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Perbezaan KBSR dengan KSSR

Kurikulum Bersepadu Sekolah Rendah Kurikulum Standard Sekolah Rendah (KBSR) (KSSR) Reka bentuk kurikulum berasaskan tiga bidang: Reka bentuk kurikulum berasaskan enam tunjang: Komunikasi Komunikasi Manusia dan alam sekeliling Kerohanian, sikap dan nilai Perkembang diri Individu Kemanusiaan, Perkembangan fizikal dan estetika Sains dan teknologi Ketrampilan diri Bahan kurikulum: Bahan Kurikulum: Sukataan pelajaran Dokumen Standard Kurikulum Reka bentuk kurikulum: Linear Organisasi kurikulum: Tahap I (Tahun 1,2 dan 3) Mata pelajaran Teras, Wajib dan Tambahan Tahap II (tahun 4, 5 dan 6) Mata pelajaran Teras, Wajib dan Tambahan Elemen Memahiran berfikir Secara Kritis dan Kreatif Fokus: 3M (Membaca, menulis dan mengira) Reka bentuk kurikulum: Modular Organisasi kurikulum: Tahap I (Tahun 1,2 dan 3) Modul Teras Asas, Modul Teras tema dan modul Elektif. Tahap II (tahun 4, 5 dan 6) Mata pelajaraan Teras dan Elektif Elemen Kreativiti dan inovasi, keusahawanan serta teknologi Maklumat dan komunikasi (ICT) secara explicit. Fokus: 4M (Membaca, menulis dan menaakul)

KSSR: BUKU TEKS DAN BUKU AKTIVITI KSSR 2011 Apakah ciri-ciri buku pelajaran yang akan digunakan dalam Kurikulum Standard Sekolah Rendah (KSSR)?

Terdapat dua komponen iaitu buku teks dan buku aktiviti. Mengandungi nota guru untuk membantu guru menjalankaan pengajaran dan pembelajaraan (P&P) dengan berkesan. Mengandungi rujukan halaman buku aktiviti ke buku teks dan buku teks ke buku aktiviti. Mengandungi pelbagai aktiviti pengukuhan, pengayaan dan cadangan aktiviti pemulihan.

Buku aktiviti menggalakkan murid untuk menggunakan kemahiran psikomotor seperti menggunting, menampal, menyurih dan mewarna. Maklumat asal dimuatkan bersebelahan dengan kandungan teks bagi guru membuat rujukan. Setiap kemahiraan baru yang diperkenalkan akan diikuti dengan penilaian mudah untuk menaakul atau mendorong kepada perbincangan. Penulisan berbentuk modular dengan persembahan kandungan berdasarkan pencapaian standard pembelajaran bagi sesuatu subjek.

KBSR vs. KSSR After the course, I believe that many teachers now have a somewhat clearer picture of how KSSR differs from KBSR. During the slot on the transformation of the English language curriculum, we have touched upon a few key changes that the teachers are going to face in 2011 under KSSR: 1. Curriculum Documentation - The Syllabus and Curriculum Specifications are replaced by Standard Document and the Content and Learning Standards. 2. Curriculum Organisation - Modular Structure is being introduced in KSSR. The three broad areas (World of Knowledge, World of Stories, World of Self) and the integration of skills that we have in KBSR are still retained. 3. Curriculum Content - KSSR would still focus on the four language skills. What we know as Sound System in KBSR would be replaced by a broader and more focused Basic Literacy with an emphases on Phonics. Apart from that, we would now have the Language Arts component (my favourite!) and also penmanship. Grammar is still going to be taught in context. 4. Approach - The most significant change in pedagogy, from my point of view. For KBSR, we have the Whole Language approach. Under KSSR, it is going to be replaced by Phonics. 5. Added value: Under KSSR, we would have Creativity and Entrepreneurship in addition to Educational Emphases. Now look at number 4. The Approach. In my previous post, I have discovered how the Whole Language practitioners are at odds with the Phonics proponents in a number of ways through my cursory reading of a few resources on the Internet. For ten years, we have been comfortable with the Whole Language approach under KBSR. Now, through KSSR, most probably we are about to see the pendulum swings to the other side. The Malaysian Curriculum Development Centre, through its extensive researches, has concluded that phonics would be THE way to go in this new curriculum - most probably until the next revision in 2020. Whether we like it or not, it is going to be

