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Esmeralda Reynaga Yadila Guerra Algebra II Per.

Data Questions #12. Write down the equation of the line. What curve did you choose as best fit (quadratic, cubic, quartic, quintic?) Equation: -148.15x^3 + 1611.1x^2 + 6441.8x + 25016 -The curve we chose was a cubic.

#14. How many new HIV cases have you predicted in the next 5 years? Does this number make sense? Why or why not? -Our prediction for the new HIV cases in 5 years is 102,394 cases. This number makes sense because the cases have increased, but now theyre decreasing. The decrease in cases can be interpreted as advancement in medicine.

#15. How many new HIV cases have you predicted in the next 20 years? Does this number make sense? Why or why not? -Our prediction for the new HIV cases in 20 years is 353,121.3 cases. This number does make sense because the disease could possibly have had an outbreak. But it also might not make sense because in our prediction for 5 years, the cases were going down and now they started going back up again.

Article Questions 1. What are the major factors for the major spread of HIV in your selected country? One of the causes for the major spread of HIV in Mozambique is due to the fact that women do not have a say in what happens around them or even to them, many times they are forced into having sexual intercourse resulting in them being diagnosed with HIV. (Article states, There is no law that defines domestic violence as crime, therefore not allowing the ability to the women to state unwanted sex.). Another reason for the major spread of HIV in Mozambique is early marriage. Many of the marriages that happen in Mozambique are involved with women of 15-19 years of age, potentially exploiting them to a high risk of them being infected with HIV. (Article states, Early marriage contributes to the spread of HIV - as girls bodies are not yet fully developed and extra-marital relationships are more likely). 2. What has been done to decrease the number of new cases? There are 5 main actions that have been promoted to be taken into actual action. Those 5 things are legal provisions, policy provisions, and availability of services, accessibility of services, and participation & rights. These 5 things have been graphed out to be the most effective in decreasing the amount of HIV cases being found. One thing that has been done in order to support the legal provisions is that in the year 2004 a new law was passed stating that you must be at least 18 years of age in order to marry. One thing that supports policy provisions is that Mozambique has been the act of more unity. Unity in the way that more prevention groups will be made, more restrictions, more punishments, and especially more prevention utilities. Some things that have been done to support availability of services are the availability of more condoms, more governmental help for medicine, more clinics, etc. For the accessibility of services some actions that were taken were that more clinical shops were made available, and more counseling groups with those already infected with HIV. Lastly one thing that has been done in order to support the participation and rights is that more governmental councils have been created within regions of Mozambique. 3. What are some of the barriers that contributes to the spread of HIV? One main barrier that stands in the way of Mozambique ever lowering the rates of HIV cases is the fact that more that million Mozambicans have already been diagnosed with the infection. Stopping each and every one of these 1.6 million people to never have any sexual intercourse again is nearly impossible. The best that they can do to try and stop the number from increasing is educate and inform those new children coming into the world and warning them about what is found around them and what exactly is the best for them and their future. 4. What are your suggestions for this country that could effectively help reduce the number of new cases? One suggestion that we have is that Mozambique should have make the education of the prevention of HIV a requirement for all schools to teach the children. We believe this because by teaching/warning the children at a young age as to what surrounds them and their chances and/or possibilities of soon being one of those infected people. Another reason why more education about the risk and prevention should be given to the people is because by letting them know the scientific truth about what this infection does to them and why the widespread should be stopped.

White Paper Overview: It has been reported that the first diagnosis of AIDS in Mozambique was found in the year of 1986. Every day there are about 500 new cases. The reason why there are such a great number of cases of HIV/AIDS is that women dont have the chance or availability to safe sex, therefore passing to to their children as well. Contributing Factors: One of the major causes of such a great increase in cases for HIV/Aids in Mozambique is the lack or accessibility to safe sex for women. In an article of I found the following information, The majority of those infected are women. Due to the imbalance of social, sexual and physical power women often have no chance to insist in safe sex. This later on continues to mothers involuntarily passing it to their children and due to the fact that the spread is so rapid, HIV/AIDS has become a major killer for children. In the year of 2003, a total of 16,200 cases were found of children that were under the age of 5 had dies of HIV/AIDS.

