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ABSTRAK Gizi buruk merupakan salah satu masalah gizi di Indonesia.

Anak Balita Gizi Buruk pada umumnya akan dirawat di Rumah Sakit karena terdapat upaya untuk mengobati gejala-gejala klinis gizi buruk dengan penanganan khusus seperti terapi penyakit dan terapi diet sesuai dengan fase stabilisasi, transisi dan rehabilitasi. Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perubahan berat badan anak balita gizi buruk usia 6-59 bulan yang dirawat di RSUP.H. Adam Malik Medan. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif dengan desain Cohort Retrospektif. Jumlah populasi 34 orang anak balita gizi buruk dan sampel sebesar 31 anak balita gizi buruk yang dirawat selama 7 hari. Hasil penelitian umumnya kelompok umur 12-24 bulan 51,61 %, Jenis Kelamin perempuan 54,84 %, laki-laki 45,16 %, Status gizi kategori kurang berdasarkan BB/U pada awal dirawat adalah 70,97 % dan status gizi sangat kurang pada akhir dirawat 74,19 %, status gizi kategori normal berdasarkan TB/U pada awal dirawat 48.39 % dan akhir dirawat 48,39 % dan status gizi kategori sangat kurus berdasarkan BB/TB pada awal dirawat 58,06 % dan akhir dirawat 54,84 %, perubahan berat badan kategori kurang 61,29 %. Jumlah pemberian energi protein pada anak balita gizi buruk kategori tidak baik 93,55 % dan jumlah anak berdasarkan komplikasi penyakit infeksi 51,61 %. Jumlah Anak Balita Gizi Buruk berdasarkan terapi penyakit kategori baik100,00 %. Disarankan kepada pihak RSUP Haji Adam Malik Medan agar mengukur status Gizi Anak Balita yang akan dirawat dan diharapkan adanya koordinasi dalam pengaturan diet Anak Balita Gizi Buruk serta kepada pihak yang ingin melanjutkan penelitian ini supaya dapat membahas faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan tidak berjalannya fase pemberian makanan. Kata Kunci : Gizi Buruk, Perubahan Berat Badan, Anak Balita

Universitas Sumatera Utara

ABSTRACT The Severe undernutrition was one of the nutrition problems in Indonesia. Severe undernutrition of children under five would generally be treated in the hospitals because there was an attempt to cure the clinical symptoms of Severe undernutrition by special handling, such as disease therapy and diet therapy which were in accord with the phases of stabilization, transition, and rehabilitation. The aim of this research was to know the weight transition of Severe undernutrition infants six to fifty nine months old that were treated in H. Adam Malik General Hospital, Medan. This research was descriptive with Cohort Retrospective design. The population was 34 bad nutrition infants, and the samples were 31 Severe undernutrition infants that were treated during approximately seven-day treatment. The result of the research showed that, in general, the group of 12 to 24 months of age was 51,61 %, of infants girls was 54,16 %, and of infants boys was 45,16%. The malnutrition status, based on BW/A for the initial inpatiens was 70,97 % and the malnutritioness status for the final inpatiens was 74,19%. The malnutritious infants normal, based on H/A for the final inpatiens was 48,39% and for the final inpatiens was 48,39%, The malnutritious infants thinnes based on BW/H for the initial inpatiens was 58,06% and for the final inpatients was 54,84 %. The Weight changes with based category was 61,29 %. Energizing the amount of protein which was given to the malnutritious infants with bad category was 93,55% and the number of the respondents which were based on the complication of infected disease were 51,61%.Number of children under five malnutrition and disease therapy 100,00%. It was suggested to the Adam Malik hospital department to measure the nutritional status of children under five are expected to be treated and coordination in regulating the diet of children under five severenutrition. It was recommended that those who want to continue this research should be able to analyze the factors which caused the obstacles of giving nutritious food.

Keywords : Severe undernutrition, Weight Changes, Infants

Universitas Sumatera Utara

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