in our system for the next ten years. So, as a teacher, what would you do about it? My suggestion would be: before we pass any judgment or being negative about it, it would be fair to get to know more about it first. This is because more often than not, negativity usually stems out of unfamiliarity. To know is to love. As Abraham Lincoln puts it, "I don't like that man. I must get to know him better". Getting to know someone, or something that you do not like better would make a big difference to your mindset, and attitude towards it, as whole.

So, what is phonics? According to Chitravelu et al. (1995) in ELT Methodology: Principles and Practise, phonics or phonemic approach is a system of teaching reading that pays "special initial attention to helping children see the relationships between the sounds of English and the letters or combination of letters that produce them". At first, isolated sounds are learnt and then the skill of putting sound together to form whole words is taught. The theory underlying this approach: 1. that the language being learnt is phonemically regular; 2. that once a child has learned the phonemic elements, he can obtain the pronunciation of the printed word by assembling the sounds together in blended sequence; 3. that once he gets the pronunciation of the word, he will understand what he has read.

(Chitravelu et al. (1995), ELT Methodology: Principles and Practise, Fajar Bakti, pp. 99 - 100). I bet many Malaysian teachers would not find phonics as being totally alien to our system. Many English teachers, especially optionists, are already being exposed to it in College or University. In school itself, in addition to the KBSR textbook, we do have Readers programs such as the Sound Start and the Ladybird series that focus on phonics as the main approach to teaching reading. So, all in all, phonics is not something that is totally new to most of us. What would be new is the use of phonics as the MAIN approach to teaching reading. Looking through the new KSSR textbook (or Module, as they prefer it to be called)

and imagining going about the lessons in the classroom, one could not but be reminded of the puppets (or is it muppets?) in Sesame Street animatedly vocalizing the sounds of /k/.../ae/... and /t/...repeatedly and in dynamic paces, and in the process combine the sounds together to produce the word 'cat'. Has the above ever been the approach to teaching reading in a Malaysian primary classrooms? Of course, I can't answer the question on behalf of others, but since my schooling years, it has always been the 'Look and Say'. I can't recall any of my teachers to ever do any blending and segmenting, and I didn't remember learning to read English by corresponding individual letters to certain sounds. It has always been whole word, the 'Look and Say', look at the words and say it. As a teacher, though I do use phonics materials (I have invested on the 'I Can Read' series by AlAmeen for my English panel's literacy program), the approach has always been 'Look and Say' through and through. Hence, though the approach has always been heard of and discussed on, the materials being purchased and brought into the classrooms, the real phonics approach has never really been applied as it should be. The reason for it? It is an unfamiliar approach. We know about it, but we are not used to it. Perhaps now would be the best time to get to know it better, and to get used to it (it's going to be another ten years, remember? Heheh!) For the sake of comparison, I suggest that it would be best to refresh our minds a little bit on what the Whole Language approach is all about. KBSR and the Whole Language Approach Whole language reading instructions is also known as the 'Look and Say' or 'Sight Words' method. It describes a literacy philosophy which emphasizes that children should focus on meaning and strategy instructions. With Whole Language, teachers are expected to provide a literacy-rich environment for their students and to combine speaking, listening, reading and writing. Whole Language teachers emphasize the meaning of texts over the sounds of letters, and phonics instruction become just one component of the Whole Language classroom. Whole Language is considered a 'top-down' approach where the reader constructs a personal meaning for a text, based on using their prior knowledge to interpret the meaning of what they are reading. In KBSR, the Whole Language approach is being implemented through topical lessons arranged in such a way in the KBSR textbooks to provide the students with ample opportunity to learn reading in context. Under KBSR, the integration of the four language skills is vital - each and every English language lesson plans must contain all the four skills. This is perhaps another one of the most significant

