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DIDIK DWI ANJAR, S.Pd. NIP. 19820602 201101 1 006

Disetujui dan disahkan oleh Kepala Sekolah dan Waka. Kurikulum SMK Negeri 1 Kawunganten.

Kepala SMK Negeri 1 Kawunganten


Waka. Kurikulum

Drs. H. Kirso Sugiarto, MM. NIP. 19620407 198803 1 010

M. Dwi Rahmanto, S.Pd.T. NIP. 19780808 201010 1 017

Puji syukur kami panjatkan kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa yang telah memberi hidayah, kekuatan, kesehatan, dan ketabahan kepada kami sehingga penyusunan bahan ajar seri Lets Fun In English ini terselesaikan. Bahan ajar ini disusun dengan tujuan menyediakan materi pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris untuk peserta didik kelas X sesuai dengan Kurikulum KTSP. Materi dan tugas pembelajaran dikembangkan dengan prinsip-prinsip Communicative Approach untuk secara terintegrasi mengembangkan kompetensi peserta didik dalam keempat keterampilan berbahasa, yaitu menyimak, berbicara, membaca, dan menulis. Selain itu materi dan tugas pembelajaran secara terpadu mengembangkan kecakapan hidup dalam arti luas dan peningkatan wawasan kebinekaan. Materi dan tugas-tugas pembelajaran dalam bahan ajar ini diorganisasikan ke dalam dua siklus pembelajaran, yaitu siklus lisan dan siklus tulis. Sementara siklus lisan menekankan pengembangan keterampilan berbahasa lisan (menyimak dan berbicara), siklus tulis mengembangkan keterampilan dalam berbahasa tulis (membaca dan menulis). Sesuai dengan prinsip keterpaduan dalam pembelajaran bahasa, kedua siklus tersebut mengembangkan keempat keterampilan berbahasa secara terintegrasi. Baik siklus lisan maupun siklus tulis tersusun atas empat macam kegiatan pembelajaran, yaitu pembuka, pajanan terhadap bahasa target, penjelasan mengenai unsur-unsur kebahasaan, dan latihan berkomunikasi dalam bahasa target secara terbimbing maupun bebas. Selain itu, untuk keperluan pengayaan dan evaluasi, setiap unit dilengkapi dengan tugas terstruktur berupa pekerjaan rumah dan review. Kegiatan-kegiatan belajar dikembangkan untuk menjadikan siswa secara aktif belajar Bahasa Inggris melalui kegiatan memahami dan menggunakan bahasa Inggris untuk mengekspresikan gagasan dan perasaan secara alami. Dalam pembelajaran, guru diharapkan bertindak sebagai fasilitator, pemberi umpan balik, dan pendorong siswa agar berani menggunakan bahasa target untuk berkomunikasi secara akurat dan berterima. Penyusunan modul ini ini terselesaikan atas dukungan dari berbagai pihak. Oleh karena itu, kami mengucapkan terima kasih kepada semua pihak yang telah membantu terselesaikannya penyusunan modul ini. Walaupun kami telah menyusun bahan ajar ini dengan upaya yang sungguh-sungguh, karena berbagai keterbatasan kami, modul ini masih memiliki sejumlah kekurangan. Sehubungan dengan hal tersebut, kami mengharapkan masukan dari berbagai pihak, terutama guru dan siswa pengguna modul ini, untuk perbaikan lebih lanjut.

Kawunganten, 15 September 2011 Penyusun

Didik Dwi Anjar, S.Pd NIP. 19820602 201101 1 006


Memahami ungkapanungkapan dasar pada interaksi sosial untuk kepentingan kehidupan

Menyebutkan dan mendeskripsikan bendabenda, orang, ciri-ciri, waktu, hari, bulan, dan tahun

Menghasilkan tuturan sederhana yang cukup untuk fungsi-fungsi dasar

Ucapan salam (greetings) pada saat bertemu dan berpisah digunakan secara tepat

Nama-nama benda dan kata yang mendeskripsikan benda yang terkait dengan warna, bentuk, asal (origin), ukuran, bahan, jumlah dan kualitas.

Ungkapan penyesalan dan permintaan maaf serta pemberian responnya

Memperkenalkan diri sendiri dan orang lain diperagakan dengan tepat

Kata-kata yang mendeskripsikan orang yang terkait dengan profesi, kebangsaan, ciri-ciri fisik, kualitas, dan aktifitasnya.

Ungkapan simpati serta pemberian respon terhadapnya

Berbagai ungkapan terima kasih dan responnya digunakan secara tepat Waktu (time of the day), namanama hari/tanggal, bulan, tahun disebutkan dengan tepat. Berbagai ungkapan penyesalan dan permintaan maaf serta responnya diperagakan secara tepat

Ungkapan berbagai perasaan

Ungkapan permintaan dan pemberian ijin Bilangan (cardinal / ordinal) digunakan dengan tepat dalam berbagai konteks Ungkapan perintah dan permintaan Kata-kata dirangkai dengan tepat untuk mendeskripsikan benda berdasarkan warna, bentuk, asal (origin), ukuran, bahan, jumlah dan kualitas. Ungkapan penawaran barang dan jasa Kata- kata dirangkai dengan tepat untuk mendeskripsikan orang yang terkait dengan profesi, kebangsaan, ciri-ciri fisik, kualitas, dan aktifitasnya.

Kata-kata dirangkai dengan tepat untuk mendeskripsikan suatu kejadian berdasarkan waktu (time of the day), namanama hari/tanggal, bulan, tahun.

(do you) mind accept acquainted admit affect al l o w apologize apology appointment appreciate approve a s k fo r banner bored borrow butterfly charity circle circular company cube cubic cylinder extend : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : (apakah kamu) keberatan menerima berkenalan mengaku mempengaruhi mengijinkan meminta maaf permintaan maaf janji bertemu menghargai menyetujui meminta spanduk bosan meminjam kupu-kupu amal lingkaran berbentuk lingkaran perusahaan kubus berbentuk kubus silinder menyebarkan, memperluas

grammar (noun) An explanation

: :

The subject A noun Nationality Synonyms antonym

: : : : :

the structure and system of a language, or of languages in general, usually considered to consist of syntax and morphology. a set of statements constructed to describe a set of facts which clarifies the causes, context, and consequences of those facts. what (or whom) the sentence is about, while the predicate tells something about the subject. the name of a person, place, thing, or idea. membership of a nation or sovereign state, usually determined by their citizenship, but sometimes by ethnicity or place of residence, or based on their sense of national identity. different words with almost identical or similar meanings. a word that means the opposite of another.


A. DESKRIPSI Lets Fun In English merupakan modul teori dan atau praktikum yang membahas tentang pemelajaran Bahasa Inggris untuk SMK Kelas X semester I. Modul ini terdiri dari 3 (tiga) kegiatan belajar, kegiatan belajar 1 berisi tentang ungkapanungkapan dasar pada interaksi sosial untuk kepentingan kehidupan, kegiatan belajar 2 berisi tentang menyebutkan dan mendeskripsikan benda-benda, orang, ciri-ciri, waktu, hari, bulan, dan tahun, kegiatan belajar 3 berisi tentang tuturan sederhana yang cukup untuk fungsi-fungsi dasar. Dengan modul ini peserta diklat diharapkan mampu memahami dan menjelaskan ungkapan dasar, menyebutkan serta mendeskripsikan benda, orang, ciri-ciri, waktu, hari, bulan, tahun, dan berbagai tuturan sederhana. B. PRASYARAT Kemampuan awal yang dipersyaratkan untuk mempelajari modul ini adalah: 1. Peserta diklat menguasai berbagai kosakata seputar kehidupan sehari-hari. 2. Peserta diklat telah menguasai berbagai ungkapan dasar sesuai dengan aktifitas atau kegiatan sehari-hari. 3. Peserta diklat menguasai pengetahuan dasar pola kalimat. C. PETUNJUK PENGGUNAAN MODUL 1. Petunjuk bagi Peserta Diklat Peserta diharapkan dapat berperan aktif dan berinteraksi dengan sumber belajar yang mendukung, karena itu harus memperhatikan hal-hal sebagai berikut: a. Langkah-langkah belajar yang ditempuh 1) Persiapkan alat dan bahan. 2) Bacalah dengan seksama uraian materi pada setiap kegiatan belajar. 3) Tanyakan kepada instruktur bila ada yang belum jelas. b. Perlengkapan yang dipersiapkan Guna menunjang keselamatan dan kelancaran tugas yang harus dilakukan, maka persiapkanlah seluruh perlengkapan yang diperlukan. Beberapa perlengkapan yang harus dipersiapkan antara lain: 1) Alat tulis. 2) Modul pemelajaran. 3) Perlengkapan penunjang; kamus dan buku-buku lain yang relevan. c. Hasil pelatihan Peserta diklat memahami dan mampu memahami dan menjelaskan ungkapan dasar, menyebutkan serta mendeskripsikan benda, orang, ciri-ciri, waktu, hari, bulan, tahun, dan berbagai tuturan sederhana.

Lets Fun In English



2. Peran Instruktur/Guru Instruktur/guru yang akan mengajarkan modul ini hendaknya mempersiapkan diri sebaik-baiknya yaitu mencakup aspek strategi pemelajaran, penguasaan materi, pemilihan metode, alat bantu media pemelajaran dan perangkat evaluasi. Instruktur/guru harus menyiapkan rancangan strategi pemelajaran yang mampu mewujudkan peserta diklat terlibat aktif dalam proses pencapaian/penguasaan kompetensi yang telah diprogramkan. D. TUJUAN AKHIR 1. Peserta diklat mampu memahami dan menjelaskan ungkapan dasar pada interaksi sosial untuk kepentingan kehidupan. 2. Peserta diklat mampu menyebutkan dan mendeskripsikan benda-benda, orang, ciriciri, waktu, hari, bulan, dan tahun. 3. Peserta diklat mampu mengungkapkan berbagai tuturan sederhana yang cukup untuk fungsi-fungsi dasar. E. KOMPETENSI
KOMPETENSI DAS AR 1. 1 Memahami ungkapanungkapan dasar pada interaksi sosial untuk kepentingan kehidupan INDIKATOR Ucapan salam (greetings) pada saat bertemu dan berpisah digunakan secara tepat Memperkenalkan diri sendiri dan orang lain diperagakan dengan tepat Berbagai ungkapan terima kasih dan responnya digunakan secara tepat Berbagai ungkapan penyesalan dan permintaan maaf serta responnya diperagakan secara tepat M ATERI PEMELAJARAN Greetings and leave takings Good morning. How are you? Im fine, thanks See you later. Introducing May I introduce myself. I am Budi. Ani, this is Ida. Nice to meet you. Thanking Thank you very much. You are welcome. Apologizing I am sorry for ... Please forgive me .. Grammar Review Personal Pronoun (Subject & possessive) I my You your Simple Present Tense : to be & Verb 1 KEGIATAN PEMELAJARAN Listening About greetings, introducing, thanking, leave takings, and apologizing Listening for information Dictation Speaking Saying greetings, introducing, thanking, leave takings, and apologizing Role playing, dialogues, introducing, thanking, leave takings, and apologizing Telling ones self Reading for information Short passages Dialogues Writing Completing dialogues Arranging jumbled dialogues Composing dialogues Listening Matching pictures with words Dictation Listening for information Speaking: Naming objects, quality of objects and persons, professions, nationalities, and time of the day. Reading: Reading for information Writing: Completing passages with suitable words

1.2 Menyebutkan benda-benda, orang, ciri-ciri, waktu, hari, bulan, dan tahun

Nama-nama benda dan kata yang mendeskripsikan benda yang terkait dengan warna, bentuk, asal (origin), ukuran, bahan, jumlah dan kualitas disebutkan dengan tepat. Kata-kata yang mendeskripsikan orang yang terkait dengan profesi, kebangsaan, ciri-ciri fisik, kualitas, dan aktifitasnya disebutkan dengan tepat. Waktu (time of the day), nama-nama hari/tanggal, bulan, tahun disebutkan dengan tepat.

Adjectives showing colours, quality, size, shape, age, origin, material - green, good, big, old, Indonesian, wooden, dsb. Profession, nationality Adjectives showing physical (appearance), non-physical (characteristic) - beautiful, humorous dsb Nouns showing time, day, date, month, year - six oclock, Sunday, 1st of May, July, 2006 Grammar review: Singular plural nouns. (book books box - boxes child children fish fish)

Lets Fun In English



1.3 Mendeskripsikan benda-benda, orang, ciri-ciri, waktu, hari, bulan, dan tahun

Bilangan (cardinal / ordinal) digunakan dengan tepat dalam berbagai konteks. Kata-kata dirangkai dengan tepat untuk mendeskripsikan benda berdasarkan warna, bentuk, asal (origin), ukuran, bahan, jumlah dan kualitas. Kata- kata dirangkai dengan tepat untuk mendeskripsikan orang yang terkait dengan profesi, kebangsaan, ciri-ciri fisik, kualitas, dan aktifitasnya. Kata-kata dirangkai dengan tepat untuk mendeskripsikan suatu kejadian berdasarkan waktu (time of the day), namanama hari/tanggal, bulan, tahun.

