhythm is different and your Heart Beat is intune with your personal Breathing Pattern.


WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? In order to learn your Normal Personal Heart Beat, place your fingers over your PULSE, and then count: 1,2,3,4,5,6; 1,2,3,4,5,6,etc., until your Rhythm becomes firmly fixed in your Mind (PAA KHU). A little practice will fix your Rhythm in your Mind (PAA KHU), so that you will be able to reproduce it. At first you might find that you can only inhale about Six Pulse Units, but in time this will greatly increase. The rule for Sekhemic Rhythmic Breathing is that the units of inhalation and exhalation should be the same, while the units for retention and between Breaths should be one half (1/2) of those of inhalation and exhalation. The following exercise in Sekhemic Rhythmic Breathing should be thoroughly Mastered, as it forms the basis of numerous other exercises, to which reference will be made later. (1) Sit erect, or straight up, be sure to hold the chest, neck and head in a straight line with your shoulders slightly thrown back and hands resting easily on the lap. In this position the weight of the body is largely supported by the ribs and the position may be easily maintained. Remember NUNOLOGIST that one cannot receive the best

WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? effect from rhythmic breathing with the chest drawn in and the abdomen protruding. (2) Inhale slowly a Complete Breath, counting six (6) pulse units. (3) Retain, your breath for the count of three (3) pulse units. (4) Exhale slowly through the nostrils, for the count of six (6) pulse units. (5) make sure to count three (3) pulse beats between breaths. (6) Repeat a number of times, but avoid fatiguing yourself at the start. (7) When you are ready to close the exercise, practice the Sekhemic Cleansing Breath, which will rest you and cleanse the lungs. (Refer to pg. 71). After a little practice you will be able to increase your duration of inhaling and exhaling to about fifteen (15) pulse units. NUNOLOGIST remember to take your time and do not overdo it. Everything we do is has a relaxed and steady Rhythm.


WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? THE PHENOMENA OF SEKHEMIC PSYCHIC BREATHING The basis of all Sekhemic Psychic Breathing is the Sekhemic Rhythmic Breath, spoken about earlier on in this NUN TABLET. In the following exercises, in order to avoid useless repetition, we will say merely, Breath Rhythmically," and use your psychic force, or directed Will power working along with Rhythmic Breathing in order to direct your attention to any part of your Body (KHAT). You will begin to notice that when you concentrate on any part of your Body (KHAT), Sekhemic Energy will begin to flow there. You might begin to fill a slight pulsation to this part of your Body (KHAT), this is an indicator that Pure Life Force Sekhemic Energy is present in this part of your Body (KHAT), as you breath more Rhythmic Breathes more Sekhemic Energy is caused to flow there. This is the Science of Sekhemic Psychic Breathing. SEKHEMIC DISTRIBUTING THROUGHOUT THE BODY Lying flat on the floor or bed, completely relaxed, with hands resting lightly over your Solar Plexus (SEAT OF RE) (over the pit of the stomach, where the ribs begin to separate), Breathe Rhythmically. After your rhythm is fully established will that each

WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? inhalation will draw in an increased supply of Sekhemic Vital Energy from the Infinite Abundant Universal supply, which will be taken up by your Nervous System and stored in the Solar Plexus. At each exhalations will that the Sekhemic Vital Energy is being distributed all over your Body (KHAT) to every organ and part; to every muscle, to every cell and to every atom; to your nerves, arteries and veins; from the top of your head to the soles of your feet; invigorating you, strengthening you and stimulating every nerve and recharging every nerve center; sending energy, force and strength all over your whole system. While exercising your will power, do your best to form a mental picture of the inrushing Sekhemic Energy, coming in through your lungs and being taken up at once by your Solar Plexus, then with exhaling effort, being sent to all parts of your system, down to your finger tips and down to your toes. It is not necessary to use the Will with an effort. Simply command that which you wish to produce or make happen and then forming the mental picture of it is all that is necessary. Calm command with the mental picture is far better than forcible willing, which only dissipates your force needlessly. The above exercise is very beneficial to your Nervous System; it produces a restful feeling all over your Body (KHAT). It is especially beneficial in cases where one is tired or feels a lack of Energy.

WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? INHIBITING PAIN Lying down or sitting erect, Breath Rhythmically, holding the thought that you are inhaling Sekhemic Energy. Then when you exhale, send the Sekhemic Energy to the painful part to re-establish the circulation and nerve current. Then inhale more Sekhemic Energy for the purpose of driving out the painful condition; then exhale, hold the thought that you are driving out the pain. Alternate the two above mental commands and with one exhalation stimulate that part of the Body (KHAT) and with the next drive out the pain. Keep this up for NINE Breaths, then practice the Sekhemic Cleansing Breath and rest a while. Then try it again until relief comes. Many pains will be found to be relieved before Nine Breaths are finished. When the hand is placed over the painful part, you may get quicker results. Send the current of Sekhemic Energy down the arm and into the painful part of the Body (KHAT). DIRECTING THE CIRCULATION Lying down or sitting erect, Breathe Rhythmically, and with the exhalations direct the circulation to any part you wish, which may be suffering from imperfect circulation. This is effective in cases of cold feet or in cases of headache, the Blood being sent

WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? downward in both cases, in the first case warming the feet, and in the latter, relieving your Brain from too much pressure. In the case of headaches, try the Pain Inhibiting first, and then follow with sending the blood downward. You will often feel a warm feeling in the legs as the circulation moves downward. The circulation is largely under the control of the will and your Rhythmic Breathing renders the task easier. SELF-HEALING Lying in a relaxed position, Breathe Rhythmically, and command that a Healthy supply of Sekhemic Energy be inhaled, with the exhalation, send Sekhemic Energy to the affected part for the purpose of stimulating it. Vary this occasionally by exhaling, with a mental command that the diseased condition be forced out and disappear. Use the hands in this exercise, passing them down the body from the head to the affected part. In using the hands in healing yourself or others always hold the mental image that the Sekhemic Energy is flowing down the arm and through the finger tips into the Body (KHAT), thus reaching the affected part and healing it. Of course we can give only general directions in this book without taking up the several forms of disease in detail, but a little practice of the above exercise, varying it slightly to fit the conditions of the case, will

WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? produce wonderful results. You can also place both hands on the affected part, and then breathe rhythmically, holding the mental image that you are pumping Sekhemic Energy into the diseased organ and part, stimulating it and driving out diseased conditions, as pumping clean water into a bucket of dirty water will drive out the dirty Water and fill the bucket with fresh water. This last plan is very effective if the mental image of the pump is clearly held, the inhalation representing the lifting of the pump handle and the exhalation the actual pumping. HEALING OTHERS Here are some simple and plain instructions that you can use to relieve others. The main principle to remember NUNOLOGIST is that by Rhythmic Breathing and controlled thought you will be able to absorb a considerable amount of Sekhemic Energy, and pass it into the Body (KHAT) of another person, stimulating weakened parts and organs and imparting Health and driving out diseased conditions. You must first learn to form such a clear mental image of the desired condition that you will be able to actually feel the influx of Sekhemic Energy, and the force running down your arms and out of your finger tips into the Body (KHAT) of the patient. Breathe Rhythmically a few times until the rhythm

WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? is fairly established, then place your hands upon the affected part of the body of the patient, letting them rest lightly over the part. Then follow the "pumping" process described in the preceding exercise (SelfHealing) and fill the patient full of Sekhemic Energy until the diseased condition is driven out. Every once in a while raise the hands and "flick" the fingers as if you were throwing off the diseased condition. It is well to do this occasionally and also to wash the hands after treatment, as otherwise you may take on a trace of the diseased condition of the patient. Also practice the Sekhemic Cleansing Breath several times after the treatment. During the treatment let Sekhemic Energy pour into the patient in one continuous stream, allowing yourself to be merely the Pumping Machinery or Vessel connecting the patient with the Universal supply of Sekhemic Energy, and allowing it to flow freely through you. You need not work the hands vigorously, but simply enough that Sekhemic Energy freely reaches the affected parts. The Rhythmic Breathing must be practiced frequently during the treatment, so as to keep the Rhythm normal and to afford Sekhemic Energy a free passage. It is better to place the hands on the bare skin, but where this is not advisable or possible place them over the clothing. Vary above methods occasionally during the treatment by

WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? stroking the Body (KHAT) gently and softly with the finger tips, the fingers being kept slightly separated. This is very soothing to the patient. In cases of long standing you may find it helpful to give the Mental command in words, such as "get out, get out," or "be strong, be strong," as the case may be, the words helping you to exercise the will more forcibly and to the point. Vary these instructions to suit the needs of the case, and use your own judgment and intuitive faculty. We have given you the general principles and you can apply them in hundreds of different ways. SEKHEMIC DISTANT HEALING Sekhemic Energy colored by the thought of a NUNOLOGIST may be projected to a Person or People at a distance, who are willing to receive it. This is the secret of "Absent Healing. (Refer to: What is NUN Spectrum Healing?) The thought of the NUNOLOGIST sends forth and colors Sekhemic Energy of the sender, and it flashes across Space, Matter and Time finds lodgment in the Psychic Mechanism (Subconscious World) of the Patient. It is unseen, and like the Marconi waves, it passes through intervening obstacles and seeks the Person or People attuned to receive it. In order to treat a Person or People at a distance, you must form a

WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? Mental image of them until you can feel yourself intune them. This is a Psychic (Mental) process dependent upon the mental imagery of the you NUNOLOGIST. You will be able to feel the sense of intunement when it is established, it manifests as a sense of nearness. That is about as plain as we can describe it. It will be acquired by a little practice, and some of you will get it at the first trial. When intunement is established, say Mentally to the distant patient, "I am sending you a supply of Vital Life Force which is Sekhemic Energy it will invigorate you and heal you!" Then picture Sekhemic Energy leaving your Mind (KHU) with each exhalation of Rhythmic Breath, and traveling across Space, Matter and Time instantaneously, reaching the patient and Healing them. It is not necessary to fix certain hours for treatment, although you may do so if you wish. The respective condition of the patient, as he or she is expecting and opening themselves up to your Psychic (Mental) Force, attunes him or her to receive your Vibrations whenever you may send them. If you agree upon hours, let Him or Her place Himself or Herself in a relaxed attitude and receptive condition.


WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? THE NUNOLOGIST ART OF THOUGHT PROJECTION Your thoughts Oh NUNOLOGIST, may be projected by following the last mentioned method (SEKHEMIC Distant Healing) and others will feel the effect of your thoughts that you have sent forth. NUNOLOGIST remembered always that no Evil, Malicious, Negative, Low Vibrational Thought can ever injure another person whose Thoughts are Good, Positive, Agreeable and Full of Life! Good Thoughts are always Positive to Bad ones and Bad ones always Negative to Good ones. One can, however, excite the interest and attention of another by sending them Thought Waves charged with Sekhemic Energy with the message you wish to convey. If you desire another's love and sympathy, and possess love and sympathy for him or her, you can send him or her thoughts of this kind with providing your motives are pure. NUNOLOGIST always remember to never attempt to influence another to hurt themselves for as you hurt another you really hurt yourself and this will come back to the sender which is YOU! Psychic Force when legitimately used is all right, but beware of "White Magic" or the improper use of it, as such attempts are like playing with a lite dynamite, and the person attempting such things will

WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? surely be punished by the result of the act itself. However, no person of impure motives ever acquires a great degree of Psychic (Mental) Power. NUNOLOGIST always remember that a pure heart and Mind (KHU) is an invulnerable shield against improper psychic power. Keep yourself PURE and nothing can hurt or harm you! FORMING AN AURA If you are ever in the company of persons of a Low Vibration and order of Mind (KHU), and you feel the depressing influence of their Thoughts, Breathe Rhythmically a few times, thus generating an additional supply of Sekhemic Energy, and then by means of the mental image method surround yourself with an Egg-shape Thought Aura, which will protect you from the gross, NEGATIVE Thoughts and disturbing influences of others. NUNOLOGIST also note that with this exercise you can envision the colors Green, Purple and Black as Powerful Protective Healing Colors! This will protect you and for the most part over power their Lower Vibrational thought forms and thinking and transmute, convert or even change theres to a much more Higher Vibration!



