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Bryan Cleaver

APUSH Thesis and Two Body Paragraphs Analyze the significant impact industrialization though inventions, labor, and natural resources, had on urbanization in America. The impact of industrialization through inventions produced a culture conducive to urbanization in America. The invention of steel aggrandized urban development, allowing for skyscrapers such as the first appearing in Chicago in eighteen eighty-five that raised ten stories. The invention of the elevator allowed people to navigate these monstrosities with relative ease. A architect in the city Louis Sullivan argued that form follows function or because a capitalist system called for them they were built. The invention of the electric trolley linked the city and the suburb all over America allowing for greater residential growth around city perimeters. New department stores like Macys in New York gave women employment and provided a shopping experience for the middle class drawing people into the city. New York also boasted the Brooklyn Bridge allowing people into the city. Inventions and Innovations played a critical role in the urbanization of this country. Labor played an instrumental role in exacerbating urbanization in the united states. Between the eighteen fiftys though seventies more than two million Europeans poured into this country in search of a better life. By the eighteen eightys more than five million had gone though Ellis Island. Eighteen eighty-two was the all time high with more than a two thousand a day entering this country. The old immigrants of Anglo Saxon descent and Protestantism were sharply juxtaposed to the new wave of southern and European orthodox immigrants with little literacy or knowledge of democracy what would ultimately populate the cities ghettos. By the turn of the century these types of immigrants had exponentially grown almost seventy percent of the immigrants claimed this decent. The new settlers tried to maintain much of their old styles of life setting up little Italy or little Poland These settler sparked fierce nationalism movements in America. However nonreputable these immigrants were they provided the labor the built the great industrial American machine and populated the cities. America owes its debt of urbanization to them.

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