Cardinal and ordinal numbers ten, twenty, first, fifth, dsb Adjectives of quality: good, beautiful, dsb Adjectives of size: big, small, dsb. Adjectives of shape: round, straight, dsb. Adjectives of age: old, new, dsb. Adjectives of colour: blue, red, dsb. Nationality, profession John is an American. He is a very busy chef Adjective in series: A beautiful big U-shaped wooden house. Description of events: The accident happened at nine PM on Monday, the 26th of July 2006. Antonym / synonym

1.4 Menghasilkan tuturan sederhana yang cukup untuk fungsi-fungsi dasar

Ungkapan penyesalan dan permintaan maaf serta pemberian responnya disampaikan dengan tepat. Ungkapan simpati serta pemberian respon terhadapnya disampaikan dengan tepat Ungkapan berbagai perasaan disampaikan dengan tepat Ungkapan permintaan dan pemberian ijin disampaikan dengan tepat Ungkapan perintah dan permintaan digunakan secara tepat. Ungkapan penawaran barang dan jasa digunakan secara tepat.

Words and expressions used to show regrets and apologies: - Im sorry that ... Words and expressions used to express sympathy: - Im sorry to hear that .. Adjectives for expressing feelings: - happy, terrible, sad, etc Adjectives ing vs -ed - boring bored Adjective set expressions - get bored; turn bad, etc Subject verb agreement: - John is very happy to see you. Words and expressions used in asking for and giving permission: - May I use the phone? - You can leave now. Grammar: Modals + Auxiliary Expressions and verb forms used in commands and requests: - Can you lend me a pen, please? - Come here! ; Stand up! Responses to commands: - Yes, I will. - Certainly. Expressions used for offering things and services. - Would you like to have some tea? - Would you like to taste this food?

Listening: Matching pictures with words. Dictation Listening for information Speaking: Describing things, people, profession, and nationalities Telling numbers, responding to questions about numbers. Discussing things based on physical appearance. Role playing dialogues Reading: Understanding and discussing passages. Writing: Describing things Matching numbers and the way they are said. Arranging jumbled paragraphs. Composing dialogues involving the use of numbers in various contexts W riting paragraphs based on pictures. Listening: Dictation Listening for information Completing passages Speaking: Pronunciation practice Dialogue practice In pairs, creating and practising dialogues dealing with regret and apoligies, simpathy, asking for and giving information, offering things and services. Expressing feelings about certain events Reading: Reading for information: Dialogues Stories which stimulate readers emotion Writing: Completeing Dialogues Rearranging jumbled dialogues Composing short stories (good or bad experiences)

Lets Fun In English



F. CEK KEMAMPUAN Untuk mengetahui kemampuan awal yang telah dimiliki, maka isilah cek list ( ) seperti pada tabel di bawah ini dengan sikap jujur dan dapat dipertanggung jawabkan. Saya dapat melakukan pekerjaan Kompetensi Bila jawaban Pernyataan ini dengan kompeten Ya kerjakan Dasar Ya Tidak
Memahami ungkapanungkapan dasar pada interaksi sosial untuk kepentingan kehidupan Mengucapkan salam (greetings) pada saat bertemu dan berpisah. Memperkenalkan diri sendiri dan orang lain. Berbagai ungkapan terima kasih dan responnya. Mengungkapan penyesalan dan permintaan maaf serta responnya. Menyebutkan nama-nama benda dan kata yang mendeskripsikan benda yang terkait dengan warna, bentuk, asal (origin), ukuran, bahan, jumlah dan kualitas. Menjelaskan kata-kata yang mendeskripsikan orang yang terkait dengan profesi, kebangsaan, ciri-ciri fisik, kualitas, dan aktifitasnya. Waktu (time of the day), nama-nama hari/tanggal, bulan, tahun. Menjelaskan nama-nama benda dan kata yang mendeskripsikan benda yang terkait dengan warna, bentuk, asal (origin), ukuran, bahan, jumlah dan kualitas. Mengungkapkan penyesalan dan permintaan maaf. Mengungkapkan simpati serta pemberian respon. Mengungkapan berbagai perasaan. Mengungkapkan permintaan dan pemberian ijin. Mengungkapkan perintah dan permintaan. Mengungkapkan penawaran barang dan jasa.

Menyebutkan benda-benda, orang, ciri-ciri, waktu, hari, bulan, d an tah u n

Mendeskripsikan benda-benda, orang, ciri-ciri, waktu, hari, bulan, d an tah u n

Menghasilkan tuturan sederhana yang cukup untuk fungsi-fungsi dasar

Apabila anda menjawab TIDAK pada salah satu pernyataan di atas, maka pelajarilah mo d u l in i.

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A. RENCANA BELAJAR PESERTA DIDIK Kompetensi : Berkomunikasi dengan Bahasa Inggris setara Level Novice.
Kompetensi Dasar
Memahami ungkapanungkapan dasar pada interaksi sosial untuk kepentingan kehidupan

Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Ucapan salam (greeting) pada saat bertemu dan berpisah Memperkenalkan diri sendiri dan orang lain Berbagai ungkapan terima kasih dan responnya Berbagai ungkapan penyesalan dan permintaan maaf serta responnya Nama-nama benda dan kata yang mendeskripsikan benda yang terkait dengan warna, bentuk, asal (origin), ukuran, bahan, jumlah dan kualitas Kata yang mendeskripsikan orang yang terkait dengan profesi, kebangsaan, ciri-ciri fisik, kualitas, dan aktifitasnya Waktu (time of the day), nama-nama hari/tanggal, bulan, tahun Menggunakan bilangan (cardinal / ordinal) Merangkai kata untuk mendeskripsikan benda berdasarkan warna, bentuk, asal (origin), ukuran, bahan, jumlah dan kualitas. Merangkai kata untuk mendeskripsikan orang yang terkait dengan profesi, kebangsaan, ciri-ciri fisik, kualitas, dan aktifitasnya. Merangkai kata untuk mendeskripsikan suatu kejadian berdasarkan waktu (time of the day), nama-nama hari/tanggal, bulan, tahun Ungkapan penyesalan dan permintaan maaf serta pemberian responnya disampaikan dengan tepat Ungkapan simpati serta pemberian respon terhadapnya disampaikan dengan tepat Ungkapan berbagai perasaan disampaikan dengan tepat Ungkapan permintaan dan pemberian ijin disampaikan dengan tepat Ungkapan perintah dan permintaan digunakan secara tepat Ungkapan penawaran barang dan jasa digunakan secara tepat



Tempat Belajar

Alasan Perubahan

Tanda Tangan Gu r u

Menyebutkan benda-benda, orang, ciri-ciri, waktu, hari, bulan, dan tahun

Mendeskripsikan benda-benda, orang, ciri-ciri, waktu, hari, bulan, dan tahun

Menghasilkan tuturan sederhana yang cukup untuk fungsi-fungsi dasar

Lets Fun In English



B. KEGIATAN BELAJAR 1. Kegiatan Belajar 1 : GREETINGS a. Tujuan Kegiatan Pembelajaran 1 Setelah mempelajari kegiatan belajar ini peserta diklat mampu mengucapkan salam (greetings), memperkenalkan diri sendiri dan orang lain, memahami berbagai ungkapan terima kasih dan responnya, serta memahami berbagai ungpakan penyesalan dan permintaan maaf. b. Uraian Materi 1 Learning Outcomes: After studying this unit, you will be able to: 1. greet somebody 2. express leave-takings and goodbye 3. introduce yourself and other person 4. use different types of personal Pronouns 5. use To Be and Verb 1 in the Simple Present Tense 6. express thanking. In our daily life, we often need to greet someone, to introduce ourselves and other person and to express thanking. Thats why you need to learn this unit. It will be beneficial for you to get along well with people around you, either today or later when you get into the world of work.

Activity 1 Look at the picture and answer the following questions.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

What are they doing? Do you think they know each other? What do you say when you meet someone you didn't know before? Do you ask her/his name? How do you introduce yourself? What do you say when you need to leave the person you're talking to?

No 1 2 3 4 5 6

W or d s Introduce Introducing Greeting Meeting Parting Farewell

Expressions Good morning How are you My name is How do you do Nice to meet you See you later

Lets Fun In English

Activity 2 Choose the correct responses to the expressions you heard. For example: You will hear: Hello, I'm Cut Nia. I'm your neighbour. What's your name? The correct response for the expression is .... a. Hello, Cut Nia. Nice to meet you. b. Hi, Cut Nia. My name is Edo. Nice to meet you. The correct response is (b) Hi, Cut Nia. My name is Edo. Nice to meet you. 1. a. Good morning. What's your name? b. Good morning. I'm Deni. 2. a. How do you do? b. Hi, Desi. How are you? 3. a. I'm just fine. b. Good morning. My name is Risa. 4. a. What's your name? b. Hi, Rudi. Nice to see you. 5. a. Good bye. Nice to meet you. b. Glad to meet you, too. Activity 3 Listen carefully to the following dialogue and study it. Then practise it with your friend. Mirna : Hi, Toni, nice to meet you again after long holiday. Toni : Hello. Mirna, nice to meet you too. Mirna : Anyway, where did you go on the last holiday? Toni : Well. I went to Bali. It's a wonderful place with beautiful beaches and sceneries. Mirna : Wow. It sounds great. What did you do there? Toni : My family and I spent four nights there in a bungalow in Kuta beach. I had a great vacation there. I swam and surfed on the beach. I also played football and sand with my brother. Mirna : What else did you do there? Toni : The next morning I visited another small island around Bali on a boat. It was a great experience to see many beautiful places and have a talk with tourists there. Mirna : What did you do before you left Bali? Toni : On the last day, I went to the merchandise shops and bought some stuffs there. I bought shirts, shorts, and also traditional clothes. Unfortunately I couldn't afford to buy a surfing board because it was too expensive. Mirna : Well, it's nice to hear your story. I hope that I can also visit Bali someday. Listen to these past tense verbs taken from the dialogue and repeat after your teacher. 1. was /wz/ 6. swam /swam/ 2. did /dd/ 7. bought /b:t/ 3. had /hd/ 8. surfed /s:fd/ 4. went /went/ 9. played /pled/ 5. left /left/ 10. visited /vztd/
Activity 4

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EXPLANATORY NOTES Formal Greetings Good morning. Good afternoon. Good evening. Hello, how are you?

Responses Hello. Hello, good afternoon. Good evening. Im fine. Thank you. Very well, thank you. Responses Terrific. And you? Just fine, thanks. Great, thanks.Pretty well. What about you?

Formal Greetings Hi, hows life? Whats news? Hows everything? Hows business? Good to see you. Activity 5

In pairs, practice reading the dialogues below. The bold parts are stressed.
1. Mr. Iskandar T alit a Mr. Iskandar T alit a Mr. Iskandar T alit a 2. T alit a Renata T alit a Renata T alit a Renata : : : : : Good morning, Talita. Good morning, Mr.Iskandar. How are you? Very well, thank you. And how are you, sir? Fine, thank you. Did you have a good nights rest last night? : Yes, sir. Thank you.

: : : : : :

Hi, Renata. Hello, Lita. Hows everything? Just fine, thanks, and how about you? Good, thanks. How was your weekend, Lita? It was great. I went to Yogya. What about you? Not too bad. I just stayed at home, we had a family gathering.

Speaking: In this section, you will learn how to: introduce yourself and others; say greetings and partings; perform a monologue of recount texts. Activity 1
Answer these questions orally.

1. What will you say when you have to introduce yourself to someone you didn't know before? 2. Is it alright if you ask his/her name after introducing yourself? 3. Is it alright to ask his/her age? Activity 2 Study the following dialogues. Act them out with your friends.

Dialogue 1 . T alit a Renata

: Thats Baskara. Do you know him? : No, I dont.


Lets Fun In English

T alit a Baskara T alit a Baskara Renata 2. Baskara Renata Baskara Renata T alit a Mr. Iskandar Mr.Hardono Mr. Iskandar

: : : : : : : : :

Hello, Baska. Hello, Lita. Baska, this is a friend of mine, Renata Simamora. Hello. Pleased to meet you. Hi, pleased to meet you too. Excuse me. I dont think we have met, Im Baskara. Hello. Im Renata. Nice to meet you, Renata. Nice to meet you.


: Mr. Iskandar, let me introduce you to Mr. Hardono of Java Tour. Mr. Hardono, this is Mr. Smith, our Marketing Manager. : How do you do? : How do you do? Its very nice to meet you. : Its nice to meet you too. Responses Hi, Im Renata. Glad to meet you. Hello. My names Renata. Pleased to meet you. Good evening. Im Renata. How do you do? How do you do? My name is Renata. Nice to meet you. Responses
No, I dont think so. No, I havent. Hi, glad to meet you. Im Renata. Hello, Renata. Pleased to meet you. Im glad to know you. Its nice to meet you. How do you do? How do you do? Its very nice to meet you.

