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Subjects Class / Semester Meeting Time Allocation Standards Of Competence Basic Competencies Indicator

: Physics : X (Ten) / 2 : 1 (One) : 2 x 45 minutes : Interpret the mechanical properties of materials : Understand the concept of elasticity of materials.
: 1. The concept of voltage and strain described and

formulated into mathematical equations of the form 2. Definition of elasticity is described and formulated its mathematical equations.

I. Learning Objectives 1. Write down a correct understanding of materials elasticity 2. Write down a correct understanding of voltage 3. Write down a correct understanding of stretch 4. Calculate the magnitude value of the materials voltage correctly. 5. Calculate the magnitude value of the material stretch correctly.

II. Teaching Materials A. Mechanical Properties Of Materials 1. Elasticity Of Materials Many substances (object) which can be changed by the influence of shape styles, However, shape or size it back to its original shape after the force held her eliminated. Objects like this are called elastic objects. Elasticity is the nature of objects allows objects back in its original form after the forces that work to him removed.

2. The Strength Of Materials To determine the strength of a material, we need to know the relationship between the voltage and the happened to stretch the material when in bebani. a Tegangan (Stress) If an object granted two of the same style and the opposite direction, then objects arise a situation called a tense, or objects having voltage. Types of stresses experienced objects depending on the direction of loading force applied. There are five types of voltage which can occur, i.e : 1) Voltage drop 2) Voltage press 3) Voltage stress 4) Voltage of arc 5) Putir voltage Generally, the magnitude of the voltage is defined as following:

Where : : voltage Style The surface area affected by style b Stretch Stretch is the relative change in size or shape object that is experiencing tension. The magnitude of the strain is defined as following :

Where : : change the size of : size at first : Stretch

c Youngs Modulus Elastic Modulus is the ratio between voltage and stretch an object. Elastic Modulus also known as Young's modulus. Mathematically, the elastic modulus can be formulated as following :

III. Learning Method Model Method : Cooperative Type STAD : 1. Lecture 2. Debriefing 3. Discussion group

IV. Learning Activities 1. Early Activities a Deliver Indicators and learning objectives to students b Provide motivation and aperseption Whether the notion of mechanical properties ? 2. Fundamental Activities a. The teacher asked the students to discuss the notion of mechanical properties of substances with friends b. Students (guided by the teacher) discuss the mechanical properties of matter c. Next the teacher explains material elasticity and strength of materials formulated (voltage and strain) into mathematical equations.

d. The teacher explains the relationship between voltage, strain and young's modulus and formulate mathematical equations into. e. The teacher gives a few examples of questions to the students to calculate the magnitude of the voltage, strain and young's modulus. f. Students understand the example problem and ask a question if there is still not understood g. Teacher student understanding of revising by asking a few questions about the nature of material elasticity, strain and blatantly, young's modulus. 3. Closing Activities a. Teacher with students making a conclusion or summary of the results of the study. b. The teacher give homework in the form of exercise questions.

V. Tools/Materials/Learning Resource Source: 1. Book of SMK Class X 2. Physics Module 1B

VI. Assessment Written Test Giving tasks Evaluation

Palu, Maret 2012 Guru Pamong Mahasiswa PPLT

Juwaryanto S.Pd. M.Si NIP.

Titin Pertiwi NIM. A 241 08 032


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