Egg-shape Thought Aura



Egg-shape Thought Aura


WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? RECHARGING YOURSELF If you feel that your Vital Life Force Energy is at a low and you need to store up a new supply quickly, the best thing to do is to place your feet close together (side by side) and lock the fingers of both hands in any way that seems the most comfortable. This closes the circuit, and prevents any escape of Sekhemic Energy. Then Breathe Rhythmically a few times, and you will feel the effect of the recharging. RECHARGING OTHERS If some friend is deficient in vitality you may aid him or her by sitting in front of them, your toes touching him or her, and his or her hands in yours. Then both Breathe Rhythmically, you forming the Mental image of sending Sekhemic Energy into his or her system, and he or she holding the Mental image of receiving Sekhemic Energy. Persons of weak vitality or passive will should be careful with whom they try this experiment, as the Sekhemic Energy of a person of evil desires will be colored with the thoughts of that person, and may give him a temporary influence over the weaker person. The latter, however, may easily remove such influence by closing the circuit (as before mentioned) and

WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? breathing a few rhythmic breaths, closing with the Cleansing Breath. CHARGING WATER Water may be charged with Sekhemic Energy, by Breathing Rhythmically, and holding the glass of Water by the bottom, in the left hand, and then gathering the fingers of the right hand together and shaking them gently over the Water, as if you were shaking drops of Water off of your finger tips into the Glass. The Mental image of the Sekhemic Energy being passed into the Water must also be held. Water Sekhemicaly charged is found stimulating to weak or sick persons, particularly if a Healing Thought accompanies the Mental image of the transfer of Sekhemic Energy. The caution given in the last exercise applies also to this one, although the danger exists only in a greatly lessened degree! ACQUIRING MENTAL QUALITIES Not only can the Body (KHAT) be controlled by the Mind (KHU) under direction of the will, but the Mind (KHU) itself can be trained and cultivated by the exercise of controlling the will. The mere calm demand of your Will Power will accomplish wonders in this direction, but when this Mental exercise is accompanied by Rhythmic Breathing, the effect is

WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? greatly increased. Desirable qualities may be acquired by holding the proper mental image of what is desired during Rhythmic Breathing. Poise and Self Control, desirable qualities; increased power, etc., may be acquired in this way. Undesirable qualities may be eliminated by cultivating the opposite qualities. Any or all the "Mental Science" exercises, "treatments" and "affirmations" may be used with the Sekhemic Rhythmic Breath. The following is a good general exercise for the acquirement and development of desirable mental qualities: Lie in a passive position, or sit erect. Picture to yourself the qualities YOU desire to cultivate, seeing yourself as possessed with qualities, and demanding that your Mind (KHU) develop these qualities. Breathe Rhythmically, holding the Mental picture firmly. Carry this Mental picture with you as much as possible, and do your best to live up to the idea that you have set upon your Mind (KHU). You will find yourself gradually growing up to your ideal.


WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? ACQUIRING PHYSICAL QUALITIES Physical qualities may be acquired by the same methods as above mentioned in connection with Mental qualities. We do not mean, of course, that shorter people can grow taller, or that amputated limbs may be replaced, or similar miracles. But the expression of a persons countenance may be changed; courage and general physical characteristics improved by the control of the Will, accompanied by Rhythmic Breathing. As a man or woman thinks so does he or she look, act, walk, sit, etc. Improved thinking means improved looks and actions. To develop any part of the Body (KHAT), direct your attention to it, while Breathing Rhythmically, holding the Mental Picture or Image that you are sending an increased amount of Sekhemic Energy, or nerve force, to that part of your Body (KHAT), and thus increasing its vitality and developing it. This plan applies equally well to any part of the Body (KHAT) which you wish to develop. CONTROLLING THE EMOTIONS Undesirable emotions, such as Fear, Worry, Anxiety, Hate, Anger, Jealousy, Envy, Excitement, Grief, etc., are all transformed by the control of your Will. In order to this start by Breathing Rhythmically,

WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? concentrating your attention upon the Solar Plexus, (Solar Seat of RE) and sending to it the Mental command "Get Out." Send the Mental command firmly, just as you begin to exhale, and form the Mental picture of undesirable emotions being carried away with the exhaled breath! Repeat Nine times, and finish with the Cleansing Breath, and then see how good you feel. Remember NUNOLOGIST your Mental Command must be given "with force!" THE TRANSMUTATION OF SEXUAL ENERGY Here is a practical breathing exercise that we NUNOLOGIST use to Transmute Reproductive Sexual Energy into vitality for our entire system, instead of dissipating and wasting it in lustful indulgences. NUNOLOGIST realize now that too much of anything is not Good. We NUOLOGIST now in this day and time must begin to realize that Sexual Energy is Creative Energy, and can be taken up by your System and Transmuted into Strength and Vitality, thus serving the purpose of Regeneration and Rejuvenation instead of degeneration. When Young Men and Women of todays societies of the World begin to overstand these underlying Spiritual & Scientific Principles they will begin to save themselves much misery and

WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? unhappiness later on in life, also they will become more stronger mentally, morally and physically, thus becoming MASTERS of their OWN DESTINY Quicker! This transmutation of the Sexual Reproductive Energy that we speak of gives great vitality to all of you practicing it. You all will be filled with the great vital force, which will radiate from you and will manifest in what we call "Personal Magnetism." The energy thus transmuted may be turned into new channels and used to a great advantage. Nature has condensed one of its most powerful manifestations of Sekhemic Energy into Sexual Reproductive Energy, as its purpose is to create. The Greatest amount of Vital Force is concentrated in the smallest area. Your Reproductive Organs are the most powerful storage batteries, and its force can be drawn upward and used, as well as expended in the ordinary functions of reproduction, or wasted in lust. The exercise for Transmuting Sexual Reproductive Energy is simple. It is coupled with Rhythmic Breathing, and can be easily performed. It may be practiced at any time, but is specially recommended when one feels the instinct most strongly, at which time your Sexual Reproductive Energy is manifesting

WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? and may be most easily transmuted for regenerative purposes. The exercise is as follows: Keep your Mind (KHU) fixed on the idea of Energy, and away from ordinary Sexual Thoughts or imaginings. When these Thoughts come into the Mind (KHU) do not be discouraged, but regard them as Manifestations of a Force which you intend using for the purpose of strengthening the Mind (KHU) and Body (KHAT). Lie passively or sit erect, and fix your Mind (KHU) on the idea of drawing the Reproductive Energy upward to the Solar Plexus (Solar Seat of RE), where it will be transmuted and stored away as a reserve force of vital energy. Then Breathe Rhythmically, forming the Mental image of drawing up the Reproductive Energy with each inhalation. With each inhalation make a command of the Will that the Energy be drawn upward from the Reproductive Organization to the Solar Plexus. If the rhythm is fairly established and the Mental image is clear, you will be conscious of the upward passage of the energy, and will feel its stimulating effect. When you desire an increase in Mental Force, you can draw it up to your Brain instead of the Solar Plexus, by giving the mental command and holding the mental image of the transmission to the Brain.


WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? The Person who does Mental Creative work, or Bodily Creative work, will be able to use this Creative Energy in their work by following the above exercise, drawing the energy up with the inhalation and sending it forth with the exhalation. In this last form of exercise, only such portions as are needed in the work will pass into the work being done, the balance remaining stored up in the Solar Plexus. You must overstand of course, that it is not the Reproductive Fluids which are drawn up and used, but the Etheric Sekhemic Energy which animates the latter, the Soul of the reproductive organism, as it were. BRAIN STIMULATING You NUNOLOGIST will find the following exercise most useful in stimulating the actions of your Brain for the purpose of producing Clear Thinking and Higher Reasoning. It has a wonderful effect in clearing the Brain and Nervous System, and for all of you who are engaged in Mental work will find it most useful. This exercise will enable you to do better work and lead you to a more refreshed Mind and clearing it after rigorous Mental Labor! Sit in an erect posture, keeping your spinal column straight, eyes looking straight ahead, and letting your hands rest on the upper part of your legs.

WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? Breathe Rhythmically, but instead of breathing through both nostrils as in the ordinary exercises, press the left nostril close with the thumb, and inhale through the right nostril. Then remove your thumb, and close the right nostril with the finger, and then exhale through your left nostril. Then, without changing your fingers, inhale through your left nostril, and changing fingers, exhale through your right. Then inhale through right and exhale through left, and so on, alternating nostrils as above mentioned, closing the unused nostril with the thumb or forefinger.

Left Right Nostril Breathing!


WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? THE GRAND SEKHEMIC PSYCHIC BREATH (1) Lie in a relaxed position, at perfect ease. (2) Breathe Rhythmically until the rhythm is perfectly established. (3) Then, inhaling and exhaling, form the Mental image of the breath being drawn upon through the bones of the legs, and then forced out through them; then through the bones of the arms; then through the top of the skull; then through the stomach; then through the reproductive region; then as if it were traveling upward and downward along the spinal column; and then as if the breath were being inhaled and exhaled through every pore of the skin, the whole body being filled with Sekhemic Energy and life. (4) Then (Breathing Rhythmically) send the current of Sekhemic Energy to the Seven Vital Centers, in turn, as follows, using the mental picture as in previous exercises: (a) To the forehead. (b) To the back of the head. (c) To the base of the brain.

WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? (d) To the Solar Plexus. (e) To the Sacral Region (lower part of the spine) . (f) To the region of the navel. (g) To the reproductive region. Finish by sweeping the current of Sekhemic Energy, to and fro from head to feet several times. (5) Finish with the Cleansing Breath. SOUL CONSCIOUSNESS Exercise.Place your Body (KHAT) in a relaxed, reclining position. Breathe Rhythmically, and meditate upon the real YOU, thinking of yourself as an entity independent of your body, although inhabiting it and being able to leave it at will! Think of yourself, not as the body, but as Supreme Energy, and your body as but a shell, useful and comfortable, but not a part of the real You! Think of yourself as an independent being, using the Body (KHAT) only as a convenience. While meditating, ignore the Body (KHAT) entirely, and you will find that you will often become almost entirely unconscious of it, and will seem to be out of the Body (KHAT) to which you may return when you are through with this exercise.

WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? This is the gist of the NUNOLOGIST meditative breathing methods, and when persisted will give one a wonderful sense of the reality of their own Soul, and will make you seem almost independent of the Body (KHAT). The sense of immortality will often come with this increased consciousness, and the person will begin to show signs of spiritual development which will be noticeable to yourself and others. But NUNOLOGIST you must not allow yourself to live too much in the upper regions, or to despise your body, for you are here on this plane for a purpose, and you must not neglect your opportunity to gain the experiences necessary to Transform into a Supreme Being. Oh NUNOLIGIST never forget to respect your bodies, which is the Eternal Temple of NUN! UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS Exercise.Place your body in a reclining, relaxed position. Breathe Rhythmically, and meditate upon your relationship with the Universal Mind of which you are but an atom. Think of yourself NUNOLOGIST as being in touch with All, and at-one with All. See All as One, and your Soul as a part of that One. Feel that you are receiving the vibrations from the great Universal Mind, and are

WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? partaking of its power and strength and wisdom. The two following lines of meditation may be followed. (a) With each inhalation, think of yourself as drawing in to yourself the strength and power of the Universal Mind. When exhaling think of yourself as passing out to others that same power, at the same time being filled with love for every living thing, and desiring that it be a partaker of the same blessings which you are now receiving. Let the Universal Power circulate through you. (b) Place your mind in a State of Gratitude, and meditate upon the grandeur of the Universal Mind, and open yourself to the inflow of the Divine Wisdom, which will fill you with illuminating wisdom, and then let the same flow out from you to your brothers and sisters whom you love and would help. This exercise will leave you with a new-found sense of strength, power and wisdom, and a feeling of spiritual exaltation and bliss. It must be practiced only in a serious, mood of Gratitude, and must not be approached trifling or lightly.


WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? You now have been introduced to one of the many Healing and restoration Sciences within the SCIENCE OF NUNOLOGY. NUNOLIGST do not take these exercises and experiments lightly for with patients, practice and persistence you will find great benefit! RA SEKHI Question: What is RA SEKHI? Answer: RA SEKHI is a name to refer to a system of Energy Healing used by our Ancient TaMa-Rean (Egyptian) Ancestors. This form of Energy Healing consists of not only channeling in the Universal Life force Energy, but also encompasses the use of Tones, and Sound Vibrations also known as Sound Therapy. When chanting the vibrations of our Ancient Celestial Ancestors allows the vibrations to align the cells in your body with the Universal Healing Life Force (Sekhemic Energy), that restores the body back to a perfected State. In RA SEKHI Healing Arts and Energetic Medicine we also use our Ancient TaMa-Rean (Egyptian) Sacred Geometric Symbols as well. RA SEKHI uses the Sekhemic Energy (Universal Life Force) which is also known as RA, with the Persons individual Life Force Energy (SEKHEM) or SEKHI to bring about an overall balancement of not just Body, but also Mind, Spirit,

WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? and Soul (Emotion). RA SEKHI is indeed healing of the lower nature known as your lower self so that your lower self can submit and become unified with your Higher Self allowing us to identify with our The Self and life purpose, not with the illusion of who we are in Space, Matter and Time. RA SEKHI uses the Art of Palm Healing what is termed Laying on Hands today, as well as other natural tools to manipulate ones subtle energy field, Arushaat (Chakras) and Aura (Electromagnetic Biophotonic Field) . This form of Healing is almost instinctive (Subconscious), A Child who hurts themselves or who feels a pain, at once runs to its Mother who kisses the hurt part or places her hand on the seat of the pain, and in a few moments the Child is better. When we approach one who is suffering, it is very natural for us to place our hands on his brow, or to pass our hand over him or her. This instinctive use of the Hand is a form of conveying Magnetism to the afflicted Person, who is usually relieved by the act. Human Magnetism or Sekhemic Energy is a most Potent Therapeutic Force in Nature. It is one of the oldest forms of Natural Healing. A little known fact is that the Force of Gravity also is a form of this Ether known as Sekhemic Energy. Also Electricity is a form of Sekhemic Energy.


The Mother and Founder of Ra Sekhi Kajara

Nebthet Nia Yaa


Ra Sekhi Healing Session


WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? RA SEKHI Healing Arts also uses the use of Crystals, Ancient TaMa-Rean (Egyptian) Spiritual Guides, as well as channeling your own personal DNA Ancestors to assist in the healing process. Aromatherapy is also used to create a balance and a more holistic harmony in ones body. RA SEKHI can be used when one is physically present or through distance when one is not physically present. It will activate a detoxifying process within the client to restore MAAT (Order) to one's mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical bodies. During a RA SEKHI Healing Session one may experience tingling, heat or vibration moving through them or nothing at all. However one can rest assure that the energy flow will begin to correct any and everything that needs to be brought into harmony. RA SEKHI teaches us how to master and manipulate our Power. We have Power in our Thoughts, Words, Actions and Power in our hands to Create, Program, Heal, and Manifest the things we want in our lives. Ra SEKHI transcends Space, Matter, and Time, so it can help us connect and harmonize past, present, and future life experiences which are all taking place NOW in what is now known as the Multiverse (Universe). When we

WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? connect with RA (RE), Universal Life Energy we connect with the Universe therefore we are able to project our Thoughts, Words, and Actions outside of our physical body. (Article Source:

For more info on Ra Sekhi visit: Ra Sekhi Arts Temple of Healing ( Here at the ETERNAL TEMPLE OF NUN we embrace this Ancient Healing Art form of Healing, and are more than willing to assist you with your Healing process and re-attunement with your Higher Self your true Deity within. Now is the time for inner healing and an inner Journey, you owe this to yourself! ALL IS THOUGHT! THOUGHT IS ALL! For more information on receiving a RA SEKHI Healing Sessions please contact us at:





BONUS SNEEK PEAK PREVIEW! Pages 17-40. Master Key Vol. 4




WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? The Black Light the Ontology of ALL God was in Darkness before he Created the Light Question: I was wondering what is Black Light? Answer: Great question, when you begin to study Light or what is being called Light, learn that the Visible Light that you see everyday has been discovered by modern day Scientist to contain Small Minute Particles called Photons, and these Photons are moving at a very rapid rate of motion, which is called Vibration. They are moving so fast that they begin to create what is called Friction, and Friction produces Heat, Fire, a burning. This burning gives off what you have been trained and taught in the English Language is called LIGHT. So the White Light or Visible Light that you see is not Whole Light or Pure light but a result or Manifestation from Black Light or Darkness. The Black Light is the True Light, that Ligheth the Whole World. Question: So where does White Light come from? Answer: White Light or what Visible Light, is a portion Energy that is manifesting in Whole Light Spectrum Electromagnetic Spectrum. is now being called of Electromagnetic what is called The known as the


Figure 3 Photons of Visible Light



Figure 4 Electromagnetic Spectrum of Light

Figure 5 Electromagnetic Spectrum of Light


WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? Question: What is The Electromagnetic Spectrum? Answer: Well before we go into what the Electromagnetic Spectrum is, it is important to first define what Light according to the English Language is. Question: Ok so what is Light? Answer: Light according to the Merriam Websters Collegiate Dictionary means: Main Entry: 1light Pronunciation: \lt\ Function: noun Etymology: Middle English, from Old English loht; akin to Old High German lioht light, Latin luc-, lux light, lucre to shine, Greek leukos white Date: before 12th century 1 a : something that makes vision possible b : the sensation aroused by stimulation of the visual receptors c : electromagnetic radiation of any wavelength that travels in a vacuum with a speed of about 186,281 miles (300,000 kilometers) per second; specifically : such radiation that is visible to the human eye

WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? 2 a : daylight b : dawn 3 : a source of light: as a : a celestial body b : candle c : an electric light 4 archaic : sight 4a 5 a : spiritual illumination b : inner light c : enlightenment d : truth 8 : something that enlightens or informs <shed some light on the problem> The Sun (PAA RE) and other forms of Light give off vibrating Energy that our Eyes can see called Light. Light is defined by Wavelengths, which is measured by the distance from one peak, or top of a wave of Light of Energy, to another. We see different speeds of Vibration as different Colors. When the Energy Vibrates really slow or fast we cant see it at all. Very slow Vibration makes Radio Waves. Microwaves and X-Rays are very fast Vibration. You have Radio, Red, Violet and X-Ray, which range from 4 to 380 Nanometers. Microwaves, a very High Frequency Range 750 Nanometers. A Nanometer is a modern term used, which is preferred over Angstrom used in Measuring Visible Light. When all different Colors of Light called Prisms from the Latin word Prisma are mixed together our Eyes see this as White Light. When you see Full (Whole) Spectrum Light in its Physical State, it manifests as Blackness. That is,

WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? all Light (Whole Light) and Color combined are Blackness, and the manifestation of the Solid form of Light again is Melanin. When While Light hits any Colored thing, some of the Light is absorbed and some of the Light is bounced off or reflected toward our Eyes, and those reflected Colors are what you see as different Colors. So you see its all an Illusion. Light is not Light but Energy moving in Darkness as Vibrating Waves at different speeds. Thus the decision to decide what is ugly, is a Personal choice; to see Colors and to mistakenly prefer one over the other, or this Person over that Person, Like and Dislike, caring and Uncaring, Concerned and Non Concerned, Lover and Hate, War and Peace, all become manifest through the Light of Knowing, Knowledge. When People see they want to see more. Such as, in Inner Sight (Spiritual, Inner Awareness) one gets the assurance whether their Eyes are opened or closed of existence through feeling. Thus, the True Principle of Neter (Nature, Deity) is not Seen, but Felt. Once one opens their Eyes, they get the illusion of Reality, thus they need imagery to send messages of things they know or know of, to determine Neter (Deity-Nature). So the concept that Light is good and Darkness is bad, is one of the ultimate

WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? deceptions. The different Monotheistic Schools of Thought mainly Judaism, Chirstism, and Muhammadism teach you to stay in the Light. They tell you that Darkness is ignorance. Yet the GOD that created the Light was in Darkness before he created the Light. Now think, what is more Omnipresent sphere or the Darkness that is Infinite in the Boundless Universe? The Darkness in the Universe of course! You can see Light in Darkness but you cannot see Darkness in Light, thus Light is an Illusion. Question: Is there a connection between the State Blackness and PAUT (The ALL)? Answer: Ok you are speaking about the State of Blackness and PAUT (ALL), right? Ok what all Esoteric Schools of Thought are calling PAUT (ALL) precedes Light, because Light is a thing, and let me explain what we mean by this. There is no such thing as what we have been taught is Light or the Light. When we were taught about Light what they are teaching us is different Moods of Vibrational Energies, that means minute particles that are coming at you from the Sun (PAA RE) at different speeds, and you call these minute particles Light. There is no such thing as the Light, when you start to view this concept of light from a Higher Mind

WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? (Awareness), Scientific Mind and Quantum Mind (Nine Mind).Then you will begin to realize there is Energy coming from the Sun (PAA RE) and we are picking it up and have been taught to call it LIGHT for lack of a better word. Its not a Beam of Solid Mass but Particles of Energy, so therefore what we are calling Light is not a Mass, a Whole. Light within itself breaks down into particles, so The ALL (PAA PAUT) cannot be PARTICLES, because it cannot be part, and Particles are portions. The ALL (PAA PAUT) is, now darkness is, and darkness cant be Particles, because Lights Particles manifest in darknesss existence as the ALL (PAA PAUT).


WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? So to answer your question, yes PAA PAUT (THE ALL) and Darkness is ALL, your GOD is Light, and your GOD or ALLAH, or Jehovah (YAHWEH) is a Particle in the Darkness. Because GOD, ALLAH, YAHWEH, is talking from the Darkness about what he is going to do in the Light. SO youre GOD, ALLAH, and YAHWEH is at a specific point in Space and Time having an effect on Matter, when he says let there be light or let Light exist and your GOD makes reference in the Bible about the light as the SUN in ancient Egipt we say PAA RE (The Sun) or Amun-RE or AmunRa. So now the Sun (PAA RE) is 93,000,000.00 miles from Earth (PTAH NUN) varying and the Sun (PAA RE) is there and its sending these rays of Particles toward us, the Light that GOD, ALLAH, YAHWEH, said let exist He or She let exist at a specific point in Space and Time, and on the 3rd planet from the Sun (PAA RE) we are 93,000,000.00 miles away from that Light that He or She said let exist. So your GOD, ALLAH, or YAHWEH designated a place for Light. So Light just doesnt exist its there, when you begin to start to view persons, place and things, on a Quantum level as a Qatum Being (Melaninite) and our connection with ALL (PAUT), then you being to step pass the blinding light of Religion and Religious concepts that

WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? has enslaved and trapped the minds of Qatum Beings (Melaninites) for too long. You have to reactivate Brain Melanin, Supreme Melanin called Neuromelanin so you will be able to receive whole light particles of energy coming from the Sun (PAA RE). Whole Light Particles of Energy packets traveling towards our planet on a constant basis have within them what we term as Light Messages. These Particles which we have been taught to call Light carry messages, which is why the word Angles and ANGELS look and sound phonetically similar. The Angels, religion was speaking of was really different vibratory rates of the Whole Light Spectrum, different frequencies. In most Esoteric schools of thought Melchizedek also known as the Angel Michael sacred colors are known as Violet (Ultra Violet UV Ray = Black Light) which is said to manifest on this side of the Visible Light Spectrum as Green Light, seen in plant life symbolizing HEALING. Malachi CH 4, and the Hebrew word Malachi means MY ANGEL and in Malachi chapter 4:2 But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun (PAA RE) of righteousness (MAAT) shall arise with Healing (Green Light Energy) in his wings.

WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? Question: What Light Frequency is the Soul (BAA)? Answer: The Light of the Soul goes back to what the Ancient Tama-Rean (Egyptian) called Nu or NUN that Primeval (First) Energy known today as Black Light (UV-Ray or Ultra Violet Light). Your Souls Light Frequency is from the Original Creative Forces called NuPu NUN (Nine Ether) that birthed all other Energies and Gases throughout the boundless Universes. Remember YOU are on a journey to that Source of Energy in you, that Black Light or Black Dot. Dark Light (Black Light) travels faster than the Visible Light Spectrum, faster than the Speed of Light. The Speed of Light differs in each solar system which is determined by that Solar Systems Solar Body (Sun) but Thought travels faster than Visible Light, and Emotions or Energy in Motion or Amber Light travels faster than Green Light (Dark) Intellectual Light. Intellectual light is Healing Light. It travels slower because you have to sit back and think before you act on anything which slows down the flow of Energy, but we tend to flare up quicker. Learn to channel your Amber Light (Negative, Lower Desires) to the Positive Frequency then you are GOD (Deity) in control of yourselves.

WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? Black Light (NUN) = Pure Facts Green Light =Health, Holistic Healing, Nature Red (Amber) Light =Pleasure, Desire, Enjoyment

Question: If Light is an Illusion then what is Sight? Answer: According to the Merriam Websters Dictionary Sight is defined as: the Physical Sense by which Light stimuli received by the Eye are interpreted by the Brain and constructed into a representation of the Position, Shape, Brightness, and Color of objects in Space. Mental or Spiritual Perception. Sight is one of the five external Physical Senses that Humans have. Contrary to what we have been taught the Eyes do not actually see, the Eyes contain receptor cells which respond to messages from the Brain as they experience external stimuli. They work by touch, the one real sense. Receptor cells are sensitive to specific classes of stimuli within a certain

WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? range of intensity or vibration. To explain stimuli (plural for stimulus) Is external interference or action upon receptor cells. Light, for example, is a stimulus for Vision. Your ability to see depends upon a certain amount of Light penetrating the lens and cornea of the Eyes. So that it focuses on the delicate retina. The part of the Eye has nerve cells which relay impulses to the Cerebral Cortex of the Brain. Thus an Image is Visualized. Question: So how do the Eyes function?