Data Analysis: The statistics for the percentages of men to women with HIV/AIDs differs greatly. Women have a greater number of cases than men. The ratio for women from ages of 15-19 with the disease is 8.1% and 20.9% for girls among the ages of 20-24. The amount of cases for women is about three times higher than the percentage to men. Mens percentages are 2.6% and 6.9% for age groups 15-19 and 20-24. There is about 1.6 million Mozambicans living with HIV/AIDS and over 90,000 of the cases are of children under the age 15. AIDS is responsible for an estimated 25% of deaths recorded worldwide In 2010, the number for children who had become or lost a parent due to AIDS was 626,000 out of 1.6 million orphaned children


400,000 350,000 300,000 250,000 200,000 150,000 100,000 50,000 0 0 10 20 30 Mozambique Poly. (Mozambique) y = 0.6464x5 - 25.661x4 + 280.75x3 748.92x2 + 10236x + 24411

This graph represents the estimated number of cases for HIV/Aids in Mozambique from the years or 1990 to the year of 2014. This number makes sense because there could have been a bigger outbreak in the last few years that made the disease into a national epidemic. But it also doesnt make that much sense since the cases started to lower after ten years but then skyrocketed after twenty years.

Recommendations: Some actions that can be made to lower the cases are voluntary counseling, which could help build a friendlier environment and help people open up about it. Also, accessibility to HIV testing services, so people could be more cautious and educated about the virus, treatment for sexually transmitted diseases so people can be safer and theres less possibility of becoming infected. Antiretrovirals should be able to somewhat help control the disease.

Esmeralda Reynaga

Algebra II GPS Polynomial Reflection 1. Please provide a detailed summary describing the artifact and its purpose. For my 9 grade Algebra II class, I had to create a research document about a country and its HIV cases. In order to create and complete this project we had to get into groups 2 and choose a country that we would have liked to research. The choices that we had were Mozambique, Niger, Swaziland, Maynard, South Africa, Namibia, Papua, and Burma. The country that I and my partner chose to research was Mozambique. The tasks that we had to do in order to completely accomplish the project was create a chart showing the number of HIV cases found in our country (this included number since 1990 to 20 years into the future), answer data question regarding our opinion as to what we think is going to happen in the future weather the numbers will increase and/or decrease, answer article questions regarding statistics & actions taken in our country, a white paper containing and overall view, and finally a reflections showing that we have fully understood the purpose of this project and also fully mastered this concept. 2. Indentify and list the GLPO(s) that were satisfied in completing this artifact. In addition, please explain how theses GLOP(s) were met by specifically referring to the examples or evidence from the artifact. (Please specifically refer to the indicators within each domain, and do not simply state that you Took Action or Communicated Ideas.) One of the GLPO(s) that were satisfied while doing this project was Taking Action: Enact Global Situations. We were able to assess options and plan actions based on evidence that indicates the potential for impact, taking into account previous approaches and varied perspectives. We were also able to reflect on his/her capacity to contribute to and advocate for improvement locally, regionally, and/or globally. One thing that we did to show this GLPO was when we were searching as to what our country was doing as to taking action to decrease/improve the number of people that are infected with HIV, in addition we also had to research as to what was the main cause for the HIV epidemic in our country. Knowing this information we not only had to explain the actions being taken right at this moment by other people but we also had to explain as to what we thought they should do to help improve the HIV situation. Another GLPO that was satisfied by doing this project was Recognize Perspectives: Apply cross-cultural understanding. We were able to express our own perspective on situations, events, issues or phenomena, and identify various influences on that perspective. Something that was included in our project that helped me satisfy this goal was the whole researched that we did on our country. We had to identify the situation (HIV) then we had to predict the number of cases that would mathematically happen in the future and explain as to why we thought that this number was reasonable or not reasonable and use our background knowledge to support our math. Once we had all the math done we then had to identify the logical reasons behind the main cause to all the HIV cases. All in all at the end we had to explain what was the most reasonable action that could be taken in order to improve these rates, but in addition we also had to explain our opinion as to what we should do. These were all of the GLPO(s) that were satisfied while doing this project.


