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Sebelum berbicara mengenai contoh karya tulis, ada baiknya kita mengenal definisi karya tulis itu sendiri.

Karya tulis dapat di pecah menjadi dua kata yakni karya dan tulis. Kata karya menurut Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI) berarti pekerjaan, hasil perbuatan, buatan, ciptaan (terutama karangan). Lebih jauh, KBBI menjelaskan arti karya dengan sebuah kalimat ini; novel Belenggu merupakan karya terkenal Armijn Pane. Sedangkan kata tulis, tidak didefinisikan secara tunggal oleh KBBI. Ini mungkin karena kata tulis bukan merupakan kata benda. Sehingga KBBI menjelaskannya dengan menambah imbuhan untuk memperjelas. Misalnya; bertulis dijelaskan sebagai; ada huruf (angka dsb) yang dibuat (digurat dsb) dengan pena (pensil, cat, dsb) menulis dijelaskan sebagai; membuat hufur (angka dsb) dengan pena (pensil, kapur, dsb) tulis-menulisdijelaskan sebagai perihal menulis (mengarang dsb). tulisan dijelaskan sebagai hasil menulis, barang yang ditulis, cara menulis, karangan, (dl majalah, surat kabar, dsb atau yang berupa cerita, dongeng, dsb), buku-buku (karya-karya tulis dsb) gambaran, lukisan, batik (yg bukan batik cetak) suratan dengan tertulis.

Dari kedua definisi diatas, kita bisa menarik kesimpulan bahwa definisi karya tulis adalah segala bentuk hasil olah pikir manusia yang dituangkan dalam tulisan. Sehingga jika merujuk pada definisi ini, setidaknya ada 2 macam contoh karya tulis. Contoh karya tulis tersebut adalah; karya tulis fiksi dan karya tulis non fiksi. Karya tulis fiksi adalah karya tulis yang merupakan rekaan, khayalan, atau hasil imajinasi manusia. Contoh karya tulis fiksi antara lain; cerpen, novel dan puisi. Jika cerpen adalah sebuah prosa mengenai kejadian dalam kehidupan seseorang, maka novel sedikit berbeda. Novel adalah karangan prosa panjang dan mengandung rangkaian cerita kehidupan seseorang dengan orang disekelilingnya dan menonjolkan watak dan karakter dari tiap tokoh dalam cerita tersebut. Contoh novel Indonesia yang sangat terkenal adalah novel berjudul Ketika Cinta Bertasbih (KCB). Saking panjangnya cerita di novel ini sampai terbagi menjadi 2 buku. Salah satu hal yang cukup menonjol dari novel ini adalah sebuah pengajaran nilai-nilai moral yang terselip dalam setiap rangkaian cerita. Jenis yang karya tulis yang kedua adalah karya tulis non fiksi. Sebagai kebalikannya karya tulis nonfiksi merupakan hasil olah pikir manusia yang melibatkan data dan informasi nyata dan terkadang menggunakan kaidah-kaidah penulisan yang baku. Contoh karya tulis non fiksi antara lain; opini, essay, artikel, dan laporan penelitian. Termasuk didalamnya skirpsi, thesis dan disertasi. Berikut ini ulasan contoh karya tulis diatas; Opini dan essay adalah dua hal yang mungkin cukup lekat dengan kita sejak masa-masa