change that the Curriculum Development Centre has decided to adopt in the new curriculum. Though integration of skills is still important in the new KSSR, the Modular Concept requires that only one skill is being focused on at any one time in any lesson. Experts in education has labeled the Whole Language as an approach where children are allowed to learn how to read through natural means, and in context. Under this method, children are given the opportunity to be exposed to as many sight words as possible. There should be no rote memorization where the children are being 'forced' to remember sounds, rules and patterns. Proponents of the Whole Language approach has maintained that this is the best way to teach reading to children, because it is more fun, natural and 'child-friendly' as opposed to the Phonics method which according to some, is 'boring' and 'mechanical', and to some extent, 'more suitable for more matured learners'. For ten years since the implementation of KBSR in 2001, this has been the main approach to teaching reading in all Malaysian primary schools. The Swing of the Pendulum Reading through several Malaysian educational resources for TESL which were written before the year 2000, I realize that at the dawn of the 21st century, the Whole Language method is considered the 'in' thing, the modern, more relevant, more pro-active approach whilst Phonics is beginning to be viewed as somewhat 'conventional' and 'old-fashioned'. I might be wrong (as far as the Malaysian education system is concerned, I am somewhat comparable to a toddler who is just learning how to walk), but that is the idea that I get. Even if we look at international resources for the history of both approaches, the ongoing debates, and the opinions of proponents and advocates from both sides, we can see that though Phonics has an equally large number of supporters, the Whole Language is always considered more 'hip' and 'trendy'. Why? Simple. Because Phonics is indeed a conventional method, while Whole Language is considered revolutionary. But I would not go into that in this post, let's save that for the next one. Pondering over this, I think it is understandable why our curriculum planners would want to apply the Whole Language aproach in our system back during the beginning of the KBSR era. It was seen as the best approach during that time, the most relevant, the one that would fulfill the needs of our students the best. After ten years, however, we see a change taking place. We are getting back to Phonics. Or, as outlined by one of the basic principles of KSSR - we are getting 'back to basics'.

Naturally, the unspoken question lingers. Has the Whole Language approach failed? Has KBSR failed? As much as I would love to answer this now, this is beginning to get somewhat long and windy. Heheh. So why not stop here for now, and I'll pick up where I left off in mynext post. Part 3 In Part 3, I will try to deal with: 1. 2. 3. 4. the history and controversy of both approaches; the general concerns about both approaches; THE approach and my personal conclusions.

YEAR 1 (intermediate) FOCUS : Listening & Speaking THEME ; World of Knowledge TOPIC : Environmental sounds TIME : 60 minutes LEARNING STANDARD : 1.1.1, 1.1.3, 1.1.4 PREVIOUS KNOWLEDGE : Have exposed to sounds at pre-school TEACHING AIDS : LCD, CD player, large pictures, newspapers, empty bottles, twigs, sand, water, stones, blanket, song chart MORAL VALUES : appreciation of nature, co-operation CONTENT STANDARD: 1.1 By the end of the 6 year primary schooling, pupils will be able to pronounce words and speak confidently with the correct stress, rhythm and intonation. LEARNING STANDARD: 1.1.1 Able to listen and respond to stimulus given with guidance : a) environmental sound 1.1.3 Able to listen to, say aloud and recite rhymes or sing songs with guidance 1.1.4 Able to talk about a stimulus with guidance. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to : Listen and state the environmental sounds. Create environmental sounds in meaningful and fun way. PHASE/TIME PREPARATION (10 min)

1.1. Observation 1.2 Analysis 1.1.1 menggunakan deria penglihatan, pendengaran, sentuhan, rasa atau bau. 1.1.8 mengenal pasti objek, situasi atau fenomena sekeliling yang berkaitan TEACHERS ROLE 1.Teacher asks the pupils to listen attentively to the cd player. 2. Teacher plays recorded sounds of nature e.g. birds chirping, raining, rustling of leaves, waterfalls, cars honking, construction site. 3.Teacher gets the pupils to talk about the sounds. Samples of Questions : Where can you find the sound ? Why do you say its a waterfall ? Which sound do you like / dislike ? Why? PUPILS ROLE 1.Pupils listen and talk about the sounds. 2.Pupils give reasons to their likes and dislikes. LEARNING STANDARD 1.1.1 a) 1.1.4 Teaching aids : Cd on sounds of birds chirping, raining, rustling of leaves, waterfall, cars honking, construction site. Cd player PHASE/TIME IMAGINATION ( 15 min ) 2.1 Penjanaan idea 2.1.2 Menghasilkan idea-idea yang baru TEACHERS ROLE 1.Teacher shows large pictures of environmental sounds using LCD. 2. Teacher asks the pupils to imagine the sounds and make the sounds. Samples of Questions : What can you see in the picture ? Can you make the sound ? PUPILS ROLE Pupils study the picture and make the sounds. LEARNING STANDARD 1.1.4 Teaching aids : LCD Pictures of bees buzzing, baby crying, strong wind blowing, starting a motorbike

