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SELF INTRODUCTION What is your name? - My name is Mamuroh. What are you? - I am an Islamic School (MI) teacher.

Where do you live? - I live in Mejagong What is your hobby? - My hobby is reciting Koran (membaca Al Quran) When and where were you born? - I was born in Pemalang, December 18th,1972. (eighteenth, nineteen-seventy two) Are you married? - Yes, I am. I am maried. Have you children? - Yes, I have. His name is Muhamad Alim As Sidiqie

PROPHET MUHAMMAD A great thing happened in the year 571 (five hundred and seventy one) A. D. (AD=Anno Domini, The Christian Era). Muhammad, the last prophet, was born in Mecca 571 (five hundred and seventy one) years after the prophet Jesus. His father was Abdullah, who died before his birth. He lost his mother, Aminah, when he was 6 (six) years old. He married Khadijah when he was 25 (twenty five) years old. She was a noble lady of Mecca. He lived for 63 (sixty three) years. He received the first revelation from Allah in 611 (six hundred and eleven) A. D. when he was 40 (forty) . At that time, the Arabic people were idol worshippers for 23 (twenty three) years, he preached the message of truth. Muhammad invited the people to return to Islam. Terjemahan: NABI MUHAMMAD Sesuatu yang besar terjadi di tahun 571 SM (Sesudah Masehi). Muhammad, nabi terakhir lahir di Mekkah 571 tahun setelah Nabi Isa. Ayahnya adalah Abdullah, yang wafat sebelum kelahirannya. Dia kehilangan ibunya, Aminah, saat beliau berusia 6 tahun. Beliau menikahi Khadijah ketika berusia 25 tahun. Dia (ibunya) adalah seorang wanita bangsawan Mekkah. Beliau hidup selama 63 tahun. Beliau menerima wahyu pertama dari Allah di tahun 611 SM ketika beliau berusia 40 tahun. Saat itu, orang-orang Arab adalah penyembah berhala selama 23 tahun, beliau menyampaikan pesan kebenaran. Muhammad mengajak orang-orang tersebut untuk kembali ke Islam. Answer the following questions! 1. Who is Muhammad? Muhammad is the last prophet. 2. Are there any other prophets b esides Muhammad? Yes, there are. 3. When was Muhammad born? Muhammad was born in 571 A. D. 4. Who was born first, Muhammad or Isa (Jesus)? Isa was. 5. Where was Muhammad born? Muhammad was born in Mecca. 6. What was his fathers name? His fathers name was Abdullah. 7. What was his mothers name? His mothers name was Aminah. 8. Who died first? His mother or his father? His father did. 9. How old was he when his mother died? He was six years old when his mother died. 10. How old was he when married Khatijah? He was twenty five years old when married Khatijah. 11. When did Muhammad die? How old was he? He died in sixty three. 12. What happened in 611 AD? He received the first revelation from Allah. 13. What do you know about Arabic people at that time? The Arabic people were idol worshippers. 14. How long did Muhammad invite people to accept Islam? Muhammad invited people to accept Islam for 23 (twenty three) years. 15. What does message of truth mean? It means Muhammad invited the people to return to Islam.

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