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Table of Contents

Book 1B

Chp No


Objectives Know all number pairs to 10 and record the related addition/subtraction facts. Begin using pairs to 10 to bridge 10 when adding/subtracting, e.g. 8 + 3, add 2, then 1. Add more than two small numbers, spotting pairs to 10, e.g. 4 + 3 + 6 = 10 + 3. Find near doubles using doubles already known, e.g. 5 + 6. Recognise all coins and work out how to pay an exact sum using smaller coins. Compare lengths by direct comparison, then by using uniform nonstandard units. Use comparative language, e.g. longer, shorter, taller, longest, shortest, tallest. Estimate, measure and compare lengths choosing and using suitable uniform non-standard units. Compare weights by direct comparison, then by using uniform nonstandard units. Use comparative language, e.g. heavy, as heavy as, heavier, heaviest, light, lighter, lightest. Estimate, measure and compare weights choosing and using suitable uniform non-standard units. Estimate and compare capacities by direct comparison, then by using uniform non-standard units. Use comparative language, e.g. more or less, most, least, as much water as, full, half full, empty. Know and use some units of time minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years. Read the time to the hour (oclock) and know key times of day to the nearest hour. Read the time to the half hour on analogue clocks. Order the days of the week, months of the year and other familiar events. Know the relationship between consecutive units of time: days and weeks; months and years.

Mental Skills











Handling Data

Answer a question by sorting and organising data or objects in a variety of ways, e.g. in lists and tables with practical resources; discussing the results. using pictograms with practical resources; discussing the results. Answer a question by identifying what data to collect, organising, presenting and interpreting data in tables, diagrams, pictograms. Know various appropriate strategies and heuristics to solve problems.

Problem Solving
2011 Alston Publishing House Pte Ltd

Explore and solve number problems and puzzles, e.g. logic problems.

Table of Contents

Problem Solving Use ordered lists and tables to help to solve problems systematically.

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