PHASE/TIME DEVELOPMENT ( 25 min) 3.1 Penambahbaikan 3.1.1 menokok tambah idea 3.1.2 Mengubah suai idea TEACHERS ROLE 1.Teacher divides the pupils into 6 groups. 2. Each group is given a few types of objects. 3. Teacher asks the pupils to discuss with their peers and create sounds using the things around. 4. Teacher asks each group to present . 5. Teacher rewards the pupils. Samples of Questions : What other sounds that you can make using the things around you ? PUPILS ROLE 1.Pupils sit in groups of six. 2. Pupils discuss with their peers and make the sounds using the things provided. 3. Pupils present their work in groups. LEARNING STANDARD 1.1.1 1.1.4 Teaching aids : a few pieces of newspapers, sand, empty mineral bottles, water, dry twigs, stones, dry leaves, blanket. PHASE ACTION ( 10 min) 4.2 Amalan berterusan 4.2.3 mempraktikkan proses kreatif untuk menghasilkan idea baru secara berterusan. TEACHERS ROLE 1.Teacher displays a song chart on environmental sounds. 2. Teacher sings the song and gets the pupils to repeat. 3. Teacher guides the pupils to put in the appropriate actions to the song. 4. Teacher ends the lesson by recapping the days lesson and discusses the moral values. Samples of Questions : Show me the action for bees are buzzing ? PUPILS ROLE

Pupils listen and sing along. Pupils show appropriate actions. Pupils talk about the days lesson and the moral values. LEARNING STANDARD 1.1.3 Teaching aids : Song chart

early Lesson Plan For Year 1









1 2 TRANSISI 3-6 World Of Sounds By the end ofListening, Self, around us the lesson,Speaking, Family pupils are beLanguage And able to : Arts Friends 1. talk about the picture 2. Sing with action.

7- World 11 Self,

1.1.1 Able to and respond tozz...zz... syimulus givenmoo..moo.. with guidance: . (a) oo...oo... environmental rr...rr... sounds (f) sounds . 1.1.3 Able to listenwow! to, say aloud andShh. recite rhymes orI am sorry. sing songs withNnn... guidance. Vroom! 1.1.4 Able to talk about a stimulus with guidance. 4.1.2 Able to recite nursery rhymes, jazz chants and sing action songs with correct pronunciation and rhythm. OfAll aboutBy the end ofListening, 1.1.3 Able to listen me the lesson,Speaking, to, say aloud and

beReading, recite rhymes or Writing sing songs with guidance. 1. Sing using the 1.2.1 Able to names of pupils. participate in daily 2. Introduce conversations: themselves. (b) 3. Say the introduce oneself phonemes. 2.1.1 Able to 4. To form the identify and letters distinguish the shapes of the letters in the alphabet. 2.1.2(a) Able to recognize and articulate initial, medial and the final sounds in single syllable within given context: (a) // 3.1.1 (a) Able to demonstrate fine motor control of hands and fingers by: (a) handling objects and manipulating them. 12- World OfLets beBy the end ofListening, 1.1.1 (d) Ear 15 Self, friends the lesson,Speaking, 1.1.2 Mouth Family pupils are beReading, 1.1.4 Nose And able to : Writing Eyes Friends 1. say parts of the body 2. read Grammar: sentences 16- World OfPlaces InBy the end ofListening, 19 Knowledg My School the lesson,Speaking, e pupils are beReading, able to : Writing 1.1.2 Identify theCanteen correct sound: Classroom a) vowels in theEraser initial position

