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MK Pengelolaan Lanskap Berkelanjutan


Prof. Dr. Hadi Susilo Arifin

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Landscape ~ Scenery Landschap ~ Scenery

Suatu bagian ruang pada muka bumi, dengan sistem yang kompleks, dalam bentuk aktivitas batuan, air, udara, tanaman, hewan, dan manusia

The German Concept of Landschaft

Bodemkudig Landschaft : Units of Soil Geologisch Landschaft : Units of Rock Geomormologisch Landschaft : Relief pada Permukaan Bumi

Keadaan sekitar LINGKUNGAN HIDUP - Lingkungan perkotaan - Lingkungan hutan - Lingkungan padang pasir - Lingkungan industri

EKOSISTEM dalam Ekologi

BIOTIK: Tumbuhan Hewan Decomposer ABIOTIK: Tanah Air Udara
Manusia harus masuk dalam semua sistem

Hubungan timbal balik yang menyeluruh antara organisme dengan lingkungannya Manusia sering terpisah / lepas dari Ekosistemnya

Dalam Pengelolaan Lanskap

Upaya manusia untuk mendayagunakan dan menata lanskap/lingkungan agar memperoleh manfaat yang maksimal dengan mengusahakan kontinyuitas kelestariannya

MK Pengelolaan Lanskap [ARL412]

Departemen ARL

Iklim mikro dan makro

KEBIJAKSANAAN PENGELOLAAN LANSKAP Manusia 1. Membina hubungan keselarasan antara manusia dengan lingkungannya: manusia ~ masyarakat manusia ~ lingkungan manusia ~ Tuhan pencipta 2. Melestarikan sumber alam secara kontinyu 3. Meningkatkan kualitas hidup manusia mencegah kemerosotan mutu dan meningkatkan mutu lingkungan 4. Mencegah manusia sebagai prusak lingkungan pembina lingkungan

Vegetasi LANDSCAPE Tanah Batuan

Bentuk Lahan


Gambar Faktor Pembentuk Lanskap, Unsur dan Interelasinya


1. Pemerintah dalam segala tingkatan 2. Pejabat dalam perusahaan swasta 3. Pemuka Adat dan Agama 4. Perseorangan

MK Pengelolaan Lanskap Berkelanjutan




Man A Complex Interrelation between Man and The Landscape in Which He Lives

Urban: situated in or living in a city or town ------ urban area. Urbanization: a process of change especially a rural place into a town-like area. Indicators of urbanization: URBANIZATION = f {migration, population, infrastructures, facilities, jobs, etc.}

Landscap e - the environment in which man lives, the human habitat, and & its resources

the human group or society

MK Pengelolaan Lanskap [ARL412]

Departemen ARL

Various human societies live in various physical environments. Man tries to make the best use of the land and its resources for his own benefit, because he not only wants to maintain his present standard of living but very often also to improve this. Man needs to have full understanding of the physical environment and of the consequences of his activities in that environment.

Man has to understand & appreciate both the forms & features of the landscape & the human impact on them. The actual land uses that reflect the present stage of the man: landscape relation occur in large continuum in between the to extremes of an almost natural landscape hardly influenced by man to an almost man-made landscape hardly influenced by nature.

Landscape, the Environment: Land & Its Resources

The way in which man changed, adapted the land reflects how he interpreted the natural resources potential and in what way he is or he has been able to exploit them. The amount & type of mans landscape forming or landscape changing activities will depend on the character of the land and on the character of the human society.

The component parts or element of environment most commonly considered are:

weather & climate, water, landforms, rock types, soils, vegetation (both natural and agricultural), fauna (the animal world) both natural and domesticated.

Man, his needs & wants

Man perceives his environment in the context of his needs & wants. As mans needs may be considered this requirements that are fundamental for his physical maintenance, i.e. food, drink & shelter (clothing & housing). As mans wants may be considered those requirement that are essential for his function in group, i.e. communication & culture.

The variables of the human group that may influence the way man perceives, make use of & changes the landscape are:

Physical condition, Population density, Religion, Technological achievements Institutional factors, Economical factors, Social structure

MK Pengelolaan Lanskap [ARL412]

Departemen ARL

The Land Uses

Different societies have different needs & wants. Different environments are composed of different elements in different combinations. The confrontation of different societies with different environments results in different patterns of land use. Basic types of land use are agriculture, settlement, grazing and firewood production, etc.