EXPLANATORY NOTES Introducing oneself Hi, Im Baskara. Hello, my names Baskara. Good evening. My name is Baskara. May I introduce myself? Im Baskara. Let me introduce myself. My name is Baskara. How do you do? My name is Baskara. Introducing others
Do you know Baskara? Have you met Baskara? This is a friend of mine, Renata. Baska this is Rena, my friend. May I introduce our new member, Mr. Rafael Romero? Please allow me to introduce our new District Manager. Let me introduce you to Mr. Iskandar o ur Marketing Manager. Mr. Iskandar, this is Mr. Hermawan from Borneo Plantation Company.

Expressions My name is Andi. Im Denias. Let me introduce myself. My name is Id like to introduce myself. My name is Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Denias, this is Adib. Id like to introduce Let me introduce Allow me to introduce


Introducing yourself

Introducing someone

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Have a conversation in groups of three. Introduce yourself and one of your classmates to your group. Look at the example.
An it a Virga An it a Virga Ayu Activity 4 : Hi, my name is Anita. : Hi, Anita. My name is Virga. : Virga, this is Ayu. : Hi, Ayu. Its nice to meet you. : Its nice to meet you too, Virga.

Activity 3

In small groups, introduce yourself to your classmates. The following guidance will help you.
greet your classmates introduce yourself: name, place/date of birth, address mention your hobbies and your ambitions tell the activities you ever joined and recent activities you have Good morning, everybody! Let me introduce myself. My name is Anita Mumpuni. I was born in Semarang, on 29 August 1992. I live at Diponegoro street no. 27. My hobbies are dancing, singing, and swimming. I want to be a professional dancer someday. I joined the music club in the Junior High School. Now, I join the dancing club. I practise hard to reach my ambition. Activity 5 Expressing Thanking

Look at the picture and answer the questions.

1. What is the boy doing? 2. What is he probably saying? 3. How is the girl responding?

Activity 6

Keep your book closed. Listen to your teacher. Then open your book. Listen to your teacher again and repeat after him.

1. Thanks a lot. 2. Its very nice. 3. Im glad you like it. 4. Its very kind of you to help me to find my luggage. 5. Youre welcome. 6. Im glad I could help. 7. Thanks for taking me home. 8. Thats alright. 9. I really appreciate your visiting us. 10. It was my pleasure.

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Activity 7

Study this explanation.

a. When someone gives you something Thanking - Thanks (a lot) - Thank you very much (followed by): - Its very nice/ beautiful. - Its just what I want. - But you really didnt have to /
You shouldnt have (if the gift is not expected)

You are welcome. No problem. Its OK/alright. Dont mention it. Im glad you like it

b. When someone does a favor or helps you Thanking Responses - Thanks (a lot) for your help. - You are welcome. - Thanks (a lot) for helping me. - No problem. - I really appreciate your help. - Thats OK/ alright. - It was very kind of you to help - Never mind. me. - Forget it. - Im very grateful to you for - Any time. your visit. - Think nothing of it. - Im very grateful to you for - Im glad I could help. inviting me. - Dont mention it. - It was my pleasure/ My pleasure. - Its no trouble at all. Below are some other expressions. Expressions - Im very pleased with - Its marvellous! - Thank goodness! - Thank God for - Im very glad about - Fantastic! - Thank you very much (for) - Thanks. - Thanks a lot for - Many thanks. - Youre welcome. - N o t at all. - My pleasure. - Thats OK. - Thats all right. - Any time. Functions

Saying you are pleased


Responding to thanks

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Complete the following dialogue with the expressions in the box. Then, perform it with your classmate.
Thank you. Wow, fantastic! My pleasure An it a An d i An it a An d i An it a An d i An it a An d i : : : : : : : : Hey, Andi could you help me bring these books to Deniass class? Yes, sure. 1) __________________ Any time. By the way, have you heard the latest news about our school? No, I havent. Whats that? We won the _ rst prize in the Drama Competition held by the local government. 2) _____________________ I never know we have a good drama club. Well, you have to change your perspective. Anyway, thanks for helping me. 3) ________________ So, lets go to the cafeteria. Let me buy you a drink. Really? Thank you so much.

Activity 8

An it a : An d i : An it a : An d i : Acvivity 9

Look at the thanking card below and observe what is written on it. Then, make a similar thanking card yourself on the computer. Insert a clip art or down load a picture from the internet and write down a thanking note to your friend who gave you a cute white T-shirt. Print it out and submit it to your teacher. Dear Mrs. Hermawan, Rudi and I just received the Chinese dinner set you sent us for our wedding present. It is gorgeous, and it matches our dining table. We will think of you each time we use it. Thank you so very much. Regards, Dwita

In pairs, practice reading these dialogues. The bold parts are stressed.
1. 2. 3.

Activity 10

Mr. Iskandar Talita

Boys Fat h e r T alit a Mrs. Iskandar T alit a Renata

: : : : : :

: Good bye, Talita. See you tomorrow. : Yes. Good bye, Mr. Iskandar.

Bye, dad. Bye-bye, sons. Take care. Good bye, Mrs. Iskandar. Good bye, Ms. Yuwono. Its been nice talking to you. I have to go now. See you later. Bye. See you.

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EXPLANATORY NOTES Leave Takings Sorry, I have to go now. Ill talk to you later. Its been nice talking to you. Good bye. Bye-bye / Bye. See you tomorrow. Activity 11

Responses Yes of course. See you. Sure. See you later. So long. Take care. Keep in touch. See you at school.

With your partner, complete the dialogues below with the expressions you have learned and practice speaking them out.
1. Mr. Iskandar Baskara Mr. Iskandar Baskara Mr. Iskandar Baskara Mr. Iskandar 2. Renata Talita Renata Talita Renata Talita Renata Talita : : : : : Good morning, Baskara. How are you? , ..? .. How is your family? .., thank you. Im sorry, but I really have to go now. Its been nice talking to you : See you some time. : : : : : : Hi, Lita. , .? . And you? . Hows work? Would you like to have a cup of tea? : Id love to but .. I have a lot work to do. Ill call you this afternoon. : . Take care. : Thanks. You too.

Work in pairs. Take turns to ask and answer the questions. Use the table below to answer. Number 1 is as your model.
a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. 1. 2. 3. 4. Im sorry, we dont allow children under twelve. Im afraid we dont accept personal check. They run every an hour. It closes at 4 in the afternoon. We sell toilet articles in our hotel store. It opens at 9 in the morning. It costs forty five thousand rupiah. They leave from the main entrance. Certainly, we take most credit cards. We dont charge for making travel arrangement. Student A Student B Student A Student B Student B Student A Student A Student B : Where does the airport bus go from? : They leave from the main entrance. : What time does the restaurant open? : __________________________ : When does the bank close? : __________________________ : Do you accept payment by credit card? : __________________________ SMK NEGERI 1 KAWUNGANTEN 13 | P a g e

Activity 12

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5. 6.

Student B Student A Student A Student B

: Can I have my five year-old son with me to the theatre? : Im sorry, ____________________ : If I ask you to book me a ticket, how much will you add to my bill? : __________________________ : How often do Trans-Jakarta buses go? : __________________________ : Where can I buy a toothbrush? : __________________________ : Can I pay by check? : __________________________ : How much is breakfast? : __________________________

7. 8. 9.

Student B Student A Student A Student B Student B Student A

10. Student A Student B

Activity 13

1. I would like to apologize for being late to class. 2. Its OK this time. Please be on time in the future. 3. Yes, I will. Thank you, sir. 4. Were sorry to have the meeting here. 5. Thats all right, we completely understand. 6. Sorry, I forgot to bring your magazine back. 7. No problem, I have finished reading it. 8. Im sorry to hear that, please accept my condolence.

Listen to your teacher and repeat these expressions.

Activity 14

Listen to your teacher and practice these dialogues aloud in pairs.

In a classroom Edo Mr. Kuncoro Edo Mr. Kuncoro Edo Mr. Kuncoro Edo : : : : : : : Good morning, sir. Morning, Edo. I would like to apologize for being late to class. Why do you come late? My motorbike had a flat tyre on the way to school. Its OK this time. Please be on time in the future. Yes, I will. Thank you, sir.


In classroom L is a Ani L is a

: Sorry, I forgot to bring your magazine back. : No problem, I have finished reading it and you may give it back to me next time. : Thanks. : I saw someone pick you up at school yesterday. Who was he? : Oh, hes my uncle. He told me that my mother had just passed away. Then he asked me to go home. : Im sorry to hear that, please accept my condolence. : Thanks.


At school. Iwan A di Iwan A di

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Reading Activity 1

Read the text below.

Good afternoon, fellows. May I introduce myself? My name is Rafael Romero. Just call me Rafa. I was born in Mexico, but my parents moved to the USA when I was young, so I'm an American. I speak both English and Spanish. I come to Indonesia to learn about the culture because I like dancing traditional dances. I dream to be a professional dancer one day. I live in Bantul, a small town southward Yogyakarta. I'm glad to know you all and hope that I can get help from you especially in speaking Indonesian. Thank you.

Activity 2

1. Who is introducing himself? 2. Where was he born? 3. Where do his parents live? 4. Does he speak Spanish? 5. What does he do in Indonesia? 6. Is he a student or a teacher? 7. Does he like dancing traditional or modern dances? 8. What does he want to be? 9. Where is Bantul located? 10. What does he expect from his new friends?

Answer the following questions based on the text above.


Activity 3

In the previous activities you learned these expressions. 1. I am Baskara. 2. Let me introduce you to Mr. Smith. 3. Renata is my friend. 4. Renata is a friend of mine. The underlined parts are personal pronouns. This table shows the complete forms. Subject Object

With your partner, study the following explanation.

I You He Sh e It We T h ey He and she Activity 4

Me You Him Her It Us T h em T h em

Possessive Adjective (+ noun)

Possessive Pronoun

My You r His Her Its Our T h e ir T h e ir

M in e Y o u rs His Hers Ours T h e irs T h e irs


With your partner, study the following explanation.

In the previous learning activities, you found the expressions below. 1. How are you? 2. Im fine, thanks. 3.How is your family? SMK NEGERI 1 KAWUNGANTEN 15 | P a g e

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4.They are very well, thank you. 5. These are my friends, Surya and Nyoman. They are waiters. The underlined words are TO BE A sentence in English always requires a verb. The Construction is Subject + Verb. In case we talk about situation, existence, condition, identification, location, profession, and nationality or when there is no physical nor intellectual activity, we should use the verb TO BE. This table shows the forms of TO BE : AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Full Short Full Short I am Im I am not You are Youre You are not You arent He is Hes He is not He isnt She is Shes She is not She isnt It is Its It is not It isnt We are Were We are not We arent They are Theyre They are not They arent This is This is not This isnt That is Thats That is not That isnt

INTERROGATIVE Am I? Are you? Is he? Is she? Is it? Are we? Are they? Is this? Is that?


With your partner, study the following explanation.

In the previous learning activities, you found the expressions below: 1. I live in Bantul. 2. We have a new member. 3. Do you know Baskara? 4. I dont think we have met. When talking about facts (they stay the same for a long time) and habits (they happen again and again) we use THE SIMPLE PRESENT. The verb is the simple form of verb. In positive form, when the subject is a third singular person (Talita, she, he) and it suffix s/es is added to the verb. In negative and interrogative, does is used for the third singular person, and do is used for the others. it), suffix s/es is added to the verb. In negative and interrogative, does is used for the third singular person, and do is used for the others. Look at the examples. 1) Talita works in Rumpita Hotel 2) She has the competency to perform well at work. 3) Does she speak English? 4) Certainly, but she doesnt speak Japanese. 5) We live in Indonesia. 6) More people stay in our hotel on weekends. 7) They usually come with their family. 8) Do they always spend much money in the hotel restaurant? 9) No. They usually dont spend much money on food. 10) A receptionist welcomes guests in a hotel or an office. Notes: 1) In positive form, when the subject is a third singular person (Talita, she, he, it), suffix s/es is added to the verb. 2) In negative and interrogative, does is used for the third singular person, and do is used for the others.

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Put the verbs in brackets into the correct forms.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Activity 5

The chemist (not sell) drugs without doctors prescription. What time the film in theatre 3 .. (begin)? .. you (have) your identity card with you? Im sorry, sir. We .. (not give) discount for payment by credit card. The restaurant (not serve) Indonesian food. Its a Chinese restaurant. 6. How long it .. (take) to fly to Surabaya? 7. Tourists always . (enjoy) the tour Dieng plateau. 8. .. the service station ( open) on Sunday? 9. What an office boy (do) in an office? 10. The students orchestra always . (perform)

With your partner, complete these dialogues using the expressions you have learned and practice speaking them out.
1. Talita Renata Talita Baskara Talita Baskara Renata Rafael Talita Rafael Talita Rafael Talita 3. Mr. Iskandar Mr. Hardono Mr. Iskandar Mr. Hardono Talita Mr. Hardono : : : : : : : Thats Baskara ...........................? No, I havent. Hi, Baska. Hows everything? ...........................................................? ................., thanks. Baska, ........................, Renata. Hi, ........................................., Renata. .........................................

