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Bali is an island which identictn with beauty of Kuta beach. However , Ciamis also has Kuta which that is not less great and beautiful as Kuta Bali. In Ciamis, Kuta is a hamlet that exist in Karangpaningal village, Tambaksari, Ciamis district, and West Java provincial, that consist 2 RW and 4 RT. This hamlet border with Cibodas in north, Margamulya in west, and south and east with Cijolang river which darmation between Central Java. History of Kuta hamlet According to local folklore, Kuta hamlet origin related to the founding of the Galuh kingdom. In long time ago when Prabu Galuh named Ajar Sukaresi would exalt the Galuh Kingdom, Kuta hamlet chosen for the center kingdom because this place is strategic. But at one time, Prabu Galuh finded a valley sorround by deep about 75 kilometers cliffs around in construction location of the center kingdom. Of deliberation , the Kuta not suitable to create a center kingdom (according to the parents teu nyukupan Patang Sewu Domas). If Kuta hamlet will crete to central Galuh kingdom, that kingdom will not developed . Kuta is the meaning of a place in ancient times would serve as the center of the Galuh kingdom. Porhibitions This traditional village held curtural taboos to maintain the natural balance and maintenance of social life. The most prominentis in terms of conservation of forest. Kuta hamlet resident who will go into the forest should not use footwear, dont spit and not damage nature. Objectives for the forest is not compormised and remains sustainable. Beside that the porhibitions to make a house from the walls ans tile,dont bury the corpse adult baby unless, dont make dig too deep, dont perform puppet, dont drink liquor, dont be arrogant and dont oppose the customary of Kut Nyuguh ceremonial Nyuguh is a traditional ceremonial in Kuta hamlet which was held on 25 Shafar every years. Suitable ancestor heritage, Nyuguh must be done beside Cijolang river. In one time, Nyuguh not be done, suddenly all of Kuta comunity get a big disaster, harvest failuire, livestocks was death,and people were starving. They were think that it hapened of massenger Padjajaran because not treated to foods. Typycal foods that must exists in every tradiotional ceremonies. With survival still Kuta hamlet as indigenous hamlet located in Ciamis, we should be proud of Kuta hamlet because Kuta hamlet shows that there are still cultural conservationist who still exist to this day. LET US PRESERVE ANCESTRAL CULTURES !!

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