Family And Friends

pupils are able to :

1. name places in school 2. read sentences 3. listen to the instructions 4. follow instructions 5. read a story

b) Consonants in the initial position. 1.2.1 Listen to and Grammar: repeat the pronunciation of simple monosyllable words. 1.3.3 Listen to all the words in the word list and point to the pictures. 2.2.1 Ask simple questions requiring Yes/No replies. 2.2.2 Ask simple questions to get some information 2.3.2 Give one word replies when naming things. Recognise complete words 3.2.2 Read and learn the meaning of five key words for each topic taught 3.3.1 Read and understand phrases by matching simple phrases to pictures. 3.4.1 Read aloud words in lists and labels. 3.4.3 Read aloud sentences in simple story. 4.1.4 Copy sentences (3-4 words) in clear and legible print. 4.2.3 Write words and phrases in

clear and legible print. 4.4.2 Write sentences in clear and legible print. 4.4.3 Complete missing letters in texts. 4.4.4 Complete simple descriptions with the missing word(s) 20- World OfMy Family By the end ofListening, 1.1.1 Listen to andFather 23 Self, the lesson,Speaking, repeat theMother Family pupils are beReading, pronunciation ofSister And able to : Writing simple Brother Friends monosyllable Uncle 1. name family words. Aunty members a) vowels in the 2. answer initial position questions b) Consonants in 3. talk about the initial position. Grammar: your family 1.1.2 Identify the correct sound: a) vowels in the initial position b) Consonants in the initial position. 1.2.1 Listen to and repeat the pronunciation of simple monosyllable words. 1.3.3 Listen to all the words in the word list and point to the pictures. 1.6.1 Listen to simple short stories and responds non verbally. 2.3.3 give replies pertaining to 1-5

2.3.5 Refuse statements and give correct name or number. 2.7.5 Give details of oneself 2.7.6 Tell about ones family. 3.2.1 Recognise complete words 3.3.1 Read and understand phrases by matching simple phrases to pictures. 3.3.2 Understand simple sentences (1-3 words in sentence 3.4.3 Read aloud sentences in simple story. 4.1.4 Copy sentences (3-4 words) in clear and legible print. 4.2.4 Write sentences ( 3-4 words) in clear and legible print 4.3.1. Match words to pictures 4.3.3 Match simple sentences to pictures 4.4.2 Write sentences in clear and legible print. 4.5.1 Form simple sentences by arranging words ( 1-4 words in a sentence) 24- World OfLearning By the end ofListening, 1.1.1 Listen to andBlue 27 Knowledg About the lesson,Speaking, repeat theRed

pupils are able to :

beReading, pronunciation ofYellow Writing simple Red monosyllable Black 1. name colours words. 2. name clothes a) vowels in the Grammar: 3. read initial position sentences b) Consonants in 4. spell the initial position. 1.2.1 Listen to and repeat the pronunciation of simple monosyllable words. 1.3.5 Listen to and understand simple spoken phrases and sentences 2.1.1 Pronounce monosyllable words correctly 2.2.1 Ask simple questions requiring Yes/No replies. 2.2.2 Ask simple questions to get some information 2.3.2 Give one word replies when naming things. 2.3.1 Respond with Yes/No replies. 2.3.5 Refuse statements and give correct name or number. 2.6.1 Give a non verbal response to the story heard or read 2.6.2 Say whether one likes or does not like the story heard or read 3.2.2 Read and learn the meaning

of five key words for each topic taught 3.3.1 Read and understand phrases by matching simple phrases to pictures. 3.3.2 Understand simple sentences (1-3 words in sentence 3.4.3 Read aloud sentences in simple story. 3.4.2. Read aloud phrases 3.5.1 Understand the meaning of words by looking at picture clues. 4.1.4 Copy sentences (3-4 words) in clear and legible print. 4.3.2 Match phrases to pictures 4.3.3 Match simple sentences to pictures 4.4.2 Write sentences in clear and legible print. 28- World OfHow Do IBy the end ofListening, 1.2.1 Listen to andLeft 31 Knowledg Get There the lesson,Speaking, repeat the Right e / World pupils are beReading, pronunciation ofUp Of Stories able to : Writing simple Down monosyllable 1. say where words. you live 1.2.2. Listen to and 2. give repeat correctlyGrammar: directions phrases 3. read a story 2.2.2 Ask simple questions to get some information