Writing Activity 1


: Excuse me, .................................. My name is Rafael Romero. : How do you do, Mr. Romero? ................ ................ : ............................., Ms.Yuwono? .................... ................... : Me, too. Are you a new employee here? : Yes, I am. Ive just moved from the main office. : ...................................., then. : Good morning, Mr. Hardono. How are you? : ............................... How about you? : ............................. I dont think you have met my secretary, Ms. Talita Yuwono. Talita, this is Mr. Hardono. : ..............................? : .........................................................? .................................... : .......................................

Arrange this jumbled dialogue. Its the review of what you have learned about greeting, introducing, and thanking as well.
a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Ari Ari Is t i Ari Is t i Ari Is t i Ari : : : : : : : Not bad. Are you alone? I am glad you like it. Thank you, and thanks for your gift too. I really like it. Pleased to meet you, Siska. By the way, did you have a good time at my party yesterday, Ri? Hi, Isti. How is everything? No, Im with my cousin, Siska. Let me introduce you to her. Siska this is my friend, Ari. : Of course. I enjoyed it very much. It was wonderful. SMK NEGERI 1 KAWUNGANTEN 17 | P a g e

Activity 2


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i. j.

Siska : Glad to see you too. Is t i : Fine, thanks. And you?

A 1. You greet your teacher at 1 p.m. 2. Lita meets an old friend. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Match the situations in column A, with the proper expressions in column B.

Activity 3

B a. Hello, Rena. Nice to see you again. b. Thank you for joining us. Good
night. Sorry. I really must go now. Good afternoon, maam. Good morning, class. Good evening, ladies gentlemen. g. Good morning, sir. h. Good night. Sweet dream.

A teacher greets her students. Someone opens a speech at 7 p.m. You meet your classmate. A receptionist welcomes a guest at 10 a.m. 7. You part with a friend after school. 8. A TV presenter closes her evenings program. 9. You end a conversation with a friend. 10. A Mommy takes her little son to bed.

c. d. e. f.


i. j.

How are you today? Bye. See you tomorrow.

c. Rangkuman 1 SUMMARY 1. Language Functions a. Introducing Hi, I am Deri. Hello, my name is Dewi. b. Greeting Hi! Hello. Good morning. Good evening. c. Parting Goodbye. See you later. Good night. 2. Genre Recount Social function : to retell events for the purpose of informing or entertaining Generic structure - Orientation : provides the setting and introduces participants - Events : tell what happened, in what sequence - Re-orientation : optional-closure of events Learning Reflection After learning the lesson in this chapter, you are expected to be able to: 1. respond to the expressions of introducing, meeting and parting; 2. respond to oral instructions; 3. introduce yourself and others; 4. say greetings and goodbye; 5. perform a dialogue of recount texts;

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6. identify the structure of recount texts; 7. write a recount text. d. Tugas 1 Now, answer the questions: 1. How do you introduce yourself? 2. What do you say to greet people? 3. What do you say when you need to leave the person you're talking to? 4. Write your last holiday experience and tell it to your friends. If you find some difficulties, consult your teacher or discuss with your friends. e. Tes Formatif 1 Match the sentences on the left with the answers on the right! 1. How do you do? a. Im fine 2. What do you do here? b. That sounds a good idea 3. Nice to meet you. c. Hi, Im Jane. Nice to meet you. 4. Where is your friend from? d. I visit my friend. 5. Lets have a drink. e. Its OK this time. Please be on 6. This is Bob, my old friend. time in the future. 7. Thank you for your help. f. Nice to meet you, too. 8. See you tomorrow. g. How do you do 9. How are you? h. Dont mention it 10. I would like to apologize for being i. Jakarta late to class. j. See you k. Thank you f. Kunci Jawaban Formatif 1 1. g 2. d 3. f 4. i 5. b 6. c 7. h 8. j 9. a 10. e g. Lembar Kerja 1 1) Introduce yourself in front of classmate! 2) Make a dialogue in a group talking about how to thanking! 3) Write down your daily activities!

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2. Kegiatan Belajar 2 : SHAPES AND TIME a. Tujuan Kegiatan Pemelajaran 2 Setelah mempelajari kegiatan belajar ini peserta diklat mampu memahami, menyebutkan dan mendekripsikan nama-nama benda, orang, ciri-ciri, waktu, hari, bulan, dan tahun. b. Uraian Materi 2 Learning Outcomes 1. Describing colours, qualities, sizes, shapes, and materials. 2. Describing origins & nationalities and professions.
In our life, we often need to know how to describe colours, sizes, shapes, etc. We also need to ask and answer about someones profession, origin, and nationality. Besides, we will always deal with numbers to get information about times, days, dates, months, years, etc. And in this Unit, you will study about all of those things.

Reading: Activity 1 A. COLOURS

Colours can make our life bright and interesting. Imagine how boring our life would be if there were no colours. We cannot enjoy the beauty of flowers, rainbow, butterflies, etc. Wherever we are, we will find colours: at home, at school, in the park, in the garden, etc. We will also find colours from the time we get up in the morning until the time we go to bed at night. So, colours are very meaningful in our life. Here are the colours: 1. Blue 5. Green 7. Grey 8. Brown 2. Red 3. White 4. Black 6. Yellow 9. Pink 10. Orange


1. Red

Look at the pictures, and observe the sentences in Activity 3.

2. Blue 3 . Y e llo w 4. Green

Activity 2

5. Orange

6. White

7. Black

8. Grey

9. Purple

10. Brown

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Activity 3

1. The circle is red. It is a red circle. 2. The square is blue. It is a blue square. 3. The triangle is yellow. It is a yellow triangle. 4. The rectangle is green. It is a green rectangle. 5. The parallelogram is orange. It is an orange parallelogram. 6. The oval is white. It is a white oval. 7. The cylinder is black. It is a black cylinder. 8. The pentagon is grey. It is a grey pentagon. 9. The hexagon is purple. It is a purple hexagon. 10. The box is brown. It is a brown box.

Listen to your teacher and repeat.


Look at the pictures, and observe the sentencesin Activity 5.

2. 3.

B. QUALITY Activity 4



Activity 5

1. The flowers are beautiful. They are beautiful flowers. 2. The suitcase is good. It is a good suitcase. 3. The chairs are broken. They are broken chairs. 4. The picture is bad. It is a bad picture. 5. The butterfly is lovely. It is a lovely butterfly.

Listen to your teacher and repeat.

1. A

Look at the pictures, and observe the sentences in Activity 7.

2. B 3. A 4. B

C. SIZE Activity 6

5. Dictionary

6. Notebook



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Activity 7

1. Box A is heavy. Its a heavy box. 2. Box B is light. Its a light box. 3. Cylinder A is big. Its a big cylinder. 4. Cylinder B is small. Its a small cylinder. 5. The dictionary is thick. Its a thick dictionary. 6. The notebook is thin. Its a thin notebook. 7. The boy is fat. Hes a fat boy. 8. The girl is skinny. Shes a skinny girl.

Listen to your teacher and repeat.


Look at the pictures, and observe the sentences in Activity 9.

2. 3. 4. 5.

D. SHAPES Activity 8






Activity 9

1. The coins are circular. Theyre circular coins. 2. The ball is spherical. Its a spherical ball. 3. The plates are oval. Theyre oval plates. 4. The chessboard is square. Its a square chessboard. 5. The protractor is semicircular. Its a semicircular protractor. 6. The pipe is cylindrical. Its a cylindrical pipe. 7. The door is rectangular. Its a rectangular door. 8. The box is cubic. Its a cubic box. 9. The ice cream is conical. Its a conical ice cream. 10. The banners are triangular. Theyre triangular banners.

Listen to your teacher and repeat.

1. leather

Look at the pictures, and observe the sentences in Activity 11.

2. paper 3. cotton 4. rubber

E. MATERIALS Activity 10

5. plastic

6. wood

7 . iro n

8. gold

9. glass

10. copper

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Activity 11

1. These shoes are made of leather. Theyre leather shoes. 2. This kite is made of paper. Its a paper kite. 3. Those T-shirts are made of cotton. Theyre cotton T-shirts. 4. That tyre is made of rubber. Its a rubber tyre. 5. The set-square is made of plastic. Its a plastic set-square. 6. These cupboards are made of wood. Theyre wooden cupboards. 7. The fence is made of iron. Its an iron fence. 8. That ring is made of gold. Its a gold ring. 9. Those marbles are made of glass. Theyre glass marbles. 10. These cables are made of copper. Theyre copper cables.

Listen to your teacher and repeat.


Look at the pictures, and observe the sentences in Activity 13.

2. 3. 4. 5.







Activity 13

1. Hes from Indonesia. Hes Indonesian. 2. Theyre from China. Theyre Chinese. 3. Shes from Japan. Shes Japanese. 4. Theyre from Saudi Arabia. Theyre Arab. 5. Hes from Spain. Hes Spanish. 6. Shes from England. Shes English. 7. Theyre from the USA. Theyre American. 8. Theyre from India. Theyre Indian. 9. Hes from the Netherlands. Hes Dutch. 10. Shes from France. Shes French.

Listen to your teacher and repeat.


Look at the pictures and observe the sentences in Activity 15.

2. 3. 4. 5.

G. FROFESSIONS Activity 14

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Activity 15

1. Hes a teacher. 2. Theyre waiters. 3. Shes a secretary. 4. Theyre policemen. 5. Theyre nurses. 6. Shes a doctor. 7. Hes a postman. 8. Theyre singers. 9. Hes a dentist. 10. Hes a student.

Listen to your teacher and repeat.


Look at the pictures and observe the sentences in Activity 17.

2. 3. 4. 5.







Activity 17

1. The man is tall. He is a tall man.. 2. The woman is short. She is a short woman. 3. The girl is slim. She is a slim girl. 4. The man is fat. He is a fat man. 5. The men are strong. They are strong men. 6. The men are weak. They are weak men. 7. The woman is beautiful. She is a beautiful woman. 8. The boy is ugly. He is an ugly boy. 9. Their hair is short. They have short hair. 10. Their hair is long. They have long hair.

Listen to your teacher and repeat.

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Speaking. Activity 1

Abdullah Zaky and Haritsa are a new couple. They have just got married for about three months. They are looking for a house. They are in a real estate agent now having a conversation with an agent. Agent : Good morning Mr. and Mrs. . . .? Zaky : Zaky. Abdullah Zaky. Agent : Right, Mr. and Mrs. Zaky. Welcome to Gebyar Pesona Real Estate. Im Fatih Hamzah. Can I help you? Zaky : Yes. Weve just got married and are looking for a house, a house which is not so big and not so small. Ehm . . . medium, I mean. Agent : Ah yes, youre very lucky, Mr. and Mrs. Zaky. We have what you want, a medium house. Here is the picture. Haritsa : It looks beautiful. Agent : It does, Mrs. Zaky. Haritsa : How many rooms does it have? Agent : There are six rooms. One living room, one bathroom, two bedrooms, one kitchen, and one garage. Haritsa : Wheres the kitchen? Agent : Well, heres the kitchen. Haritsa : Hmm . . . its very small. Agent : Yes, it isnt big. But theres a cooker and a fridge. There are some cupboards under the sink. The tiles are square. Haritsa : Are there any plates? Agent : Yes, there are some circular and some oval plates in the cupboard. Zaky : Very good. What about the chairs? Are there any? Agent : Yes, but they are in the living room, four wooden chairs and one wooden table. Haritsa : But there arent any glasses. Agent : Yes, there are twelve in the cupboard. Conical glasses. Zaky : And . . . is there a television in the living room? Agent : Yes, a big, colour television. Zaky : What colour are the walls? Agent : Blue outside and white inside. Zaky : And what about the yard? I mean, how large is the yard? Agent : The front yard is large enough but the back yard is not so large. Zaky : And the garage? Agent : The garage is enough for one car and one motorcycle. Zaky : What do you think, honey? Can we take this house? Haritsa : I think it very good. We can take it. Zaky : OK, Mr. Hamzah, before we take this house, may I know how much it is ? Agent : Its not expensive, Mr. Zaki, only seventy five million rupiahs. You can pay by installments, twenty five million as the down payment and ten million a month within five months. Zaky : I agree. Agent : Very good, Mr. Zaky. And if you dont mind, can I know where you are from and what you are? Zaky : Im from Semarang and my wife is from Bandung. Im a businessman and shes a dentist. Agent : Thank you very much, Mr. Zaky. Would you please fill in this form? Zaky : All right.

Listen to your teacher and practice the conversation.

Activity 2

1. How long have Zaky and Haritsa been married? 2. What kind of house do they want? 3. Does the agent have such a house? 4. Is the house beautiful? 5. How many bedrooms are there in that house?

Answer these questions.

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6. How big is the kitchen? 7. What things are there in the kitchen? 8. What shape are the tiles? 9. What shape are the plates? 10. Are there any chairs in the kitchen? 11. What kind of chairs are they? 12. Are the glasses cylindrical or are they conical? 13. Is the television big or small? 14. Is it a black white television? 15. What colour are the walls? 16. Which yard is large enough and which yard is not so large? 17. Is the garage wide enough? 18. Where is Zaky from? 19. Where does Haritsa come from? 20. What are Zaky and Haritsa?

