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ASSIGNMENTS 1) Write a HTML document by using following tags?

<b>, <u>, <i>, <s>, <sup>,<sub> <P> <br> <CENTER> <H1> <H2> <H3> <H4> <H5> <H6> 2) Write a HTML document by using following tags? <HR> <UL><LI><OL><DL><DT> <DD>. 3) Write a HTML document by using following tags? a) Nested Lists b) <STRONG> <BIG>, <SMALL> c) <Table> 4) Write a HTML document by using following tags? a) Forms, b) images c) frames Assignment-2 1) Write a java script program to calculate the simple interest? 2) Write a java script program to calculate the length of the string? 3) Write a program to that shows the mouse event handling?

Assignment-3 1) Write a document that demonstrates the types of CSS (inline, embedded, external)? 2) Write an xml document by using xml basic elements and use document type definition? 3) Write an XHTML document that demonstrates the different images with their names using table tag? 4) Write a document that demonstrate simple xml style sheet? 5) Write an xml document by using namespaces?

Assignment-4 1) Develop a simple bean using the BDK? 2) Write java bean API?

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