sekolah. Entah itu dari tugas guru bahasa Indonesia atau dari berbagai lomba karya tulis. Kita mungkin sering mendengar jargon-jargon dalam lomba tersebut seperti ini; lomba penulisan opini, lomba penulisan essay, lomba karya tulis opini dan sebagainya. Padahal menurut kamus besar bahasa indonesia, opini dan essay memiliki pengertian yang sama. Opini adalah pendapat, pikiran atau pendirian seseorang. Sedangkan essay (yang dalam KBBI di tulis esai) adalah karangan prosa yang membahas dari sudut pandang pribadi penulisnya. Dari informasi tersebut, kita bisa mengetahui bahwa sebenarnya esai dan karya tulis berbentuk opini adalah dua hal yang sama. Opini adalah isinya sedangkan esai karya tulisnya. Untuk mendapatkan contoh karya tulis jenis opini, kita bisa membukanya dari surat kabar. Hampir semua surat kabar yang beredar disekitar kita memuat karya tulis opini didalamnya. Beberapa surat kabar bahkan tidak hanya memuat satu, tapi beberapa opini sekaligus dalam terbitan hariannya. Artikel adalah karya tulis lengkap misalnya laporan berita dalam surat kabar, majalah dan sebagainya. Skripsi adalah karangan ilmiah yang wajib ditulis oleh mahasiswa sebagai bagian dari persyaratan akhir pendidikan akademisnya. Tesis adalah pernyataan atau teori yang didukung oleh argumen yang dikemukakan dalam karangan untuk mendapatkan gelar kesarjanaan dalam sebuah perguruan tinggi. Dalam hal ini KBBI menyamakan pengertian tesis dengan disertasi. Disertasi sendiri didefinisikan sebagai karangan ilmiah yang ditulis untuk memperoleh gelar doktor. Demikian pembahasan dapat kangmoes sampaikan. Semoga pembahasan tersebut berguna bagi anda. Kangmoes terbuka atas masukan dan koreksi mengenai contoh karya tulis yang kangmoes bahas diatas.

kumpulan contoh teks pidato bahasa inggris dan artinya dibawah ini diambil dari berbagai sumber, ditujukan sebagai referensi bagi para siswa SD, SMP, SMA atau mahasiswa yang

mendapatkan tugas dari sekolah maupun tempat kursus bahasa inggris untuk membuat pidato bahasa inggris atau untuk referensi speech contest. untuk membuat pidato yang baik, kita perlu mengetahui kerangka pidato yaitu : 1. Pembukaan, termasuk salam pembuka 2. Pendahuluan, berisi garis garis besar dari pidato 3. Isi,detail pidato 4. Penutup termasuk kesimpulan, saran, bujukan dan salam penutup berikut ini contoh-contoh pidato bahasa inggris berdasarkan tema : pidato bahasa inggris tentang pendidikan dan artinya pidato bahasa inggris tentang lingkungan dan artinya pidato bahasa inggris tentang globalwarming dan artinya pidato bahasa inggris tentang perpisahan dan artinya pidato bahasa inggris tentang kesehatan dan artinya pidato bahasa inggris tentang narkoba dan artinya pidato bahasa inggris tentang rokok dan artinya pidato bahasa inggris tentang HIV/AIDS dan artinya pidato bahasa inggris tentang kemerdekaan dan artinya pidato bahasa inggris tentang Islam dan artinya

Global Warming Global warming is one of the most serious challenges facing us today. To protect the health and economic well-being of current and future generations, we must reduce our emissions of heat-trapping gases by using the technology, know-how, and practical solutions already at our disposal. Tropical deforestation is the largest source of emissions for many developing countries, but slowing deforestation can't solve the climate problem by itself. As forest-rich developing countries step up to take responsibility for reducing their emissions, all industrialized nations should not only support their efforts but, most importantly, reduce their own emissions and lead efforts to avert dangerous climate change. For years we have heard so much about the causes of climate change, that weve missed the fact that there are simple, practical solutions that can slow this growing problem. Technologies exist today that can cut emissions of heat-trapping gases and make a real difference in the health of our planet. And these solutions will be good for our economy, reduce our dependence on foreign oil, and enhance our energy security.