Each of these basic types again may occur in many variations. E.g. agriculture, may range from the simplest form of shifting cultivation to highly mechanized modern farming. The present pattern of land use in an area reflects mans present appreciation of his natural environment with respect to his present level of technology.

Information of this land use pattern is a need for planners and decision makers, because, when they confront it the development objectives that are formulated, they will know what still has to be done to achieve those objectives and what other information is required in order to develop and implement plans.

Land Evaluation

The information coming from the various surveys can be brought together in an activity called land evaluation. In this activity the different land utilization types with their specific requirements are confronted with the land characteristics of the different land units. Out of this confrontation the suitability of the land or alternatives uses can be assessed.

The result of this land evaluation can be expresses as alternative combinations of land uses for a particular area. This information then is provided to the planners and decision makers that can test whether their information requirements have been satisfied completely and with which of the suggested alternatives the development objectives and be best achieved.

Settlement Patterns & Field Pattern

In addition to the types of land use he pattern of human settlement can give good information on the relation between man & his environment, the landscape. The settlement pattern gives a first impression of population distribution and population density and this in turn may reflect the abundancy or scarcity of the natural resources that man can utilize with his present state of technology.

MK Pengelolaan Lanskap [ARL412]

Departemen ARL

The lay out of the settlement and of its field may give information about the natural environment, the land tenure system, the way man first took possession of the land, his social and economic organization, etc. The way in which the field are associated with the settlement are divided, shaped and arranged, that is, he field pattern, can give information about farm size, tenure systems, soil and drainage condition, origin and development settlement, etc. ---Aerial photographs


Another aspect by which the relation between man and the landscape can be analyzed is the infrastructure. With the infrastructure of a country or region usually is meant the whole complex of roads, railways and canals, bridges, facilities for energy and water supply and other public facilities.

If we compare the human society with the human body, the infrastructure can be considered as the skeleton. Infrastructure is very important. If a society develops, the supporting infrastructure should be developed at the same rate. If one wants to develop a society or area one could try to give it an impetus by already developing infrastructure in advance.


Distance plays an important role in the way in which man uses the land. Distance is strongly related with mobility. Distance should be expressed in the time spent in travelling, rather than kilometers measured along a straight line. It is assumed that man is motivated only by economic considerations and will behave in a rational and predictable way in always attempting to maximize income & to minimize efforts.

The Ideas of Von Thunen - 1826

Von Thunen was concerned in particular with:

His argument starts with the premise that the area distribution of crops and livestock and of types of farming depends upon competition between products and farming systems for the use of any particular piece of land.

the monetary return over and above the monetary expenses incurred by different types of agriculture. Such net returns pertaining to a unit area of land rather than a unit of product. In the case of only one market, the central city, this results in a pattern of concentric belts of land use types around the city.

MK Pengelolaan Lanskap [ARL412]

Departemen ARL

Central city Navigable road Very intensive Intensive Less intensive

Deviations from it can be analyzed, e.g.

Extensive Very extensive


The influence of the introduction of an improved means of transportation by which transport cost are less than by the already existing means. Inputs varying in price from one place to another. Differences in soil fertility and in climatic conditions. Instead of only one central city subsidiary cities are present.

Central city Navigable road Very intensive Intensive Less intensive Extensive Very extensive

Land Use Distance Relations Surrounding Urban Areas

A small city with its own production zones

In the vicinity of urban areas there is a demand for rural land by various urban interest. The land price that urban users are able and willing to pay far exceed those which farmers can pay. Along the periphery of the city rural land uses therefore switch to urban ones.


The possibility of rural land attaining a very high urban value in the future will effect the current land value and the land use within the zone thought to have such potential. Ground speculation may occur. These land values will rapidly decline with increasing distances from the urban periphery. Rural land can also have a quality and value as a residence or play ground for person employed in the city.

People may prefer to live outside the city because of the particular amenities provided by the rural countryside or because of the relatively inexpensive houses. Another actor that could affect agricultural land use around an urban area is the possibility of farmers obtaining full or part time employment in the city.

MK Pengelolaan Lanskap [ARL412]

Departemen ARL

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