What skills and concepts were learned in completing this artifact and how have these affected your future?

Throughout this project I learned many new skills and concepts. Some concepts that I learned throughout this project were how to use the program excel, how to apply logical information to mathematical information, and finally I learned how to apply polynomials to a worldwide situation. Learning how to use the program excel is helpful to me and my future because I might be required know this software in order to complete certain tasks in college, my job, or in my personal life. Now knowing how to be able to apply logical information to mathematical information can help me in my future because many times we base our knowledge on the facts and statistics but we never look on into the mathematical reasoning and many times the most reliable resource is the mathematical reason. Knowing how to apply polynomials to worldwide situations will help me in my future because I will be able to somewhat predict the future of the situation just like what we did with the prediction of HIV cases 20 years into the future. These are the many skills and concepts that I learned while doing this project. 4. Looking back on the completion of this artifact, what might you do differently if you were able to recreate or revise the final product? Something that I would do differently if I had the chance to is that I would research more sources. I would look for more resources as to where I can look for information and facts and statistics. This way I would have more resources to support my future prediction and actions that would potentially effect theses predictions.

Yadila Gisselle Guerra Algebra II Period 4

December 2, 2011 Extrapolation Project Reflection 1.Please provide a detailed summary describing the artifact and its purpose In our Algebra II class we had a project that we worked on for a few days called the Extrapolation Project. In this project we had to choose a partner and then choose a country in Africa that has a national epidemic of HIV/AIDS. What we had to do was make an excel document and make graphs that illustrated our prediction of what the number of cases of HIV/AIDS people had in the future. We made graphs for 5, 10 and twenty years into the future. We also had to answer the data questions which were the statistical part about the project. The data questions also made us think if we the numbers we were coming up with made sense or not. There was another few question we had answer, the article questions. The article questions made us research our country, which was Mozambique and research the causes of why they had so many cases of HIV/AIDS. The article questions also included us researching what the country was trying to do to lower the number of cases and make the country a safer environment for everyone. We also had a white paper which was like the overall report/summary of the project. 2.Identify and list the GLPO(s) that were satisfied in completing this artifact. In addition, please explain how these GLPO(s) were met by specifically referring to the examples or evidence from the artifact. This project was a global project so in doing the actual project we answered a few GLPOs that suited the assignment. The GLPOs that we answered in this project were Take Action and Communicate Ideas. We also answered a few other GLPOS but we thought that these were the most important. These GLPOS were the ones that seemed like they applied to the assignment the best. The GLPO Take Action was applied to this project by the student assessing options and plans action based on evidence that indicates the potential for impact, taking into account previous approaches and varied perspectives. This means that we had to research certain topics that affected parts all over the world. The other GLPO was Communicate Ideas and this was applied into the project by the student engaging in communication and collaboration with diverse audiences via appropriate technology and media. This was applied into the project by us making a graph on excel that made us see the growth of the disease better.

3.What skills and concepts were learned in completing this artifact and how have these affected your future? In this project I learned a lot of skills and new concepts. I learned how to use the program Excel. This will later on be very helpful to me in the future because I know that I will have to use Excel later on in high school or possibly even in a job when I grow up and have my own occupation. I

also learned about the disease, HIV/AIDS. In the beginning of this project I didnt even know too much about this worldly epidemic but now I know that it really is a big threat and killer in many countries. I also learned about why the disease is so infectious specifically in this country. The reasons were because women werent getting a say in their own sex lives and the didnt have the accessibility to safe sex. This was due to the way that people view women socially in Mozambique. 4.Looking back on the completion of this artifact, what might you do differently if you were able to recreate or revise the final product?
If I could go back and do this project all over again, I wouldnt change too many things. I honestly thought that my partner, Esmeralda, and I did a pretty good job. We were very complete and clear with answering all the questions. We worked very well with our time, despite us being absent twice and we always stayed on task. If anything must have been changed though, it might have been our country. Working with the country of Mozambique was a little difficult. It was difficult because there wasnt as much information and research for this country compared to others. This became a bit difficult when we had to answer the article questions because the websites we had to use didnt have our countrys information. What we did to answer the questions was just look up other websites and that worked well.

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