1. _______________ ? Our uniform is white and grey. 2. _______________ ? The monster is very big. 3. _______________ ? The lake is very large. 4. _______________ ? My shirt is medium. 5. _______________ ? The clock is circular. 6. _______________ ? The calendar is rectangular. 7. _______________ ? The mattress is made of sponge. 8. _______________ ? Hes from Thailand. 9. _______________ ? Hes Thai. 10. _______________ ? Hes a film star.

Make questions (orally) based on the following responses. Consult your dictionary for new words.

Activity 3


Match the picture with the sentences above!

re d .... .... ....

Activity 4







1) Hes a soldier. 2) This table is made of wood. Its a wood table. 3) The marvels are spherical. Theyre a spherical marvels. 4) Shes from England. Shes English. 5) The star is red. It is a red star. 6) The house is small. It is a small house. 7) The flowers are beautiful. They are beautiful flowers. 8) The house is big. Its a big house. 9) His hair is short. He has short hair. 10) Hes from Australia. Hes Australian.

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Read this passage carefully.

Reading. Activity 1

Pratama is a 26 year single man. He comes from Magelang, Central Java. He has just graduated from Law Department of a state university in Semarang. Now he works in a great insurance company in Jakarta. One of his hobbies is traveling. He has visited many regions in Indonesia, such as North Sumatra, West Sumatra, Ujung Kulon, Yogyakarta, Bali, Lombok, North Sulawesi, etc. He also likes watching football matches with a friend in a stadium in his free time. His great dream is visiting Mecca in Saudi Arabia to do the pilgrimage. He hopes that next year his dream will come true. Pratama loves pets. He has three cute cats at home. He loves them very much. He always keeps the cats well by giving them the best food. Other things that Pratama likes to do are getting up early in the morning and going to bed early at night.

Activity 2

1. Has Pratama got married? 2. Where did he graduate from? 3. Did he study law in Semarang or in Magelang? 4. Where does he work now? 5. Does he have one hobby or more than one hobby? 6. When does he usually watch football matches? 7. What does he really want to do next year? 8. What pets does he have at home, dogs or cats? 9. How does he keep his pets? 10. Does he hate getting up early in the morning?

Answer the questions based on the pastage above.




Activity 3


1 . What colour is your shirt? 2. What colour are your eyes? 1. Whats the quality of your watch? 2. Whats the quality of this picture? 1. How big is your house? 2. What size are your shoes? 1. What shapes is the earth? 2. What shape are the tiles? 1. What is a spanner made of? 2. What are your shoes made of? 1. a. Where are you from? b. Where do you come from? 2. a. What nationality are you? b. What is your nationality? 3. a. Wheres he from? b. Where does he come from? 4. a. What nationality is he? b. What is his nationality? 5. a. Where are they from? b. Where do they come from? 6. a. What nationality are they? b. What is their nationality? 1. a. Whats your job? b. Whats your profession? c. Whats your occupation?

1 . Its blue. 2. Theyre black. 1 . Its good. 2. I ts bad.


1 . Its very big. 2. They are medium. 1 . Its round. 2. Theyre square. 1 . Its made of steel. 2. Theyre made of leather. a. Im from Indonesia. b. I come from Indonesia. Im Indonesian. a. Hes from Vietnam. b. He comes from Vietnam. Hes Vietnamese. a. Theyre from Iraq. b. They come from Iraq. Theyre Iraqi. I am a teacher.



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d. What are you? e. What do you do? 2. a. Whats her job? b. Whats her profession? c. Whats her occupation? d. What is she? e. What does she do? 3. a. What are their jobs? b. What are their professions? c. What are their occupations? d. What are they? e. What do they do?

Shes a secretary.

Theyre farmers.


1. Put opinion adjectives in front of descriptive adjectives. Examples: Opinion Adjective Descriptive Adjective Noun beautiful Small g ir l handsome tall boy expensive b ig diamond 2. This is the table of Adjectives in Series:
Opinion Adjectives lovely/nice expensive good pretty Size big small big small Shape circular fl a t square Descriptive Adjectives Age Colour Origin old brown Javanese new metallic Japanese new old white -

Material wooden stone

Noun Table c ar TV house

C. ADJECTIVES SHOWING PHYSICAL APPEARANCE a) Looks : handsome, ugly, beautiful, pretty, cute, fat, thin, skinny, b) c) d) e) f) g)
Height Weight A ge Hair type Hair colour Etc. slim, charming, attractive : tall, short : heavy, light : young, old : long, short, curly, straight, wavy : black, grey, white, blonde

Activity 4 NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Listen and repeat after your teacher.

No u n Circle Cone Cube Cylinder Oval Rectangle Rhombus Sq u are Triangle SHAPES Adjective Circular Conical Cubic Cylindrical Oval Rectangular Rhombus Sq u are Triangular OBJECTS Coins, wheels, CDs

Activity 5 A. NUMBERS 1. Cardinal Numbers

Cardinal Numbers are used to: - show prices, SMK NEGERI 1 KAWUNGANTEN 28 | P a g e

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show time, show physical appearances such as weights, heights, ages, etc, show speed, announce flight numbers, etc.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 zero one t wo three four five six seven eight nine ten 11 12 13 14 15 16 eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen 18 19 20 21 30 40 eighteen nineteen twenty twenty-one thirty forty 100 1,000 10,000 100,000 1,000,000
one hundred one thousand ten thousand one hundred thousand one million

Listen to your teacher and repeat.


Look at the pictures, and observe the sentences in Activity 7.

2. 3. 4. 5.

Activity 6






Activity 7

1. Its six oclock. 2. Its quarter past seven. 3. Its half past eight. 4. Its quarter to nine. 5. Its twenty past ten. 6. Its twenty to twelve. 7. Its ten to twelve. 8. Its ten past twelve. 9. Its twenty five past one. 10. Its twenty five to three.

Listen to your teacher and repeat.

Match column A with column B.Number one

1. Rp. 3,950.00 2. 1,500 m3 3. Apt. No. 35 4. 07.15 a.m 5. 50% 6. 250 kph 7 . 1 0 0 0C 8. 25 kg 9. 2008 10. 8311532

Activity 8

A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J.


Eight three one one five three two Two hundred and fifty kilometers per hour Two thousand and eight One thousand five hundred cubic metres Three thousand nine hundred and fifty rupiahs Twenty-five kilograms Apartment number 35 fifty percent A quarter past seven in the morning (a. m.) One hundred degrees centigrade.

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2. Ordinal Numbers

Ordinal Numbers are used to: 1. show dates, 2. show ranks / positions.



Listen to your teacher and repeat.


eleventh twelfth





eighteenth nineteenth






















seventh eighth sixteenth thirty-second












Activity 9

a. thirty-first b. forty-sixth c. ninety-second d. fifth e. twenty-seventh f. eight hundred and third g. four thousand and three hundredth h. five hundred thousand and sixty-fourth i. seventy-ninth j. fourteenth

Write the numbers.

Activity 10 B. DAYS 1.

Look at the names of the days, and observe the sentences in Activity 11.
2. 3. 4.




Activity 11

1. Today is Sunday. Its Sunday. 2. Today is Monday. Its Monday. 3. Today is Tuesday. Its Tuesday. 4. Today is Wednesday. Its Wednesday. 5. Today is Thursday. Its Thursday. 6. Today is Friday. Its Friday. 7. Today is Saturday. Its Saturday.

Listen to your teacher and repeat.

Activity 12

1. Today is Sunday. Tomorrow will be . . . . 2. Today is Friday. Yesterday was . . . . 3. Thursday is the day after . . . . 4. Monday is the day before . . . . 5. Tuesday is the day between . . . . and . . . .

Complete the following sentences with suitable words.

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6. Tomorrow will be Sunday. Today is . . . . 7. Tomorrow will be Wednesday. Yesterday was . . . . 8. Yesterday was Monday. Tomorrow will be . . . . 9. Friday is the day . . . Saturday. 10. Monday is the day . . . Sunday. 11. Wednesday is the day . . . Tuesday and Thursday. 12. Yesterday was Thursday. Today is . . . .

Activity 13 C. MONTHS 1.

Look at the names of the months and listen to your teacher. Repeat after him / her.
2. 3. 4.









Activity 14

1. This month is January. Last month was . . . . 2. This month is April. Next month will be . . . . 3. September is after . . . . 4. November is before . . . . 5. The second month of the year is . . . . 6. December is the . . . month of the year. 7. August is the . . . month of the year. 8. May is between . . . and . . . . 9. The month after July is . . . . 10. The month before May is . . . . 11. Last month was February. This month is . . . . 12. Next month will be June. This month is . . . .

Complete the following sentences with suitable words.

Activity 15 D. DATES & YEARS Look at these dates, and observe the sentences in Activity 16. 1. July 31, 1963 2. March 16, 1992 3. May 20, 2004 4. June 3, 1996 5. April 12, 1966 6. August 17, 1945 7. January 1, 2008 8. September 2, 1982 9. October 5, 1988 10. December 10, 2005 11. February 29, 2001 12. November 13, 1999

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Activity 16

1. July the thirty-first, nineteen sixty-three. 2. March the sixteenth, nineteen ninety-two. 3. May the twentieth, two thousand and four. 4. June the third, nineteen ninety-six. 5. April the twelfth, nineteen sixty-six. 6. August the seventeenth, nineteen forty-five. 7. January the first, two thousand and eight. 8. September the second, nineteen eighty-two. 9. October the fifth, nineteen ninety-eight. 10. December the tenth, two thousand and five. 11. February the twenty-ninth, two thousand and one. 12. November the thirteenth, nineteen ninety-nine.

Listen to your teacher and repeat.

Activity 17

Listen to your teacher and practice this conversation.

Alya has just graduated from her vocational school in her town. Now she is having an interview to get a job in an international company in Jakarta. : Good morning, sir. May I sit down? : Oh, yes. Please. : Thank you, sir. : Are you ready for the interview? : Yes, sir. : Good. Lets start from your name. Whats your full name? : My full name is Prialaya Mahardika Dewi. : And your first name? : My first name is Alya. : Where are you from, Alya? : I am from Purwokerto, Central Java, sir. : Where do you live in Jakarta. : I live with my uncle in Depok, not in Jakarta. : I see. Whats your uncles address? : Jalan Kelapa Dua number forty-five Depok. : Where and when were you born, Alya? : I was born in Purwokerto, on the twenty-eighth of February nineteen ninety. : How many siblings do you have? : I have one brother and two sisters. I am the second child in my family. : What are your parents? : My father is a teacher in Purwokerto and my mother is a nurse, also in Purwokerto. : Does your uncle in Depok has a telephone? : Yes. His number is 021 5466 388. : Whats your phone number? : My number is 081 325 114 243. : What are your skills? : I can make programs on a computer and I have a TOEIC Certificate. My score is 750. : Very good. Do you really want to work in this company? : Yes, sir, I do. : OK, I have seen your application. Next week, on Monday, September the eighth, please come here again to see the announcement whether you are accepted or not. : Thank you, sir. Can I leave now? : Yes, and please ask another applicant to come in. : All right, sir. Good bye. : Good bye.

Alya Interviewer Alya Interviewer Alya Interviewer Alya Interviewer Alya Interviewer Alya Interviewer Alya Interviewer Alya Interviewer Alya Interviewer Alya Interviewer Alya Interviewer Alya Interviewer Alya Interviewer Alya Interviewer Alya Interviewer Alya Interviewer Alya Interviewer

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Activity 18

1. What is Alya doing now? 2. Where does she come from? 3. When was she born? 4. Does she live with her parents or with her uncle? 5. Is she the only girl in her family? 6. What is her father? 7. What does her mother do? 8. What is her telephone number? 9. Is she very good at English? 10. When should she see the announcement?

Answer these questions.


Activity 19


1. What time is it now? 2. Whats the time? 1. What day is it today? 2. What day is it tomorrow? 3. What day was it yesterday? 1. What month is it now? 2. What month is next month? 3. What month was last month? 1. What date is it today? 2. What is the date today?

It is five oclock. Its Wednesday Its Thursday It was Tuesday Its January Its February It was December Its the thirty-first of July two thousand and eight


Activity 20 Singular and Plural

Singular a book a pen a bag a chair a table a bridge a boy a c it y a baby a gallery a reality a country a class a b us a d is h a match a watch a box a potato a hero a radio a piano a knife a leaf a life a shelf Plural books pens bags chairs tables bridges boys cities babies galleries realities countries classes buses dishes matches watches boxes potatoes heroes radios pianos knives leaves lives shelves Rule

Add s to most nouns .

Change y nouns to ies if y follows a consonant.

Add es to ss, -sh, -ch, and x nouns.

Add es to o nouns if o follows a consonant. Add s to o nouns if o follows a vowel. Add s or es to nouns ending in f sound Exceptions: a roof - roofs a chief chiefs

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a child a man a woman a fo o t a tooth a mouse a f is h a deer

children men women feet teeth mice f is h deer


Circle the correct word.

