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A Government of the Individual By Alexander L. Fred

13 June 2012

Henry David Thoreau wrote in Civil Disobedience, That government which governs best governs not at all and when men are prepared for it they will have that government. But the question that remains is this: Will man ever be prepared for a government that governs not at all? In fact if a government exists and governs not at all, then it reasons that that government need not even exist. In the simplest way, this is a suggestion of anarchy. But is anarchy beneficial? In an anarchist state, people rule themselves without the necessity of law, but in the end, such an absence of law will fail. Some may be willing to live with the interest of others primarily ahead of themselves, but the truth is that the abolition of law and government will not lead to the abolition of rape, murder, theft or other destructive and immoral actions. In fact, quite the opposite might occur and these acts will likely increase. But simply because anarchy may fail, this does not necessitate government in a great amount, but rather a government that exists minimally, but not as an absent entity. This government must focuses on the pursuit of individual freedom first and foremost such that the individual contains the greatest power and the federal government the least and that the collective is seen secondarily to the individual for in the simplest way, the collective exists only so far as the individual. Let councils be created of individuals first in the neighborhood such that man, woman and child be permitted to gather, speak and vote democratically on issues pertaining to the neighborhoods. From the neighborhood, a representative shall be elected to serve on the City Council. Then from the City Council let a representative be elected to the County Council and from there a representative shall be elected to serve on the State Council. Issues of taxation, social issues, the constitutionality of federal laws and the rights of the people shall be dealt with in these councils. Nullification of laws found unconstitutional by any of the aforementioned councils shall be permitted. Arizonas Senate Bill 1333 creates a State Council


which will develop and approve a constitutional defense plan in order to defend the people against unconstitutional federal laws. In the simplest way, this abolishes the supremacy clause of the Constitution for the federal government should never be considered supreme to the individual. But even with these councils, the three branches of government should be maintained with their respective checks and balances. These new councils shall constitute a new, fourth branch, that of the individual person and his community, with new checks and balances against the already existent three branches. In terms of taxation, all taxes should be permitted only so far as the individuals permit. This is done by voting. There should also be no federal withholding tax nor any income tax Abolish the IRS and create a fair tax at the level of the neighborhoods. The individual knows what he needs and the smallest community, the neighborhood is closest to that individual and has needs that federal overspending cannot fulfill. Thus taxation should be done in the greatest amount in the neighborhoods and in the least amount, if at all, at the federal level. In fact, if the neighborhoods vote not to send taxes to the federal government, that should be permitted. Lastly, corporations are not individuals and should not be treated as such. When their money is used to fund the government, elitism and corporatocracy develop, the individual loses important freedoms and debt rises uncontrollably. This is obvious and see in America today and will lead to Americas eventual collapse and the Second American Civil War. As well, political parties need be abolished for they do nothing but place elites in power and remove the choice of the individuals to elect who they wish. In addition, all social issues are left not to the federal government but to the smaller governments. The Federal Reserve and all central banking systems should be abolished as well all departments should be analyzed using cost-benefit analysis and abolished when cost exceeds benefit or when that department removes freedoms of the people.

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