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LESSON PLAN First Meeting (cycle 1) A.

Identity Number School Subject Grade Topic Time allocation Skill Competency Standard :1 : SMP MUHAMMADIYAH CILONGOK : English : VIII : Notice : 2 x 40 minutes : Writing : Understand the meaning of short simple written functional text that engaged with day life.

Basic Competency

: Expressing the meaning of short functional text by using some written easy language accurately, fluently, and received to communicate with around environment.


: Writing a short functional text in Notice

B. Lesson Objectives After doing the teaching learning process, the students are able to: understand the Notice form write a short functional text based on the ALG or chart to be a Notice

C. Material Notice is a sign or printed statement that gives information or warning to people. For example: Look this Chart!

What is this?


It means that someone is forbidden to smoke in that area.

Simulation Teacher Student Teacher Student Teacher Student Teacher Student Teacher : Good morning students : good morning mom : How is life? : Im fine thank you, and you? : Im very well. Nice to meet you : Nice to meet you too : Ok, do you have home work? : No mom : Ok, before we start our lesson today, I will show you a wall chart Now, Pay attention ok!

Indry Teacher Indry Teacher Students Teacher

: ok mom. : Can you guess, what is the picture? : Some sentences miss : Can you read, what the sentence means? : No miss : can you see the sign, and translate the meaning that some one shouldnt smoke in this area. It is called a Notice. Notice is or printed statement that gives information or warning to people. : Ok mom : Have you understood? : Yes mom

Students Teacher Students

D. Learning Activity

Model of Learning Method Implementation

: practice, respect, and encouragement : CTL (Contextual Teaching Learning) : ALG or Chart

E. Procedures Time Students Activities allocation 5 minutes Students answer teachers greeting


Teachers Activities



a. Apperception Teacher greats the class. Teacher checks attendance list b. Motivation - Teacher asks the students about to review the last material. - Teacher gives the students new material by showing the chart based on the material. For example Students pay attention to what teachers told

Lecturing, questionanswer

about notice. - Teacher tries to elicit the students by asking and giving response to express about idea or opinion about the picture or statement on the ALG or chart. . Main action a. Exploration - Teacher asks the students to guess what the material is. - Teacher mentions the right answer about the chart means or the notice. - Teacher explains and writes the meaning and the function of notice. - Teacher asks the students to write, after that asks them to read together. b. Elaboration Teacher gives the students first activity Teacher divides students into some groups or pair. Teacher asks the students to comprehend the material or exercise on the ALG. Teacher gives students chance to discuss it. Students share and discuss with Students make a group. Students do the first activity then discuss it. b. Elaboration a. Exploration Students pay attention to the teachers explanation and then try to guess the material. the students listen to the teacher explanation. Students write and read together 20 minutes Discussion, demonstrati on Students answer the teachers question about what have been told by teacher.

their groups friend. Teacher monitors students in comprehending and doing the exercise. Teacher asks the students to write or create good notice based on the chart. Teacher and students check the answer together. Teacher asks the students to read their answer. Teacher gives the second activity that each pair or group should choose one of cards which have different topics. Teacher gives some card that each card have a different notice. Students comprehend the notice and do the instruction. Teacher asks students to analyze the notice means. Teacher asks the students to do the exercise. After finish, they have to submit to the teacher. Students discuss the motion together. The students come forward to submit their result discussion. c. Confirmation Teacher divides students Students do the second activity then discuss it. The students read their answers. Students do the exercises. Students discuss and thought about the answer.

c. Confirmation Students make

into some groups and asks each group to do the activities. Teacher asks students to do their task by discussion Closing Reviewing the material which has been given to students. -

some groups.

Students do the activity and submit it. Students review the material which has been given by teacher. 5 minutes reviewing

Give the homework Closing.

Students pay attention the homeworks instructions

F. Media - Board Marker


Handout ALG or chart.

White Board Card

G. Sources/ material - Zaida, Nur. 2002. Practice your English Competence. Jakarta: Erlangga.

H. Assessment Activity 1 Make a simple notice based on the chart!

At a convenience store

At a camp

Activity 2 Work in pairs! Make the meaning of these notices below! .

It means

1. : 2. : 3. : 4. : . 5. : .

I. Homework Assignment Make 5 Notice in your home or room and then give some response. J. Evaluation Name of student:. No 1. 2. 3. Grammar Language Content Form of Writing Evaluation (Using Evaluation scale) Grade/Level: 1 Score 2 3


Total Maximum score 80 Explanation about scoring: 1 = good enough 2 = good 3 = very good If a student gets score 80, she/he can be decided very good, and so on agree with the total score achievement Purwokerto ,June 7th 2011 Mengetahui, Kepala SMP Muhammaadiyah Cilongok Praktikan

Ruswanto S.Pd

Indriyani Dwi Saputri

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