Activity 21

1. We need ten (box / boxes) to keep all of these things. 2. There are three (women / woman) standing in a queue in front of the cashier. 3. My parents have five (child / children). 4. Mother bought two kilos of (fishes / fish) yesterday. 5. Nowadays many (man / men) do not like smoking. 6. Please send this (memos / memo) to the receptionist. 7. There are a lot of (deer / deers) in Kebun Raya Bogor. 8. A (mouse / mice) trap is used for catching (mouse / mice). 9. Our school has 31 (class / classes) this year. 10. Jakarta is one of the biggest (cities / city) in the world.

Activity 22

Change the singular nouns found in the text form into plural. Pay attention to the verbs.

IS A ROBOT AN IDEAL WORKER? We often hear a complaint about work in a factory. The work is too boring, heavy, repetitive, and even too dangerous for the worker. The operative does not have to think about the work. He gets no job satisfaction. One answer to this problem is a robot. For a certain job, a robot is much better than a human operative. Once it has been programmed, it will do its job over and over again. It never gets bored; it works at a constant speed; it does not make a mistake; its work is always of the same standard; it does not get tired; it does not go on strike; it can work for 24 hours without a break for food, rest, or sleep; it does not take a holiday or demand a higher wage. A robot is usually made to act like a human machine. It has another advantage, too. It can be designed to do almost any job. You cannot change a human body, but a robots arm, for example, can be made to move in any direction. A robot can also do very heavy work and it can operate in a condition that is too dangerous, too hot or too cold for a person to work in. It can work under water, in a poisonous, radioactive area. And on top of all this, a robot never complains.
(Taken from Bahasa Inggris Teknologi Industri 2)

Writing. Activity 1 Simple Arithmetic Process In this activity you are learning to the simple arithmetic process. Remember how to add (+) number, to reduce (-), to divide (:) and to multiply (x) them. Study the example below. 1. A : How much is 4 added by 4? B : Its 8. 2. A : Do you know, how much is 158 reduced by 60? B : Oh, its 98

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3. 4.


: : : :

Please tell me, how much is 144 divided by 12? Let me think first. Oh, its 12 Help me, please. How much is 17 multiplied by 15? Wait a moment. Oh, its 225

Activity 2 Now, take to practise the addition (+), reduction (-), division (:), and multiplication (x). Student A does the odd number (1,3,5,7,9,11). Student B does the even number (2,4,6,8,10,12). Use the patterns of the dialogues on the examples. 1. 120 49 = .......................................................................................... 2. 16 x 14 = .......................................................................................... 3. 21 + 63 = .......................................................................................... 4. 140 : 20 = ........................................................................................... 5. 11 x 25 = ........................................................................................... NOTES: 1 The other way of saying add is plus. e.g 4 added by 4 is equivalent to 8. 4 plus 4 is (equevalent to) 8. 2 The other way of saying reduce is minus. e.g 6 reduced by 3 is equivalent to 3. 6 minus 3 is (equivalent to) 3. 3 The other way of saying multiply is times. e.g 5 multiplied by 5 is equivalent to 25. 5 times 5 is (equivalent to) 25. Activity 3

Learn and remember the agreement between articles and number with nouns. The word Singular means single or only one. The articles to show singular nouns are: a / an / this / that / the and one. The word Plural means more than one. The articles to show plural nouns are: many, some, several, these, those, the and numbers more than one (two, ten, fifty, ... etc.) Look at the example: Singular Nouns: a book, one pen, an eraser, this pencil, that room, the girl, etc. Plural Nouns: Note: Dont forget to add s on the nouns. some pencils, many books, several letters, these novels, those flowers, the teachers, two cousins five brothers, etc.


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Activity 4

Some nouns are uncountable. We can not count uncountable nouns using numbers. We should use certain measurements for uncountable nouns. Study the examples of uncountable nouns. Uncountable Nouns We use certain measurement a / one bottle ink Ink two drops of ink three gallons of water Water much water a slice of bread Bread a loaf of bread three loaves of bread Etc. Activity 5 Match the quantifiers / measurements on the left list with the nouns on the right list! 1. a piece of .... a. keys / flowers 2. a spoonfull of .... b. gloves 3. a bucket of .... c. rice 4. a bunch of .... d . f ood 5. a pair of .... e. water 6. a plate of .... f . p ap e r 7. a sack of .... g. hot tea 8. a cup of .... h. sugar / salt 9. a bowl of .... i. hot soup Activity 6

Uncountable Nouns

Learn and remember question words to ask about quantity. Questions Responses I have three bags. How many bags do you have? I need only a drop of it. How much ink do you need? Its about 50 cm. How long is your hair? He is 177 cm. How tall is your brother? It has 400 pages. How thick is the dictionary? Its 7 x 8 meters. How large is this room? Etc. Activity 7 Read the text! Answer questions 1 to 9 and complete the table below. INDONESIA Indonesia covers a land mass of 1.910 millions km2 and territorial waters nearly four times that size. In total, the country comprises 17.508 islands stretching 5.120 km from east to west and 1.760 km north to south. The population is concentrated on six main islands. Java, with an area of 132.188 km2 is home approximately 59 percents of the nations population, or 122 millions people. It is one of the most densely populated areas in the word. The island of Sumatra, with an area of 475.605 km2, represents some 25 percents of Indonesians land area and is home to 20.7 percents of the countrys

Question Words to Ask about Quantity

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population, or 39.2 millions people. Bali, Indonesias fabled island tourist destination is 5.561 km2 in size but with less than 3 millions people, or 15 percents of the total population. Totalling 539.458 km2, the four provinces in Kalimantan comprise about 28 percents of Indonesias land but only 5.3 percents (10 millions) of the nations population. Sulawesi with an area of 189.216 km2 has 10 percents of Indonesias land territory and 7 percents (13.3 millions) of its population. Irian Jaya, totalling 421.982 km2 is Indonesias most eastern province and lie directly west of Papua New Guinea and north of Australia. With 22 percents of nations land mass, Irian Jayas 1.8 million inhabitants represent just under one percent of the total population. Nearly 60 percents of Indonesias land is forested, and a significant portion in mountainous and volcanic. Some mountain on Sumatra and Irian Jaya exceed 3.000 meters in height. Java alone has 112 volcanoes including a number which are still active. Volcanic activity through the ages has given the soil in Java and Bali a high degree of fertility, which accounts in part for the concentration of agriculture and people on this two islands. (Taken from Indonesia Source Book 1994.p.11-12) After reading the text above, answer teh questions below. You may discuss in group three. 1. How many island does Indonesia consist of? 2. Mention the six main islands of Indonesia! 3. What does It on the second paragraph refer to? 4. How many populations does Java have? 5. How large is Sumatra? 6. How many provinces does Kalimantan have? 7. How many percents of population does Sulawesi hvae? 8. Where does Irian Jaya lie? 9. What is meant by volcanic?

Name of Island Java Su mat ra Bali Kalimantan Sulawesi Irian Jaya

Based on the text given, now fill the table below!

Width of the area (km2) 132.188 Width in %

Activity 8

Population Number

Pop in %


c. Rangkuman 2 1. Adjectives showing: Colours. The star is red. Its a red star. Quality. The shirt is good. Its a good shirt. Siz e . That house is big. Thats a big house.

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Sh ap e . The box is cubic. Its a cubic box Age. The bag is new. Its a new bag. Origin. Hes from England. Hes English. Material. Those T-shirts are made of cotton. Theyre cotton T-shirts 2. Professions. Shes a secretary. 3. Adjectives showing: Physical (appearance) The woman is beautiful. She is a beautiful woman. Non-physical (characteristic) The man is humorous. Hes an humorous man. 4. Nouns showing: T ime It is seven oclock. D ay Today is Monday. D at e It is 3rd of September. Month September, October, November, December, January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August. Y e ar September the third, two thousands and eleven. 5. Grammar. Singular a book, one piece, this room, etc. P lu ral two books, these rooms, etc. d. Tugas 2
Write a paragraph about the schedule of your activities, covering time, days, and dates!

e. Tes Formatif 2

Arrange these words into a good sentence.

1. blue the colour the book is of 2. is the English-Indonesian very dictionary thick 3. leather shoes usually made are of 4. of are spectacles what your made ? 5. does from where come she ? 6. people are nationality those what of the ? 7. laptop this a useful white is modern light

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f. Kunci Jawaban Formatif 2 1. The colour of the book is blue. 2. The English-Inonesian dictionary is very thick. 3. Shoes usually are made of leather. 4. What are your spectacles made of? 5. Where does she come from? 6. What are the nationality of those people? 7. This laptop is useful a white modern light. g. Lembar Kerja 2 Alat dan Bahan: 1) Pensil/ballpoint ................................................................... 2) Kertas gambar manila ......................................................... 3) Penghapus ........................................................................... 4) Penggaris ............................................................................. 5) Pensil warna/spidol .............................................................

1 buah 1 lembar 1 buah 1 buah 1 set

Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja 1) Berdoalah sebelum memulai kegiatan belajar. 2) Bacalah dan pahami petunjuk praktikum pada setiap lembar kegiatan b e lajar. 3) Menjaga kebersihan gambar yang akan dibuat. 4) Menjaga kebersihan dan kerapihan lingkungan sekitar. 5) Meletakan peralatan pada tempatnya kembali. Lembar Kerja 2 1) Persiapkan alat dan bahan yang akan dibutuhkan! 2) Letakan kertas gambar pada tempat yang bersih dan nyaman! 3) Buatlah garis tepi! 4) Buatlah gambar macam-macam bentuk benda yang ada disekitar! 5) Lakukan proses pembuatan gambar tersebut dengan baik dan benar! 6) Setelah selesai, warnai dan beri nama bentuk gambar tersebut! 7) Setelah selesai laporkan hasil kerja anda, dan periksa kembali peralatan yang digunakan serta tetap menjaga keberihan lingkungan!

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3. Kegiatan Belajar 3 : FORGIVE ME, IM TERRIBLY SORRY .... a. Tujuan Kegiatan Pemelajaran 3 Setelah mempelajari kegiatan belajar ini peserta diklat mampu memahami dan menghasilkan berbagai tuturan sederhana sebagai fungsi-fungsi dasar dengan baik dan benar. b. Uraian Materi 3 Learning Outcomes: Students will be able to produce simple expressions that cover base language function, they are expressions of: 1. showing regret, apology, sympathy, and expressing feeling. 2. asking for and giving permission, 3. command, request, and offering things or services. Listening: Responding to expression of happiness Responding to expressions of sympathy and showing affection Responding to narrative texts Speaking: Using expression of happiness Using expressions of sympathy and showing affection Performing a monologue of narrative texts Reading: Identifying the structure of a narrative text Reading narrative texts Writing: Developing a paragraph of a narrative text Writing a narrative text
When we did something that hurts or inconveniences another person, we usually apologize. The function of apology is to show regret for the wrong action and to offer an explanation.

Listening Activity 1
1. I would like to apologize for being late to class. 2. Its OK this time. Please be on time in the future. 3. Yes, I will. Thank you, sir. 4. Were sorry to have the meeting here. 5. Thats all right, we completely understand. 6. Sorry, I forgot to bring your magazine back. 7. No problem, I have finished reading it. 8. Im sorry to hear that, please accept my condolence.

Listen to your teacher and repeat these expressions.

Activity 2

Listen to your teacher and practice these dialogues aloud in pairs.

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In a classroom Edo Mr. Kuncoro Edo Mr. Kuncoro Edo Mr. Kuncoro Edo In a meeting. Manager Guest Manager

: : : : : : :

Good morning, sir. Morning, Edo. I would like to apologize for being late to class. Why do you come late? My motorbike had a flat tyre on the way to school. Its OK this time. Please be on time in the future. Yes, I will. Thank you, sir.

: Were sorry to have the meeting here. We know that its not comfortable here, but we have no choice. The meeting room is being renovated. : Thats all right, we completely understand . : Thank you.

Activity 3

Complete these dialogues and practice them with your partner.

In a restaurant. G ir l : Waiter : G ir l : Waiter : G ir l Waiter G ir l Id like some vanilla ice cream, please. I ____________. We dont have any vanilla left. Then Ill have some strawberry, please. Im sorry, Miss. _________________ strawberry, either. : Then, ___________ have? : Only chocolate and orange. : Ill have chocolate please. : You sent me a message yesterday that you couldnt come to office. But you didnt explain the reason. What ___________? : I _________, I didnt mean to underestimate you, but I have no time to explain it. I was in a hurry to take my father to hospital. He suddenly had a heart attack. : I _____________________. I hope hell get better soon. : : : : Whats up, buddy? You __________. Ive scratched Gadings new mobile phone. Oh, thats too bad. Did you pay for the damage? No, he has forgiven me, but I _____ guilty myself.


In an office. Supervisor Staff Supervisor


In classroom. Hendra Aldo Hendra Aldo

Activity 4 Language Function: Apologizing and Expressing Sympathy A. Apologizing

Here are the expressions used to apologize and their responses (from the more formal to less formal expression): Forgive me. Im terribly sorry about Please accept my apology for Please excuse (e.g., my cat) I would like to apologize for I apologize for Im sorry. I didnt mean to Im sorry that Sorry


Thats quite all right I completely understand You dont need to apologize. Thats all right. It can happen to anyone. Its not your fault. Dont worry about it Its OK No problem. 41 | P a g e


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B. Expressing Sympathy
The words Im sorry are also used to express sympathy, such as in: Im sorry to hear that your brother was badly injured in that accident. Expressing sympathy Im sorry to hear that ashamed Thats a p it y too bad awful Ho w terrible a p it y What a nuisance

No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

W or d s good news h ap p y happiness bad news sympathy affection terrible condolence

Expressions It's really great. I'm so happy. I'm delighted to hear that. It gives me satisfaction. I'm very sorry to hear that! That is a pity/shame! Are you OK? What a terrible situation! Please accept my condolences!

