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ABSTRAK Bayi dengan Berat Badan Lahir Rendah (BBLR) adalah bayi yang lahir dengan berat badan

lahir dibawah 2500 gram. Data Badan Pusat Statistik Provinsi Sumatera Utara tahun 2009, untuk Kota Medan angka kematian bayi dikarenakan BBLR sebanyak 311 jiwa. Untuk mengetahui karakteristik kematian bayi BBLR di Rumah Sakit Umum Dr. Pirngadi Medan tahun 2005-2009, dilakukan penelitian deskriptif dengan desain case series. Populasi dan sample berjumlah 106 orang. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh proporsi ibu bayi BBLR berdasarkan sosiodemografi dan faktor risiko medis yaitu umur 21-24 tahun 24,5%, suku Jawa 48,2%, agama Islam 79,3%, SLTA/Sederajat 32,1%, Ibu Rumah Tangga 76,4%, ibu dengan paritas nol atau kehamilan pertama (57,5%), jarak kehamilan nol atau kehamilan pertama (57,5%), riwayat persalinan dari yang tercatat ada riwayat persalinan yang buruk (18,9%), umur kehamilan 28-36 minggu (49%), tidak ada riwayat penyakit (82,1%). Proporsi bayi BBLR berdasarkan sosiodemografi yaitu umur 1-4 hari (85,9%), jenis kelamin perempuan (56,6%), berat badan lahir <1500 gram (66%). Sedangkan bayi BBLR dengan kelainan bawaan (59,4%) dan golongan Prematuritas Murni (50,9%). Tidak ada perbedaan bermakna antara paritas ibu berdasarkan golongan bayi BBLR (p=0,457), jarak kahamilan ibu berdasarkan golongan BBLR (p=0,449), riwayat persalinan ibu berdasarkan golongan BBLR (p=0,676), berat badan lahir berdasarkan golongan BBLR (p=0,786), kelainan bawaan berdasarkan golongan BBLR (p=0,720), berat badan bayi berdasarkan kelainan bawaan (p=0,503), riwayat penyakit ibu bardasarkan kelainan bawaan (p=0,880). Pihak rumah sakit diharapkan melengkapi pencatatan kartu status khususnya antenatal care dan riwayat penyakit ibu selama kehamilan, serta memberikan pemahaman tentang pentingnya penatalaksaan medis pada bayi BBLR untuk menurunkan CFR. Kata kunci : BBLR, Karakteristik kematian bayi BBLR, Karakterisptik Ibu

Universitas Sumatera Utara

ABSTRACT Infants with Low Weight Birth (LWB) are infants which borned with a birth weight under 2500 grams. Datas of Central Bureau of Statistics of North Sumatra Province in 2009, in Medan the number of infant mortality due to LWB as 311 inhabitants. To know the characteristics of LWB infant mortality in General Hospital Dr. Pirngadi Medan in 2005-2009, it is conducted a descriptive research by case series design. Population and sample totaled as 106 people. From the results, it was obtained that the proportion of mothers with LWB infants based on sociodemographic and medical risk factors aged 21-24 years (24.5%), Javanese (48.2%), Islam (79.3%), senior high / equal (32.1%), Housewife (76.4%), women with zero parity or first pregnancy (57.5%), non recorded pregnancies spacing or first pregnancy (57.5%), recorded history of labor with a poor labor history (18.9%), gestational age 28-36 weeks (49%), no history of disease (82.1%). The proportion of LWB infants based on sociodemographic aged of 1-4 days (85.9%), female sex (56.6%), birth weight <1500 g (66%). Whereas LBW infants with congenital abnormalities (59.4%) and group of Pure Prematurity (50.9%). There is no significant differences between maternal parity on LWB infant groups (p = 0.457), distance of mothers gestation based on LWB group (p = 0.449), history of mothers labor based LWB group (p = 0.676), birth weight based on LBW group (p = 0.786), congenital abnormalities based on LBW group (p = 0.720), birth weigth based on congenital abnormalities (p=0,503), history of mothers disease based on congenital abnormalities (p=0,880). The hospital is expected to complete the recording of special status card especially antenatal care and a history of maternal illness during pregnancy, as well as provide an understanding of the importance of medical management to LWB infants to decrease the CFR. Key words: low weight birth, Characteristics of LWB infant mortality, Characteristics of Mother

Universitas Sumatera Utara

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