Answer: Your Eyes are often said to be the windows of the Soul. The Eyes are spherical structures anchored by six muscles into bony sockets in the Skull. Under the direction of the Brain, these

WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? muscles cause the Eye to track moving objects. The inner mechanism of the Eye has a superficial resemblance to that of a Camera; Light Rays are focused through a lens on- to a light-sensitive Area, The Retina. But this camera is a highly flexible one, and its attached to a Supercomputer (The Brain). The Retina itself is made of about 130 million receptors, and the Eye can distinguish 8 million colors. The EYE is moved by six voluntary muscles and is kept firm by transparent fluids within it. The Eyeball consists of three layers of tissue. The outer layer is what is known as the White of the Eye, the Black middle coat contains the blood supply and the innermost layer is composed mostly of nervous tissue. At the front of the Eye, these coats change. The outer coats become the transparent Cornea. A round opening in the middle coat is the Pupil, and behind it is the Lens. The muscular Iris surrounding the Pupil changes the size of the opening and gives the Eye its color. The Lens brings together the Light from the objects one looks at and forms a visual mental image. When you look at the word imagination you see the word Image (imagenation) in this word. So imagination is the creative ability of the Mind to form visual mental pictures or

WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? images. Another word for this process of seeing mental images is called Visualization. Question: So What is Imagination? Answer: According to the Merriam Websters Dictionary Imagination is defined as: The act or power of forming a mental image of something not present to the Senses or never before wholly perceived in Reality, Creative Ability. So as you can see Imagination is the ability to create an idea or mental picture in your mind. The Holographic Nature of the Brain Question: I have heard many times the Human Brain is like a Holographic Super Computer how so? Answer: Yes, this is true when examining the functions of the brain and the way Brain reacts to outer stimuli via senses, and the way the brain stores information, our Brain is a Holographic Super Computer. Just like a computer our Brains have a certain amount of Memory or Bytes that can be used as impulses from the Senses that are beamed to the Brain, connecting, converging and interfering as they overlap within your Brain Cells. Electro-Magnetic Energy serves as the Holographic Brains laser-like Light. Your Eyes serve as the Object Beam. Your

WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? remaining senses and emotions serves as the Brains reference Beams.

Now the Science World has discovered the Technology where they can put tiny Microchips into the Brain and even download programs right into the Brain, (refer to Matrix Movies Pts. 1-3) touch screens as well as Mind control of Computers. Now lets take a look at the word Hologram, you see Holo or Hol meaning Whole Entire, and Gram meaning something written, thus Hologram is a whole or entire message. Holograms are produced by illuminating the scene with Light from a device called a Laser, which works off the Principle of vaporizing the hardest and most heat resistant materials through multiplied

WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? stimulation of Atoms. The Laser is a number of several devices that turn striking Electromagnetic Radiation of mixed frequencies of highly amplified and coherent visible radiation. The Laser is also called Optical Laser! The Output of a Laser is in the visible region of the Electromagnetic Spectrum. Laser is any of several devices that convert incident Electromagnetic Radiation of mixed frequencies to one or more radiation. The word L.A.S.E.R stands for Light, Amplification, Stimulated, Emission, and Radiation. Laser provides the long sought after model of how Visual and Sensory information is received stored and recalled by the Brain. Our Ancient TaMa-Rean (Egyptian) Ancestors knew all this about the Brain, and being we are the Children of our Ancient Ancestors TaMa-Rean (Egyptian) it is due time we know and begin to reawakening the dormant powers of our Quantum Minds Question: What is Spiritual Illumination? Answer: Lets first look at what the word Illumination means and where it comes from. According to the Merriam Websters Collegiate Dictionary the word Illumination means: 1 : the action of illuminating or state of being illuminated: as a : spiritual or

WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? intellectual enlightenment b (1) : a lighting up (2) : decorative lighting or lighting effects c : decoration by the art of illuminating. As you can see according to the English Langue the word Illumination keeps referring to LIGHT , and as we stated earlier, what is being called light has its origin from the DARK or Blackness OR Black Light the State of Supreme Balancement. So True Spiritual Illumination is the Journey within, back to the Source of ALL, which is the source of knowing your true self. Learning to turn your awareness back to the inside, and having the strength and trust to be guided from within and manifested your guidance outwardly in your everyday life for ultimate happiness and success. Question: So was meant by the Light as Intellect, Illumination, knowing and knowledge? Answer: When the Uninitiated, the Unlearnt and those not perspective enough came into Ancient TaMa-Re, and witness us raising our hands to Paa RE (THE SUN) they thought because we where Sun People and could stay under the Sun for long periods of time, and work without getting burned by the rays of the Sun (PAA RE) the on lookers thought our Source of Knowledge was from the SUN, not knowing

WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? that in Ancient TaMa-Re or Egypt we had what you term the hidden and the apparent, the Esoteric and the Exoteric way of viewing ALL. Knowledge or intellect became known as Light, because those studying in our Temples learned that Life is a burning, a carbon base, think we breathe in oxygen and give off carbon dioxide. So life is truly a burning, so this Spark thought to be a Spark of Light or Life. When everyone was born, they received a Breath of Life. That Breath of Life was in actuality a Breath of Light. Not the light of a light bulb, but a light of life, giving, forth forever emanating and forever penetrating. This light is what makes you a living Soul (BAA), the pure green light essence. This light existed darkness in a state of void before it became something or sum thing. Life itself is a burning. Life springs from an acid base and is perpetuated (continued) by that acid base. Of course, acid burn, so hence, life is a burning, like the acid in a car battery is the life of the car. The car is made active by gas burning and the person is made active by blood burning. When a baby actively starts to breath the Oxygen (air) it breathes goes to the lungs, and acid in the blood in its lungs, and acid in the blood in its lungs burns the Oxygen the child

WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? breathes, and that burning is natural electricity called Ether (Natural Ether) which is life. Question: What is the real Inner Light? Answer: Youre Soul (BA) which is vibrating on the same frequency of the Black Light Energy known as UV-RAY or Ultra Violet Light. The lights you so called day and night providing intellectual knowledge and inner guidance, that we small voice is the true inner light within ones self. Question: Is the White Light Pure Light? Answer: Well according to Sir Issac Newton, who gave the European world laws of motion and gravity, calculus and many other scientific advances, was driven by a search for truth. His secret interest was Alchemy (Our Ancient TaMa-Rean Science) which is really the study of the Hidden or the Occult or the Black Arts (Black Light, Unseen, HIDDEN MATTER and ENERGY). So Sir Issac Newton believed that it could help him discover God's secret as he called it. So he realized he had to go back past the existence of the GOD of the Roman Catholic Church who he was totally against in his day and time. He also believed that secrets had been handed down through sacred writings, coming from Ancient TaMaRe (Egypt). So Sir Issac Newton an original Quantum

WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? Physicists worked tirelessly on scientific experiments to the extent of endangering himself and after work on the true nature of colour made the discovery that White Light was not PURE as previously thought but consisted of all the colours of the rainbow. He was offered a chair at Trinity Cambridge but this was awkward for him as to accept meant taking holy orders which he didn't want to do because he was totally against Religious views in Europe and there Concept of God not backed up with any Scientific date. Being an adept of the Ancient Mystery teachings of Egypt he knew that the Religious figures had a limited SCOPE and Perception.

Sir Issac Newton Experimenting with the WHITE LIGHT


WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? Blackness is the Purest State of Light which is being called Darkness, because there is no separation, no division, just infinite and boundless, completeness and wholeness thus we say ALL. Question: I thought the color Black was evil? Answer: Of course not, that was the trick of the last 6,000 year Cycle called the MOON Cycle, the Cycle of Death, Evil, Lust, Greed, Anger, Hate, and the promotion of separation from self, the teachings of hate of self and kind. How can any color be evil, its all energy, its all vibration. There were tricks placed on your mind to mentally enslave you into looking outside of yourself for guidance, thus taking the GOD POWER that is within you and placing it in anothers hand. Question: Are you telling me it is ok to Focus, and Visualize Blackness the Dark? Answer: Of course it is ok, when you go into a darkroom and sit in the center of the room and close your eyes and just be, your whole body expands, and you open the gateway to ALL, INFINTE BOUNDLESS POTENTIALS. Think about this, if the darkness or Black Light is so bad or evil, then why do you turn off all the lights when you need to get a good, restful sleep? Think about this

WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? Question: Why was I taught all these years that God was White Light, and the Devil was Blackness? Answer: To instill fear of the unknown so you would lose your connection with the Most High within. So you would lose interest of whom, what, and who you are, as Qatum Beings (Melaninites) the physical manifestation of the BLACK LIGHT. When you begin to do further research into World Religions, Philosophy and Mystical Schools coming out of Europe, Asia, and India, you will notice there is different levels or degrees of study all based on Perception. Being today it is a known fact that the origin of life began and sprang forth in Africa or Negroid land (The Land of Blacks) then we would also have to admit that Black Africa, and Black African teachings, and doctrines have the full scope and perception, that was once alive and thriving, only for the culture to fall sleep due to the changes in the cycles and seasons of Nature only to be reborn again in this day and time as the Ontology of ALL. Question: What is Black Magic? Answer: Thats an interesting questions that you would ask that, on this topic such as this book. Being that you are a Qatum (Melaninite) Being, and your Mind Power extends beyond the normal realms of

WHAT IS SEKHEMIC ENERGY? perception of reality. But before we expound further on true Black Magic or the Black Arts also known as the unknown or Occult Arts called in Ancient times Alchemy and in Ancient TaMa-RE (Egypt) associated with the Deity KHAF-RE meaning the Transformational Power of Re which is the transformation from Mortal Consciousness into Super-consciousness or Divine Mind, we must look at the origin of the word Magic. Question: So where does the word Magic come from? .








Ancient (TaMa-Rean) Egyptian Word and Principle for 1st, Prime, Hidden Potential and Infinite Possibilities. The Original Creative Forces of the Universe (Nature), the Black Light of Intellect (Mental Energy), the Black Waters or Celestial Waters known as the Etheric Realm, formless Ethers, Un-manifested energies, Nameless. The Eternal Now! As African People our Minds are linked to ALL Eternal and Almighty Nature, what we can conceive in our Minds will be, see it and so shall it be seen. Neb Heru




Inscribed by: Neb Heru: A Kheper Ka Re (Khaf-Re)

The Master Key Series

Tablet Title What is Qatum (Melanin) Physics? The Nine Mind The Solar Cycle of Re The Master Key The Black Light The Feminine Principle Gateway to Sirius The Pure Ones Hu Are We? The Holographic Brain The Laws of Maat The Magic Word of RE Electro-Magnetic Medicine Thought Projection Tablet # 19 1 2 3 4 5 8 9 11 18 13 16 15 10



The Master Key Series

Tablet Title The Shift What is Quantum Reasoning? The Forces of Apep PTAH-NUN Ultra Gaseous Matter Tablet # 12 7 6 14 17





Inscribed by: Neb Heru: A Kheper Ka Re (Khaf-Re)

Master Your Destiny Series

Tablet Title The Vibration of Thought Energy 4th Dimension and the Subconscious Mind Holographic Brain-The Power of Inner Vision An Introduction to: Electromagnetic Foods The G.O.D. Gene How the Mind Works? Inner Vision Outer Reality The Value of An Idea The Healing Power of Prayer Auto-Suggestions for Magical Success Magnetize Your Life Plane of Force and Magnetic Attraction Tablet # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12



Master Your Destiny Series

Tablet Title You are the Shrine The Sacred Alter of the Mind Psychic Self Defense Scientific Training for Children Perfect Health The Magnetic Body How to think like a G.O.D. Quantum Thinking (Nine Reasoning) Imagination and the Master Mind The Higher Forces Within The Creative Forces in You The Nine Stars Within The Age of Reasoning Feminine Healing How to Break the Spell of Negativity! Egyptian Black Magik How Thoughts Become Things The Power to Change ALL The Shift in Vibration Energetic Tones Tablet # 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31



Healing Vibrations
The Therapeutic Value of AUM Booklet /w AUDIO CD


Nun Tones Vol.1 Ascension Nun Tones Vol.2 Cosmic Energy

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