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Chapter 12 Forces and Motion

12.1 Forces What is a force?

Force-________________________________________________________________ A force can cause a resting object to move, or it can accelerate a moving object by changing the objects speed or direction Measuring Force Tools are used to measure forces Ex: a _____________________________ in a grocery store Units of force: Force is measured in _________________________________ (N) One Newton is the force that causes a 1.0 kg mass to accelerate at a rate of 1.0 m/s2 1.0 N = 1 kgm/s2 Representing Force Force is a ____________________________ You can use an arrow to represent a force Combining Forces Forces acting in the same direction add together and forces acting in opposite directions subtract from one another _________________________- the overall force acting on an object after all the forces are combined Combining Forces (cont.) _____________________________- are forces that combine to produce a net force of zero When the forces on an object are balanced, the net force is zero and there is no change in the objects motion _______________________________- forces that result when the net force acting on an object is not equal to zero. When an unbalanced force acts on an object, the object accelerates ____________________- a force that opposes the motion of objects that touch as they move past each other There are four main types of friction: 1. ______________________________________ 2. ______________________________________ 3. ______________________________________ 4. ______________________________________ Static Friction- ________________________________________________________________________ Always acts in the direction opposite to that of the applied force Once an object is moving, static friction no longer acts on the object Sliding Friction-________________________________________________________________________ Sliding friction is less than static friction, so less force is needed to overcome it Less force is needed to keep an object moving than to start it moving

Rolling Friction- _______________________________________________________________________ For a given set of materials, the force of rolling friction is 100-1000 times less than the force of static or sliding friction Ball bearings are often used in machines to reduce the amount of friction acting on the parts Rolling friction replaces sliding friction Fluid Friction- _________________________________________________________________________ Fluid friction increases as the speed of the object moving through the fluid increases The faster the object the greater the force of the fluid friction ____________________________- fluid friction acting on an object moving through the air Gravity_______________________________________________________________________________ Gravity is an attractive force, that is it pulls objects together Earths gravity acts downward toward the center of the earth Gravity Falling Objects Gravity causes objects to accelerate ___________________________ (at 9.8 m/s2), whereas air resistance acts in the __________________________________________________________________ The greater the surface area of an object the more influence air resistance will have on the object as it falls _________________________________- the constant velocity of a falling object when the force of air resistance equals the force of gravity Projectile Motion______________________________________________________________________ Air resistance and gravity are the only forces acting on a projectile The combination of an initial velocity and the downward vertical force of gravity causes the ball to follow a curved path Quick Lab: Observing the Effects of Friction Section Assessment Questions 1-6 p. 362 CBL Lab Frictional Force

12.2 Newtons First and Second Laws of Motion Scientists that helped us understand the relationships between force and motion: 1. Aristotle: Ancient Greek philosopher (384 BC-322 BC) Many discoveries through careful observation and logical reasoning Not always correct 2. Galileo Italian scientist (1564-1642) Experimented to answer questions

3. Newton English scientist (1643-1727) Built on the work of other scientists, like Galileo Lots of work with force and motion

Newtons First Law of Motion States that the state of motion of an object will remain the same until an outside, unbalanced force acts on it. 1. ________________________________________________________________ 2. An object in motion will stay in motion 3. _____________________- the tendency of an object to resist a change in its motion Newtons Second Law of Motion States that the acceleration of an object is equal to the net force acting on the object divided by the mass of the object Acceleration = Net force / mass a = ___________________ Examples using Newtons second Law formula An automobile with a mass of 2000 kg accelerates at a traffic light when it turns green. If the net force acting on the car is 4000 N, what is the cars acceleration? a = F/m a= F = 4000 N m = 2000 kg Weight and Mass Weight and mass are NOT the same thing! Weight- ____________________________________________________________________________ Mass is a measure of the inertia of an object, or you can say that mass is ____________________________________________ an object Weight is the product of an objects mass and the acceleration of the object due to the force of gravity acting on it Formula to calculate weight Weight = __________________________________________________________________________ W = mg The unit for weight must be in newtons g = _____________ m/s2 Mass must be in kg Quick lab: Investigating Inertia p. 365 Math Lab p. 367 Section Assessment Question 1-5 p. CBL Lab Newtons 2nd law Newtons Third Law