What's the difference between sympathy and empathy? Sympathy is the act of imagining and interpreting the thoughts, experiences, and perspectives of others from our own lens (e.g. our history, experiences, priorities and values). Empathy the act of attempting to understand the thoughts, experiences, and perspectives of others from their own lens (e.g. their history, experiences, priorities and values). Activity 5
Listen and study these expressions. Then make the best response for each expression.

1. Congratulations. You get Rp 10.000 credit bonus. 2. You are excellent and brilliant. You got a great mark for the final test. 3. Well done. You get a free ticket for this holiday. 4. I've lost my wallet somewhere. It's got Rp. 100,000,- on it. 5. Did you hear that Mr. Rendy got a serious cancer disease? 6. I heard that Budi was in jail. He was arrested for traffic violence. 7. Rendi was knocked down by a car. He was in hospital for five weeks. 8. Yesterday, on the TV news, I saw a bad thunder storm in California. Many people died and got serious injured. Activity 6

An adjective is used to describe how someone feels. There are many adjectives we can use, such as: angry, confident, happy, sad, etc. Look at these sentences. The teacher is angry. He feels confident. They are happy. You look sad.

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Activity 7

Study the following explanation.

Adjectives ending in ed and ing Look at these sentences: I was attracted by the title of the film. You said that waiting is boring. I was satisfied with the service because it is satisfying. The bold typed words are adjectives which are ending in ed and ing. Adjectives ending in ed show the result of feeling towards something, while adjectives ending in ing show that something cause or affect people in a certain way. It can be understood from this example. Agus was disappointed with the hotel service (Agus feels disappointed because of the service). The hotel service is disappointing (the hotel service causes Agus disappointed). Activity 8

Work in pairs. Construct and perform dialogs with the following model using the words provided. Then, take turn.
Example: - Question : confused / confusing explanation. Dialogs: Yeni : Im confused. Tono : May I know why? Yeni : The explanation is confusing. 1. satisfied / satisfying service. 2. embarrassed / embarrassing action. 3. worried / worrying situation. 4. excited / exciting experience. 5. depressed / depressing exam. 6. tired / tiring trip. 7. disappointed / disappointing performance. 8. exhausted / exhausting job. 9. shocked / shocking news. 10. disgusted / disgusting bathroom. Speaking Activity 1 In pairs, study the following occasions. What occasions are they? Can you name them? The words in the box may help you- Ceremony : upacara Fu n e ral : pemakaman Occasion : acara Relative : kerabat Wedding : pernikahan

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Activity 2 Answer the following questions. Share your answers with your classmates. 1. What family occasions do you usually have or attend? 2. When did you last attend a family occasion? 3. What occasion was it? 4. Can you tell your classmates what you did from the beginning till the end? Activity 3 Read this dialogues. Find words related to feeling and underline them. 1. In a job interview. Bram : Look at the one who is being interviewed. He is very confident in answering all the questions. I think he has a job experience before this. Jo n i : Maybe youre right. The way he appears and he acts shows that he has a lot of job experience. By the way, how is your feeling now? Bram : To tell the truth, Im very nervous and worried that I will fail in this interview. You see, I havent had a job experience at all. Jo n i : So am I. Seeing a confident man like him makes me down. I feel that my performance is much worse than his. Bram : Anyway, feeling pessimistic wont help us now. So, be optimistic! Jo n i : Good idea! 2. In a restaurant. Indah : What do you think of the service in the restaurant last Sunday?

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Galang Indah Galang Indah Activity 4

: I was satisfied with the service. The food was delicious and I was impressed by the waitresses. : How come? : They are not only friendly, but also pretty. : Ummph! Thats just like a man!

Practice this dialogue with your partner.

Read this dialogue and answer the questions below. Randy Marni Randy Marni Randy Marni Randy Marni Randy Marni Randy Marni : : : : : : : : : : : : Hello, Randys speaking. Can I speak to Marni? Yes, its me, Randy. Did you get home all right last night? Yes, thank you. I just want to apologize for the incident last night. Please dont mention it. It doesnt matter. But I broke a decorating pitcher in your house. It must be expensive. Wasnt your mother angry? Forget it. You did it accidentally. Yes, but Look. Its nothing. I was a bit annoyed last night, but Im all right now. So, forget it. Marni, let me buy another pitcher No, Randy. Listen to me, you did it accidentally. I dont want to hear about it anymore. All right. Im terribly sorry about that. Its all right.

Activity 5
1. Where does the conversation take place? 2. Why does Randy call Marni? 3. Did Randy break the property deliberately? 4. Does he regret for what he did? 5. Does Marni accept his apology? 6. What did Marni feel last night? 7. Will Randy buy another pitcher next day? 8. Mention the two expressions to apologize stated in the dialogue!

Answer the questions based on the dialogue above.

Activity 6

Study the following explanation.

Read these sentences. The man looks angry. The children feel shy. The woman seems confident.

Adjective Set Expressions

The words looks, feel, seems are called linking verbs. Some adjectives may come after them. These are the other common verbs which are followed by adjectives: - Appear - Smell - Become - Sound - Get - Taste - Grow

Activity 7

Work in pairs to construct dialogs with the words provided.

Example : Question : seem / happy / gets a big prize.

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Dialogues : Yeni : Look! Amel seems happy. Tono : How do you know? Yeni : She gets a big prize. 1. look / beautiful / wear a long gown. 2. seem / confident / have a job experience. 3. turn / happy / get back his lost wallet. 4. seem / ill / hear a bad news. 5. look / annoyed / wait too long. Subject and Verb Agreement

Study the sentences carefully.

I am happy to see you. John is happy to see you. We are happy to see you. The idea sounds great. The ideas sound great.

Activity 8
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. The classroom ( get, gets ) quiet when the teacher comes in. Most men ( am , is, are ) excited at football matches. Roses ( smell, smells ) fragrant when they are fresh. My sister and I ( am, is, are ) frightened when walking in the darkness The chair ( look, looks ) comfortable to sit on. I dont like motorist gangster because their actions ( am, is, are ) embarrassing. 7. Every plant ( grow, grows ) higher day by day. 8. Hendra ( am, is, are ) sad when he gets a bad mark in English test. 9. The fried rice ( taste, tastes ) very good when it is hot. 10. Some students ( am, is, are ) depressed during final exam period.

Choose the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

Activity 9

1. I wonder if I could work in pairs to do this task. 2. Sorry, but its an individual task. You must do yourself. 3. Do you mind if I ask you a question? 4. No, certainly not. 5. Is it all right if I smoke? 6. Id rather you didnt. 7. May I borrow it, please?. 8. Of course, but dont forget to return it to me.

ASKING FOR AND GIVING PERMISSION Listen to your teacher and repeat these expressions.

Activity 10
1. In a classroom, the students are doing mathematic task. Student : Excuse me, Sir. I wonder if I could work in pairs to do this task. Teacher : Sorry, but its an individual task. You must do yourself. Student : All right, but may ask a question? Teacher : What it is about? Student : What formula should I use for number 3? 2. In a classroom. Hasan : Do you have a pencil? Erni : Yes.

Listen to your teacher and practice these dialogues in pairs.

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Hasan Erni Hasan

: May I borrow it, please? : Of course, but dont forget to return it to me. : Yes, Ill use it for a moment.

Reading Activity 1

Study the following explanation.

Language Function: Expressions used for asking for and giving permission.

Here are expressions of asking for and giving permission, and refusing permission as well.
Asking for Permission I wonder if I could Do you mind if I Is it all right if I M ay I Could I . Can I

Giving Permission By all means Not at all Go ahead Certainly Sure

Refusing Permission Well, actually Id rather you didnt Id rather you didnt Im sorry, but . Im afraid you cant. Sorry, but

Be aware of responding the question Do you mind if ?. If we want to grant/give permission, the response includes No / Not , such as: No, help yourself, Certainly not.

Activity 2

Answer the following questions.

2. 3. 4. 5.

Do you often ask for permission to others? ____________________________________. What permission have you ever asked? ____________________________________. Have another person asked for a permission to you? ____________________________________. Did you grant the permission at that time? ____________________________________. Write one expression to grant and another one to refuse permission. ____________________________________.

Activity 3

I was on a train the other day, traveling from Jakarta to Surabaya. I was sitting a half-full compartment, and wanted to read the last chapter of Agatha Christies The Orient Express. Suddenly, a woman came in and said. Excuse

Read the following story.

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me. Is this seat taken?. No, I answered briefly. Usually I like to talk with people, but not this time. I wanted to finish reading the book and find out whothe murderer was. Do you mind if I smoke? said the woman. At first I wanted to say, Well, I feel sick when people smoke. Can you find another seat?. But of course, I smiled a charming smile and said, Yes, certainly. I still have not finished that last chapter and still dont know who the murderer was. You see, I am unfortunately one of those people who find it difficult to say No to expressions like May I , Do you mind if I , or Is it alright if I . The trouble is that when I hear those magic words, I just dont have the courage to refuse. Well, what do you say to those difficult questions?
(adapted from Gateway2; English for Communication, 1990)

Activity 4

1. Was the writer having a trip by a public transportation? 2. Did he talk much with the woman? 3. Did he refuse permission to sit for the woman? 4. Do you think the writer was friendly enough? 5. Was Agatha Christie a train passenger or a book author? 6. Did the writer like or hate smoking? 7. Where did the writer want to go? 8. What did the woman ask the second permission for?

Answer the questions based on the story above.

GRAMMAR FOCUS Study the following explanation.

We ask for a permission with can and may in the form of a yes/no question sentence. Study the following chart. Auxiliary Can May I we Subject Base form of verb take leave Object/adverb your bike? now? Modal Auxiliaries

Activity 5

May is more polite and formal than can. The modals can, could, will, and would appear in questions with you, to make polite request. Auxiliary Can Could Will Would Auxiliary Would You you Base form of verb stay lend t ur n o n g iv e Mind mind Object/adverb longer me your raincoat the fan me your address Please please?

You you

V-ing Helping turning off

Object me? the television?

Make sentences with Can I, Can we , May I, or May we and then you give or refuse permission by saying: Yes, you can or No, Im afraid you cant.
Example: Rafi wants to sleep early. Rafi : Can I sleep early? You : No, Im afraid you cant.

Activity 6

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1. Bambang wants to use your pen. Bambang : __________________________? You : __________________________. 2. Ani and Rita want to borrow your motorbike. Ani : ___________________________? You : ___________________________. 3. Dodi wants to go home now. Do d i : __________________________? You : __________________________. 4. Edi and Hendra want to smoke at school. Edi and Hendra : _______________________? You : ______________________. 5. Ali wants to use your computer. Ali : __________________________? You : __________________________.

COMMAND, REQUEST, OFFERING THINGS OR SERVICES Close your book. Listen to your teacher and repeat these expressions.
1. Dont drive too fast. 2. Dont worry! 3. Watch out! 4. Calm down. 5. Would you mind helping me for a minute? 6. Of course. 7. Could you hold this package? 8. Id be glad to.

Activity 7

Activity 8

1. John and Martha are riding motorbike to school. Martha : John, dont drive too fast. John : Im sorry but we must get to school on time. Otherwise well get a punishment. Martha : Yes, I know, but its dangerous. The traffic is too heavy. John : Dont worry! Just hold the side handles tightly and you will be safe. Martha : OK, Watch out! Oh my god! You almost hit another motorbike. John : Calm down. Youre making me nervous. 2. At the front door of an office. Toni : Would you mind helping me for a minute, please? Abadi : Of course, what do you want me to do? Toni : Could you hold this package while I look for the key to the door? Abadi : Id be glad to. Whats in this package? Its extremely heavy. Toni : Its just office stationeries for our activities. Abadi : Well, hurry up and open the door. I told you this thing was very heavy. Toni : I cant find the key. You must have it. Abadi : Youre right, but how can I get the key while Im holding this big package?

Listen to your teacher and practice these dialogues in pairs.

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Activity 9

Study the following explanation.

A command has an understood subject (you) and the verb is in the base form. In the negative, dont precede the base of the verb. Please can be added at the beginning or at the end to make it polite. (optional) Commands Follow me. Calm down. Look ahead. Be careful. Dont drive too fast. Dont go. Dont be late. Response All right. Yes, I will. OK. Certainly. Sure.

Command and Request


The request sentences usually use these patterns: Can you Could you Will you Would you Would you mind (V-ing) Request Id be glad to. Certainly. Sure. Response

Writing Activity 1

Study the following chart.

1. Shall I .? 2. Would you like me to..? 3. Would you like ..?

Offering Things

Accepting an Offer Oh yes, Id love to. That sounds nice. Thats very kind of you. Oh, thank you. Yes, please.