Global warming doesnt just mean balmy February days in northern climes. It also means increasingly hot days in the summer, and a host of negative impacts that are already under way and are expected to intensify in the coming decades. -More heat waves will likely increase the risk of heat-related illnesses and deaths. -Cities and towns along the nation's major rivers will experience more severe and frequent flooding. -Some areas will likely experience more extensive and prolonged droughts. -Some of our favorite coastal and low-lying vacation areas, such as parts of the Florida Keys and Cape Cod, will be much less appealing as sea levels rise, dunes erode, and the areas become more vulnerable to coastal storms. -Many families and businesses, who have made their living from fishing, farming, and tourism could lose their livelihoods, and others who love hunting, boating, skiing, birdwatching, and just relaxing near lakes, streams, and wetlands will see some of their favorite places irretrievably changed. The solutions to climate change are here and it's time we put them to use. If we get started today we can tackle this problem and decrease the unpleasant outcomes that await us if we do nothing. The steps we need to take are common sense. And, more often than not, they will save consumers money. The cost of inaction, however, is unacceptably high. The scientific consensus is in. Our planet is warming, and we are helping make it happen by adding more heat-trapping gases, primarily carbon dioxide (CO2), to the atmosphere. The burning of fossil fuel (oil, coal, and natural gas) alone accounts for about 75 percent of annual CO2 emissions from human activities. Deforestationthe cutting and burning of forests that trap and store carbonaccounts for about another 20 percent. Procrastination is not an option. Scientists agree that if we wait 10, 20, or 50 years, the problem will be much more difficult to address and the consequences for us will be that much more serious. We're treating our atmosphere like we once did our rivers. We used to dump waste thoughtlessly into our waterways, believing that they were infinite in their capacity to hold rubbish. But when entire fisheries were poisoned and rivers began to catch fire, we realized what a horrible mistake that was. Our atmosphere has limits too. CO2 remains in the atmosphere for about 100 years. The longer we keep polluting, the longer it will take to recover and the more irreversible damage will be done. Fuel-efficient vehicles. Renewable energy. Protecting threatened forests. These common

sense solutions won't only reduce global warming, many will save us money and create new business opportunities. Best of all, these solutions exist now. We just need to insist that business and government take the necessary steps to make them available and affordable. Then we have to let consumers know what to do and provide incentives to help all of us make better choices. The following five sensible steps are available today and can have an enormous impact on the problem CO2 remains in the atmosphere for about 100 years.

Go Green
Assalamualaikum Wr Wb. With all due respect to the honorable judges, to the teacher from all Senior High Schools in Bekasi, and all the audience here, ladies and gentlemen Good Morning!! First of all, let us thank Allah SWT because of his blessings, we all can gather here on this sunny morning. Shalawat and prayer, we will say to our greatest prophet Muhammad SAW, his family, his friends and his followers. Amen. In this chance, I would like to tell you my speech that has the theme Go Green! Saving Our Planet is a program that was persuading the earthlings so that they would become more concern and care to their entire environment. It was because the civilization that has been created by the modern people in this millennium era had affected so many destructive impacts which are really needed to be concerned. These impacts are causing a new problem, The Global Warming. In prediction, that in the last 100 years the temperatures of our planet has increased by 1 every year. Meanwhile, the ocean surface has increased for about 1 meter from its former level. The problem is, modern people not only wanted to increase their prosperity, but also increase their rate of comfortable & luxurious life.

Contoh Pidato Bahasa Inggris (Tema: Go Green) Di internet banyak saya melihat comments, messages, dan email yang meminta contoh pidato dalam Bahasa Inggris. Tapi sewaktu saya surfing di google, hampir ga ada satupun contoh pidato Bahasa Inggris yang searchable di google. Nah, buat kalian yang butuh contoh pidato Bahasa Inggris, kalian bisa liat disini. Ini adalah pidato yang saya buat sendiri dengan sedikit bantuan Guru Bahasa Inggris dalam hal grammar dan sudah di review dan diedit ulang. Pidato ini bertemakan Go Green dan sudah saya ikutsertakan dalam speech contest dan juga telah berhasil memenangkan posisi ketiga dalam kontes tersebut. Silahkan kalian copy paste contoh pidato ini jika ingin, tapi tolong sebutkan