States that whenever one object exerts a force on a second object, the second object exerts an equal and opposite force on the first object These forces are called _______________________________________________ Action and Reaction Forces Examples: Walking/running, When you push off the floor with your foot your foot applies an action force on the floor, the floor pushes back on your foot with the reaction force, Swimming, Your arms push against the water--> action force The water pushes the swimmer forward--> reaction force These forces are equal in value and opposite in direction Action-Reaction forces do not always cancel each other out Action-reaction forces are equal and opposite--so why does the swimmer move? Why dont the forces result in a net force of zero? -The action and reaction forces act on different objects -the action force acts on the water and the -reaction force acts on the swimmer Momentum Momentum- __________________________________________________________________________ An object with a large momentum is hard to stop An object has a large momentum if the product of its mass and velocity is large Formula to calculate momentum Momentum = _______________________________________ Mass must be in kg Velocity must be in m/s Example problem Which has a larger momentum, a wagon full of logs (mass of 62 kg, speed of 12 m/s) or a 5th grader on a sled (mass of 47 kg, speed of 27 m/s)? Momentum = mass x velocity Momentum1 = Mass1 = 62 kg Velocity1 = 12 m/s Momentum2 = Mass2 = 47 kg Velocity2 = 27 m/s Momentum = (62)(12) = 744 kgm/s Conservation of Momentum Means overall momentum doesnt ________________________________________________ A closed system must be in place for momentum to be conserved Closed system means that other objects and/or forces can not enter or leave a system Objects within the system can exert forces on each other Law of Conservation of Momentum States that if no net force acts on a system, then the total momentum of the system does not change

In a closed system, the ___________ of momentum of one object equals the __________________ in momentum of another object--momentum is conserved Section Assessment Questions 1-7 p. 377 Data Analysis p. 377 Exploration Lab p. 383 CBL Lab Momentum: A Crash Lesson

12.4 Universal Forces There is evidence that there are several forces that exist throughout the universe: 1. __________________________________ 2. _________________________________ 3. __________________________________ 4. ___________________________________ 5. ___________________________________ All these forces act over a distance between particles (means particles dont have to be touching for these forces to work) All these forces are affected by the distance between particles (means particles dont have to be touching for these forces to work) Electromagnetic Forces Electric and magnetic force are two aspects of the electromagnetic force _________________________________- is associated with charged particles Electric force and magnetic force are the only forces that can both attract AND repel ______________________________________: Act between charged objects, Opposite/unlike charges attract, like charges repel and ______________________________________: Act on certain metals, on the poles of magnets, and on moving charges, Opposite/unlike poles attract, like poles repel, and Magnets have two poles--north and south Nuclear Forces Act on the nucleons (particles in the nucleus of an atom) in an atom Because of the fact that ___________________________________ (electric force-protons are positively charged) and the protons are close together, you may think that the nucleus couldnt exist Because the of the nuclear forces they can Two forces, the strong nuclear force and the weak nuclear force, act within the nucleus to hold it together Strong nuclear force __________________________________________________________ between the protons Weak nuclear force is involved in radioactive decay. The nuclear forces are attractive forces

Strong Nuclear Force is a powerful force of attraction that acts only on _________________________________ in the nucleus, holding them together The range over which this force acts is 10-15 m (about the diameter of a proton) _________________________________________, but is 100 times stronger than the electric force of repulsion at that distance Weak Nuclear Force an attractive force that acts only over a short range (10-18 m) Is involved in radioactive processes Gravitational Force Weakest universal force at close distances, but ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Newtons Law of Universal Gravitation states that every object in the universe attracts every other object Gravity acts over large distances The gravitational force between two objects is proportional to their masses and decreases rapidly as the distance between the masses increases The greater the mass of the objects, _______________________________________________________ __________________________________________- a center-directed force that continuously changes the direction of an object to make it move in a circle Results in a _________________________________ The moons gravitational pull on the Earth results ___________________________________________ One is on the side of the Earth closest to the moon and the second is on the side of the Earth farthest from the moon Because the Earth rotates once in a day this results in two high and two low tides per day on Earth Quick Lab: Investigating Force and Distance p. 380 Section Assessment Questions 1-7 p. 382

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