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Review Game Project Rubric Content: ________________/60 60: game thoroughly covered all topics covered in unit 50:

game thoroughly covered most topics covered in unit, but not all 40: game covered topics in a general manner 30: game covered topics in a general manner and failed to discuss all topics 20: game covered few topics 10: game provided little information to help classmates review for final exam Organization, Playability, and Appearance: _______________/40 40: game was easy to understand how to play, looked nice, and all members of the group completed his or her task 30: game looked nice, all participants completed his or her task, but it was difficult to play 20: game was unorganized and group members did not complete their tasks 10: game was unorganized, did not have a good appearance, and group members did not complete their tasks Total Score: ______________________/100 Instructor Comments:

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