sumber dan webpage dimana kalian memperoleh pidato ini. Dan jangan menampilkan contoh pidato ini di website pribadi atau forum. Terima kasih atas perhatiannya, and Lets Go Green!! I.PEMB UK A A N Assalamualaikum Wr Wb. With all due respect to the honorable judges, to the teacher from all Senior High Schools in Bekasi, and all the audience here, ladies and gentlemen Good Morning!! First of all, let us thank Allah SWT because of his blessings, we all can gather here on this sunny morning. Shalawat and prayer, we will say to our greatest prophet Muhammad SAW, his family, his friends and his followers. Amen. In this chance, I would like to tell you my speech that has the theme Go Green! II.I SI Saving Our Planet is a program that was persuading the earthlings so that they would become more concern and care to their entire environment. It was because the civilization that has been created by the modern people in this millennium era had affected so many destructive impacts which are really needed to be concerned. These impacts are causing a new problem, The Global Warming. In prediction, that in the last 100 years the temperatures of our planet has increased by 1 every year. Meanwhile, the ocean surface has increased for about 1 meter from its former level. The problem is, modern people not only wanted to increase their prosperity, but also increase their rate of comfortable & luxurious life. The situation was very different if we looked back to the last century where the pollution, the industrial garbage, and the toxin gases were friendlier. Friendlier, because on the 19th Century the technologies improvement and the consumerism character was not yet significant. Or should we say in this millennium era, the Earth exploitation and exploration were causing the crucial problem for the earthlings. How crucial the earth environmental problems we face are for example: The protected animals & plants from certain species nearly extinct, the plantation sector is causing another problem for environment & ecosystem, forest logging without reboization, and the impact of mines exploitation that cannot be recycled and maintenance of mine sector, etc. For us, the youth generation is asking to the politicians and the government especially in Indonesia, Why do those problems I mentioned left uncared without any preventive actions? In fact, our ex-Minister of Environment of Orde Baru era Prof. Dr. Emil Salim has warned and gave us an opinion about will happen on the next 20 years. He said that the situation will be dangerous if there are no actions to prevent this. We need the proactive steps to maintain the nature and to rehabilitee what we have disrupted from every department that is connected with the environmental cases and our community. The example about the impact of humans greed to the nature is The Lapindo Brantas case. Thats how the nature shows us their power.

Theres not even one human could stand against the power of nature. Until now, there are no ways to stop the mud throwing and even the poisonous gases that is unwanted by the people. We as the khalifah of the Earth can only begging, begging, and begging to the nature and destroy the nature. But when we must give something to the nature or maintain the nature, we feel that we dont want to! Is the nature retaliating our doings? When we think deeply over this I guess the answer is yes, the nature is angry to us. The natures balance was really disturbed by the mortals hands and this behavior has spread widely over the world because of our hedonism. The question is How? How do we realize collectively for the worlds life so that so that the Earth could become a better place to live? We as the youth generations, the lines of the civilization must be as one to create the vision & mission to help the government and the people for watching over the reboization program and for the environment reparation that is caused by the industrialist and the people generally wherever they are. We as the youth generation without exception must be totally devote our bodies & wills for the sake of healthy world, comfortable world, and for the sake of better place to live I suggest to the government and the people of Indonesia to plant the cambium plants or the pot plants on every one of the house garden. Everyone, every people must be responsible for every single of plants. Imagine! If every people have 1 plant in one house, there are 200 millions of plants in Indonesia. This is a very good step to begin our mission to prevent the Global Warming. Start this on any time now! For my recommendation, the sansivieras (one of the most beautiful pot plant) is really good to kept because of its great use of antipollutant & anti-free radical. Besides, its beauty will decorate our house so that we wont feel bad to buy it. III.PEN UTUP Well, I guess thats all I can tell. In the end, to show our devotion as the youngish, the lines to the future, we must be balanced it with faith and taqwa because those are our capitol to realize our wishes so that we can live in perfect harmony just as Allah SWT has confirmed to us. Wassalamualaikum Wr Wb

Once in a while You are in my mind

I think about the days that we had And i dream that these would all come back to me If only you knew every moment in time Nothing goes on in my heart Just like your memories How I want here to be with you Once more You will always gonna be the one And you should know How I wish I could have never let you go Come into my life again Oh, don't say no You will always gonna be the one in my life So true, I believe i can never find Somebody like you my first love Once in awhile Your are in my dreams I can feel the your warm embrace And I pray that it will all come back to me If only you knew every moment in time Nothing goes on in my heart Just like your memories And how I want here to be with you Once more yah yah yah You will always be inside my heart And you should know How I wish I could have never let you go Come into my life again Please don't say no Now and forever you are still the one In my heart So true, I believe I could never find Somebody like you My first love oh oh You will always gonna be the one And you should know How I wish I could have never let you go Come into my life again Oh, don't say no

You will always gonna be the one So true, I believe I could never find Now and forever

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