Refusing an Offer Im sorry I cant. I have to Oh, Id love to, but I dont think I cant. Its all right. I can

Activity 2

Write expressions of making and accepting offers and then practice them with your partner.
Follow this model A : Shall I type you the letter ? B : Yes please.

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Use the pictures below:

1. Have some tea.

3. Give someone a lift. 2. Have a snack.

5. Get you a medicine 4. Push the car.

Activity 3

Modal Auxiliaries

Study the following explanation.

Auxiliary Subject Base form of verb

To make offering, we usually use modal shall and would.

Infinitive Object

Shall Would Would

I you you

get like Like

to join to go? a drink? -

you us ? me

an umbrella? a medicine? to movie?

Various words

to close the door? to turn on the air conditioner?

Activity 4

Complete the sentences with suitable adjectives in the box.

frightened happy nervous worried disappointed brave surprised proud

interested angry

1. 2. 3. 4.

The teacher was at Toni because he didnt do his homework. My friend felt when she got a flower stalk from her boyfriend. The little child was enough to kill a snake himself at the playground Mr. Andrew felt very because finally he got his promotion for the higher position. 5. My parents are of me because I become the first model student in my school this year. 6. At first, I was attracted by the title of the film, but then I was of the poor plot of the story. 7. Meisya feels every time she watches horror film. 8. Ms. Tuti felt when her daughter came home late last night. 9. Actually, Dewi was in cooking, but her boss hired her in front office. 10. He got ... when he was called to go ahead in front of the classroom.

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Activity 5
1. In the living room, a father is watching news on television. Son : Dad, do ________ if I turn down the volume of the television? Its too noisy that I cant concentrate on studying in my room. Father : ________, I dont know that youre still studying. Good luck, Son. Son : Thank you, Dad. 2. At the office Mr. Santoso Mr. Agung Mrs. Wati Mr. Agung 3. At school park. Tommy Maria Tommy Maria Tommy Maria Tommy : ______ go home now, please? : __________ you cant. Just stay for a couple of minutes. We almost finish our work today. : What about me? Ive finished my work. May ______ now, please? I want to attend the evening lecture. : ____________ you can. : Hi, Maria, _______ sit beside you? : ____. Have a seat please. : Thank you. And is that your new magazine? : Yes, it is. : Do __________________ it? : Sorry, _________finished reading it yet. : Its OK. Thanks

Complete these dialogues!

Activity 6

1. Pasha : Can I speak to you after class? Erna : Sorry, ______________________. 2. Agus : _________________________? Anis : Sorry, but you have to do the homework yourself. 3. Man : Do you mind ___________? Woman : No, go ahead. 4. Rian : I wonder if I ____________________? Maria : By all means 5. Guest : Do you mind if I ask another glass of tea? Host : ______________ yourself. Could I copy your homework but I have to join English extracurricular could use your telephone if I sit here I wonder if I could Certainly not. Help

Complete these dialogues by choosing the appropriate clauses.

Activity 7

Read the following story.

Hendras parents were spending two nights in out of town. They left Hendra a note telling to do many things. He must water the plants every afternoon. He must wash his and his sisters clothes and iron the school uniform. At night, he must not forget to turn on the lights. His parents also told him to lock the doors at the bed time. He must pay the the newspaper boy on Sunday morning, and he may not buy a new magazine. They wanted him to pick them up at the station on Sunday at 3:00 p.m. He must not come later than 3:15 p.m.

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Activity 8

Answer these questions based on the story above.

1. How long were Hendras parents going away? 2. How did they request Hendra to do some jobs? 3. What must he do at night? 4. When must he lock the doors? 5. Where would he pick his parents up?

Activity 9

From the story above, rewrite the commands which Hendras parents wrote. First command has been done for you as an example.
1. Water the plants every afternoon. 2. __________________________________. 3. __________________________________. 4. __________________________________. 5. __________________________________. 6. __________________________________. 7. __________________________________. 8. __________________________________. 9. ________________________________.

c. Rangkuman 3 Words and expressions used to show regrets and apologies: - Im sorry that ... Words and expressions used to express sympathy: - Im sorry to hear that .. Adjectives for expressing feelings: - happy, terrible, sad, etc. Adjectives ing vs -ed - boring bored Adjective set expressions - get bored; turn bad, etc. Subject verb agreement: - John is very happy to see you. Words and expressions used in asking for and giving permission: - May I use the phone? Grammar: Modals + Auxiliary - Would you give me your address, please? Expressions and verb forms used in commands and requests: - Can you lend me a pen, please? - Come here!; Stand up! Responses to commands: - Yes, I will. - Certainly Expressions used for offering things and services - Would you like to have some tea? - Would you like to taste this food?

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d. Tugas 3 Make dialogues in a group following above! 1) Expressing feelings 2) Giving permission 3) Giving command e. Tes Formatif 3 Read this dialogue and answer the questions below. Randy M arn i Randy M arn i Randy M arn i Randy M arn i Randy M arn i Randy M arn i : Hello, Randys speaking. Can I speak to Marni? : Yes, its me, Randy. Did you get home all right last night? : Yes, thank you. I just want to apologize for the incident last night. : Please dont mention it. It doesnt matter. : But I broke a decorating pitcher in your house. It must be expensive. Wasnt your mother angry? : Forget it. You did it accidentally. : Yes, but : Look. Its nothing. I was a bit annoyed last night, but Im all right now. So, forget it. : Marni, let me buy another pitcher : No, Randy. Listen to me, you did it accidentally. I dont want to hear about it anymore. : All right. Im terribly sorry about that. : Its all right.

Answer the questions based on the dialogue above. 1. Where does the conversation take place? 2. Why does Randy call Marni? 3. Did Randy break the property deliberately? 4. Does he regret for what he did? 5. Does Marni accept his apology? 6. What did Marni feel last night? 7. Will Randy buy another pitcher next day? 8. Mention the two expressions to apologize stated in the dialogue! f. Kunci Jawaban Formatif 3 1. It takes place by phone 2. Because he want to apologize for the incident in Marnis house. 3. Yes, he did. 4. Yes, he does. 5. Yes, she does. 6. She was a bit annoyed last night. 7. Yes, he will. 8. a) I just want to apologize for the incident last night. b) Im terribly sorry about that.

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g. Lembar Kerja 3 Alat dan Bahan: 1) Pensil/ballpoint ................................................................... 2) Kertas gambar manila ......................................................... 3) Penghapus ........................................................................... 4) Penggaris ............................................................................. 5) Pensil warna/spidol .............................................................

1 buah 1 lembar 1 buah 1 buah 1 set

Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja 1) Berdoalah sebelum memulai kegiatan belajar. 2) Bacalah dan pahami petunjuk praktikum pada setiap lembar kegiatan b e lajar. 3) Menjaga kebersihan gambar yang akan dibuat. 4) Menjaga kebersihan dan kerapihan lingkungan sekitar. 5) Meletakan peralatan pada tempatnya kembali. Lembar Kerja 3 1) Persiapkan alat dan bahan yang akan dibutuhkan! 2) Letakan kertas gambar pada tempat yang bersih dan nyaman! 3) Buatlah garis tepi! 4) Buatlah / carilah gambar macam-macam tanda/simbol/marka himbauan atau larangan yang sering kamu temukan! 5) Lakukan proses pembuatan gambar tersebut dengan baik dan benar! 6) Setelah selesai, warnai dan beri maksud simbol/tanda/marka tersebut! 7) Setelah selesai laporkan hasil kerja anda, dan periksa kembali peralatan yang digunakan serta tetap menjaga keberihan lingkungan!

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A. PERTANYAAN I. Choose the correct answer!

1. Ari : Hi, ....... Rifan : Good morning. a. Good afternoon. b. Good morning. c. Good evening. d. Good night. e. Good day. 2. Misbahudin : How are you, Ton? Toton : ................. a. I'm fine, thank you. b. Nice to meet you. c. How nice to see you. d. How do you do. e. Nice to meet you too. 3. Ipul : Would you like to come our school party? Anam : ................... a. I won't say no. b. Sorry I can't. c. Thanks anyway. d. I'd love to. e. I have to go. 4. Arif : Where is my book? Badri : .................... a. Here it is. b. Here is it. c. It is here. d. Here they are. e. Here you are. 5. Mr. Toto : Good bye, Desi. See you tomorrow. D e si : Good bye, ................ a. Thank you b. Dont mention it c. Bye d. See you tomorrow e. Good night. 6. Let ... (I) check your work! a. I b. my c. mine d. may e. m e

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7. Its ... (he) classmate. a. Him b. Her c. He d. She e. His 8. Are you student of SMK Saka? a. Yes, he is. b. No, they are not. c. Yes, you are d. Yes, I am. e. No, you arent. 9. Arul : These flowers are for you. Ayu : ...................... Theyre very nice. a. Im sorry b. Dont mention it. c. Thanks a lot. d. Yes of course. e. No, thanks. 10. Tri : Thanks for taking me home. Arfan : ...................... The correct answer is except ..... a. Thats OK b. No problem c. Youre welcome d. You are OK e. Any time. 11. Dani : Hello, how is everything? Shelly : Hi, . a. good morning b. how are you c. Hi d. Im fine thanks e. Good bye 12. Rurun : I must leave you now. Rindu : . a. good bye b. hello c. how are you d. good e. fine 13. Mr. Toto : Would you mind Getting dinner to my house tonight? Mr. Toni : I have to accompany my wife to see the doctor. a. Id love to come b. Yes, of course c. Dont worry, I will come d. O.K. e. Id love too, but

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14. The chef always his menu everytime. a. cook b. cooked c. cooking d. cooker e. cooks 15. Shela an English song. a. song b. sings c. sing d. songs e. singing 16. My father meat. He is vegetarian. a. like b. dont like c. doesnt likes d. doesnt like e. likes 17. your sister wash her own clothes? a. Is b. Are c. D o d. Does e. Yo u 18. English an important language. a. are b. do c. am d. does e. is 19. Lina : I got an accident this morning. Mr. Theo : I am sorry to hear that. The second speaker shows his a. Pride b. Complain c. Regret d. Sympathy e. Thanks 20. Beni : .for dropping you glasses. Ill buy you the new ones. Ali : Its OK. Its not your fault a. I am complain about b. I am really satisfied c. I am apologized d. I am fine e. I am sure

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II. Match the picture in column A with their meaning in column B!

No 1 A B a. Hes Australian

b. They are broken chairs.

c. It is an parallelogram.

d. Its a wooden cupboard

e. It is a lovely butterfly f. Theyre triangular banners

g. Its a thick dictionary

h. It is a grey pentagon


Theyre nurses


Hes a fat boy


k. Hes Spanish

B. KUNCI JAWABAN I. 1. b 6. 2. a 7. 3. d 8. 4. c 9. 5. d 10. II. 1. c 3. e 2. h 4. b

e e d c d 5. 6. j g

11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

d a e e b 7. 8. f d

16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

d d e d c 9. a 10. i

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C. KRITERIA KELULUSAN Aspek Pilihan ganda Mencocokan gambar Skor (1-10) Bobot 1 1 Nilai Keterangan Syarat lulus nilai min imal 7 0

Nilai Akhir

Kategori kelulusan: 70 79 : Memenuhi kriteria minimal. Dapat memahami materi dengan bimbingan. 80 89 : Memenuhi kriteria minimal. Dapat memahami materi tanpa bimbingan. 90 100 : Di atas kriteria minimal.

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Demikian modul pemelajaran bahasa Inggris Lets Fun In English. Materi yang telah dibahas dalam modul ini masih sangat sedikit. Hanya sebagai acuan dasar saja bagi peserta diklat untuk belajar lebih lanjut. Diharapkan peserta diklat memanfaatkan modul ini sebagai motivasi untuk mempelajarinya lebih dalam. Setelah menyelesaikan modul ini dan mengerjakan semua tugas serta evaluasi maka berdasarkan kriteria penilaian, peserta diklat dapat dinyatakan lulus/tidak lulus. Apabila dinyatakan lulus maka dapat melanjutkan ke modul berikutnya sesuai dengan alur peta kedudukan modul, sedangkan apabila dinyatakan tidak lulus maka peserta diklat harus mengulang modul ini dan tidak diperkenankan mengambil modul selanjutnya.

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Achmad Doddy, Ahmad Sugeng, Effendi. 2008. Developing English Competencies for Senior High School (SMA/MA). Jakarta. Setia Purna Invest. Erwin Hari Kurniawan. 2010. Basic English Grammar. Kediri. EDC-SMA Negeri 3 Kediri. Joko Priyana, Virga Renitasari, Arnys Rahayu I. 2008. Interlanguage: English For Senior High School Students X. Jakarta. Gramedia Widiasarana Indonesia. Maria Regina DP, Wirawan Sigit P, Suhermawan. 2008. English For SMK 1. Jakarta. Sahabat, CV. Tim MGMP Kab. Karanganyar. 2007. LKS MGMP SMA Bahasa Inggris Kab. Karanganyar Kelas X Semester 1 Tahun Pelajaran 2007/2008. Karanganyar.

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Anda mungkin juga menyukai