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Gardners Classroom Management Plan

1.) Be respectful 2.) Be on time 3.) Be responsible 4.) Raise your hand to speak or leave your seat 5.) Follow all directions By following all of these rules, the classroom will run smoothly and students will stay on task which will greatly contribute to academic success.

1.) Remind student of rules and give you a choice 2.) Name on board 3.) Student is moved next to teachers desk 4.) Removal from class with a note home 5.) Meeting with the Assistant Principal *For serious offenses students can be removed from class immediately.

1.) Verbal Praise/Note home to parents 2.) Name jar Slam dunk trunk prize 3.) Conduct class outside 4.) Movie and snack for class 5.) Extra computer time (10 minutes)

1.) Beginning of school Come into class quietly, find your seat and begin work on the journal entry. You will have 15 minutes to write one paragraph. 2.) Homework After completing your journal, you may take your homework to the homework folder and replace any graded papers in your folder with your

homework due that day. Quietly return to your seat and wait for your classmates to finish. 3.) Bathroom Raise your hand signaling that you have to use the bathroom in sign language and wait for my response. 4.) Attention I will ring the bell once and raise my hand. Raise your hand to show me that I have your attention. 5.) End of school I will tell you when can gather your items to go home. Read your assigned book until the bell rings then you are free to go unless I specify otherwise.

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