2.3.1 Respond with Yes/No replies. 3.2.2 Read and learn the meaning of five key words for each topic taught 3.3.1 Read and understand phrases by matching simple phrases to pictures. 3.3.2. Read and understand simple sentences (1-3 words in sentence 3.4.1 Read aloud words in lists and labels. 3.4.2. Read aloud phrases 3.5.1. Understand the meaning of words by looking at picture clues 4.4.3 Complete missing letters in texts. 4.4.4 Complete simple descriptions with the missing word(s) 4.7.2 Use the full stop at the end of a sentence. 5.4 preposition 32- World OfToday Is By the end ofListening, 35 Knowledg the lesson,Speaking, e / World pupils are beReading, Of Stories able to : Writing 1. say days of the week 1.2.2. Listen to andMonday repeat correctlyTuesday phrases andWednesda expressions y 2.2.1 Ask simpleThursday questions requiringFriday Yes/No replies. Saturday

2.2.2 Ask simpleSunday questions to get some information 3.2.1 RecogniseGrammar: complete words 3.2.2 Read and learn the meaning of five key words for each topic taught. 4.3.3. Match simple sentences to pictures 4.3.2 Match phrases to pictures 4.3.3 Match simple sentences to pictures 4.4.2 Write sentences in clear and legible print. 4.4.3 Complete missing letters in texts. 4.4.4 Complete simple descriptions with the missing word(s) 36- World OfLet usBy the end ofListening, 2.2.2 Ask simpleWalk 39 Knowledg learn the lesson,Speaking, questions to getPlay e / Worldmore... pupils are beReading, some information Run Of Stories able to : Writing 2.3.1 Respond withJump Yes/No replies. 1. talk about 3.2.1 Recognise parts of the complete words body 3.2.2 Read and 2. read a story learn the meaningGrammar: of five key words for each topic taught. 3.3.1 Read and understand phrases by matching simple phrases to pictures.

2. read sentences 3. read a story

3.4.1 Read aloud words in lists and labels. 3.4.3 Read aloud sentences in simple story. 3.5.1 Understand the meaning of words by looking at picture clues. 4.3.3 Match simple sentences to pictures. 4.4.1 Complete missing letters in texts. 4.4.2 Complete simple rhyme with the missing word(s) 4.5.2 form simple sentences by matching se3nteces part 4.7.1 spell common sight words 4.7.1 Use capital letter for

the first words for a sentence the pronounce i names of people the days of the week.

4.7.2 spell seen words 4.7.2 Use the full stop at the end of a sentence. .

5.1 nouns 5.2 articles 5.4 preposition 40- World OfLet us putBy the end ofListening, 41 Self, it the lesson,Speaking, Family together. pupils are beReading, And able to : Writing Friends/ 1. say time of World Of the day Knowledg 2. talk about e / World things learned Of Stories 3. read a story 2.2.2 Ask simple questions to get some information 2.3.1 Respond with Yes/No replies. 3.2.1 Recognise complete words 3.2.2 Read and learn the meaning of five key words for each topic taught. 3.3.1 Read and understand phrases by matching simple phrases to pictures. 3.4.1 Read aloud words in lists and labels. 3.4.3 Read aloud sentences in simple story. 3.5.1 Understand the meaning of words by looking at picture clues. 4.3.3 Match simple sentences to pictures. 4.4.1 Complete missing letters in texts. 4.4.2 Complete simple rhyme with the missing word(s) 4.5.2 form simple sentences by matching se3nteces part

4.7.1 spell common sight words 4.7.1 Use capital letter for

the first words for a sentence the pronounce i names of people the days of the week.

4.7.2 spell seen words 4.7.2 Use the full stop at the end of a sentence. . 5.1 nouns 5.2 articles 5.4 preposition

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